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Original Boy Wonder Turns 26
Date of Scene: 22 March 2020
Location: Harlem's Paradise - Club
Synopsis: Dick Grayson's birthday sees the Batfamily head out to Harlem's Paradise to celebrate.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's association with the group has been limited for the past year. Batman had told her to stop wearing the costume. And in typical Stephanie Brown fashion she'd refused, and had gone it alone except for when she'd crossed paths with others, or those who reached out to her on occasions.

So depending on how much any individual did so, it might or might not seem unusual to have gotten the invite from Stephanie. Dick Grayson's birthday. A gathering at a club that was hosting a hot band that night. Though it was up in Harlem, the HyperLoop made it a short enough trip.

The invitations came from Stephanie, with a note she'd heard from Tim about it being Dick's birthday. So perhaps he might have had a hand, large or small in matters too.

Stephanie ends up at the club at the appointed time. She glares down at her handstamp that identifies her as a minor for the bartenders. "Aw man. It even glows in the dark," she says glumly. Not exactly neon, but it stands out clear enough. She crosses her arms across her chest and grumps. "Ageism is not cool."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake has the same stamp on his hand as he is walking up to Steph. "Well could have rented out a place, and not had to deal with the hand stamps, but I think being around a bunch of people not having them all out to get us might be the better time." He will step in and hug Steph. "You chose a nice place looks like should be a good night."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"It doesn't help that most of us *aren't* of age to begin with," Carrie points out as she, too, approaches sporting one of those hand stamps. At least she doesn't seem overly concerned about it. One more year and she won't have to worry about it in the first place.

Her clothing is stylish, but casual. Leggings, 'fashion sneakers' and a hoodie dress. Fashion yet warm and comfy. She could deal with this. Beneath her arm is tucked a box wrapped in blue paper with polka dots because wrapping paper for guys was kind of tough to find.

"Good to see you again Steph. Tim." She nods in greeting to the pair with a little thoughtful frown. "Oh, yeah, Tim. Someone might be gunning for you... Just FYI."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"It is probably the fancy ink that is really hard to remove without just giving it time and a couple of showers too." Barbara seems amused, but then she doesn't have a handstamp as she walks over to the congregating folks.

She looks around the club and nods slowly. "Good pick Steph, less chance of random bullshit in Manhattan too compared to Gotham's weird nightclub scene." it is a compliment really, also a diss at the Gotham nightclub scene. I mean the iceberg lounge, really people.

She is dressed for fancier clubbing, it is a Jazz club after all so she has on flowy black pants, a nice white blouse , and a short cut red leather jacket. Stylish, not cheap, and fashionable brands.

Dick Grayson has posed:
He wasn't aware there was a party. Honestly, Dick probably forgot it was his birthday while he was going over the information from the Bane attack. He's not on his crutches at least when he arrives in the club, dressed in a tieless dress shirt, tuxedo jacket, jeans and learther shoes.

Looking around at the club, he makes his way over to the table at the others, just in time to notice Steph's stamp....


"It's okay, you look fifteen anyway." he teases with a small smirk, teasing in his tone as he joins the others. "Hey." he greets.

And he notes the abscence of Bruce. Should he have expected any different?

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The odd looking young lady who came with Steph seems familiar. Cute enough, asian lady. Fit. The black dress that goes to her knees seems to suitOH MY GOD IT'S CASS! She put on a nice dress and everything! Someone must have shopped for her.

Standing near to Stephanie, she seems to blend in even now. Like she'd only just arrived, yet she likely has been here a while. She's like that sometimes. She has on a nice silver necklace, just a tiny chain. And is looking around like she's never been here before. Likely hasn't, actually.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown is wearing a dress herself. There aren't a lot of sightings of the blond high schooler in dresses. Fewer pictures whose photographers survived the taking. It's a simple enough dress in deep blue, that narrows at her waist a bit, with a high enough neckline and hanging down to just below her knees.

Stephanie looks over to Cassandra, glancing down at her clothing and back up, a smile resulting that Steph knows would impart how nice Stephanie thinks Cass looks tonight.

