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Latest revision as of 18:11, 28 March 2022

Storm's Flyin Lessons
Date of Scene: 27 March 2022
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: A random conversation in midair about how to better ones self
Cast of Characters: Ororo Munroe, Rogue, Monet St. Croix, Jean Grey

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    It's been one heck of a weekend. Bumping into Emma randomly after her return to the mansion while looking for some unread materials for the gardens she's wanting to work on this year. Then bumping into Sam and Tabby after that in the garage and work shop, then driving off with Tabby to get some indulgant candies. So now, in order to catch her breath, Ororo has taken to the skies.


    Hovering a few inches off the ground, her barefeet just out of reach of the tallest blades of grass. The weather witch, lingers in the air as a brick isn't want to do. With her back to the school and her eyes upwards on the clouds over head, Ororo seems lost in thought.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue comes flying in from the south west, looking to be just her normal self at first... donning her green and gold bodysuit, leather jacket, and tall yellow boots, her green bandana fluttering in the wind along with her wild two-toned hair.

But as she sees Ororo up there, she flies toward her, and when she's within range, its become evident that the Belle's bodysuit... is shredded. Tastefully so, but still, there are claw marks across her thighs, her arms, and even her chest and stomach, the small of her back too!

"Heya, Stormah." Rogue announces as she slows to a stop up near the other woman.

She just looks around the skies. "Heard they were callin' for snow t'day. You gonna spare us from that chill?" She inquires with a grin.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would come on in, floating down and seeing the others, and lgance over at Rogue, "What happened?" SHe would inquire thoughtfully. "Thsoe claws do not look over like Creed's." She would analyse over. "Your skin does not appear to have been pierced either. THey do appear to be animal." Her tone woudl be thoughtful over in her analysis as she would join the others.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Her eyes are milky white, and her hair flows freely in the breeze that keeps her off the ground, but as an outside force tears through the atmosphere in a somehow familiar pattern, Ororo's eyes slowly return to their vibrant blues and she smirks towards the ever teasing Rogue.

    "I'm debating on it. Though I can assume what you'd prefer, especially given the state of your uniform." Ororo says, teasing Rogue in return with as much mirth as she's ever shown.

    Giving a smile to Monet as she too arrives, Ororo takes a deep breath, tasting the chill in the air that hints possible snow in the future and feels the cool in her lungs.

    "Maybe some exercise before the cold cometh will help you all keep warm." Ororo chides.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue puts her hands down on her hips as she just eyes the other two, with a smirk showing on her lips. "I just came up outta New York where I fought some damn tiger lady. I think I've had just about enough exercise." She replies to Ororo before she eyes Monet. She upnods once at her. "You up here to this afternoon, huh? All the flyers out here havin' a skyborn reunion?" She grins after asking that last bit.

Rogue still hasn't explained her costume, though... the tiger thing may kinda do the job for her.

"Storm. How have ya been lately? haven't heard any news on your end for awhile now...."

Jean Grey has posed:
It is a lazy Sunday, and so Jean is spared much of the worst of her usual responsible-person workload. She is out on the back patio with a book! Although also, again, with a fluffy sweater, where days ago people were bouncing around in swimwear, because... well, New York is like this.

In general, the coming and going of folks is not a reason to interrupt her reading. Not even flying folks. People do all kinds of weird stuff around here! Usually, as long as the kids aren't trying to kill each other in gladiatorial combat, it's probably fine. And no reason to interrupt her well-earned relaxation. She sticks her tongue out, wets a fingertip, turns the page...

Oh. Rogue's clothes are shredded. This doesn't quite rise to the level of student combat, as it happens more often than one might imagine. But still...

"Jeez, what'd you do?" she looks at Rogue, and shakes her head. As for the weather, she does confirm: "Yeah, forecast says flurries, though it's not going to stick, little warm for that still." She doesn't make any request of Ororo both because, well, she's lived up here her whole life and is quite zen about the fickle weather, and because it's a bit much treating her friend like a walking thermostat!

And so her mind goes back to topic #1. "Tiger lady?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would float up and over, crossing her arms over and cock her head. "Tiger lady?" She would muse. "Interesting. Was she specifically hostile to you or were youe ngaged with her on some other matter or interrupting her?" She would query over and then look at STorm.
    "You appear to be functioning adequately." Then glancing over at Ororo with a subtle frown, "Is she always this theatric? Or only on special occasions when she feels the need to be dramatic? Or is this her default state?" Apparently M is attempting to work on that whole 'humor' thing over.

