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Dang She's Fast
Date of Scene: 11 March 2022
Location: Gotham University
Synopsis: Cheetah raids a Gotham University lab for a Themysciran artifact. Her hirelings doublecross her, and the Bats lay a trap. In the end the cat-villain gets away, but with a replica the Bats set out as bait.
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Harper Row, Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Austin Reese, Natasha Cranston, Emiko Queen

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
It's about one thirty in the morning. An archaeological item recently recovered from the field is being brought to Gotham University for analysis and cleaning. Perhaps then to be passed along the line to a museum or some other research facility. it doesn't necessarily matter. All that matters is that it's Themysciran. And Cheetah would be there if nothing else out of pure spite than to deny the Amazons part of tehir heritage.
    It's at the time where the late night security shifts would be changing. When one group would meet with the other going off duty. So there would be twice as many guards around.
    But one group of guarsd would be tired and looking forwards to going home, the next group distracted with chatter and getting ready for the long night ahead and waking up. So a readily available distraction.
    And so Cheetah takes it. Z igging adn zagging through corridors like a blur. Darting from camera to camera, with barely even a sound to cover her positioning.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row showed up early to put down some preparations. "We're Home Alone-ing this bitch," she says into the comms. Frankly, getting anywhere early was somewhat against her nature - she's definitely someone who prefers to sleep in. But the other Bat people were all these hyper-vigilant disciplined types, so she had to stick to their schedule. At least she had coffee, currently in a thermos strapped to the suit and sipped through a big tub sticking out of her helmet like a microphone.

"Staggered motion sensors and triplines. Can't put them in the same place cause...she fast yo," she says. "Also have some static electricity grenades along the way - they should get sucked into her wake and stick to her superfast butt. Fry off her tail. Does she have a tail? Crap, I have to Google if she has a tail now..."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The chatter between some higher end mercenaries about a job tonight had drawn some of the Bats here to Gotham University tonight. Though the details had been a bit scarce, there was enough said to give them reason to believe some kind of speedster would be involved.

"Man I hate speedsters," Batgirl says with a quiet grumble as she watches from the roof of one of the buildings. She had helped laid down a few traps to help try to capture the speedster, if possible, or slow them at the least. Also some cameras meant to capture the person's movements to alert them, should they be so fast the human eye is having trouble spotting them.

Which is exactly what goes off. "Ok, we have an alert. Something zoomed past a camera, and tripped one of Bluebird's motion sensors. Already inside the building," she says. "I'll stay set up outside in case they get out. Also, no sign of the hired help yet. They might be lying low and only engaging if the speedster needs help."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Nightwing has been looking over the room the artifact is actually in. Dealing with a speedster always requires serious preparation when you're working with great determination and training, but no actual powers. So traps it is.

    << Ok bats, our best chance is sealing up all but on way in or out of here. If she's only got one path, we have a much better shot at her. >>

    Several monofilament lines attach to sonic grenades, including a line tied to the artifact itself, ready to set a grenade off the moment it is picked up.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin, the newest Robin, checks in on comms from his position a bit further down from the others, <"Robin here. I've got my traps set. Motion sensitive glue bombs."> He hopes that those will be sensitive enough to pick up a speedster. Maybe he should have gone with the tripwire approach like Nightwing had.

Still, he drops into a perch on the edge of the rooftop, looking down over the street proper, <"Do we know who it is or what they took yet? Might give us some idea of what we're about to run into.">

Natasha Cranston has posed:
        Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Man?

    Themyscira. A name that conjures up wonder and avarice in equal measure. Wonder, because of its most famous citizen. Avarice, because it houses magic and technology beyond the grasp of this modern world, and they guard their secrets closely.

    As a result, a lot of greedy and unscrupulous people offer to sell "genuine Themysciran artifacts" to equally unscrupulous but significantly more gullible would-be collectors.

    Not something that usually concerns the Shadow -- however, when one of her agents informs her that a significantly more reliable source is calling for opening bids on a soon-to-be-acquired artifact, something more is clearly amiss. A few discreet investigations reveals the intended date of the auction, and that yields a very small window in which he intends to acquire it... And then another agent manages to inform her that a small time crook known for his habit of hiring out as temp muscle bragged about 'getting paid twice' for an impending job. And so, The Shadow Knows.

