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Latest revision as of 16:50, 21 March 2022

Super meets Powerful
Date of Scene: 21 March 2022
Location: Central Business District - New Troy
Synopsis: Molly Hayes and Jon Kent meet cute and set up a picnic date for later! OMG!
Cast of Characters: Molly Hayes, Jon Kent

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes has recently acquired a jet pack invented and designed for her by none other than Valeria Richards. It's pretty awesome, in that it lets her fly and it also has holographic projections to make it look like she's got cool wings or a tail trailing behind her or all kinds of cool stuff that, honestly, she's still figuring out.

"Up...and away!" she cries as she activates the thing, a plume of energy contained and angled so as not to damage her clothes, driving her up into the air. She puts her hands out the way she's seen Superman do, one arm extended and the other crooked against her chest, "I'M DOING IT, GUYS!" she yells at a group of strangers below, none of whom know who she is.

Jon Kent has posed:
One of those strangers happens to be Jon Kent, the son of the Man of Steel. He adjusts his Kansas City Royals cap and peers up at her through his thick glasses, squinting a bit. One of the others nearby points and calls out, drawing a lot of attention. Jon, however, can hear the clinking in the jetpack. He's no engineer, but he can tell when something is wrong. Valeria is a genius, for sure, and she didn't make a mistake in the design. Perhaps Molly hit the wrong switch, or...one of a thousand other things interferred. Science is crazy like that. It's why we have so many supervillains and superheroes coming from scientific accidents, after all!

"Hey, Ms. Klein? I need to use the bathroom," he turns to tell his teacher. The other Smallville high students are clustered around on this big trip to Metropolis, and they are all too distracted by Molly to really notice the kid slink away from view.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes finds the thing going faster and faster, "Slow down!" she says. She's not too panicked because, frankly, she pretty much thinks she's invulnerable and she's m ostly been proven right over the years. That said, she doesn't want to crash and break anything or accidentally hit anybody. The brakes definitely don't seem to be working.

She aims herself as best she can, starting to spiral upwards around the Daily Planet building, up and up and away.

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon hasn't mastered the quick-change like his dad, but...he does his best. He's fast as heck, but the speed takes concentration and stuff he sometimes lacks at his age. He ends up catching his jeans and tearing them pretty badly in the process. However, in the end his clothing is stuffed in his backpack, and his backpack is stashed behind a few crates in the alleyway. A sleek, stylish red, blue and gold costume with a flowing cape catches the light of the Metropolis sun pretty well, and he brushes his fingers back through his hair. His inhumanely blue eyes lift to the sky and up he goes!

He makes his way above the buildings to try and get a better vantage point to find the girl, and he closes his eyes to focus his hearing. Unlike dad, he needs to focus to use that stuff. There. That clinking again. Sure, the howl of the jet pack and the girl's yelling is louder, but his hearing focuses on that sound. That warning sound. He raises his arms and off he goes, his cape snapping behind him as he moves to follow her at a safe pace, soon ending up at her side and keeping pace.

"Need some help, Rocketeer?"

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes is startled to hear a voice next to her, whipping her head around. She has her hat off for once, not wanting to lose it while flying, pigtails whipping in the wind next to her face. "OH MY GOSH SUPERBOY!" she cries. He is Superboy, right? There were more than one, she thought, plus Superman and Supergirl and Power Girl and ohmy gosh, they were all related, too, probably, and Molly thought her family was crazy, but what if...

Oh crap. Pay attention, girl!

"Uh, yes, please! I just got this thing, I think I may have hit the wrong button or something, I was supposed to practice in safe places first but I got too excited please don't tell Valeria she might wanna take it away and I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Dunno who Valeria is," the boy calls over the sound of the wind and jetpack. "But I won't tell her. Alright, take a deep breath..."

He adjusts in the air and is soon flying above her, focusing his X-Ray vision to look into the device. He doesn't know what a lot of the wires and switches do, but he's at least able to find the off switch this way. He reaches out and flicks the jetpack off. The instance the power quits he is reaching out with both hands, wrapping impossibly strong arms about the girl, the jetpack between them. He slows her until they are merely floating...hundreds of feet above the city.

"There we go. So...a jetpack, huh? Cool."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes finds herself dangled over the city of Metropolis in Superboy's strong arms and...welll, that ain't all bad.

"Valeria Richards. Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman's daughter," she says. "She's a super genius, like her dad, and she was so sweet making me this pack, cause my roommate, Vivian Vision, she's a synthezoid and her dad's in the Avengers and she knew Valeria and was like HEY VALERIA MY FRIEND WANTS A JETPACK and she was all SURE NO PROBLEM and I was all WHAT THAT'S SICK HOLY CRAP.

She realises she's talking a lot, which she does normally, "But...I am a real superhero. I'm Molly Hayes, I call myself Princess Powerful. Or maybe Bruiser. I'm trying to pick which one I stick with, cause PP was right when I was young, but now I"m getting older and I think maybe I"m outgrowing the cutesy name and...

"Oh, right. I'm super strong and invulnerable. But I can't fly. So jet pack."

Jon Kent has posed:
His eyebrows raise a bit as he listens to her, slowly lowering them both through the air above the city. Descending as they talk. "Huh. Okay, that's cool. Really! Those are both pretty great names," he says with a chuckle, touching them down gently on the rooftop of the Solar Tower. He steps back to give her room to take the pack off or whatever.

"Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I have to admit I like the sound of Princess Powerful," he admits with a small grin. "I'd introduce myself but you hit the nail on the heard up there. Superboy. Glad I could help."

