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Latest revision as of 02:11, 27 March 2022

Ororo, how are you
Date of Scene: 25 March 2022
Location: Library
Synopsis: Chatter amongst the teachers at Xavier's
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Ororo Munroe, Piotr Rasputin, Bobby Drake

Emma Frost has posed:
It's a quiet afternoon in the Mansion. Emma Frost, occasional guest in residence, is curretnly sitting in the library. While she would ordinarily be indulging ins ome sort of wine, in one of the public areas of the Mansion accessible to students she doesn't. Currently she has a large thermos of tea to the side, and is occasionaly taking a sip of it.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Entering the library quietly, not because it's the library, but because that's her nature, Ororo walks with a natural grace that is effortless for her, and yet for anyone else to pull off would require a great deal of effort, and thus, ruin the very idea. Ororo carries a handful of books in her hand before she pauses to drop them into the book drop one at a time, as if she were thanking the books for the knowledge she pulled from them individually.

    Once that's done, Ororo looks up and starts over towards the non-fiction section to find some more gardening books. She's likely read them all, and is even more likely the sole reason the school has any to begin with, and yet, she's hoping to find something new.

    And she does.

    "Good afternoon Emma." Ororo says in casual greeting, her white hair curtaining her face and falling off her shoulders as she looks up to the blonde with those caring eye that can enrapture anyone she focuses on, making them feel like the only person in the room.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take a moment to glance over at Ororo, dipping her head in the direction of the teacher. "Ms. Munroe, I hope that all finds you well." Emma gingerly repositions the thermos she had so to give Ororo her full attention. "I hope that your classes and activities are going well and that you're not having any sort of disciplinary or instruction problems with the studetns or other faculty." She would smile.
    "But I do suppose that you're not the one to tolerate such things and that your students have gotten the impression. What are you researching at the moment?" Emma having not seen hte titles of what Ororo was reading.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo pauses at that, and gives Emma a deep look. Bending forwards with her hands on her hips and her eyes slowly squinting towards the rollercoaster of a woman and then the facade cracks with a faint smile, "There's always something going on, bunch of hormones and nerves, and everyone is going through drastic changes at all times. And then there are all the teenagers too." Ororo says, deadpan and brutally honest. "So, things are about as good as can be expected.

    A hand moves off her hip to curl and cross with the other before her abdomen and she turns to look at the books, "I was hoping to find something on the nature of the Westchester soils and find a new farmers alminac to know what kind of perennials would be best to grow this year."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would turn her attention to Ororo once more and fold her hands together, "I wouldn't necessarily call the soil here particularly high quality. As far as I'm aware this region was never utilized heavily for farming or any sort of livestock. Which indicates that it wasn't considered cost efficient to do so to any sort of high degree, at least that I'm aware of. You'd have the most luck likely researching the types of things that would grow in the forest. I don't think it's appropraite for any sort of high yield farming unless you're looking for something smaller scale or for matching plants."
    As Ororo goes on about 'perennials' Emma would ah at her. "Fair enough>"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "No worries Emma, I wouldn't be starting a farm up here, though live stock isn't unheard of." Ororo notes, recalling the recent and even further past of the area. It did all used to be wild lands nearly 200 years ago. Not that long in a grander scale view. "And I'm not opposed to bringing in potting soil, but I'd rather be in harmony with the environment than bending it to fit my whims." Ororo says, unawares that the sentiment could be a thesis for her world view in general.

    The witch pauses slightly before asking, "What brings you to the school this time?" Not judging, just a polite question to keep the conversation going and to get it off herself.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Ororo, "Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was useful for anything." She would smile and going to look out the window< "I don't think that you're going to find a great deal here, at least of the aesthetically pleasing variety. Here is mountain territory. Things are evolved to grow in the forest. It does make them quite natural and fitting, just they tend to be not as.. Beautiful as most would be. I fear that you're not going to find much of particular use native to this area."
    She would reply to Ororo's question. "I'm here merely to do some reading and research, and thought I should check in."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Being stumbled upon isn't exactly 'checking in' Emma, but I'm not here to give you the third degree." Ororo notes, not pushing the subject further and choosing to avoid a nature discussion with Emma, not exactly Poison Ivy, but not quite The Rhino either. Ororo smirks inwardly and then bends at the knee, plucking a book off the lowest shelf and skimming through the pages rapidly. The cover reads 'Back to Basics" and Ororo holds it up with a single hand. "What are YOU researching then?" Still trying to get the focus off herself and more onto Emma.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would twitch her lips upwards, "Why, I do believe I was here over in the library first and the one that made inquiries of you. Am I not allowed to etner in to here and come and go so long as I'm not disruptive?" She would go to fold her fingers together. "I'm reviewing some of the research papers on psionics. At least, some of the older ones. Before there was much open knowledge of them. So I'm going over some of the older theories on it from thsoe that might not have necessarily diretly had knowledge."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "With how chaotic this school is, I believe you could be disruptive and still be unnoticed and allowed." Ororo says with a knowing grin. A finger rising up from her page turning hand to point upwards. "At least in the moment." Ororo chuckles to herself before closing the book and securing it under her arm. It will be valuable this very evening.