"I do not find the weather particularly discomfitting so long as it is not extreme. And I hope all is well with you Ms. Grey." M herself hasn't been out much since being brutalized by her engagement with the mad six limbed doctor.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Storm chuckles, "A tiger lady." Shaking her head the whole time, and then allowing Rogue's verbal jabs to roll off her as though she were the solid rock in the river. Ororo simply blinks at Rogue, listening to her, but not interrupting or even responding, allowing the southerner to talk and talk and talk and talk as she is want to do from time to time. The thing about being a good listener, is to listen much of the time.

    Then Rogue asks a question direclty, "I'm much better after taking a small away for myself, doing some soul searching, nothing fanciful." Ororo notes, explaining her small absense of late.

    Looking over her shoulder back to Jean, and smiling with a polite finger wiggle wave to the red head, Ororo's demeanor and expression indicate to the headmistress, that things are perfectly fine and under control, but she's more than welcome to come be apart of the entertainment.

    "Fine fine, no exercises if you insist so, but an eyebrow towards Ororo, "You think I'm theatric or she is?" Ororo asks of Monet, with a motion towards Rogue to indicated who 'she' might be.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just hovers there in mid air with her hands on her hips, her yellow gloves poking out of one jacket pocket. She glances over, and down, at Jean below, then back up and over at the other two flying up in the sky with her. "Tiger Lady. Yep. She was attackin' this kid I met in the city. He fancies himself a Wonder Woman.... boy. He was gettin' his ass royally handed t'him by the fuzzy chick. Like she broke bones and was tossin' him on a roof. Playin' with him like Scott's cat does a mouse, right before snappin' its neck, ya know? Thankfully I---" She places her left hand over her chest, and the slice marks revealing some skin underneath. "---was there t'save the day." She states, showing off a bit of a sweet smile.

"Took the boy back t'his people. Chased the Tiger lady back inta the alleys... Tried t'hunt her down later, but wasn't able to. So here I am, gotta go inside and get a change'a clothes, I guess..." She states then dropping her eyes down to herself, the front of her right thigh mostly exposed from the tears.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look to Rogue, "If you need something to wear before you go inside I can offer." She would incline her head over to Ororo and then look over at the tall woman. "You were." She would gesture at Storm. "You were speaking in third person while altering the weather to some degree and were making broad statements while doing so portending of ill omens." Yes, Monet considers that attempting to be dramatic!
    "If you are attempting to do so in the future, I might suggest adding some more nuance to it. A subtler buildup often gathers a more effective response." Glancing over at Rogue. "Wonder.. Boy?" Ah, yes, she recalls him from her time at the Embassy. "Curious." Analysing it. "Toying with it's prey."

Jean Grey has posed:
Just like with volleyball, Jean seems exercise-adverse. She's a brainy gal! The body? Pft, that's TIRING.

... of course flying for her is a brain thing, but nevermind ...

"Wonder Woman Boy?" She wonders at this phrasing. Still from down below! If there's any difficulty with them hearing her way up there, she can always echo the words mentally. "Maybe I ought to give Miss Prince a call later, just to make sure everything was alright. Her and Charles are old friends." Emphasis on old. Booyah!

Beyond that, though, she seems to dismiss it as anything too big of a worry, as it doesn't seem like it was more than Rogue could handle, tough gal that she is. Instead, she focuses on the perpetual wardrobe malfunctions. "We really need to find you something better to wear. Gotta be some kind of material that's a little more, I don't know, tear-resistant." She shakes her head. "Although I suppose nothing is going to be as tough as the person underneath, so it's always going to come to this." A hand lifts, gesturing upward to indicate Rogue's... state! So shameful!

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "I don't TRY to be dramatic." Ororo says, a hint of red coloring her cheeks as she looks towards Jean, and then Rogue who's busy showing off her impeccable skin. Then Ororo falls silent and leans the conversation more towards the Wonder Boy by not responding to the idea that she is dramatic.


    She gives the appropriate gravitas and weight to controlling the weather, such mother nature deserves. Yeah. That's it.

    Back to the distraction Ororo speaks a simple enough question, "Are you still going by Mighty Woman or have you been given a different moniker?"

    A look is given towards Jean, but Ororo just now notices that she was pulled up to an arial conversation with Monet and Rogue without even thinking about it when she started this whole conversation when she was just an inch off the ground. She's loosing control or focus maybe.

Rogue has posed:
Truth be told, Rogue has no idea how any of their flight powers work. She barely knows how her own flight power works, and its been 'explained' to her numerous times by the likes of Doctor McCoy. But she does hang right there with Storm and Monet, her eyes going from one to the other. She grins at them both before she looks over and down at Jean. She bends over in the middle of the sky and places her right fingers up to her lips to blow a kiss down to the headmistress. "Stop flirtin' with me, less you're gonna come up here an' do somethin' about it." She fires back, ever the flirt herself!

