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Catching a Convoy Part II
Date of Scene: 19 March 2022
Location: Somewhere in New York State
Synopsis: An ageless warrior, an unstoppable force of destruction, the champion of truth, justice and a better tomorrow. Surely they can come to an agreement! No..they really didn't.
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Clark Kent, Lucy Blaze

Cain Marko has posed:
An earthquake has triggered seismometers as far away as Manhattan. The sleepy town that had the unfortunante audacity to have a train yard where a military convoy was (perhaps not so legally at that) moving weaponry through, has been rocked to its core. The arrival of AIM, the clownish courage of Plastic Man, the BFG's of Rocket Raccoon, the elegant death of Killer Frost and the meteoric punches of Superman and Juggernaut have all left their mark and will be talked about by those who witnessed this for quite some time to come. However - there's at least one party that has had enough.

"I'm gonna beat you up? What is this? Middle School?"

Juggernaut's response to the last verbal exchange with Superman was a dismissive snorting comment to Superman's more straight forward honest statement of intent.

He's still getting the hell out of dodge though.

In truth it's less fear of Superman then it is a lack of investment in the scenario as its unfolded. In short he's not being paid enough for this and he's got no chip on his shoulder concerning Superman to want to fight just for the sake of fighting. Juggernaut is a man for whom business is business but if personal affront occurs then, yeah, sure he might collapse an entire building on you over a spilled beer or shove a normal man hard enough to break him in half ..but right now, counting his money and catching a ride is on his mind and so an exit strategy is preferred.

The earthquake that he launched should keep Superman busy long enough doing damage control while he himself builds up momentum and with a spring of his legs that caves the earth in even further, he launches up out of the train yard and lands explosively into the streets above. The earth lurches violently with each step as he breaks into a steady run, crossing the bridge that overlooked the yard and beginning a charge that picks up more and more speed not unlike the very trains he assisted in derailing. Soon the initial combat zone has been left behind though car alarms and building alarms ring out from the continued seismic disturbances as he charges forward in search of a direct path to the rendezvous point.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Great Scott." A localized earthquake. Superman did indeed vow Middle School rage against the Unstoppable Juggernaut, but he has priorities. "Seconds to act!" Superman shouts, becoming a blur. He can't stop the earthquake without destroying a great hunk of the train yard, but he can direct it a bit.

Superman turns into a blur, digging up hunks of the earth in an effort to cause some of the pressure the Juggernaut's seismic attach built up to release. Listen, earthquakes are complicated, but fundamentally Superman is going for making it a broader, smaller tremor, the type that scares the hell out of your cat and maybe knocks a vase over instead of killing a bunch of soldiers.

By the time Clark's done, Juggernaut's built up a head of steam. Damn. "Just not my day." Superman mutters, doing a quick scan and deciding nobody's so hurt that they can't wait for the paramedics to show up. He takes a second to make sure what AIM troopers've been captured are secure, and rockets into the air, chasing after the Juggernaut.

Superman's outran trains before, even high end experimental bullet trains. It takes time and effort to build up enough speed safely, though, and Juggernaut has no such qualms about smashing his way forward. Can Superman catch up to the Juggernaut in time?!

Cain Marko has posed:
Oh yes. He can. He very much can.

Juggernaut's fast, which some might find surprising, but it takes a moment to actually build up to that speed and even longer to slow himself down ...but even with that understood, Superman can and is closing the distance.

A wall explodes into a cloud of dust and debris as The Juggernaut plows forward through it and into a used car lot. Automobiles are trampled under foot or sent tumbling aside as his legs crash into and through them. Debris is launched and oil sprays skyward and the goliath keeps on moving, nearing the edge of the lot as Superman closes the distance.

"Are you -kidding- me.." snarls the red behemoth upon taking note of the impending approach of the Man of Steel via a quick glance over his mountainous shoulders to note his approach. "Fine! You wanna make a mess? Let's make a mess.."

Massive feet plant, seizing control over his own inertia and digging up a gigantic groove of cement and dirt as he skids backwards and twists..turning his tank sized body towards the incoming kryptonian.

His fist clenches, knuckles cracking like the splintering of a sequoia and the muscles of his arms bulge titanically in size as he twists towards a readied swing, "Let's see, big blue, if you can get as good as you give... How about you see if you like my Sunday Punch!"

And with that call otu he lunges forward, bringing his arm around like an unleashed trebuchet in a mountain wrenching blow timed for the arrival of the favored son of Metropolis.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman flies.