She turns back to the others as they arrive. "Thanks," Stephanie offers to Barbara at her comment on the choice of club. She narrows her eyes at Dick. "I know where you sleep Grayson," she reminds him. "Not, like, literally. Somewhere in a building. But I'm persistent."

Stephanie smiles over to Tim and Carrie. "Nice seeing everyone," she says softly, and in truth, most in the group can probably pick up on she's feeling a bit self-conscious about having invited everyone.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake is in black and red who would have thought it. He is dressed in a nice shirt and slacks combo. He will look over to Steph "Like he ever sleeps, I think he only does it once, a month, and that's probably hidden in some cave in the mountains somewhere. " He jokes and smiles "It is good to see you Dick." He tells his brother. He looks over to Carrie and says "Someone gunning for me? But I am the cute one.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Awww, Tim, keep up that optimism," Carrie offers him with a teasing grin as she reaches over to ruffle his hair. It didn't help he was still taller than her to begin with. "Yeah someone might want to take your job. Someone small and angry," she offers back with a shrug. "You ought to stop by the office more to catch up on current events." Hey, they were in public, she had to keep things under wraps so far as conversation went.

Babs is flashed a grin in greeting, and a quick, "Glad you came out, Babs," Before her gaze slides over to the woman with Steph. Her head tips at Cass as she appraises her in a friendly way. "Looks good on you," she offers with a grin. It really did.

Then, not to forget the birthday boy himself, she offers out the wrapped package she'd brought to Dick. "Happy Birthday, Grayscale."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"What, the soup the other day wasn't my present, Carrot?" Dick offers with a smirk as he accepts the package, peering at it. "So, Steph, did you secure a table, or do I need to use some Wayne pull to get us one?" he starts to ask when Barbara arrives. "Hey Babs." he offers quietly, when Cassandra makes her appearance, he gives her a thumbs-in in approval.

"Speaking of smol and angry, where is the runt tonight?" he asks the others. "Or is he out with Bruce?" He honestly doesn't know as he waits for what he needs or needs not to do.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Why wouldn't I come out?" asks Barbara head tilting a little as she studies Carrie. Then she looks over everyone gathered together at the club like this. "It is really good to see you all out together allegedly having fun though. We should really do this sort of thing more often than just birthday parties."

She glances to Dick. "Happy birthday, I think this was Tim's idea.. but it may be Stephs. Either way good to see your feeling better." she doesn't pull a present out, at least not yet. "We probably should get a table arranged, I hear the singing and music here is good... well at least based on their yelp reviews."

She glances to the balcony "Maybe up there?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass turns, her eyes tracking Steph when she moves. The blush that appears on her cheeks is possibly the most obvious manifestation of her body language, and she adds a smile shortly after to say that it's alright. But she has little to really offer here, her eyes falling to the room again.

Until Carrie ruffles Tim's hair. That makes her quirk her head a bit. And the thumbs-up gets a squinched smile, as if she's warming up to Dick.

Babs' motion to the balcony gets her moving. She steps onto a table, then spins and jumps. And she's on the balcony, scouting it for enemies perhaps? Or she's claiming the table for the team. Good thing she went with the knee length skirt though. Apparently.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie looks to Dick and says, "What? Wayne name for a table. Pshaw. No. Of course not. Like I couldn't swing a table?" she says with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

She stops a passing waitress. "Ah... we have a table reserved. Barbara Gordon. Of Gordon Green Energy?" Stephanie pointedly does not look at Dick, her lips pressing together in a tight line.

Before the waitress can begin to take them up to the table, Cassandra goes scouting for it herself. Stephanie's mouth drops open for a moment before she motions to Cass and tells the waitress. "Sorry. Gymnastics meet earlier today. A lot of extra energy left over."

