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Latest revision as of 02:38, 23 March 2022

Octavius You Jest
Date of Scene: 23 March 2022
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: Monet versus Doctor Octopus. The Doctor Escapes.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Otto Octavius

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a somewhat balmy day by the standards of early spring. The weather doesn't particularly lend itself to appreciation, the thickness of allergy season and smog for many bringing with it shortness of breath as it feels rather muggy despite the breeze and dampness in the air. At least, for those that noticed that sort of thing. For one Monet St. Croix it was another thing no doubt to ignore. She was better than all this after all. Through the financial district, weaving in and out of passerby, a woman on a mission.
    Shopping no doubt.

Otto Octavius has posed:
Then, the sound of what seems like a jackhammer on concrete starts to sound on the block... one. Two of them. 3?

It's coming from the rooftop of a four story building. Not a store. Maybe an office building?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The sound of jackhammering hits M's attention and she would go to look upwards. Three? Construction work would have more and that sound is.. Something moving?
    It definitely has her attention. And Monet goes to just casually telepathically 'nudge' people out of the way as she would walk faster in that direction as well.

Otto Octavius has posed:
The sounds of something ripping apart can be heard, and some sort of dust flying into the air from the rooftop as Monet continues in that direction...

A few moments later, and the sound is gone.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Now it's definitely a bad thing. Monet's enhanced hearing lets her track it to where it would vanish.. Then she's rocketing up to that point, taking herself up and into the air to just the point where the sound would stop!

Otto Octavius has posed:
There's a rather large hole in the roof going into the 'office' building, and inside looks like a semi-modern technology center of some kind. A data center? A lab? It's hard to tell the sort of equipment from here, through the dust made from creating the hole.

There's just enough debris around the hole to make it clear that the hole was dug 'out'... and the material for the hole os to one side.

Whoever did this knew what they were doing, to not collapse the whole thing.

She can hear the sounds of metal on metal below.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Well, she definitely knows that there's somethign wrong now. Monet goes to raipdly float on down, attempting to listen over as to try and track where the drills wer egoing. Presuming she could track them by noise she would immediately fly after them. Tracking along, trying to make as litlte noise as she could herself so she could try and catch up with the breaker-and-tentacling.

Otto Octavius has posed:
Going below makes it much easier to see, and she can finally see a man in a brown overcoat... with tentacles coming out of his back. Metallic, polished tentacles that are disconnecting various elecvtronics hubs of some kind from their cables.

Definitely knows what he's doing.

A moment later, and Otto glances over his shoulder to Monet, safety goggles just barely seen from this angle, "Good evening. Something I can help you with?" Otto asks, casually.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would float down, her arms crossed over her chest and looking at him, "Doctor Octavius, I presume? And you can help me by ceasing your early withdraw and surrendering yourself to the authorities." More politely than her nromal level of insult. The man -was- a bona fide super genius.
    Arms switching to fists up in front o fherself.
    He had -asked- her what he could help her with after all.

Otto Octavius has posed:
"Otto Octavius was weak. I'm Doctor Octopus now." Otto barely sneers, before he turns around, retracts all the tentacles into a defensive position, and stares directly at Monet, "The only authority I answer to is myself. Few understand the importance of my work, and others just hold me back."

As he speaks, two tentacles land to his sides, as if stabilzing him. "Are you going to try to force me into mediocrity again?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would take her hands up and over and glance at Doctor Octavius, "I see a man that has taken himself down the path of mediocrity. Someone whom has once had great potential now being little more than a simple discount store retail clerk. Such genius, now such a failure as one of a countless number of indecipherable malcontents. And you're too late to be saved from the mediocrity that you've anchored yourself to."

Otto Octavius has posed:
A small chuckle is heard, before Otto suddenly lashes out with the two free tentacles and grabs a rather large bit of computer equipment from the floor, and effortlessly brings it over to himself, hovering. "I was a failure when I worked at Oscorp, being held back by people with no understanding of what it took to truly move science forward."

'Walking' back on his tentacles, Otto starts to climb up the wall behind himself as he watches Monet. "Don't follow me."

Clearly, he's heading for the rooftop hole.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Well, she gave him a warning. Now he has to face teh consequences of his aberrant behavior. And an appreciation for the consequences can come in the form of blunt force trauma. Monet goes to in turn attempt to apply this within the limited confines of the available space by going to charge towards Otto's center torso, arm held back over her shoulder in an attempt at kinetic impact.
    F=ma and fist applied to face should satisfy the rest of the equation!

Otto Octavius has posed:
Once it becomes clear Monet is going to charge him, Otto unceremoniously throws the large boxed equipment bit at her, all while he unlatches from the wall and both tentacles soften his landing as he drops back to the ground.

The two now freed tentacles come up to try to redirect Monet if she continues through the electronic hub.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The large equipment thrown at her catches Monet by surprise at how -fast- the tentacles are able to move and to hurl it. Instead of charging through the box, she goes to atch it in midair, going to twist around with it in her grip..
    Right as the two tentacles would swing at her, her tryign to whack them away from her using hte electronic box as a club. A rapidly, rapidly disintegrating club given the strength of Otto's limbs.

Otto Octavius has posed:
If Otto had less control over his tentacles, that would have be a good distracting redirection as he rebalanced himself... but Otto has a direct technopathic link to his harness, and as Monet swings that hub like a club, she has those tentacles trying to flow /around/ the hub to get to her...

It's almost like a game of whack-a-hole as Otto goes on the offensive to try to get to her.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And Monet realizes it even as the tendrils go to lash out at her, reposition themselves, and try to attack her. She's having to not just fight them in two dimensions, but three. So as they go to lash out at her, she moves to try and first throw some of the last bits of the box at Otto's upper body to try and slow him down.. Right before one of hte tentacles slams into her from the side!


Otto Octavius has posed:
The box almost hits, but Otto lifts himself out of the way just in time for the box to hit the wall behind himself... which prompts Otto to bring up a tentacle from his feet backwards, and once again, the surroundings are filled with the sound of jackhammering as Otto starts to 'cut' out a piece of wall, all the while those two tentacles continue their relentless assault to keep Monet back, capitalizing on Monet being unbalanced from his previous hit.

it's pretty obvious he's making a hole to get out that way, instead of going up. He only exposes himself to the front that way.

"Another plebian mind trying to dictate my actions." Otto sneers.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's off balanced and on the defensive, even as best she could just block an attacker on one end before the other would hit her. In close quarters, M has little room to dodge or maneuver, and the continuing, relentless attack gives her no room to counterattack or come up with a strategem! It's just over several seconds, but the Mad Doctor has the space to make his escape and exit stage (or hole in building) left..