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Latest revision as of 17:47, 25 March 2022

Flying Through The Air With The Greatest Of Ease
Date of Scene: 25 March 2022
Location: Morningside Heights
Synopsis: Kaine is seeking Spider-Man, but instead runs into Viola Fiore out practicing her powers.
Cast of Characters: Viola Fiore, Kaine Parker

Viola Fiore has posed:
It is late in the day, the sun is nearly touching the horizon, were it visible through the skyscrapers blocking the view to the west. Dark enough that lights are already coming on, and people are less likely to take notice of what is going on well above their heads.

Which is the time that Viola Fiore had waited for to set out to practice. Having donned her hooded cloak, the cape cut into long strips, put on her belt with the pouches holding various bits of useful metal, and of course the tiny vials with the fragments of metals that fuel her powers, she set out into the sky.

Feeling the rush of it, Viola pulls up her hood and then jumps off her building. Immediately she pulls on the metal frame of a nearby taller building. Pulling with about her own body weight in force, the effect is to cause her to swing much like she would if she were attached by a rope, or web.

It's not entirely the same, as she often just pushes off and launches herself in a ballistic arc, or slow herself, and there's on sign of of anything connecting her to a building. But if someone just happened to be looking up and saw the hooded figure flying through the air, someone familiar with webslinging? They could easily think that's what she was doing, until getting close enough to note the lack of webs.

Kaine Parker has posed:
The swing-line is not that uncommon of a method of locomotion in this era of vigilantes and heroes. This individual moves very similarly to a certain friendly neighborhood Spider-man, but yet... he looks nothing like him. Instead of the familiar red and blue, this figure is draped in black. A tangled mess of hair and red tattered fabric whip in the air behind him.

Disconnecting from the line, he lands in a long shadow cast by one of tall edifices of Upper Manhattan. He effortlessly adheres to a brick wall and waits motionless.

A figure catches his eye. His head tilts, watching cautiously. He wonders if that is -him-.

Legs coiling, he pushes off abruptly with enough force to crack the bricks. A hand extending, a line of web darts from a hole in his suit. The webbing impacts the building with a wet smack. His biceps curls and tugs, launching him closer.

Wary, his trajectory brings him in around the figure. Its only when he's a couple of dozen meters in range that he realizes its not Spider-man. He murmurs, "Disappointing."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Indeed, getting close enough reveals the person is quite a bit shorter than Spider-Man. The deep hood make it tough to see a face, and the tasseled cloak makes it tough to make out too much of the body concealed in dark clothing. But eventually the curves will be unmistakable enough to confirm that it is not a man flying through the air. Plus, the lack of webs might be noticed.

The figure doesn't seem to see the approaching costumed person though, at least not at first. Though they really do seem to be moving quite web-slinging like, there's clearly no webs being cast. Occasionally a hand might move in a direction before the small woman starts swinging that way, but as often, not.

At one point the figure does a little spin in the air, looking behind them, and there's a soft gasp as they finally realize someone else is sharing the sky with them.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Anger wells inside of him. A rage of frustration. He grits his teeth behind his mask and tugs harder on his web line. This draws him to the side of the building where he lands with a dulled thud.

He tilts his head to the side and calls over, "I'm looking for Spider-man."

While it wasn't phrased as a question, its obvious he expects an answer by the repressed irritation in his voice. Hands balling into fists, his body tenses on his perch as he watches her continue her web-less swing. He allows his curiosity to distract him for a moment, keen intellect trying to piece together how she might be accomplishing the feat. Her flight path didn't look like the other 'flyers' he had witnessed.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The figure's movements through the air grow a little less fluid. Less those beautiful pendulum or ballistics arcs. More like bouncing back and forth as the figure seems to have some difficult just hovering in one spot in the air.

Finally, after seeming to note how Kaine clings to the wall, the figure flies over to the wall, getting her hands and feet on it. Not so much sticking as seeming to be pushing back against the wall in some fashion. She slides down the wall a foot before managing to stop herself.

"You make that look so easy," the hooded figure says, the hood swinging towards Kaine. "Sorry. Not Spider-Man, haven't ever met him," the female voice says. The hood tilts to the side in a way that might suggest curiosity. "You wanting to, ah, exchange notes with him? Or you looking to attack him?"

Kaine Parker has posed:
Watching her erratic movements and somewhat troubled mounting of the wall, he takes a deep breath to dissipate his anger. The air hisses out of his mask. He leans his head back and lightly knocks the side of the building. He then replies, "It's complicated. I want to do both... but the constructive thing to do is compare notes."

He hangs his head, hair draping over his mask. He then asks, "And what of you? Practicing? You've got he most important part down it seems. Courage and faith in your powers."

He casts his glance away from her looking over the city in search of his intended quarry. He sighs again conjuring patience and looks back toward Viola.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The hooded girl continues to gaze over at the costumed, larger man. "Bingo. Practice," she replies. "I'm not... I'm not a hero. Or, I don't rob people or anything like that," she says.

Thankfully he can't see her face and the flush it gets. Because she did rob someone. True, it was taking back protection money stolen from a sweet elderly couple. But it still tugs at her heart when she makes that claim.

"Not even really sure why I'm out here doing this," she tells him. "I guess, ah... yeah. I don't know. But you definitely make it look easier."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"It's easy, because its all I know. Simple as that." Kaine responds sharply, shifting on the edge of the building. "That kind of focus has a way of getting results."

He tilts his head and eyes her up and down. "No hero. No criminal. You must drive yourself insane trying to decide what to do when your powers."

"You must neither love or hate this world. Are you apathetic or just lost?" Its a pointed question, but even without Viola's answer, it reveals a great deal about Kaine. "Or maybe, its just fun to you. If so, I envy you."

Viola Fiore has posed:
The soft laughter that results doesn't sound like she found something funny, unless it's in the most ironic sense of the word. "Oh, there are plenty of things I love and hate about it," she says. "I just... don't know if this is the way I was meant to be a part of it," she says, giving a movement of her hand towards the open air around them as if she is speaking about the powered aspect of her life.

"Well, ok, at times it's just to have fun," she admits. "But it's... complicated. Really," she tells him. Before wondering if she's saying too much. Should she trust this costumed person? He is looking for Spider-Man, but didn't seem to know if he wanted to fight him or trade notes.

"Well, I should probably, ah... get back to practicing. I hope you... find what you're looking for," she tells him.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine scoffs behind his mask, his eye roll undetectable. "Complicated you say... Well, I suppose for anyone with powers, its somewhat complicated."

There's an hint of disbelief in his voice. In reality, he can't imagine anyone having a more complicated existence then himself. Too much resentment. Too much envy. Its a wicked filter to look past.

"On your way then. I didn't mean to intrude." He considers her well-wish and offers a faint smile, barely noticeable behind the black fabric. "Thank you. I hope you... navigate your life's complications."

He closes his eyes and leans against the surface of the building. Another deep calming breath to find focus. To maintain some semblance of mental balance. "Good luck with your practicing... As a tip, don't rely entirely on your powers. A little mundane gymnastics or acrobatics can be a game changer."

Viola Fiore has posed:
"Thank you," she tells him. "I'll keep that in mind," she says in a tone that suggests she's earnest about the words.

The hood swivels and she looks about, then back to Kaine. A hand is raised, giving a little wave. And then she suddenly is hurtling away from the wall, without having moved a muscle. She turns herself in the air to the direction she's going, and begins swinging in a pendulum fashion again, heading off across the city.