Lord, he's big, Clark thinks. Mongul big. The Man of Steel moves his fist back as he breaks the sound barrier, trying to calculate just how much damage that much inertia flipped around at him is going to do. Maybe he can compensate for it?

It might work, if not for magic. The Juggernaut's strength is just magical strength, no problem. The problem is the specific enchantment: nothing may stop the Juggernaut. Superman's fist rockets forward and smashes directly into Cain's Sunday Punch, the ground exploding into dirt, pulverized rock, and metal melted into slag from the sheer forces expressed. Superman can handle the physical pain and damage of the magical strength, but since Juggernaut redirected his SPEED.

Clark cracks across the countryside like something out of a cartoon, landing inside of the lobby of an office skyscraper inside of the abused local town. Someone important owns this building, but Clark doesn't know that yet as he's finally brought to a stop by slamming into the massive mahogany reception desk, cracking it clean in half.

"Tickles." Superman says, stumbling.

Lucy Blaze has posed:
At which point, a very sudden and very strange thing happens. Both men disappear.

This is likely more alariming for anyone that sees THE Superman disappear than for anyone seeing the Juggernaut winking out of space. That likely provokes a sense of relief. And both will find themselves dropping in, side by side, on a rocky outcropping in what looks like one of the more wooded areas of upstate New York. And there, standing in front of them, hands on hips and looking QUITE severe.. is a six foot tall woman with a short cap of perfectly white hair and unnaturally blue eyes. Clark might get the odd sense of deja vu, seeing those eyes.

"You know that I can't turn my back for one moment. If you boys want to fight, try to do it away from the cities, hm? -You- should know better," the last part is aimed towards CLark moreso than Cain. Though Cain gets the next lobbed volley, "And -you- cannot board a spaceship to fight aliens if you are running from cops and superheroes."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Hah! Looks like he's got a glass jaw after all!"

Juggernaut is always available for a good stroke of his ego and landing such a solid punch on Superman isn't going to do any good for the man where practicing humility is concerned.

It's a terrible looking scene as well. An explosive cloud of dust and debris rains back down around the giant and the massive crater that formed from the collision of the two titans. Water mains have eruptedandthe ground continues to shake as the tremors roll their way further away from ground zero though they gradually dissipate. All in all, it looks like a good stand in for the site of a meteor impact and in the middle of it, Juggernaut just laughs as if he really hasn't even noticed the chaos he's at the center of.

"I guess I don't know my own strength.." he quips, "I hope somebody got that on camera--Uh..hey. What's this..*"

Magic is something is rather familiar with. It's what he is after all. THe embodiment of pure physical power by means of an ancient connection. A battery of destructive force held in check by his lack of imagination and ambition...and so quite familiar with that ethereal tug that rushes over him, seeking him out and finding purchase. Even if he could find the means within him to resist the summoning ..it happens far to fast and the next moment he's stumbling forward, disorientated and staring down at Lucy Blaze and Superman just beyond her. Her chiding words are heard but the disorientation from the sudden displacement prevents any sharp retort just yet. "Hey..what the!?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman doesn't even have a chance. There's nothing physical about being teleported; he's just THERE, still dizzy. And there's Juggernaut. And someone familiar looking he can't quite place.

"La Encandora?" Superman tries, getting his baring and squaring his shoulders in case Cain decides to attack again. "No, you'd have gone for my throat by now. Have we met, miss?"

He doesn't really respond to the accusation. Sometimes you get hit into a building.

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"Enchantress is blonde, and has a love of green. Good instincts, though. No, we haven't met. But I've been hoping to, this was an excellent excuse. My name is Lady Zannah of Khera. We're cousins, of a sort. My people left Krypton about 20 millenia ago, we were colonizers sent to find other worlds to expand to. My particular people landed on Khera." Zealot offers a quick blade of a smile, then shrugs. "My mother has been to Krypton, but I never did get the chance. I learned a lot about them over the millenia, though."

Turning to Cain, she lifts a brow, "Hello Cain. I take it that's enough time for you to get your bearings? We're still slated to go fight Daemonites in space, yes? If not, I can take back the retainer fee. Which means I need you -not- on the bad side of one of the few superheroes that could potentially follow us into space." Snapping her fingers, she materializes a drink into his hands, "Lets settle down for a minute, and if you two want to beat each other down after? I'll find a good spot where I can watch."