    A brief missive to the phone handed to her by the infamous Batgirl to ensure news gets around, but given the short time span she feels it prudent to be present herself...

Emiko Queen has posed:
A brief crackle comes across the coms, some static, and then...

"-is thing on? Hey? Oh! Got it. Hey! Man this is a tough nut to crack. Room for one more in the merry band of Bat?"

That's not anyone from the Bat family. Female, young adult, and sounding entirely too chipper for the task at hand. Anyone familiar with Team Arrow might recognize the new arrival.

Emiko is perched up high, overlooking the area, noting the various traps and setup. "Thought I'd come peek at the item, see if it was something Donna would want to know about, but it looks like you guys are set for bear. Expecting company?"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
She arrives right on time. Well her own time. She's moving fast. Very fast. Faster than a normal camera could take a picture of her, between the video and the monitor. She's now darting along and doing a loop along hte wall and then darting across it, using her claws to climb and then spring off it. She's avoiding the security personnel and anyone else in the place. Intent on just darting past anyone or anything in her way. She's got some assistance that will be making some noise outside no doubt in a few minutes that should trigger after she's made her way fully inside. She's given them a timeline.
    As far as she is concerned she is silent, unassailable, and unknown.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row almost jumps as Emiko's voice comes out of the radio. Honestly, she can't keep track of who's in and out of the loop anymore anyway. "Is this another Robin? Because we already have at least four," she says in amusement.

When her motion sensor gets tripped, Harper puts on her helmet, activating her thermal vision and keeping an eye on the building, "I've got some foam grenades that should slow her down. I keep thinking I need to add a component to those. Maybe some sort of burning or itching element? Anyway, she might just punch through it, but hopefully it'll get all clingy and gluey and at least make her kitty legs get tired faster. I dunno. I'm winging it like a good bird should. I'm talking too much on comms. Sorry. Shutting up now."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl watches a little video feed that takes up a corner of her vision, showing in the lowered lenses of her cowl. << Wow, they are so fast even the high-speed camera only got a frame of them. >>

A pair of binoculars with night vision are pulled out, better than the cowl-based ones, and Batgirl surveys the surrounding area. << I'm starting to see some movement out here. A few men, older than students. Combat boots and dark pants, and some bulges under coats that could be weapons, >> she shares. She swings the binoculars about. << More on the other side. And three more to the east. Red Arrow, could use a hand if you're offering. I'm on the outside here in case those inside can't stop the speedster. Though looks like there's going to be a bit to do out here even without that. You in? >>

The binoculars are put away and Batgirl creeps down to a corner of the building, nearest to two of the likely mercenaries. She attaches a grapple to the building and visually measures out the drop before hanging off the building, inverted. She mumbles to herself, "Stay out of this, Gravity. Need to keep people safe tonight. We'll tangle another time." She drops away then, falling upside-down silently, expertly slowing her descent with the line so Batgirl comes to a stop behind a man, arms going around him, one hand injecting a tranq and other hand over his mouth. Her line instantly reels them back up, the other man continuing on, not realizing his buddy has been nabbed.

Meanwhile, in a parking lot nearby, Nina da Costa climbs out of her car, closing the door and locking it. The professor of archeology begins heading for the building for a little late night work on the artifacts brought in recently.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Preperations made, Nightwing looks around the basement room. No windows means one less vulnerable point. Several crates of random rocks marked 'Property of GU Geology' have been dragged over to pile in front of the door to the office attached to the storage area, as that office also has a door out to the hallway. The Themyscirian artifact is on a worktable where it has been being painstakingly cleaned. It does not, however, have a beam of light shining down on it, as that would be a bit obvious.

    The blue and black clad hero pulls himself up onto a set of shelves in the corner, perching on the top shelf in the shadows. It's a decent ambush spot, especially if the incoming target is moving too fast to check everything before grabbing their target. To be honest though, unless the sonic grenades work, it's quite possible he'll just see a blur enter and then exit the room, with the artifact vanishing in the fraction of a second.

