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Latest revision as of 06:19, 13 March 2022

Spending Those Giftcards
Date of Scene: 13 March 2022
Location: Salem Center
Synopsis: Gabby runs into Rave and Cain. And Logan! Somehow it ends peacefully without punchings.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Naria Shepard, Cain Marko, Logan Howlett

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gift cards don't expire. Usually. But they do slowly run down the amount of money in 'maintenance fees' if you were to read the tiny print on the back so that a gift card from two years ago might be worthless by the time you actually get around to using it. Gabby was one of those people that actually reads the fine print--If only because her phone ran out of battery in the bathroom once. Don't judge. You gotta read something.

Now 'in the know' about such corporate shenanigans she's out today to make sure she gets the full value of those gift cards she got stuffed inside birthday and Christmas cards from people who 'Just didn't know what to get her.' Which is why she's currently worrying the workers at the Baskin Robbins by staring through the window at the menu while thoughtfully squinting. "How much icecream can you get for fifty dollars, anyway? And is my stomach big enough?" These were important questions.

Naria Shepard has posed:
It wasn't quite 'payed in exposure', the bain of many an artist, but a gift card made a poor substitute for an actual payment...until Rave found herself hungry. Who didn't like a little icecream between 'running'?

A streak of light and a sudden arrival of a neon-haired figure announced Rave turning up at the store, dressed in her short skirt and shirt that made it look like she were on her way to her namesake...mostly because she had no idea how everyone else got those fancy 'super suits'!

Cain Marko has posed:
Next to the Baskin and Robbins..

A group of teenagers about to enter a corner convenience store find their pasageway blocked as the doors to the store slide open and reveal an absolutely gargantuan figure literally completely filling up the entry. Doing so, so much so via the gargantuan proportions, that the doors do not open wide enough, basically causing the entry way to be momentarily stuffed with a gigantic broad stomach and an enormous chest that casts the startled youths in shadow before they stagger backwards. The stretched out visage of Godzilla looming over Mount Fuji leering at them as the image on teh strained tee shirt worn by the behemoth.

Eventually the hulkish figure ducks low, and literally squeezes his astronomical figure through the doors with all the gentle fanfare of that infamous scene from Jurassic Park accompanying his movements. Ultimately, he arrives in full and straightens up to his towering height, holding a bag of chips in one gigantic hand while and ice blue eyes, hidden from sight behind shades, flicker dismissively over the area.

A wide berth is made for the gargantua as he begins to step onto the sidewalks. Gawkers be gawkin' ..but the colossal man pays them no mind and deftly pops a handful of chips into his mouth as he begins a steady gait down the sidewalks..steps audible and presence hard to miss as his movements have all of the subtelty of an aircraft carrier slowly drifting past a port.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leeeeans against the window a bit more. She hadn't quite gone inside yet which is why the staff inside were just kind of watching this odd teen oggling the menu from a distance. Her line of vision is disturbed by Rave's entrance blurring the colors before her eyes which causes her to blink rapidly, and rub at them. "Huh. Okay well. Okay. That girl's quick." And colorful! She had to admit the outfit was very colorful.

With a grin she turns to head inside the shop only to pause at the familiar thudding steps of one Juggernaut not far off. Her attention shifts over, head tipped to the side until she spots him come out of the shop in his civvies. The smile grows ever brighter in recognition, and her arm shoots up to wave hoping to garner attention.

"Hey, Cain!" The greeting is offered with no fear of him at all only to be followed up with, "I was just about to buy massive amounts of icecream. Want to see if either of us can get brain freeze? My treat!"

Naria Shepard has posed:
Given that her hair glowed a bright neon blue there was no mistaking Rave for 'normal', but the 'outed' metahuman didn't seem to mind as she pushes through the door only to peek over her shoulder at the sudden rumbling steps and to blink at the sight of Cain.

Alright, so maybe she wasn't the only one who had trouble hiding what she was!

Cain Marko has posed:
The irony being that Cain isn't exactly trying to 'hide' anyway..and that if he was -really- out for broke...he'd be even bigger.

This doesn't stop him from blinking in surprise as the flash of light catches his attention and he reaches up to pull his shades down and look into the depths of the Baskin and Robbin to see Rave just as Rave turns to see him. The surprise is short lived though as he considers his location. A certain address at Greymalkin lane isn't unknown to him after all and so sudden antics like this only makes sense even though he purses his lips in annoyance at the thought.

