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Latest revision as of 06:28, 16 March 2022

Converging Spiders
Date of Scene: 15 March 2022
Location: The Bushwick Memorial
Synopsis: Two Spider reconnect and make plans.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Miles Morales

Peter Parker has posed:
Back to normal. Or whatever passes for normal in New York City. And tonight, it's the end of Patrol Route Four, which ends, oddly enough, at the White Castle in Brooklyn. Spidey pauses at the entrance, then pings Spider-Comm, see who else is active.

A few, but they're busy...except for one lone ping seven miles away. The icon looks like his mask, only it's black with red eye outlines.
He's heard about him, of course, bt they never had reason to interact. Peter had felt, at the time, that it didn't seem right to intervene, but...they did have to stick together. And no man...or Spider...is an island.
So take the shot.

<Any Spiders not doing anything, I'm hosting a White Castle Chow-Down at the Bushwick Memorial. If you want to come by, feel free.>

Miles Morales has posed:
Spider-Miles is in the middle of swinging around the city to make sure that he's doing something useful. Which, for the record, is webbing up a couple of Thugs... in red footie pajamas.

"I'm sorry, guys. But I need this one for the SpiderGram. You don't mind, right?" Spider-Miles holds up his phone and poses in front of the two thugs that are bound together and to the street light that's illuminating them for the NYPD. The selfie is posted with the caption: 'Check it out. Thug 1 and Thug 2. #SpiderSeuss'.

Then he gets the ping! "Gotta' run! 5-0 should be here soon! Thanks for the workout, fellas!" Miles knocks on the head of one of those thugs and then THWIPs off into the sky.

Miles swings into the Memorial's vicinity and flips off the web-line when he's close enough to the OG. His sneakers hitting the ground as he makes his presence known. "You rang?" Miles offers with a playful tone.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is standing near a table and benches set near the Memorial. The white bag with the telltale castle symbol is next to him, along with two tall soda cups. "Oh, I hope you like cherry Coke." He lifts his mask up to nose-level. "I got the double-decker sliders, I thought you might be as hungry as I am. Heave a seat there."

Miles Morales has posed:
"Oh man, maybe we really are twins. Cherry Coke is dope!" Miles wanders himself over to the table and reaches out with a gloved hand to offer a fistbump of greeting and gratitude. It's a two-fold one this one. "Thanks. I /am/ quite famished, I must say." Miles rocks the fake 'rich guy' impression while reaching for the Cherry Coke.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man returns the fistbump, then looks to the other Spider-Man. "How's the Spider-Comm rig working for you, by the way? It's been awhile since you got yours. I was wondering if you'd updated it for Gotham City and Metropolis."

Miles Morales has posed:
"Uh, would calling it the Best Thing Ever be overselling it? Because I'm okay with that." Miles sips from his drink. "It's all Gotham'd up. Haven't done Metro yet but maybe on spring break I can get out that way. Get some boots on the ground." Miles reaches for a double-decker. "Or rooftops, I guess." Munch. "But I love it. Thanks again. But I do think we need a cooler name for these things. Like a sick acronym..." More burger munching.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Well, it's been Spider-Comm forever. I'm kinda used to it. Everyone knows it by that name." He chuckles, then inhaled one of the doubles and chased it with a few fries. "That outfit of yours reminds me of my first costume. Hoodie, sweatpants, socks, and a balaclava mask with goggles."

Miles Morales has posed:
Almost immediately Miles goes into a modeling session. He's voguing and everything. "Oh, you like? I had to sprinkle a little swag on it." Miles grins and grabs for a couple of fries. "Gotham's so dark and so brooding, man. I gotta' do something to liven the place up, y'know?" Sip. "Plus, I can't have my still-in-progress rogues gallery mistaking you for me! That'd be unfair to them!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "How are things going in Gotham? I understand the Bats in Gotham are a little territorial."