    << Keep an eye on them Batgirl, but they are probably just a distraction given what we've heard. I'm as ready as I can be down here. >>

Austin Reese has posed:
<"Hey apparently being Robin is the track to getting your own codename now. Surprised Batman hasn't just opened a school for Robins at this rate."> Austin has to defend having the codename somehow.

<"I can move to intercept the goons. Distraction or not, they may still prove to be a problem. But I wouldn't want to play my hand too early."> He's pretty sure they need to actually catch this speedster thief in the act, because it's not illegal to have super speed.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    The network crackles again as another voice makes itself heard. << Not quite. A local purveyor of illicit artifacts intends to make an acquisition, >> the voice intones. << And he has spent an impressive amount of money to ensure that the person who's intending to steal it won't be able to keep it for herself >>

    Shadows flit across the wall, moving down the corridor and pausing just at the edge of Nightwing's traps. << Be advised that her 'assistants' intend to betray her once she gets hold of the artifact. >>

Emiko Queen has posed:
<<You know it! I'll swing around, pick up the garbage.>>

Emiko does exactly that, too, comes swinging in around the corner on a line attached to a grapple arrow. Timing the release so she lands feet first on the back of one of the darkly-dressed bad guys, grappling and rolling him off into the bushes. Keeping the chokehold until the man blacks out, she's quick to gag and ziptie him.

<<Oh, hey, just as an aside... I maaaaaaay have put some pressure-release glue arrows on some of the doors. So. If they try to enter or exit the wrong ones, it's going to get, uh, sticky. So. Heads up!>>

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
She's very fast, as she makes her way towards the room where the artifact is being kept. As Cheetah does, there are some guards and late night personnel going about things. She's seemingly not aware over of the presence of the ambushers within. She's going to then simply do a leap up and over into the air, a silent sommerasult that would carry her a good ten meters or more up along the ceiling,a lmost running over it while someone would open the door while going to another room. Leaping above their head quickly before the door would fully close, Cheetah would dart on in and be near to her target, where the ambush waited, if but another corridor or so away. This would be as far as she had planned right about when the henchmen would be triggered to act.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row drops down from her perch point, moving in towards where some of the henchfolks are starting to show up, flipping off the thermal sight as she tries to get a bead on her would-be opponents.

"My traps will do what my traps will do. I'm heading down into the trenches. Oh shit, I think I went to high school with one of these thugs. Well. Until he dropped out. Sorry, Hector, no favors, amigo," she mutters to herself.

She reaches to her belt and draws out a cylinder with her right hand, flicking her wrist and extending a battle baton that immediately crackles with electricity, lashing out and hitting the aforementioned Hector in the back of the skull with a knockout shot.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The first of the henchmen is taken down on the south side of the building, the man bound and left dangling, unconscious, from the edge of the roof. The visitor from Starling City takes down a second, surreptitiously taking him off the board and stashing him in a bush.

But then one of the men checks his watch. "It's time," he says, and pulls out a shotgun from beneath his coat. Other weapons emerge, handguns, shotguns and rifles. And one that's even a kind of eerie looking, sciency sort of weapon with a small dish at the end rather than a barrel. Maybe something intended for Cheetah when they eventually turn on her?

The men head towards a museum that is just across the courtyard from the Earth Sciences and Natural History building where the Themysciran artifact is. One of them grabs a coed who was walking through the quad with her bookbag, resulting in a scream. Another fires his shotgun in the air. "Nobody do anything stupid!" he yells. Another runs up to the locked door of the museum, planting a small charge on it to blow the lock open and backing away.

Nina da Costa turns a corner just as the shotgun blast goes off. She jumps, startled and frightened. One of the gunmen grabs her. "Come on lady, you can help make sure everything goes smoothly," he says, putting his pistol to her head and dragging her over towards the museum entrance. A couple of them are keeping an eye on the sciences building though, waiting for Cheetah to emerge.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Listening to the comms, Nightwing knows the party is about to start. His batons are in his hands, but not charged yet as the crackling does tend to ruin a good ambush. Knowing it may be pointless, he still launches himself towards the table the artifact is on, arms spread with the batons held out in the hopes that the speedster will run into either him or a baton. Electronic earplugs are the ear accessory of choice so that he isn't affected by his own sonic grenade traps.