She starts heading upstairs. She has a present in hand as well.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will smile at the jump, and says "Well no one can ever say she does not put her all into anything she does." He looks over to Carrie, and says "I will have to check in and see what the boss plans on doing." He does look a bit thoughtful as he thinks a bit about what this could mean running scenarios in his head.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Uh-huh." There's a glance to Barabra. "Thanks." Dick offers as he starts to head up the stairs. He's still not opened the present yet. He's just waiting til they get to the table incase it's something that's super embarassing. Because he hasn't gotten a full read on Carrie's humor yet. He waits for everyone else to settle before he does, and orders the first round of drinks. "Virgin Margaritas for the kids, Barbara, want a margarita?" he asks, ordering one for himself as he takes a seat.

"Thanks for coming... it's important to know who will be there." he admits quietly, glancing down at the gift. And now he finally decides to open it.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs blinks and looks after Cass and then nods slowly as others make excuses there to the waitress. Barbara makes a mental note to be much more careful on giving orders or suggestions around the young woman until they get their tempo together better.

Lesson learned.

She shakes her head then follows everyone upstairs. "I'll try a lemon drop, see how the bartender does on a classic first before I get fancy."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
"Water," says a voice that nobody expected to hear. Cass' mouth is closing when folks look her direction. She spoke. Must be a special occasion.

Then considering how flagrant her moves were a moment before, she just sits and quiets. There is apparently no threats; her body says this is a safe zone. You can all relax, I did all the hard work.

But I'll be watching for assassins just in case.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches the jump upward with a half-laugh of her own at the sight. It was impressive in itself, but in a dress, she had to admit that was some pretty interesting stuff. The fact that poor Steph has to cover for her doesn't seem to bother her, either. If she didn't, she was about to jump in with a line herself.

Once upstairs she eases into a seat at the table glancing over at Dick with a smirk. "I'm more fond of pina coladas. They're like smoothies kind of." Plus she liked coconut.

For now she gets quiet watching as he moves to open the gift she'd gotten. It's nothing serious, really, just a new game for the console she'd seen at his place. Something cutesy like Animal Crossing.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie arrives at the table, giving Cassandra a small smile and then taking a seat beside her. She slides a medium-sized box across the Dick, one that is wrapped in midnight blue with a silver bow. "Happy birthday," she tells him. "And the margaritas sounds great," she says.

Down below the band comes on stage. Some group from up out of the Carolinas that has been building up a good Youtube following. The bass player has a full size bass and he starts the song out with a bass line that gets the crowd below going.

Stephanie turns and looks this way and that, clearly never having been here before as she takes in the sight of it all. She looks back to the group, smiling over to Barbara and saying, "By the way, need to grab you later." Whatever it is, she doesn't go further though, instead telling Tim, "So Tim, haven't had a chance to catch up in awhile. What's going on with you?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh, Damian's at prom tonight. He has a date," Carrie offers off-hand about where the smol brat was. She looks a bit amused about it really.

Dick Grayson has posed:
As he opens Carrie's gift, Dick chuckles, and sets the copy of Animal Crossing on the table. "What, needed to add something different to my copies of Call of Duty, Doom, and Battlefield?" he asks playfully of the young woman with a playful wink, as he nods, adjusting the order for the others as needed. He was about to place his own order for a beer, when Stephanie presents him with her gift. "What's this? It's an Amiibo, I'm going to start to wonder if I stumbled on Cass' birthday by mistake." There's amusement in his tone as he unwraps the silver and leather framed album. When he turns it over, and there's a picture of a very young Dick standing with his parents on the trapeze, Dick's voice catches in his throat. The usually boisterous Boy Wonder has no words for once.

He opens the book, thumbing through pictures, ticket stubs and programs, with press clippings and then he pauses at one page. It's an autograph page from a program. It's the first time he's ever seen his mother and father's handwriting on a piece of paper. His own scrawled signature, done in four year old hand is below it.

He finally remembers to breathe, unable to look from the book. "....Stephanie."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake starts to say something but stops looking over at the gift. he smiles a bit at this as he has seen a lot of pictures of Dick when he was with the flying Graysons. He looks over to Steph and says "Nice, been working on things in the family business, found a couple small business owners and was helping them out recently.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Don't act so tough, you'll love that game Dick." Barbara settles in there at the table leaning back. The present from Stephanie though surprises her and she leans back forward to look it over from across the table. Trying to get a look at what has him so choked up. She looks back to Stephanie and gives her a very encouraging nod then looks back to Dick.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A hand under the table squeezes Steph's, gently but with perfect aim. Cass is absolutely keeping up with what's going on, and doesn't want to draw attention to hersel...*coughcough* Sorry, couldn't pose that with a straight face.