Gabby's voice is enough t shake him out of looking at Rave though and he blinks in surprise again while fully raising his shades, "What th'.. Well hey there. What're you doin' out around these parts?"

An actual sincere smile begins to crease his brutish features though it still may shades of a smiling giant great white shark. "..Huh..sounds fun but spoiler warnin'..brain freeze probably wouldn't happen to me. Not that I miss it..."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan was told to tag along on this excursion. He's running late based pure apathy. "who wants to stuff their face with ice cream this time of year?" the short stocky crank mutters as he arrives at the ice cream shop.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney spreads her hands wide in a helpless sort of shrug. "Yeah, me either, but it's fun to try!" Fun to TRY to get brain freeze? This girl was clearly insane or at least very, very brave. Further explanation might be given to Cain as she moves to grab the door for the shop to join Rave inside when Logan comes up.

For a moment, just a moment, her smile falters into one of concern while glancing between Logan and Cain. HM. Rather than dwell on it she just pipes up cheerily, "Hi Logan! Sorry I know it's cold but there's still so many flavors I want to try and this giftcard was about to start losing value or something," she adds with a glance down toward it. "I think they have coffee too, though?" Coffee icecream blended drinks. Still, it was coffee.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Not a student of the academy and not having quite connected 'big guy' with 'big guy in armor', Rave makes her way toward the counter, lifting a hand in greeting and then leaning against the counter as she pondered her choice.

Superspeed or not, apparently the bluenette was indecisive, because she was still there when the others made their approach.

Cain Marko has posed:
To be fair..there was always this risk and he knew it well. Why was he even in Salem Center to begin with? Well.business. What sort of business? -- Just mind your own. Do you really need to know what business Juggernaut might be up to?

But nevertheless the potential of encountering the gold folk over at 1407 Graymalkin Lane was..always possible. He had simply planned to be in and out but then Gabby and flashy speedster girl and ..well now this.

SO yes. Yes his mood sours darkly despite Gabby's effort at remaining cheerful And yet it's probably -because- of her that he remains restrained though mischief dances visibly in his eyes. "Oooh..I think yer gift cards will be alright.. Don't they last forever? All sturdy and stuff.." He gives Logan a grin now, "What's up, short stuff?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan grumbles, "what're yah doing here with my kid eh?" looking up at the large behemoth.

"why did you hold on to the gift cards this long in the first place runt? there is a lot of lead time before they start to devalue."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney clears her throat faintly at the perhaps upcoming incident. Managing to keep herself between the pair, somehow, she holds up her gift card waving it like it were some kind of 'get out of jail free' card. Or perhaps just a peace offering. "I didn't MEAN to hang onto it that long, but usually everyone insists on paying for me so I don't get to use them. Today though we're going to eat massive amounts of icecream."

A deep breath is drawn then let out slowly. "Him? Oh he helped me out once when some guys were catcalling me and following me through the city. You know him?" She KNEW he did. She knew. It was an attempt at keeping the peace further, though. Poor, unlucky Rave gets pulled into it when she calls out, "Hey, put whatever she gets on my tab I've got a gift card to blow!"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A blink, a tilt of her head, Rave's decision between two flavors was very much quick to be made for her with a 'okay both'. Strawberry and blueberry? Hopefully she'd have room for both, but it wasn't her money she'd be wasting if the attempt failed! Turning away from where she leaned to the relief of the staff behind the counter, the young woman tilted her head to the side. "Thanks uh..." she begins, only to glance between the two men behind Gabby and their tension before she blinks a little. Introductions might pause a moment till she knew if Gabby's friends (Dads?) were about to brawl before she actually got her sweets.

Cain Marko has posed:
"What can I say. I'm a nice guy at heart. Know how t'treat people right and don't hang out with loose---wait what??"

Cain's verbal bullying gets cut right to a stop as it turns out being absolutely shocked can stop The Juggernaut. "Wha..the..uh.." he rumbles, stumbling over his words and tripping this way and that mentally as he tries to pull it back together and regain some semblance of his previous facade.

He doesn't.