    Even while he's in mid-air hoping to get a lucky hit in, he's thinking to himself 'I need to practice against other speedsters more often'. Should he connect with Cheetah in any way, he'll do his best to grapple and throw her off balance in hopes of being able to actually target her with an attack or two before she's nothing but a blur again.

    << I heard gunshots, you guys have it handled? >>

Emiko Queen has posed:
<<We're good, Wing. Save the artifact, get the bad guy.>>

Emiko creeps around the area, sticking to the shadows as she takes a quick assessment of the situation, taking in the hostages and numbers, pulling a few arrows from her quiver. She nocks the arrows to the string and takes aim.

<<I can provide cover if you two can take out the guns and save the girls? I'll grab the bomb at the door and get it away from the area, fast.>> She looses the arrows, one at either gunman, the tips exploding into a choking cloud of smoke and dust that fills the areas around them. Already on the run, she calls on the coms, <<You have about a minute before the cover is gone, work it girls!>>

Dropping into a slide, she sweeps the door man's legs out from under him and follows up with a sharp elbow to the face to knock him out.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    << Consider it done, >> the Shadow responds to Emiko, the smoke roiling and billowing around a dark-clad form just as it pounces on the goon holding Nina hostage, snatching away the gun before he quite realizes he's under attack.

    A twist, a turn, a yank -- and the gun goes flying one way while the man goes the other, their fall turning into an arc by the grip the Shadow still has on his arm until he collides headfirst with the doorjamb.

    "Please keep your head down, Doctor," the Shadow cautions Nina. "We should have the situation under control shortly."

Austin Reese has posed:
<"Goons just took hostages, looks like the distraction is a go. That means our speedster is probably about to hit the artifact room."> Robin says over comms, as he jumps off the roof he had been perched on, letting a wire hold him as he drops down onto street level.

Dropping into some shadows nearby, he is moving towards the guy with the shotgun. When the smoke arrow hits, he switches his goggles to thermal in order to be able to clearly see through the smoke, and pushes into the cloud of smoke.

The plan is simple, grab the shotgun and wrench it away from the hostage, making sure she's out of the line of fire if the guy's finger gets twitchy, and then take him down. To do the take down, he's going to try to disarm the guy at the same time he gives him a hip throw, putting him on the ground while getting the shotgun out of his hands, throwing it away from the two of them and into some bushes nearby.

Next step is to grab the hostage and get her out of the way, moving her towards one of the non-exploding doors, "Get inside and stay down!"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Her acute senses pick up the melee outside, then the -whoosht- of people moving. Dammit, capes. Cheetah's about to let out a snarl even as her moentum takes her forwards into the area where the artifact is. Her intent on just making one clean grab of it as the gunfire goes off and then rushing rihgt out at super speed. Then from out of nowhere thsoe batons are lashing out at her right as thsoe sonic grenades go off!
    The batons hit her with extreme precision and Cheetah -screams- in agony.
    "Well Bat-ling, I just wanted an in and out. Now I'm going to just have to gut you on my way out." she's going to in one hand try to just grab Nightwing to if she can haul him along to rush out the way she came at super-speed, the other hand making a grab for the artifact, even as she's still deafened by the sonic grenades and having no real sense of location! Just letting her sense of smell lead her on to grab things with her eyes closed and her fur smoldering.
    Presuming she could nab both she would just rush outside with Nightwing in tow hopefully to try and jus t-hurl- him through the melee if at all posible towards one of the other Capes while yelling at hte henchmen in fury, not aware of the double cross.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row is beating on henchpeople with her shock stick. Frankly, it's pretty enjoyable and these guys aren't heavy duty enough to make a real dent in her proverbial and literal armor. She hears a couple more of her motion sensors go off as Cheetah blows past them, too fast even for the booby traps as the feral villainess starts to emerge with Nightwing in tow.