A smile to Carrie is grateful, if uncertain. The bright colors of the gifts make her glance at them, but the only bit of what Dick's doing that gets her attention is when he uses her name. Even that is confused though; she didn't get the joke.

But his reaction to the book, that's awesome. She actually starts to cry, just a little. Smiling, as she watches his face.

Good gift, Steph.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You could use something to relax with, dork," Carrie shoots back with a grin of amusement. Sure it wasn't a fighter or a shooter, but it was something that had great reviews as a way to unwind after a long day.

When Stephanie offers over her own gift she watches with rapt interest... and her eyes widen with a low whistle. That was a great gift after all. Even her own expression softens watching his reaction to it. Knowing what she knew of his past, as they likely all did, that was bound to be impactful.

Steph gets a little upnod of approval in her direction along with a wide grin.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown takes Cass's hand and squeezes it back. She'd tensed up just a little bit as Dick was opening the present, which Cass of all people would probably have picked up on easily.

The young woman gets a soft smile as Dick reacts how he does. Though she tries to deflect a little, saying, "Alfred deserves a lot of the credit. Without him I wouldn't have found nearly so many of those." She does give Dick a smile though and says, "Happy Birthday. I hope it's a good one."

She leans back in her chair then, giving Cass's hand another squeeze as she notices the other girl's tear. "And he could use something to relax," Stephanie adds. "And I can try to borrow it when he's done this way, right?" she says, flashing a little wink over to Carrie.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"This is pretty awesome, Stephanie. Thank you." Dick offers as he slides the book over to Barbara. Out of all of them at the table, she'd understand the most. He musters up a grin finally. "Alright. One pass. You can come into Bludhaven once for a project and I won't bust your chops." he teases Stephanie slightly, giving her wrist a quick squeeze. "So don't keep me in the dark. What's everyone been up to? More than me, I hope?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "My gift for will be at your place when you get home. Did not quite fit well in a box, and would look a bit odd parked out front." He will tell Dick. As I said a few new young independents. I am considering seeing if I can help them make the most of it."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs smiles and nods a thank you to the waitress dropping off the drinks and then fishes up her lemon drop deftly and takes a careful sip of it. "Okay the bartender can handle the basics flawlessly.. safe to get more adventurous." of course that is really only for Dick's benefit.

"Up to. Well... been getting in touch with old friends and probably planning a party with them." yeah that is about all she can say in a club like this. Rich people talk if overheard it will likely be dismissed as.

The rate Babs has parties though should tell most it has nothing to do with that.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley allows herself a little grin as everyone gets settled in with their drinks to enjoy just hanging out for Dick's birthday. She takes her own virgin drink to sip at with a satisfied sigh, and then glances over the balcony at the music below. The conversation was still being paid attention to of course.

"Not a lot myself. I was put in charge of taking care of Damian, after all," she reminds with a wry grin. Thankfully she hadn't had to do TOO much with him as of late. Yet. She had a feeling he was biding his time.

"Going to need to figure out what I want for my own future soon though. Can't bum around the penthouse all the time."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The conversation seems to be cascading over Cass. She mostly is spacing out, looking at passersby. Watching the crowd, and not really paying attention. Until Carrie mentions Damian. Then her eyes lock onto the redhead, and she's no longer distracted.

Unfortunately that's all she 'says'. Sucks to have limited vocal capacity sometimes.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Wow, Barbara Gordon, reserving tables at jazz clubs and throwing parties." Dick givs Babs a wink as he takes his beer and sips from it. "So, noone wanted to jump out of the cake?" There's amusement in his tone as he folds his hands in front of them. "Apparently someone decided to gift me a membership to the Hellfire Club." he admits and looks thoughtful.