Miles Morales has posed:
"Haven't really crossed paths with them too much. Not gonna' lie, I've been doing my best to stay out of their way. Just in case." Miles shrugs a bit just to show that he's not too thrilled about it but it's being handled. "How's tricks out here?" Miles chews on another burger for potential stall tactics. "You uh... wouldn't need like a uh... partner or anything, would you?" More burger chewing!

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckled. "Actually, I was about to ask if you needed help. I travel some to Gotham, following criminals between the cities. They are networking." He paused for a moment. "...we need to, as well, to stay ahead of them."

Miles Morales has posed:
"This could be good for us. Spider-Man..." Miles motions to Spidey. "... and Spider-Man." And then he motions to himself. "Savin' Gotham and New York side-by-side. Web-by-Web." Another long drink from his Cherry Coke. "I like it. We'll make these neighborhood friendly in no time!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, but tilts his head. "Maybe you should consider a different name. I have a number of yahoos who'd REALLY enjoy giving Spider-Man a bad day, and I'd hate for you to get caught in the crossfire." He thought for a moment. "Ever thought about getting a new costume? Something a little snazzier?"

Miles Morales has posed:
"Ah, a new name. I'll uh... think on that." Spider-Miles takes a beat because he already went through like a bunch of names. So he's definitely going to have to come up with a whole new list now. This is going to be a process. "Define snazzier. I'm not into Fedoras, man." Miles is kidding. Kind of.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "Only Indiana Jones can rock a fedora. I was thinking something like mine. Uses a special weave that provides flexibility. If you'd like something like it, maybe in a different color scheme?"

Miles Morales has posed:
"I mean... I'm not gonna' sit up here and tell /Spider-Man/ that I don't want a dope suit like his. That would be insanity." The joking tone fades away again. "That'd be real cool, man. Seriously." And then he shifts back to jovial, "I look best in red and black."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man hmms. "Red...and black. Hmm. You know what? Give me a few days to work with it." He taps the side of his head. "DM me your measurements and give me a week. I think I'll have to call in a favor, but I think it can be managed." He grins as he sips his cherry Coke.

Miles Morales has posed:
"You ain't said nothin' but a word. I got you." And then Spider-Miles is doing a little happy dance because why wouldn't he be doing a happy dance? He's about to get a new suit. Now he can start a cool suit collection like he's always dreamed of. Well, not always. Since deciding to superhero. It's a thing. "Gotta' say, I dig being part of this Spider Squad? Family? Verse?" Pause for Easter Eggness. "It's got some awesome perks."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sits back. "We have an obligation to help people. It's a serious responsibility. So if we're going to do that...shouldn't we be doing our very best? Helping each other as well as those who need help? If I have something that could help you, wouldn't hanging on to it be very selfish?"

Miles Morales has posed:
"Hey, no, I get it. Believe me, we're on the same page here. I know all about the responsibility. Believe me." Spider-Miles takes another sip of his Cherry Coke to make sure that he doesn't think too hard about his responsibility moment. He doesn't want to have to go down that road again tonight. "And trust me, when I get tickets to a Mets game, I'll be sure to pass them along in kind." Miles pauses. "... Unless you're a Yankees fan." That last bit is added as if his dreams are on the line to be crushed or something.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey takes another sip. "The Amazin' Mets? I always root for the underdogs." He looks around. "Listen, in the next few weeks, maybe youcan show me around Gotham...check out any particular locations that bear close watching?"

Miles Morales has posed:
"I'm already writing an itinerary. I'll be your Gotham Guide. Your... Spiderpedia." Miles grins as he finishes off his Cherry Coke. And then his phone gets to ringing. A very specific ring tone. "Uhhhhh. Sorry about that." Miles grabs his phone. "It's my mom. I gotta' run. I think I was supposed to hit the bodega on the way home and... yeah." Miles pulls his mask all the way back down. "Thanks for this. Really appreciate it, Spider-Man. We'll get together again soon!" THWIP! And Miles yanks himself up and towards the city. "If I'm not grounded!"