"Drop that booty, lady. And the artifact, too!" she says, hefting up a device that resembles Chewbacca's bowcaster, only this one fires wire-cage grenades that wrap people up tight. Presuming she hits her mark.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl has a nice view from above as Red Arrow sends up clouds that obscure the vision of the gunmen. Her teammates, permanent and temporary, free the hostages, while Batgirl drops back down towards the ground, her grapple line slowing her. << Two hostages taken but they are already free. They are going after the museum across the way to draw attention >> she says into comms to give an update.

But then the door crashes open and a feminine figure emerges, with Nightwing clasped in a clawed hand. Batgirl is already moving towards them as Cheetah hurls Nightwing bodily!

The former gymnast gets in the path of Nightwing, planting her feet on the ground solidly as she grabs Nightwing as he's flying past. Rather than try to stop him, Batgirl just pivots Nightwing about her in a 180 degree turn and then launches him back towards the supervillain. "Get back in there!" she calls, returning the hero to sender, with all that momentum on his side now.

One of the gunmen staggers out of the cloud, coughing. He sees Cheetah though, and raises that strange looking weapon. He fires a burst of it, sizzling energy zapping through the air and making Cheetah's hair stand on end as it just misses her, taking a sizeable chunk out of the side of the building where it hits.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing gets in a few more baton hits, sending electricity crackling through Cheetah. It seems, however, that she has a certain amount of resistance to such things. They still seem to hurt though, which may explain why he gets fastballed towards a brick wall once they are outside. Batgirl gets into his trajectory and with almost unconscious teamwork, he's headed back toward Cheetah. When the gunman's weapon blows out a portion of the wall his priorities change though. Popping short gliding wings of the backpack of his armor, he changes his direction to intercept the man with the high tech device.

    Stealing an artifact is one thing, but a weapon like that trying to hit the speeding Cheetah could hurt a lot of people.

    With the gunman intent on trying to hit the feline speedster, Nightwing blindsides him with a double baton strike as he flies by, retracting the wings and landing in a roll to come up facing the man, ready to move on him. Unlike Cheetah, this guy had no resistance, so rather than being a threat, he's on the ground twitching as the taser levels of electricity from the batons play havoc with his muscles.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Having disengaged the bomb from the door, Emiko's affixed it to one of her arrows, a rather special one at that. Damned Arrows and their trick arrows!


Rather than swinging a golf club, Emiko looses the arrow, its special property showing itself as it rockets forward faster than any arrow has a right to. It's not fast enough to catch up to some of the speedsters, but with a little luck, it will catch up and ahead of Cheetah. Speeding overhead, angled slightly upward so the explosive part won't catch anyone, but the concussive blast might give her a bit of pause, maybe even some pushback!

Austin Reese has posed:
With his hostage safe and secure, Austin knows he needs to move to help secure the rest of the goons who are trying their false flag robbery. He moves rapidly back into the smoke where he took down the first goon, giving the guy another hit, before he dives out of the smoke, sweeping the leg of one of the guys who has a handgun.

He's trying to make sure he stays out of the way of that door they planted the explosive on. Hopefully it's remote detonated and the attack by Robin and the Shadow has kept whoever has the detonator off of it. But on the chance that it's on a timer, he'd rather not be too close to that when it goes off.

Once the guy with the handgun is down, he needs to find another target. No backing down until all of these guys are down for the count after all.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The energy blast would snap past Cheetah, even as she's going to try and swing around with intent to try and smush Nightwing down to the ground as she would hiss, "You TRAITORS. I'll rend you LIMB FROM LI" right as she would be chasing Nightwing with intent to finish the bird off first.. Shew as a cat,a fter all, and there was a whole group of -Bats- to play with.
    Then Batgirl is going to brace, swinging Nightwing right back at her.. And that explosive dart shot by Emiko is going to hit Cheetah solidly, dart sending her flying back several paces, a perfect setup for the KICK of Nightwing as she would go scrambling to the ground, picking herself up in a roll. Moderately stunned, fur sizzling from the electricity and the fire.. But not badly hurt so far.
    Popping up, claws unsheathed, tail lashing, teeth frenzied and looking almost feral. "Who's first?" Claws giving her full intent of what 'first' would entail.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Batgirl doesn't wait after giving Nightwing a hand back into the fight. As he takes down the turncoat henchman with the weapon intended to stop the speeding villain, Batgirl follows up Red Arrow's exploding arrow with some weapons of her own.