Cain Marko has posed:
The dressing down does the trick. It sobers Juggernaut up though some confusion returns as she explains her relation to Superman. It's all abit of a blur but of more considerable note is her ease with and use of what he can only surmise is sorcery. His lips purse in a look of full on irritation before he finally snaps at, "I don't care what sort of mission I agreed to, Zealot! You don't got the right to just go yanking me here or thre with yer magic or steppin' into the middle of business that aint got nothing to do with you. B'sides...I -asked- if you wanted to involve Big Blue on yer mission and you said -no-."

He puts a hand up to his ear and frowns, his snarl practically pit bull like as he adds, "I was on a job that was set up before you and I talked and now I just lost my ride!"

And possibly some of his fee but he doesn't want to dwell on that either. His cold gaze snaps over to Superman at the end of it all though and rumbles, "I aint got a problem smashin' him into the ground though but this whole thing's all messed up now."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman hovers a little as Zelot hits him with a truck. Her mother was Kryptonian? Another occupied world of Kryptonian survivors? The man of steel just floats for a moment as he takes all of this in, even as Juggernaut complains about?

"Wait, uh, Zealot, what are you talking about? What's so dangerous that you have to give this criminal more funds? A Daemonite?"

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"You're right. I -didn't- want to involve Superman in that particular mission. You know what happens when you're a wanted man being chased by Superman, and you hop onto a spaceship? HE FOLLOWS YOU." Zealot shakes her head and looks at Cain, brows lifting, "Does that sound like 'not involving Superman'?" She lets out a small breath and flicks a glance towards said Superman.

She pauses there, taking into the expressions, the micro-expressions, then chuckling. "Yes, there is a planet that has Kryptonians on it. But we... we aren't the same Kryptonians you're used to. Kryptonians, for a very long time, suffered under a genetic plague.. the Oan plague. So there are... tradeoffs. And I am what is considered a 'true Kheran'. A hybrid. My mother is Kryptonian, my father is Titanthrope, and I have had additional genetic code added in. Not as much as the Kryptonians you would be used to, but enough."

There's another looks to Juggernaut and she lifts a brow, "I just teleported you to the middle of the Adirondacks and you're worried about being able to get to where you want to be? Just ask, Cain. I can send you there." Then its back to CLark, "Daemonites. Plural. My people are colonizers. We branch out, discover other worlds. We are also warriors. One of the planets we landed on, they didn't like us being there. So a war started. The Daemonites are a race, there are many of them. And they have the technology for space travel, just as we do. We generally only encounter pockets here and there, but occasionally a ship will show up on our radar and we'll try to chase them off or end them to keep them away from Earth. They're parasites. They've killed people. And not in wars or normal conflicts. Because they can, or because their host has learned too much, or because they got in trouble and the host is left to take the fall."

Cain Marko has posed:
There's a deep rumbling sigh as Zealot speaks andthen when she finishes: "Look, lady, I'm just doin' my job. You knew what you were getting when you sought me out, alright? I aint about to apologize for following through on work. If the 'heroes' want to get in my way, that's their problem."

As usual - dismissive of his own complicity in the destruction he causes save for when the consequences of his actions and power are forced into his face.

Juggernaut's expression remains sour, easily readable witout the helmet though the skull cap reveals enough to clearly state his mode and interest in Zealot's logcc. Interestingly enough, he makes no aggressive move towards either her or Superman and seems to have settled into a decision to wait this out. "And I know y'can just teleport me now. You got some fancy tricks up yer sleeve. But I don't need AIM trying to pull a fast one on me either.. especially since Killer Frost got the goods.."

The full weight of his attention does return to Superman now. Zealot's explanation of her origins as it relates to Superman's own is so much gibberish to him. Not due to an inability tou nderstand as much as a dismissal of it all as it relates to the present circumstances. "Well you heard her, big blue. What's it gonna be? You gonna try and 'beat me up' still?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman listens, his eyes squinted as this woman, this Zealot, explains that she's in league with Juggernaut and planning on carrying out a secret war with a dangerous alien species HER alien species tried to conquer and had to run away from. A species that, he's learning, may already have infiltrated the earth.

Kryptonian offshoots. A chance to learn more about a home Superman increasingly wants nothing to do with, and more horrors enacted by the Oans. Apparently some kind of breeding program was involved, which brings the grim specter of eugenics into the mix. Colonial eugenics.

