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Latest revision as of 18:29, 27 March 2022

Shweaty Shtorm
Date of Scene: 27 March 2022
Location: Workshop - Garage
Synopsis: Ororo, Sam and Tabby end up in the work shop and talk theory.
Cast of Characters: Ororo Munroe, Samuel Guthrie, Tabitha Smith

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Wearing a white tank top and a pair of jean shorts that are cut off at the top of her thighs, and with a black and white flannel shirt tied around her waist, Ororo has sweat dripping down beneath her pony tail, and a few grease marks on her arms. The woman is in the work shop part of the garage and has a complicated piece of metal work on the table before her and she's growling at something as she pushes down with her shoulder against a wrench.

    "C'moooon!" She moans and a gust of wind blows heavily outside as clouds start to roll in.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has just parked his truck a bit ago, and has walked into the work shop. He seems to be looking for something upon seeing Storm, his brow raises "Need a hand?" He offers, he is wearing a pair of jeans and one of his older Xavier shirts, that is a little tight and stained it has seen better days for sure.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The warmer weather as spring moves further from the icy colds of the prior season means you can get away with a little more scant clothing. Or at least no parkas that could double as a sumo suit.

Which suits the blonde woman circling around one of the old junkers on the car hoist used to teach students anything automotive, up to and including drivers ed. So many dents for the panel shop classes.

Red cutoffs closer to daisy dukes in length and a turquoise tee showing off some tgone to her midriff let most of her skin breath. red chucks keep her feet relativelyt dry. Red cateye glasses on her nose while she catches some of that wind from outside as she comes in from outside.

"Huh, that'd do it!" she says with a smile as she sees Storm being a little frustrated. "Soo there goes some Gee Tee Ayy practice!" she states and eyes the carburetor and Sam offering to help Ororo. "Umm, WD40 fail?" she asks curiously.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo's feet shift and she's now putting most of her body weight into the wrench that continues to not budge. The carburetor is held fast in a vice, so the teacher is safe from really hurting herself, but she's struggling mightily, and worked up a heck of a sweat as beads drip down her neck, and over her shoulders.

    "Sam! I am glad to see you." She says, pushing away from the wrench and standing back to her full height. "I can't get this bolt to loosen. I think the mixture is too rich and I'm trying to restrict the fuel flow out of the injectors but I can't get to them." Ororo says with a frown. Did she always know so much about cars?

    Then a hand lifts and she is about to wipe her brow with her stained arm but sees Tabby and waves instead as she takes a moment longer to catch her breath.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie walks over to look at it and says "Let me have a look at it." He hmmms bit and moves closer, when he sees she was trying to turn it the wrong way, he will smile slightly "Let me give it a try." He will try turning it the right way, while softly saying "Righty tighty lefty loosey Ororo." He says this softly though just loud enough for Storm to hear but not to carry to Tabby. He does look over and waves to Tabby "Hey now, no putting more dents in the drivers ed car, you should be getting to the point where you can teach it not wreck it." He teases.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Wait so bolt's rusted or something?" Tabby asks and moves to the others and smiles as she peers down at the part as Sam offers his advice.

"Sam, I didn't dent it. Besides it gives the kids project work." she points out with a giggle. "I had come to mess around with ignitions. Hotwire the sucker. I had skills before I became an X-Kid all those years ago. Practical skills, sort of!" she states and chuckles. "No one lets me drive or fly anyway. Like they're afraid of something." she adds at her own expense. "But still gotta keep the skills up for full time X-Graduation." she states and smiles. "I should try booking more sim time."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo's mouth drops as Sam basically 'King Arthur's' his way through the bolt in the stone and she then slowly shifts her face to a very annoyed sort of pout. "Thank you Sam." She says curtly, obviously annoyed, but only at herself. Then Tabby is approaching much closer and talking about how she should be allowed to be a danger to herself and others. "Once we get this back in, I will let you drive me to the gas station. I would like the wind in my hair, and a chocolatey candy bar."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, a bit and says "You need some help putting it back in? Had planned on changing the oil and such on the truck, but can help if you need it. " He looks over to Tabby and says "Am sure we can find ya something on Craigslist if you want one, thats where Ah found Paige's Rabbit."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Sam hon. I may possiblly hunt down a cheap old bike. But if I ned four wheels there's enough rides here to borrow. Usually when we need to make runs for groceries and other stuff. Just hopefully no cyborgs attacking again. Whatever the crap that was about." she states and chuckles.

"But driving I am actually good at. Dad was a mechanic so I've been behind the wheel as long at I could see over it!" she says and mimics a driving motion and pulls the 'wheel down' with a grin.

"We Ororo shall definitely make sure that we have all the chocolate bars. None of that ass tasting protein and energy crap everyone foists on me. Stupid ass biochemistry!" she mutters at herself in a pouty tone.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "If you're wanting to help Sam, you are welcome, but if you have other things you need to do, don't feel obligated to help me." Ororo says, as she steps back up to the vice and scrunches her face as she reaches in and puts her fingers on the injector and from there turns to grab a smaller looking crecent wrench and sticks it in and makes a small adjustment. "All done!"