"I know we've been looking for an in for it." he offers to the group. "Ideas?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown flashes a soft smile over to Dick. "Thank you," she says, focusing on his offer back. The blond teen knows the importance of family, and it's very recently been heavy in her thoughts.

She seems happy to let the conversation move on to others. Though when it comes her turn, she says, "I did a tour of Gotham U. I'm still not sure if I should just do community college, or somewhere like that. Thought about out-of-state, but I'd rather stay closer to mom," she says with a little shrug.

Stephanie glances about at the group, having heard a name brought up a couple of times. "Who's Damian?" Stephanie asks them.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Who gifted you that?" she is a little surprised really, that place is discrete and hush hush. Then again Dick is a Wayne Ward so he does fit the rich clientelle description.

"Next I'll be buying yachts and lounging about emulating Bruce's lifestyle." yeah she helps keep up his billionaire playboy disguise when she talks about him in public.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks over, and says "Hey the more yachts he has the more we get to choose from for spring break." He jokes adding into the talk of the Waynes being just richy rich richs. He has heard a bit who Damian is he does keep track of most anything put into the bat computers second only to Barbra.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances over at Steph with a little momentary hesitation. It wasn't that she was against sharing this info with Stephanie, but it was moreso in this situation. In public. Where all the proper details couldn't be offered over. "Ah, have to tell you more about it later... But he's the boss' kid. Apparently showed up as a surprise." She glances at the others before offering a shrug. Easiest answer she could give.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Surprise is painted across Stephanie's face. "Kid, like... his kid," she repeats quietly. Stephanie leans back in her chair, sipping her virgin margarita and looking like she quickly becomes overwhelmed and lost in her thoughts that result. Probably wishing it was a real margarita, at that.

"Ok," Stephanie finally says softly, nodding to Carrie about talking more later. She's not usually in the loop anyway, not being part of the family. But the news clearly was a shocker to the blond high school senior.

Stephanie clears her throat. "Hellfire Club? What's that?" she asks, finally turning back to the other topic of which she hadn't any idea. Definitely not the kind of social circles she's run in that she'd have even heard of it.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"He got Maury'd." Dick offers with a roll of his eyes, and reaches up to rub his temples in thought. "There's something else I wanted to discuss with you all." he says as he looks around the table. "...there was a side project I was on when I was younger. Almost all of you know how it went south." What happened to Nightwing and the Titans is fairly well known.

"I have a friend. She's been a hermit since it all happened." he adds. "...I'm not sure how to convince her how to come out of the shell." he says, and then Stephanie asks.

"The Hellfire club is for the one percenters, Stephanie. They get together, share of their wealth and stuff.. and more... hedonistic things." Please know what hednoistic means.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to Dick, and raises a brow a bit to this. He is quiet drinking his drink waiting to see what Dick is wanting them to do or how he might be able to help.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
It means a lot of things. It means that the conversation has taken a life of its own, and noone is actively watching Cass. Who gets up and slips out, trying not to be noticed. She isn't going anywhere special. Just not comfortable with all the chatter, she watches them from the outside a bit.

There's a nice railing to lean against. There's music. So wierd.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"Definitely a later thing." about Damian. "When you come by for our talk I can help fill in the gaps there too."

"I think they must be into things beyond hedonistic... it is the real typical old money conspiracy so I mean sure if you got an invite go all in Dick and see what you can learn. They have exceptionally good security though."

She sips her lemondrop. "I could talk to her if you think it might help though." the friend who is all reclusive.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown looks over at Dick and says, "Hedonistic. That's one of those nice ways of saying... oh right." She makes a little tsch sound with her teeth and looks over to Carrie and Cassandra - wait, where did Cassandra go!? - and then shakes her head.

Stephanie hrms quietly. "Helping her make some friends might help," Stephanie says. Then gives a little shrug. "Just saying. Lot of people don't want to be hermits, just they end up that way."

She looks about again. "Um. Cassandra go to the bathroom or something?" She leaves out, or is she stabbing someone whose look at her was more meaningful than he'd have thought she'd read from it.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"If you could do that Barbara... she didn't react that well to me." Dick admits with a frown and a shrug of his shoulders. "Maybe she'd do better outside the group." Blowing out his breath, he glances aside to Stephanie. "I think she ninja'd off..." Oh wait, there she is.