"And you brought them here." Superman says, floating a few feet off of the ground, his arms crossed and his expression increasingly dark. "A parasitic species of murderers capable of hiding inside of innocent people and you brought them here. And your first thought, instead of contacting the Justice League, or the Avengers, or anyone else who's actually stopped an alien invasion before is to hire this thug. Do I about have this right?"

"Is there a reason for the secrecy outside of sport?" Superman asks, finally.

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"Excuse you, boyscout. I've been fighting this war for -fifteen millenia-. I didn't -bring- them anywhere. I was transporting prisoners back to Khera when we were attacked by a ship headed by Lord Hellspont. BOTH ships went down in the fight and landed here. -I- had no interest in being stuck on a world that barely had CLOTHES let alone anything considered civilization or technology. I -still- haven't been able to get back to Khera. I haven't spoken to my mother for -three thousand- years. So how about you shove your assumptions where that yellow sun DOESN'T shine before I do it for you." Zealot lives up to both name and reputation in that moment, three millenia of repressed anger and frustration exploding from her.

She rolls her eyes and looks back to Juggernaut, "And -this- is what I didn't want happening. There is a reason I've been biding my time before meeting him. He's been so steeped into that idiot notion of 'a great America' that he can only think in terms of what people are doing to HIM and to HIS country. He has lost the perspective of a broader view. And there is no way to digest twenty millenia of history in five minutes, leading to assumptions for leaps of deduction that are so far off point it's ridiculous." She pinches the bridge of her nose and mutters, "And now I know how Jacob feels. Ugh."

She looks back to Clark and lifts a brow, "You are presumptive, assumptive, and illogical. You've been here since, what... 1982? Forty years? And you have the BALLS to call this YOUR world? Boy, I was here to watch the beginning of civilization. I have seen the rise and fall of nearly every 'great empire' that has ever made claim to that title. I fought alongside Odysseus and Hercules, Alexander the Great, Amazons, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, Boudicca. I have crossed blades with earth's greatest warriors and warlords. I have watched the centuries pass, and I have done what I can to protect this backwater world from a threat that you don't seem to fully appreciate. So before you climb upon your high and mighty steed, kindly remember that you're little more than a babe in swaddling to some of us who have been fighting against the evils of the world long before you were ever conceived." Yeah, not that she's arrogant, or anything.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, and maybe you're the one that's lost perspective, after all that, 'Z'." quips Juggernaut, arms folded and attention now more focused on the discussion at hand since it looks like the brawl is on pause, "I toldja this before. More or less. Being long lived don't mean you're right. You seen so much that your own ability t'judge things can be unclear because you're looking -too- broadly.." He remarks while reaching up to tap his forhead. Perhaps not s dumb and thuggish after all. Well, thuggish yes. BUt it is a mistake to presume Juggernaut's mono-focus on tasks as a lack of insight and perspective. "You want results, gettin' high and mighty aint gonna work here.."

His attention then moves to Superman as he rumbles, "Not that I'm taking sides 'ere. For the record, she hired this -thug- because she saw me and others like me as expendable. Because she didn't -want- t'deprive the world of someone like you if something went wrong. Me? I won't be missed. Always more then one side to the story.."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman is shouted at by an angry omnipotent alien who says she's thousands of years old.

He doesn't look terribly impressed. "I don't recall talking about America, or any other country. I'm trying to put together what the situation is, ma'am, and you're being parsimonious with the facts. I didn't call this planet my world either, though I do feel some bond to it seeing as I was born and raised here. I am a little upset about a secret invasion, and finding out another branch of my people are warlike conquerors, yes. And that the Oans found some new way to traumatize us."

"But I've heard this Vandal Savage speech before, and frankly it doesn't do me much good. It'd be a better use of our time for you to explain who this Lord Hellspoint is. I have a few friends in the League that might be able to help you contact your people, at that; they're capable of superluminal communication, though you have to hold your nose to use it."