"Yer KID??" he rumbles at Logan, his tone demanding explanation while at the same time also maybe not wanting one. "Wait a minute. This is yer pops?" This is addressed at Gabby and he looks past her to Rave as she arrives, as if expecting Rave to clear this all up.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Yes my kid. it's complicated, but she's my flesh and blood." Logan continues to stare into Cain's eye. "you helped her out? is what she said true?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gazes at Rave with the expression of someone that needs HALP QUICK because let's face it, she was probably going to be in for a lot of explaining at this point. Even so she grins broadly flashing her teeth while clutching the gift card in front of her with both hands like some kind of holy relic.

"Hi, I'm Gabby, nice to meet you so what'd you get OH they have milk shakes too I should get one of--Oh wait a banana split!? Hell yes."

TRFeeling the weight of their gazes boring into her she finally relents with a sheepish, perhaps guilty grin creeping over her. "Yeah, close to a dad as I have, really. I mean. Genetically speaking anyway? I think I did mention to you I was a clone, right? Right, probably, I never shut up anyway I'm totally getting a mint-chocolate-chip malt!" Because it was on the menu. Shut up it's delicious.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Rave was many things, but an expert navigator of akward moments? Not so much. The bluenette does however make an attempt, gesturing to herself lightly. "I'm Rave, thanks for the sweets and stu..."

Then they're talking about being clones, a glance between Gabby and Logan and a little trailing off with a 'uhhh...' on her lips before she glanced back at the counter in consideration.

It really was a shame the staff here couldn't prepare her food any quicker...

Cain Marko has posed:
"So what if it is, runt?" remarks Cain, locking gazes with Logan again and for the moment putting aside the dizziness being caused by this revelation. Let's not get into him trying to mentally twist out who the mom must be.

"That's my business and hers. What're you gonna do about it? GIve me a back scratch?"

But Gabby has begun spilling the beans, right infront of Rave no less and Cain blinks, straightening up from looming over Logan like a bending sequoia and he turns towards Gabby in surprise and then looks to Rave and thenb ack to Gabby again.

"Alright, alright. Geez, girl. You don't just go spillin' that your a clone infront of an ice cream shop tho'.."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"I was about to thank you big dumb ox" Logan said with a growl. "His glare softens to a mere scol and he Looks Juggernaut in the eye. "Thank you for helping my kid. That was good of you"

Loganturns away from Cain, "I'll take vanilla no toppings."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney opens her mouth to prattle off more before she just... stops. A quick click of her teeth as she shuts her mouth looking properly admonished for spilling the beans that way. "Right, sorry. I babble when I'm stressed. Old habit." A small grin spreads over her as the two seem to have made a temporary peace over the situation.

"Right! Vanilla no toppings. What about you, Cain?" She asks whle bouncing back over to the counter quite happy now that it seemed nothing was going to go wrong. "And nice to meet you, Rave! Love your hair."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Sweet retrieved finally as tension ratchets down, Rave exhales and takes the small spoon offered, balancing the pair of icecreams against her chest with one arm and immediately regretting the COLD of it. Making to sit herself down at one of the tables, or more importantly deposit her food, the young woman turns back to Gabby with a little chuckle. "Thanks, it's actually natural, although I did see someone trying to copy it by breaking glowsticks over their head. It uh...didn't work out."

A beat, she glances back to the men for a moment. "Thanks for the food too."

Cain Marko has posed:
Well, well, well. It's Logan that actually defuses the situation abit more. Cain just sort of stares at him, taken aback by it all and he just turns to watch as Logan orders his ice cream. He blinks a few times and then responds, almost absently to Gabby, "Uhh..a..banana split?" as if not even sure what he wants anymore. Then he shakes his head and rumbles, "Uh yeah just get that."

He shakes his head again and grunts at Logan once more before stepping away to get more space to himself.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is never one to back down or give ground but Cain did help out his kin, his adopted? daughter so its only right to thank the man frustrating though he maybe. Logan takes a seat away from the juggernaut and awaits his very basic ice cream.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh, well yeah I mean the glowy part is kind of obviously not easy to replicate, but it's still cool." Gabby assures Rave with a bright grin. "I know people with lots of unique hair colors but glowing is a new one. Excuse me, gotta get this spent," she then says while stepping up to tap the gitf card down.

Icecreams were requested! And Gabby makes sure to deliver. A nice big old scoop of vanilla for Logan--In a cup. She'd considered a cone but figured that would just lead to more taunting. And a very large banana split boat for Cain. As for her? She gets her milk shake and settles down to see how quickly she can slurp it up through the straw. Because that's the sort of thing she does.