"I have a plus one for the club. Anyone interested?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles faintly as the topic goes to Dick's 'OTHER' gift. She leans back in her seat taking a long sip off her drink. "Getting a foot in the door there's probably going to be up to you or Tim. I don't think I have the credentials." She pauses a moment with a slow frown as she thinks a long moment. "Actually, not sure what my credentials *are* on the non-business front with the Boss. To be honest I don't really have any sort of identity." A small slip perhaps, but one that had been nagging at her for awhile. Who the hell was 'Carrie Kelley' in this world without a mask of some sort? No wonder Robin meant so much to her.

Looking back to her drink she shrugs. "Probably written down as an intern or something somewhere. I could try to help with the other issue, I guess."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Speaking of friends, I am getting some of mine back together. Four of us have gotten back together off and on with a fifth who was there on occasion." He admits to the others looking to the others "Was going to ask, who else might be interested in a get together game night. Looking between Steph, Carrie, and Cassie mostly. He then looks to Dick and Barbra "Ok, if any of us or all of us are getting our bands back together, we going to have to work on keeping one another in the loop.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Then, Cass does the odd again. She walks over to the group, quiet as neenja. She has no gift to give, but she smiles anyway. And reaches for the boys' hands.

She looks at the girls, then tilts her head to the dance floor. Pulls on the guys. She seems...energized. Maybe even a little happy.

But not insistent. Hopeful.

Maybe she does have a gift after all. Just in her backward, silent way. And it's even home-made.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara leans and then points over to where Cass is by the railing looking at the floor below, the musicians, and keeping sentry honestly. "I think she wanted more space." softer pitched "and to do overwatch in case we get ambushed."

When Cass walks back over and triesto get them to engage in dancing, well okay. It is a Jazz club so it will be an interesting time, not that the Waynes don't know how to dance outside traditional dance clubs.

Babs finishes ooff the lemon drop and moves to stand "We could join the dance."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown listens quietly for a bit, dropping out of the conversation as it moves on to other areas that sound like they are more a part of their other thing. The comment from Tim though causes a curious look from Stephanie. She doesn't speak up at the moment, but Barbara might notice the blond girl glancing over towards Babs briefly after Tim brings that up.

The return of Cassandra brings out one of Stephanie's ready smiles. "That sounds like a great idea," Stephanie says, used to answering Cassandra' silent communication both verbally, and with her expressions. The smile flashed over to Cassandra approvingly.

Stephanie climbs to her feet, straightening the blue dress and giving a nod of her head towards Carrie. "Come on Red, let's show the old folks how to do this," she says with a grin.

Dick Grayson has posed:
When Cassandra tugs on him, Dick smiles, but shakes his head. "I have an early shift at work." He's still a police detective, after all. "But thank you, all of you." rising to his feet, Dick collects the gifts he was given. "I'll see what you did when I get home, Tim. Thanks." There's a glance over to Barbara. "You're in charge." he teases, before he's starting to head out of the bar to make his way back home.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles as she finds herself pulled to her feet as well. There's a hesitant look at the floor... But she was feeling a bit down now herself, feeling out of place in this world. Dancing might not hurt at all. When Dick moves to leave she calls out, "Happy birthday, Dick. Don't work too hard."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will stand and move to go with the ladies. Tonight Tim will be the envy of most of the guys in the club with all the ladies that he will be dancing around or with. He does more to lean in to whisper something to Dick before the other man gets gone.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
"I'll be in touch Dick, take it easy and stay safe birthday boy."

Then Babs looks to Cass and then grins to Tim. "Well four girls and you out on the dance floor.. that won't hurt the Wayne reputation." amusement as she heads out to join the others dancing.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A sudden kiss on Dick's cheek happens when hes distracted with Barbara. His hand is released. No fight, not tonight. And then she's challenging the ones who're staying. Not hard. But she dances, and it is filled with joy.

Hopefully they all have a touch of it, by the end of the night.