Superman blinks at Juggernaut like he's grown a third head. "Of course someone would miss you. Poor life choices don't make your life any more or less worthwhile, that's ridiculous."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"You weren't born here, you were born on Krypton and sent, as an infant, in a stasis pod. I know the technology." Zanaah takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, "It didn't start as a secret invasion, it started as a war where the collateral damage spread to other worlds. It became a secret invasion when the Daemonites realized what excellent hosts humans make. THEN it became an invasion. And I didn't involve you because so far as I'm aware, not only are you not immune to telepathy and possession, anything that is of a magical nature actually tends to be pretty effective against you. And I'm not taking that chance with Earth's most favored hero, and ESPECIALLY not right after he's returned from the dead." Zannah gives Clark a pointed look before drawing a breath and continuing, "Do you have any idea what a Daemonite could do if it possessed the Man of Steel? Or how about the World's Greatest Detective? Or maybe a cyborg with access to extremely advanced technology who is tapped into the entire world's electronic data streams? How about the world's fastest man, so quick he can literally time travel? Forget, for a moment, the CEO's and politicians... what happens if the Daemonites start possessing metahumans, mutants, and super-powered aliens? That is why I didn't tell you about it. Any of you. This is no longer just a war between the Daemonites and Kherans over their home planet. It's a war for people."

She looks back to Juggernaut and lifts a brow, "You think I can't see the trees for the forest? This isn't just about my peoples' war with the Daemonites. It's about the people. You've never seen what a Daemonite leaves behind when it's being cruel and not just possessing someone but FEEDING off them. It's not pretty. They're parasites, a disease. And sadly, unlike MY people, they have no issues with procreation. So while there's only a handful of my people here? There's more of them. I'm not attacking their ship JUST to get rid of them. I intend to get any records on that ship of locations and aliases of the ones still on Earth."

Then back to both of them, "Of course he would be missed, he has a brother he never speaks to but who seems the sort to be... caring, despite the flaws. But his death would not result in the WORLD going into a panicked frenzy that suddenly wants to hunt me and mine down because we brought you along on OUR mission. And Cain, you are valued for more than your expendability. We're all of us expendable in the end. As long as we win while we're at it."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Uh.." Juggernaut recoils slightly as his expression becomes briefly neutral at Superman's response to him. It..was not what he was expecting and it has triggered a flood of thoughts. He's clearly thinking of people and forged attachments. Some recent and others that go back for decades. Even those whom hope for the best despite him giving them the worst.

It's a momentary look of self reflection...and then it's gone and the angry brawler features settle back in as he attempts to verbally recover.

"I meant -broadly-. I know I got friends! I meant overall!"

Zealot is given a 'look' as well at her reinforcing of Supermans words and Juggernaut finally simply shakes his head before speaking once more. "Alright fine, but look.. You don't have any gaurentee that's not already happened based on everything you've said about these critters and I know something about possession. If you don't have an actual means of sniffing them out then who knows how many are actually in place so keeping it a secret from the folk that could..I dunno..devise a means to either find 'em or defend against them don't add up and who is to say how easy it would be for any of them to possess others besides m'self? You're jumping to a lot of conclusions yerself. These folk know what they're getting into. You want to get the job done, right? Gonna have to expand your options abit.."

He then puts a hand to his head, the gesture of one nursing an oncoming headache, "This is crazy. I went from workin' with AIM to grab some tech to trying to vouch for the League and the Avengers? Man.."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman listens to a calmed Zealot. He kind of agrees with the Juggernaut, but he feels there's more of an unspoken issue here.

Trust. The League has a few Green Lanterns on, after all.

"I tell you what." Superman says, "I'll help with your attack. See what these things are for myself. And in exchange, if the collaboration works out, you'll tell the League what you know and we can start working on a strategy against these things. Does that seem reasonable?"

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"You'll get over it, Cain," Zannah flickers a brief smile over his confusion and upset.

She looks back to Clark and lifts a brow at him, "Please tell me in what part of that is anything that -I- wanted and not just everything you want? You seem to acting under the assumption that I don't know what I'm doing here, or that I either need or want your League involved." Zannah shakes her head and looks back towards Cain, "See what I mean? 'I will help you out on this thing you specifically said you din't want my help with, and if that works then I will completely take over the war you've been fighting for longer than China has had modern rice'."

Cain Marko has posed:
"That aint what I heard, Zealot." responds Cain, expression more neutral now as he looks between the two. "I mean, there you go again. Who cares how long you've been fighting at this point! Look at the situation -now-!"

Juggernaut grimaces before shaking his head and pinching the brow of his nose, "Listen. Look..I get it. You don't think that the puny little children you call humans can handle what the big bad Kheran's are dealing with. Thing is..from where I'm standing..you aint handling it well either which is why you came t'me for help and you need to admit this. This little mudball's got more power on it for..whatever reason..then most of what's out there and look..I've seen alot too."