Then, Rogue looks back to Monet and just grins at her now. "You should take Storm through some flyin' paces. Get her t'build up her top speed." Which she looks to Storm at her question.

"Mighty Woman has stuck. The Media controls the narrative, didn't ya know, Sugah?" She teases before putting her hands on her hips again. "I like it now though. I got all kindsa social media clout around that name now, plus, it doesn't sully 'Rogue' any more than Nissan, Tom Cruise, or Star Wars has drug it through the mud already."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look over at Ororo, and then twist her attention over towards Rogue, "I presume that hse's mostly like this." THen to Jean, "Have you considered signing her up for some acting lessons? They might help her channel some of her focus to a more productive venue for expression." Then she would shrug over as the exchange would go on. Rogue hasn't asked for clothes.

She would turn to Jean and to Rogue. "Have you two considered eloping together? You fit quite well together and that would be the simplest way to avoid the drama nd spectacle of things at the Mansion and you could approach and do things at your own pace." THen 'Storm' and 'Flying' M would sigh melodramatically.

"Very well. And I take it that she's.. Mighty Girl then?" Pointing over at Jean.

Jean Grey has posed:
At SOME point, Jean gives in.

Even if it's not really any obstacle or difficulty, maybe she just feels left out all the way down there. Or maybe Rogue's taunting (or Monet's!) has encouraged her to 'do something.'

Or... maybe it's just that she finally got to the end of the chapter in her book, which looks to be the case as she marks her place by dog-earing a page and then sets it aside. With a dramatic sigh, she then gently floats up to join them. Unlike Rogue, she knows exactly how she flies, as it's probably a more conscious effort for her than anyone else: no different than when she floats utensils around the kitchen. Except in this case, she's the utensil!

"Acting lessons? For Rogue or Ororo?" She looks back and forth. "And no. Close! It was 'Marvel Girl,' for a while, when I first started. Kinda hokey, I know, but that was pretty early in the whole 'hero' craze. Nowadays, well..." And she gestures down her torso, the motion echo'ed by a yellow-crackling transformation of a portion of her sweater into the emblem portion of her costume, with bird in gold. It lasts just a moment, and then transforms back into a normal seweater.

"... I go with the obvious."

Having explained this, she hovers closer to Rogue, and rather casually slips an arm around her waist. "Hear that? We should elope. Whaddya think? Vegas? Atlantic City?" (The cheaper, shittier Vegas of the East Coast!)

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "You two would be a great couple, but the arguments would level the mansion. So of course someone has to mention the children. Think of the children." Ororo says as she spreads her arms apart and slowly spins while airborne. It's a wonderful feeling and likely a great reason her costume has those silly bracelet capes. Because they look GREAT and they make you FEEL better!

    Catching herself being a bit obtuse Ororo stops spinning and does savor the breeze like one would a fine chocolate cake before looking to Monet. "I couldn't possibly act, and anyways, we're talking about these two, not me." Ororo says towards Monet, more than happy to put the spotlight on the star crossed class split lovers.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue hadn't asked for clothing becuase her tears were not as bad as they have been before! These are just simple claw marks in convenient locations! She openly laughs softly at the talk of acting lessons, then sees Jean rising up to join them finally. She shakes her head gently side to side at the notion of them eloping. "We'd never be able t'decide who takes whose last name. It'd become the fight'a the century."

As Storm brings up a similar point, Rogue motions toward her, then Jean has a arm around her, and the Belle lays her head over on Jean's shoulder, fluttering her eyelashes at the redhead. "Jean Elaine D'Ancanto Carlyle." She says in a sweet tone. "It just rooooolls right off the tongue, don'tcha think?" She says over to the other then., playing up the southern part of her style quite a lot in this moment of silliness.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod at Ororo, "Yes, the two of you have amazing chemistry. And there is no reason to not have some sort of official ceremony for it. And if you were to perform such a thing, you could simply use a hyphen. And I'm sure you'd fight anyways. Over who does the dishes, who gets to order pizza, what will be watched on Netflix.." She would purse her lips.

"So not much different from what goes on now, come to think of it."

Back to Storm for those bits on 'acting'. "Of course you could. You would merely have to tone yourself down and have a sense of buildup. You rush right into the melodrama by default. Some restrainti n the matter would lend itself to far more pathos. The constant use denies it a sense of power and meaning."

Jean Grey has posed:
There's always something that wants to level the mansion," Jean objects, as if this should not be a disqualifying in and of itself. "So I don't really see the problem." Then she turns just a little toward the skunk-streaked head now on her shoulder to smirk at Rogue's suggestion. "That's actually not bad, if a bit of a mouthful. Or-" And Monet hits it, "right, we could hyphenate!" And make it worse! "Plus, I already have a couple weird future-kids, so we don't even have to worry about adopting. It's really win-win."