Her explanation of her powers certainly piques his interest, and he cocks his head a bit to the side.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes grins and tugs on one of her pigtails a bit, a nervous gesture. She feels a little naked without her hot. No, not naked, don't think about naked, oh geez, Molly.

"Superboy. Wow. I met Superman and Supergirl last month. I helped, uh, catch a building and fight the Parasite. It was amaaaaaaazing," she says, eyes momentarily wide. "Like, the biggest superhero thing I've ever done."

"I'm glad you like my names. I like it, too, but I worry people won't take me seriously or treat me like a little kid. Which I'm not. I'll be 18 this year!"

Jon Kent has posed:
He smiles softly and nods. Unlike most guys her age, he actually seems to be LISTENING, not just waiting for his turn to speak. "Superman and Supergirl are good people," he says, leaving his connection to them a bit vague. "And the Parasite is a dang menace, so...I'm glad you could help. The world could always use more people willing to stand up for those who can't." He nods again and cannot help but grin ruefully at her exclamation about the name and her age.

"Hey, I get it. I'm Superboy. Sounds like we're the same age, though. That's...cool." His Superconfidence seems to actually fracture for a brief moment as he realises he's actually not just talking to a person he saved...but a cute girl his age. OH NO.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes smiles, "It is cool! I don't know a lot of other superheroes my age. Like, all my friends when I first found out about my powers, they were, like, older and I love them so much, but they're all grown now and it's weird for them to hang out with a high school girl. I mean, I know they love me, but I get it," she says.

"So, what're you doing here? Oh, duh, it's Metropolis, you live here and stuff. Do you live with Superman? What's he like? Can he grow a beard?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Having friends your own age can be imporant. Especially others who know what it's like to...well...be like us, I guess. Do what we do. Sorry you feel alone." His voice is soft, and his accent is certainly not local. Midwestern, maybe? Either way, it sounds great on him!

"Hmm?," he replies, her questions seeming to pull him out of his throughts of her, and he blinks. Uh oh, his field trip! Still...

"I don't live with Superman, no. We...don't really do a lot of stuff together, honestly. I wanna change that but, y'know...life is complicated. Also, he can totally grow a beard. Shaves it off with heat vision," he says knowingly, offering a lopsided grin.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes frowns, "Well, if you want to spend more time with him, you should tell him. Sometimes adults are bad at things like that. They think that kids think they're big square lame-os so they keep their distance. It's dumb. They're dumb," she says, looking down and tugging on a pigtail again.

"I don't know that I feel alone. I do have Viv and a couple of other friends. Boom-Boom. Nico still hangs with me when she's around, although she's off with her girlfriend a lot, which, again, I totally get,' she says. "No boys, though." she says with a slight grin.

Jon Kent has posed:
"No boys?," he asks, and then mentally slaps himself in the face. Stupid. Stupid stupid. He clears his throat and turns to glance over the skyline from their vantage point. "I have a couple friends but...not really many. I'm kinda new around here. Sort of." He turns back, then. "Hey, do you wanna, I don't know...do something sometime? Is that weird to ask? I don't know."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes grins brightly and jumps up almost on her tiptoes, "No, it's not weird, it's great, it's super great! Uh, yeah, I would, like, love to, I mean, I'd really like, I mean, yeah, definitely, we can...we can do something sometime. I don't know what but we can dos omething. Anything you want, really! Anytime. I'm...well, not when I'm in school, obviously, I go to Happy Harbor, I just..."

She shakes her head, "Yes. I would like that. Very much."

Jon Kent has posed:
He can't contain his own excitement in his smile, and he nods, brushing his fingers back through his hair. "Okay, great! Well, I can't exactly reveal my real idenyity on a first date and...we met like this so it's kinda complicated, but..." He trails off and considers.

"Oh! There's an old apartment complex not far from that big park in the middle of the city. It's an old brownstown and it has a -great- view and as rooftop garden. Picnic?"

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes grins, "You don't wear a mask, though, so...I guess it would just be learning your name? I mean, I don't mind calling you Superboy," she says. Gosh, she was going to go on a date! And it was a date with friggin' SUPERBOY. HOLY CRAP.

"Um, yeah, that sounds great. I'd love a picnic. I like sandwiches! And chicken! And salads!" she says. "But, I guess, like, most people do," she says with a blush.

Jon Kent has posed:
He chuckles and shakes his head. "I have a disguise!" It's true. The glasses, mussed hair and awkward movements hide a lot, even to the perceptive. Hey, we're in a comic book, okay? "For now? Superboy. And great. I'll bring a nice homecooked meal. It'll be awesome, you'll see." The boy grins and then glances skyward. He's late to get back to his field trip. "...Tomorrow? Say...5pm? We can watch the sunset and chat?" He rattles off the address of the building in question for her.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes smiles, 'Uh, yeah. Absolutely. I'll be there,' she says. she gets out her phone and quickly puts in the address. She has a terrible sense of direction but GPS is a wondrous thing and can guide even Molly to someplace she's never been before. "I can't wait!"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Great! Okay. I need to go do...y'know. Superboy stuff." He'll honestly be thinking about tomorrow UNTIL the date. It isn't like he goes on a lot of dates, and he can already feel himself getting nervous. He pauses, then. "Oh, wait. No...way down from here..." He laughs and steps closer, opening his arms.

"Okay, arms around me. Hold on tight. Where do you want me to drop you off, Princess?"