    "Did you find any worth reading? or a possible 'Constitution for Telepaths'? I would be interesting in reading the founding fathers of mutants works if such a thing were to exist."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would look innocently over at Ororo, "But of course. However I also feel that goes to the majority of the faculty here. Even Scott, for whom his attempts at enforcing discipline can make many circumstances worse. I do wonder sometimes if he's ever forgotten what teenagers are like and thus not sure how to adapt his attempts at enforcement."
    She would fold her fingers together, "I cannot say whether such things exist for mutants, Charles would be the one to make inquiries of."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Scott means well, but he also didn't have the most traditional of up bringings, so relating to the kids might be a bit more difficult for him than most anyone else." Ororo says, looking to her right and over the book case towards the doors. Just in case Scott or someone else might wander by.

    "Naturally. HE does seem like he might have been the boy to sit around playing 'Ben Franklin' and 'Thomas Jefferson' of mutants, writing his own declarations and constitutions." Ororo says causing a chuckle to ring from her lips and a close of her eyes at the very idea she described.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Of course. Scott prefers structure and order. A rare thingw ith studetns.. At least those that are present. But too many here have not had any sort of thing approaching normalcy." She would look sad for a moment, and then it would vanish.
    "Then perhaps at some point some of the others could try and offer him some advise in ways taht might be more constructive than I might be able to if it would help him."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Wander by... nah. Piotr wanders in. He was lumbering through the halls in his (permanent - and has been that way for many months due to some weird magic cave mushrooms) armored form. His heavy footfalls are hard to miss, it's a good thing that the floors are reinforced and secure from super heavy weights. Plus, his size 17 combat boots offer decent cushioning. The other benefit to the mansion is that things are often oversized, so his 7'7" frame doesn't have to duck every doorway, just most of them.

    Motivated by hearing voices from within the library, Piotr decided to investigate. What else does he have to do? So, the metallic monolith of a man meanders mindfully into the room of stacks. His body is covered in black cargo pants and a black tshirt which is tucked in. He's hard to miss.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Scott? Listen to advice?" the words float over from Bobby Drake as he meanders in. "Unless you've got red hair and the mental powers to match, you're not convincing him of anything." He offers a smile towards Ororo, and then a bit of a smirk towards Emma. "Your projects do tend to have a bit of a habit of blowing things up, you have to admit." He reaches up to rub absently at his shoulder, still bearing a bandage for a wound that has yet to heal.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Piotr!" Ororo says in greeting to the impossibly polite man that is cursed to divert attention no matter where he goes. The man is grand. Tall. Shiney. Heavy. Ahem. Ororo turns her attention back to Emma and smirks, "I don't think a group meeting of people trying to constructively criticise Scott would be taken very well. Even if it wasn't Scott, most people wouldn't want to be in that situation." Storm then smiles back to Piotr and give him a wave before she turns and greets Bobby, frowning at the situation both men find themselves in. Bandages and chrome bodies aside, Ororo is pleased to see them.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would turn u and over to smile at Piotr, "Hello Piotr. I hope that you're. . Not having difficulties wiht your current status. And is it not one that you feel like is a priority to find to change?" She would inquire over and then glance at Bobby, "And.. Where is that from? Still leftover from Ms. Lee's enjoying little games?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Piotr smiles when noticed by, and called out by Ororo. He gives a thoughtful nod. His attention is turned to Emma and then to Bobby. Of which his brow furrows into a look of concern. Yet, he will not ask, pry, or even posit to invade and cast injury upon an already injured person. Piotr instead only says in his Russian accented voice, deep bass, and in humility, "Preveit everyone, I hope that I am not intruding." While there was a question from Emma, Piotr gives an affirmation, "Your assessment is correct." - on all counts. He cannot change, nor is he in a hurry to discover the situation. Beast is working on it.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby Drake gives Emma a frost inducing expression. "It wasn't a game. When one of our family is in trouble, we band together, no matter the cost. She needed our help, she got it, no questions asked." He looks over towards Piotr. "Sorry that you're stuck too, big guy. I've got a bite wound that won't heal up. Hank is..." He shrugs. "Not having much luck on mine, either."
    He does, however, send a smile over towards Ororo. "Glad to see you back. We've missed you."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "It would appear." Ororo says, a mournful look crossing her face as she levels her eyes upon Bobby, then his bandage, and then shifting over to look up into Piotr's non-eyes. She tries to put on a brave face and it wavers as she sees the state in which her friends are in.


    Ororo pauses, hurt, embarrased, regretful.

