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Latest revision as of 20:11, 18 March 2022

Girl Talk
Date of Scene: 18 March 2022
Location: Battery Park City
Synopsis: Megan and Susan talk about girl stuff over pizza.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Susan Sullivan

Megan Gwynn has posed:
It's a nice, sunny spring day in the park, and there's fair activity going on this early afternoon. Children laugh and play, dogs bark and run around around and joggers are out and about. Megan had received a call from Susan wanting to meet and catch up so she waits under a tree, sitting on a bench as she watches people pass by, ducks playing in the nearby river..

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan enters the park in the gothy attire she purchased on her shopping trip with Megan, so she's easy enough to spot. However, it's hard to notice her. She feels like just a natural denizen of the park's wilderness, which makes her blend right in to animals and most people. She takes up the spot on the bench next to Megan. "Hey," she says.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn doesn't see Susan til she's right next to her and she grins, "Heeey Susan, looking sharp! How you been?" she looks her up and down already realizing there's something different about her.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smiles. "Hey, Megan," she says with a smile. She offers the other woman a hug. "Not bad. A lot has happened. Do you want to get a slice or just hang out here for a bit?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins and nods, hugging the goth girl. "Ooh really? Tell me. I wanna know all the details..I've been pretty bored lately but that's probably good. No cities blowing up or anything so.." she shrugs and grins, "Ooh you hungry? We can head to the pizza place and chat over food if you like?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Not really," Susan admits. She pulls her feet up into her skirt and crosses them, the gothy garment draping over the edge of the bench. "I've had butterflies for weeks. So, there's this guy I've had a crush on since I first saw him. He's sweet and respectful and very cute and incredibly smart and funny and not super proud. He's this adorable nerdy boy and I love him." She hesitates a moment. "How much backstory on this do you want?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at her, peering intently, hanging on every word. "Ooooh, is that Soo..Tell me more! I wanna know every detail! " she giggles, "she sounds really sweet! What's he look like, what's his name? How did you meet?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Peter," Susan says. "That's his name. He's got short hair, brownish--I'm not good at describing people. He's very cute, though. The only guy to ever turn my head. We had a mutual friend. She's been gone a few months, but thankfully, she introduced us first." Susan hesitates for a moment. "You know that superhero Power Girl? With the white outfit and the boobs?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "That's a nice name. Got any pics? That's so cool! Well congrats!" she arches a brow at the name, "Ooh you know Power Girl? She's like, another Supergirl or something right? Wooow...That's totally awesome, guess you get around Huh."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan hesitates. She pulls out her phone and shows off some selfies she's taken with Peter. Some of them he was even prepared for. "No, no," she says. "I don't know Power Girl. I'm using her for a body reference. See...Peter was dating someone built like her. That's why I gave myself some extra...padding when we were clothes shopping. His aunt embarrassed me about that, actually."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Oh wow, that's..Heh.." she peers at the pictures and giggles, "Hey he's kinda sweet. You two look so cute together, I'm happy for you too!" she shrugs, "But you know, if he really likes you and is genuine about his feelings, he won't expect you to look like power girl.."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Yeah," Susan says, her spirit falling a little. "I do really like him," she says, swiping through pictures she's snuck of him. Candid shots. "Before he asked me out, he lamented not getting to second base with her. I...don't really have any second base for him to get to, and I'm not going farther than that." She huffs and pockets her phone. "We have fun, but he hasn't kissed me, and I feel like I'm always the one who holds hands with him. I'm so worried he's not as into me. I don't want to lose him. I've never liked anyone like this before."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns as she looks at the pictures. "Ohh really? So you always have to initiate things? That's no fun..I guess that's tricky to talk to him about too Hmm.." she bites her lip, pondering "Soo, how long have you two been dating? Do you want it to be serious?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "I really do," Susan says. "We've only been dating for a couple weeks, like I said, but as soon as I heard his bombshell girlfriend dumped him, my heart kind of became super glue and stuck. I've had the biggest crush on him since we met months ago, though. Now I'm just terrified I got too clingy, and even though he says I'm not the rebound, I really don't want him to compare me to his ex and see more of a...friend he hugs sometimes than a girl who makes him lose control of his higher thought." She furrows her brow. "Does that make sense?