    "Sorry I got snappy Sam." Ororo offers as she undoes the vice and keeps the carburetor from falling with a hand on it before she carries it over to the car she took it from. "Now, Tabby, that biochemistry took someone a lot of time to figure out and work on, so lets do be mindful and not be calling someone's profession stupid or ass."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Oh trust me, I understand how things can get frustrating, learned my most colorful language helping Pa work on the truck." He says with a smile and looks over to Tabby, and says "Hey at least you get the flavored stuff, remember the chalky stuff they started with, be glad for improvements." He walks along "Truck won't take long to do I can help." His truck being a Ford 150 just barely over a year old.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"It's not the work. That I kinda appreciate but. They do need to work on making it appetising. I just keep a few bars for emergencies now. Flavor is an overestimate. Granola, oatmeal. Any fruit taste is drained by all that grain." Tabby pouts and folds her arms.

"It's my body that's Stupid Ass. Sure it's a fantastic ass but it would be nice if I could actually get my powers from an external source. 'Beto and the Summers Brothers. Nori. They lucked out. I got stuck with this metabolism. And I can fuel their powers. What a rip." she states and huffs with a blow of air up and over her looser strands of hhair that escape her pony taiil.

"See that's why I'm a delinquent! Gotta burn off all that energy when I'm not blowing things up and at least now I can put them to use in the name of the X and mutants everywhere!" she states and grins with a fist pump aimed skyward.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo smirks as she walks away from Sam and Tabby, trading war stories or power theories and eating habits. Ororo herself only smirks as her back is turned and she's bent over and into the hood of the car and is placing the carb and making sure the piping and tubes are all lined up and connected first before hand tightening her bolts. With Sam's help, the project will take no time at all.

    Then the wrench work and she's all done.

    Turning back to the two and smiling pleasantly pleased with herself. "Tabby, don't hide who you are behind excuses, you were always a delinquent." Ororo winks.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "But a fun delinquent." He offers, and does help Ororo. "Look at it this way though Tab, we don't have to worry like Berto does if his battery is getting low and having to decide when he can use his powers and when not to, cause he might need the energy later." He offers.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I am aware that I am the perfect example of a good bad girl!" Tabby states and grins at the pair "But Beto just needs to get some sunlight if he runs out of juice. I use up my powers I need a juice box, a nape, and a cold shower!" she states.

"Just glad I have way finer control than he does. One day I shall fly like you Sam!" she states and snaps a finger and lets a little blast of plasma ignight in a tiny stream like someone sparked a butane lighter.

"At least I'm mostly over my sense of redundancy when it comes to New Mutant pyrokinesis. One self esteem issue down. Millions more to go for everyone's favorite delinquent. Put Remy in a depression when he hears that!" she jokes.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo can't help but roll her eyes slightly at Tabby, so confident, and yet so willing to complain about silly things. Ororo knows she was like that too at one time, but that's the thing with growing, you forget things with time, especially memories. Ororo looks away and then back to Sam, "We should all be thankful for what we have, especially our health and friendships. Comparing ourselves to others is only ever going to make us feel lacking and upset." Ororo notes, starting with her focus on Sam, and ending it on Tabby, "And yet you all know I love you no matter the ways you are."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to Tabby, and says "Ok, but remember the important difference there while the proposition might be close tot he same, you will need something to protect against bugs, wind, walls and such." He grins and says "Ariel had to learn the same thing."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The upside of Tabby's minor griping is that at least she's not in one of those tailspins of depression that comes with the amount of trauma she's seen. At least the littlemstuff is amusing most of the time.

"If I wasn't i wouldn't keep coming back here to all of you my awesome adopted family!" Tabby points out to Sam and Tabby in as sweet a disposition she can manage without inflicting diabetes.

"One day. Sustained flight is such a drain on me. Plus well, I'm still blasting myself literally at point blank range with enough force to bounce a human body. Good for surviving a fall, bruising instead of breakage. Mostly I'm not impact resistant. Just fire and heat. Not so much getting around. And yes I've known yu long enough to know to wear goggles or glasses and not open my mouth so much. Why oh why, did I swallow a fly?" she says and adds the quote.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "I think you should maybe talk to Rogue and Jean, about that." Ororo says, knowing her own version of flight is something that's beyond normal thought and science, but she's not going to bring that up. "I feel they both have better ideas about self locomotion than I might." Ororo leans against the car and smirks as she pulls the keys out of her pocket and tosses them towards Tabby. "I think it's time to go." Then a look towards Sam and he's given a huge smile, "Thank you so much for the help. I was so lost and was about to get incredibly frustrated."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Well if I am around will do my best to catch ya if your falling." He offers a smile and looks over to Ororo "Anytime. Oh yea." He walks over to his truck and gets a small wooden box, and hands it to Storm. "I think I got it figured out thanks."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Well for me it's just aim a plasma stream downward. It's like recoil But instead of one blast, it's a bunch all at short range and shaped. I suppose kinda like Sam's blast field." Tabby says to the Cannonballa. "And I can always count on you to catch me when I needed it Sam!"

The keys tossed to Tabby get caught and the blonde bounces on the spot brightly before sherounds the car to git the drivers seat to hop in and start up the engine.

The adjusted Carb does the trick and the engine purrs with a few revs.

Peeking to Storm she waves her in and reaches over to open the passenger side. "Come for a ride in Xavier's love machine!" she invites in her best Cheech Marin impersonation so they can gas up and then load up on sugar.