    The silence lingers as she fights the words out of her own mouth. "I am very sorry I wasn't there to help you."

    She feels like she let every one down and people got hurt without her being present.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would look over at Piotr, "No you're not intruding. We were merely having some discussion. And it's good to have you back, Ororo. Mister Drake is fully correct for once." She would look at Ororo sympathetically adn supportively as the group would discuss.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Giving a brief nod of acceptance, Piotr appreciates the welcomes and the people within the room. He stands quietly however, so that he can listen and absorb the current events of the day and the times. Plus, tidbits about Scott is always fun.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo's free hand is lifted to brush some of her white hair up and over her ear, hooking around and then lowered back to her side. "I would say it's nice to be back, but I wasn't aware that so many people were having such drastic circumstances and problems." Ororo frowns, looking away from Bobby and Piotr at once, but not trying to dismiss them. "If there's anything I can do to help you two..." Ororo says, leaving the invitation open ended on purpose.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her fingers together, "Then let it be something to remind you to be around more then?" Her tone light but also a reminder, if allowed. "And your friends can take care of themselves, Ororo. They appreciate your presence and assistance, but they can handle themselves." A soft nudge.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Not to be rude, but they can handle things themselves, but that's not how family works. We help each other because we care." Ororo says, a flash behind her eyes towards Emma and then Ororo steps closer to Emma, out from between the bookshelves and over to claim a seat next to Emma. "A family we're welcoming you to join, should you want."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let out a sigh, "Forgive me, you're right, I was out of line there." Emma's tone is apologetic. "I still.. Do not always feel like I know how to interact better here." With all that she has done, she sometimes wonders if she has any right to be accepted.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Don't try and look at it like that. Better. Worse. Right. Wrong." Ororo says, spinning her bottom onto a chair to never break eye contact with Emma, her book ending on the top of the armrest and Ororo curling her legs beneath her so she can lean onto the back half of the armrest and be intimate with Emma. Close. Personal. Meaningful.


    "You have every right to be here, every right to grow as a person, and as a mutant, with us, these people. I figure family can be a four letter word for you sometimes, but how about we start with something much less nuanced and simply say, 'Friends'." With that Ororo would extend her hand towards Emma, inviting her to place her hand in Ororo's. "Will you be my friend?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile a bit and offer her hand up tentatively, ".. Yes, yes I would like that Ororo. Please do bear with me. I know I'm.. Not the easiest person to get along with and that I've brought more of my share of.. Issues coming here and you and the Institute have accepted much of what I've done and given me a chance to make up for it.. Despite what I've done to hur tyou in hte past. So that.. Means a lot to me."
    She would go to if allowed tentatively offer her hand up a litlte unsurely to try and shake back now that Ororo's palm was up.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby had drifted off to be silent for a few minutes. Those nearby might have noticed the air getting a bit chiller as he did so. But he looked to Ororo, and like everyone in the family has come to realize, she is way better at managing these situations than he is. He had already lashed out once at Emma over the vampire flambe situation that had led to his bite, and that did not help matters much. He nods slowly to Ororo, watching her mend the peace with Emma, and he sighs. The temperature drifts back to normal.

"This is why we are a family, Emma," he offers.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo accepts the shake, but brings her other hand to cup the back of Emma's hand, making sure the blonde feels that touch, the warmth of having her hand enfolded, and to know Ororo sees her here, as she is. "We all have brought and caused issues, some greater and more impactful than others yes, and there WILL be bumps in the road, caused by ourselves and others. The thing is to not hold onto those and to work to make things better, and to start that, communication is the most important." Ororo says, lowering her voice and squeezing Emma's hand,

    "I hear you. I see you. You are wanted here."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Thank you Ororo." It's a rare, honest smile. One not borne out of malice, light mockery, or soft supremacy. It's a rare smile from Emma. A show of vulnerability from her. A rare enough one. And one that she's not trying to immedaitely deny and hide it away. "Thank you. This means a lot to me. To be welcomed here."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo squeezes Emma's hand once more, making sure the idea sets in. "You're welcome Emma." She says before standing up and taking her hands away from the blonde and picking up her book. "Bobby, come, make Emma feel welcome." Ororo says, winking at Emma and is obviously teasing.

    "My green thumb is getting quite thirsty." She says, explaining where she will be going, and what she will be doing as a way of extricating herself from the conversation and leaving it easy enough for others to find her. "Enjoy your drink Emma, and Bobby, play nice." She grins and turns away.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would twitch her lips upwards at Ororo, "Thank you. I wish you the best of luck with finding something to grow. And I'll find you later if you wish to talk solme more." Emma herself goes to get up, nodding at Bobby politely in passing. Leaving the books she had with her over on a table.. Then deciding to be proper, and make Xi'an's job easier.
    Going along to take them back to the shelves where she had gotten them from