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and frowns, "Well gee that's kinda tricky..I mean it's natural for a guy to go rebound on someone..But if that's all he sees you as.." she smiles, "Heey I have an idea, why dont I try and get the answer out of him? I can just tell him I'm a friend or something.."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan laughs. "No, no," she says. "Honesty is the best policy, right? I'm a Disney Princess, not a secret agent." She shakes her head. "I made one wish to bring myself back to life. Maybe I could find a genie or something and make another for a little more of my own padding." She shrugs. "I don't know. I want to be everything for him, but it's really a lot of pressure. I just don't want to lose him."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, "Then you should be honest with him. Take him out to dinner.Dress up to the nines, take him dancing. Ask him how he really feels about you. And don't try to look like that buff ex of his. Just be yourself.."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan lets out a defeated sigh, but it doesn't sound sad or upset. "You're right," she resigns. "I've been too hard on myself. He didn't go out and find some other buxom floozy, he picked me, rebound or not, and he's getting me."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods, "And he picked you fir a reason, you make him feel happy. That's gotta count for something, right? I'm sure he doesn't want you to BE her, or he would have gone for some buxom gal like Powergirl again." she smiles, giving her hand a squeeze, "You are awesome as you are and if he can't see that then he's nit worth it.."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smiles as she hugs Megan back. "Thanks," she says. "I feel better about it." She lets the hug linger for a few moments more before she says, "Hey, you deserve a slice for slapping some sense into me. Come on. Let's get some pizza and be totally unhealthy for an hour, yeah?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and nods, "Hey I can't say no to food ever. I'm starving!. You know how much energy it takes to beat these wings that fast all the time?" she climbs to her feet peering around! "And hey, looks like there's no line up a5 the moment so we'd better hurry.lDo you have a favorite flavour?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan stands. "I've been having more veggie pizzas, lately," she says. "I feel selfish talking about myself so much. What about you? Do you have someone special you want to gush about?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "I can go with veggie pizza. Sounds healthy!" she shrugs and sighs at the other question though, "Eh nothing to talk about really..To be honest I've been feeling fairly disconnected from my team mates lately. I had all these big plans but still can't find someone to teach me new spells..And no, no one special in my life. I have a few cute friends but I'm not really in to them in that way.." she shrugs.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Hmmm," Susan says. She ponders as she walks to the counter. She orders for the two ladies, confident that Megan can eat what she doesn't, and gets a table to wait from. "What spells do you have now?" she asks. "Maybe I can help you refine those, even if I can't teach you something groundbreaking."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms and waits as Susan orders the pizza. She most definitely can probably eat anything left over. She's such a bottomless pit. "Spells?Hmm well I'm very adept at my teleportation spells..I can cast a sleeping spell on a single person but it'd be Soo much more useful if I could put a group of people to sleep. And there's my dagger which is a whole different ball game. I know minor spells from books like how to make a zit vanish and I once cast a demon banishment spell but regular cantrips I can pull out of my hat would be good..I dunno, i prove my sleep spell and learn some wards would be good?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "I feel like I'm not helping you improve your sleep spell if I'm sleeping," Susan says with a playful smirk. "Can you cast it without a subject?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Without a subject? But doesn't that defeat the purpose?Unless you mean to affect an area rather than a particular person?" she chuckles, "I haven't tried but that's always a possibility I guess? First time I tried it I blew up a friend and classmate of mine..Dont worry he can reform himself but yeah, would be more useful if I could do that and have more control over it."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "I just mean I can't really give you feedback with one of us being asleep." She looks around. "It also seems really mean to foist that on someone else."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and nods, "Ah right of course. Soo I could like, put some animals to sleep? Hey we could even experiment in the zoo or something!" ooh now that might be fun. "Heh I haven't been to the zoo since that whole attack there a while back.."