Juggernaut pauses, grumbling abit as if forcing himself through the dialogue and then he refocuses squinted eyes on Zealot, "Why not do things a little differently if it's gonna get you results. You can keep fighting your war you're just adding a little extra muscle to it. I kinda -live- on this mudball myself so now that you've told me about alien demon things..I kinda wanna keep bein' able to live here!"

Clark Kent has posed:
"If you didn't want me involved, you would've just teleported him." Superman gestures at Cain with a jerk of his thumb. "So I thought I'd skip ahead."

Okay mabye there's a LITTLE Kryptonian arrogance.

"Do you really think I'm just going to tell you to keep at it? You've explained an existential threat to this planet. This isn't a takeover, Zealot, it's an olive branch. What you want is for me to look the other way with Juggernaut so you can use him to blow up a spaceship. I'm saying, okay, as long as I get to come along and make sure everything's on the up and up. I don't see how this isn't reasonable."

Lucy Blaze has posed:
"I don't want you involved. I want you to stay away. Hence, telling you, I want you to stay away. I'm not one of those manipulator types that uses double-speak and suggestive comments to get you to make a suggestion so I don't have to ask you. I don't operate that way. I'm a warrior. Always have been, always will be. And frankly, I'm both insulted and pissed that you would even lump me in with those people. I don't con people for a living, -Superman-. I fight. I lead teams. And you are done here." Zealot waves at him, sending him back to the League Hall.

She looks back to Cain and lifts a brow, "You're hardly a simple human yourself. You have been imbued with the powers of a God, acting in his interests. And you can't be possessed by them. You'll be fine. There's still not that many of them here. And yes, I do have a means of detecting them." Zannah stares at him, "But if you're getting cold feet, then you can stay right here with your penny ante jobs and I'll handle it myself. Now where do you want to go?" Wherever that is, that is where he is sent.

Cain Marko has posed:
"I didn't say I wanted out of the job or that I'm worried about -me-, I was just saying it's a stupid-ass decision to not stack the odds of the job fully in your favor when the way to do so is right infront of you!" snaps Juggernaut at Zealot at her response ..but he then ends up just shaking his head, "..Besides you just told 'im -everything- so, like, now you've got a loose cannon that can use his resources t'just get involved on his own terms and muck up whatever you're planning so whatever, what do I know."

The rapid teleportation is noted again as well and he adds, "Man you're quick with that.."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman is teleported away!

He rubs his forehead, takes a slow, patient breath, and looks around the League Hall. There's a practice dummy in the war room, made of super absorbant Nth metal and absolutely unbreakable by all conventional standards.

Superman pulls a fist back and smashes into the training dummy (shaped like Omar Sin doing a Mr. Yuck face) into a crumpled, steaming heat as the metal absorbs so much friction it starts to twist, heat up, and finally melt, falling to the ground as its reduced to so much useless slag. Clark looks at the red scratch on his knuckles where the feat cut his skin, and takes another breath.

"One Kryptonian who isn't insufferable. Father, what kind of man would I have been if you and mother had raised me?" Superman says, and picks the mess he made up. "The sort I'd need to stop?"

Lucy Blaze has posed:
A note and a small package will pop into Superman's hands a few moments after the punch.

'Apologies, but you do have a way of pushing buttons without seeming to know that you're doing it. I'll reach out soon to share more information on the Daemonites. An olive branch.'

The package is wrapped in the same type of cloth as the 'blanket' he was wrapped in as a baby, no badge or patch. Just a cube. One that will show an ANCIENT 3D model of Kryptonopolis when he holds it in his hand.

Looking back to Cain, Zealot lifts a shrug towards Juggernaut, "Not everything. I've barely scratched the surface of the information I have on the Daemonites. Fifteen millenia is a long time to fight an enemy. You get to know them pretty well. And I will reiterate, Superman has no protection against possession. What, exactly, do you think is going to be -good- about placing him near an entire group of aliens that possess people as easily as you or I breathe? They need research and information first. Their best weapon for detection will be sent to the League shortly. Superman will know what to do with it." She looks at him, "Now please, where do you want to go? I have a few more things I need to take care of before preparations are done."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Alright, fine. If it's really that easy then fine. I'm just calling it like I see it but it's your show and you're calling the shots." acknowledges Juggernaut with a shrug and a lifting of his hands to indicate he's yielding to her point of view. "..And you did do me a solid with the teleport. If I got to slugging it out with Superman ..probably still be held up anyway. Send me to Madriopoor then. Get back to me when you're ready to go."