"Line forms behind me!" she shouts in reply to Cheetah as she hurls a large handful of flash pellets, hoping the sheer number of them prevent the villain from evading them. Quick as she can, a bat-bolo comes out and she gives it a single swing above her head before twirling the trio of bat-shaped weights connected by wire. They carry an electric charge that she hopes might incapacitate Cheetah should it hit.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Nightwing is a bit out of position from his glide to handle the guy with the electricity gun, so he's not currently the closest to Cheetah. It does mean, however, that two steps take him over to where the thug dropped said gun. Picking it up, he glances at the controls. It can't be too complex if random thug #354 can use it, so Nightwing can handle it.

    Turning to face Cheetah with the gun levelled at her he smiles and says "Here, kitty kitty. Come play with the laser." Noting her temper, he figures he can manage to stay at the top of her 'KILL IT' list, giving one or more of the others the chance to land a disabling attack.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Mocking laughter cuts across Cheetah's rant. "Are you surprised to find no honor among thieves?" the Shadow asks, blue eyes regarding Minerva with contempt from underneath a slouch hat. "Perhaps the next time you decide to hire cheap muscle you might do well be be a touch more careful vetting your middle-man. He's been shopping around for bidders since the day after you had him hire your muscle..."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Swinging in from another grapple arrow, Emiko lands behind Cheetah, pulling out an arrow and hitting a button on the shaft to extend three prongs from the arrowhead. Timing her moment just so, she stabs the 'fork' arrow down to catch Cheetah's tail between the prongs, then into the ground to trap her in place. At least, that's the idea! While, hopefully, distracted by her tail being caught, Emiko reaches out to grab the Themysciran artifact from Cheetah.

"Now, guys, collar the tabby!"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah is surrounded, and the others are flanking her and on the attack. She goes to hiss, then flashes her claws as the arrow-prong was fired at her. An obscene gesture is made at the Shadow, "Thank you for the advise. I'll have it etched on your tombstone." But she's here for her own shinies. Which as the arrow is fired at her she -races- waay from, going to pick up the discarded object she had been here to steal in the first place. And vanishing into the night!

Austin Reese has posed:
With the last of the goons in range down for the count, Austin turns his attention towards Cheetah. Just in time for her to grab the object and run. No way to go after her, so he opts to start putting some zipcuffs on the guys who are out. Just in case some of them wake up before the cops show up.

<"Well we managed to foil one of the heists at least."> Seems he's unaware of the fake that was swapped out, which is probably best for his benefit. <"The goon squad is secure. I suppose we should clear out before GCPD shows up?">

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown does her best to stop Cheetah, though someone that can move at her speeds, dodging the flash pellets and the bolo is ridiculously easy enough. Batgirl tries to get in her way, but the feline villain grabs up the apparent Themysciran artifact again.

Batgirl uses her last option, throwing a sonic batarang, capable of emitting a noise that is disabling. But she just can't deliver it in time before the cheetah-like villain is accelerating away and quickly moving faster than Batgirl's eyes can track.

<< Yeah. She got away. Will have to tell Diana Prince about her interest in the Themysciran item. >> She turns to look towards Nightwing.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Watching Cheetah speed away into the night, Nightwing shrugs and leans the gun on his shoulder. He looks over to Batgirl and asks, "You think Batman would let me keep this? It seems like a pretty nifty toy."

    After making sure all the gun wielding thugs have been handled, he heads back into the University, collecting any unsprung traps before unwary academics can run into them. Reaching the room the artifact was stolen from, he smirks a little and goes over to a box labeled "Brushes", opens it and pulls the Themyscirian artifact out. Moving over to the worktable, he places the artifact back in place.

    << I wonder how she'll react when she finds out she stole a fake. Hope she wasn't working for someone, that could get her in trouble. But I agree, we should let Diana know.>>