That, or her life is just a little ridiculous!

Playing into the silliness of all of this quite readily, she nonetheless turns her attention elsewhere when the topic returns to Ororo, who is apparently their would-be thespian. "We have a club here," she points out, because, well, of course they do, they have pretty much every kind of weird class, club, and activity, among all their uniquely talented students and teachers, "but more than that... we're only an hour from the city. So it would be pretty easy to get some good classes, if you wanted. Go down to Tisch or something, I'm pretty sure they have some options for non-matriculated students."

For the non-natives, Tisch is NYU's Film school, with a list of alumni that includes a great number of big name Hollywood actors!

"Actually, that seems like it would be something worthwhile for everyone," she muses, thinking about it further. "Not just acting I mean, but enrichment courses like that."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo isn't surprised how quickly this group bounces between subjects, so she's one to take it in stride and gives a frown, and even so far as to cross her arms beneath her chest. "I didn't realize I had such a problem. Why didn't any of you come to me sooner?" Asks 'Ro before continuing. "I'm not opposed to taking classes, and advancing education, I just, never thought of myself as one for the dramatic..." Ororo says, seemingly this weighing heavy on her mind, she never knew that was how people felt about her but now that it's been pointed out, she frowns obviously somewhat taken aback.

    "Do you think that is something I should do? Something I'd enjoy?" But no, she's not thinking about herself, she would much rather be here, working at the school, helping the kids, and the adults become better versions of themselves. She doesn't have the time to think about herself like that.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just flutters her eyelashes at Jean some more before she grins and raises her head up to look over at the other two in their flying circle up here. "Storm. You're perfect just the way you are. I've never thought you were over dramatic. Maybe not so great at quippy one-liners in high anxiety moments, but we can't all be me." She says with a growing grin before she looks back over at Jean. She raises her right hand up and moves it over to her left side that the redhead occupies, then boops her on the nose.

"It's your turn t'do the dishes t'night, Sweetums. I'll get the paper in the mornin' and fill up your cup'a coffee so I don't get your angry wrath come mornin' time." Now she's just being a sass.

"As for things in the city that don't involve fightin' Tiger Ladies, sign me up for it." She tells all three of them. "I'm always down for an adventure away from the damn school, and its annoying kids!" She grumble-growls then and even does a clenched fist shake!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "This is merely attempting to take some of your.. Focus and put it on a more productive bent. Because at some point, it will lose whatever potency it has and then it will no longer have it's aura or mystery to it. And at that point you will no doubt feel like you are not being taken as seriously by the students or faculty and you will attempt to level the school in a hurricane. So it is not only for yourself, but.."
    M would pucker up, then do a near flawless imitation of Storm earlier, "Think of the studetns. Won't someone please think of the studetns."
    Jean's commentary on 'multiple future kids' has M go to open her mouth.. About to start to talk about temporal mechanics and parlalel planes of existence.. Then realizing htat she really doesn't -want- to. "Having alternative scholastics avialable tos tudetns will be useful as well to help them find new talents. And to broaden their horizons. And then you could ensure that whatever play they put on at the end of it is done somewhere otehr than thes chool to help contain the collateral damage." The CEO of Damage Control needs a new space yacht.

Jean Grey has posed:
"Hmm? I just thought she was suggesting it because you'd be good at it." Jean has still come in (and up) a little late on some of these conversations, so the _why_ behind Ororo taking the film classes may have been something she missed. "I dunno if I'd say you're any more dramatic than most of us... we live a pretty highly dramatic life as it is, so there's kind of a degree of that to everything we do? But I'd say you have, more like... yeah, a certain kind of gravitas at least? Presence? So you'd probably be good at it. And it's always nice to have a hobby."

There's an element of 'do as I say, not as I do' here, as Jean is pretty BAD about neglecting other parts of her life for the amount of time she pours into the school!

Her nose crinkles post Rogue-boop. "Hey, I'm a pro at the dishes!" All that kitchen cheating with her powers! "But it could be interesting, right? I'll see if I can't get in touch with someone over there and ask about it." Which also causes her to quickly qualify for Monet: "Oh, not for the students, at least not the younger ones. If there are subjects we're lacking in, I usually look to hire rather than farming things out, since we still have... well, our security concerns, reasons for wanting to teach HERE. I was thinking more in terms of something for the faculty, for anyone who wanted to expand and learn something new. Or maybe as some extra electives for our college-age students, although that's probably a little more complicated if we want the credits to transfer..."

See, now she's gone and made something fun into something complex and bureaucratic!