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Latest revision as of 18:11, 28 March 2022

Mayhem at the Front
Date of Scene: 27 March 2022
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Hellfire Meets Hellfire as the Rider is challenged. Burning away to ashes.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Daniel Ketch

Monet St. Croix has posed:
For thsoe that can sense such things, along the Brownstone areas of Brooklyn there is a deep sense of brimstone. Something burning in the air. Something warped. Something wrong. Somethong hot and heavy and with a deep stench to it. For many there's an almost instinctive sort of thing to get out of the area. Dark energy buliding up, and in the middle of one of the streets opens a burning portal.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
It is a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon in New York, so the streets are mostly empty, although vehicles come and go constantly. Daniel himself is riding his motorcycle, a helmet hiding his face, the coat managing the worst of the rain. He worked in the morning, trying to get some extra bucks to make up the many missing hours he got last month due to the usual crime problems.

And then the feeling of unease hits him. He is getting better at sensing magic trouble, but still not good at picking up the details. Still, the large motorcycle slows down, and he looks around warily. Until another driver honks the car horn behind him, reminding him he is in still in a New York street.

Fine! Danny is now looking for a place to stop. Damn New Yorkers.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Something comes forth from the portal slowly. First a skeletal hand. Wearing some sort of twisted armor. Then a booted foot. Then a flaming skull wearing a dark helmet. Wreathed in fire. Going to come out, looking like a demonic samurai with a skull for a head, going to take out a large glowing katana from it's hands. "I HAVE COME"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel does hear the voice from a block away. He was close, but not quite on target. His cellphone is on hand and he is checking if anyone from the Justice League is in the area. Or trying to, his crappy cell barely has any coverage. Typical. Grumbling, he heads to see what is going on. It can't be too bad this close to the city, right?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The demonic looking samurai reeks of hellfire, going to walk along with a flash in it's steps. It then slowly turns it's attention to the sensation of Danny approaching, however far away he is. Wlaking in that direction, the pavement sizzling and melting.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
And... oh yeah, it looks bad. But sometimes appearances are deceiving, the Ghost Rider looks like a monster and he is not really one. So, Daniel raises a hand and addresses the flaming, armoured skeleton, "hey, stop! Who are you and what are you doing in New York?"

The Ghost Rider is already pushing to get out, fearing Daniel is in danger. But Daniel is keeping him away.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The demonic samurai would look at him, skeletal mouth grinning, "A Rider. I have not seen one of your kind in.. Time has no meaning. I have yearned for a fight for eons. Now.. Now I have one. Release yourself to -face- me Rider! For I will be your DEATH!"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel pauses, as the armored guy addresses the Ghost Rider and ignores him. "Are you insane? You don't want to pick a fight with the Spirit of Vengeance, he would..." he stumbles back, feeling his other self burning. Being called like that always makes the Rider eager. He likes to fight too much.

But there is no innocent's blood involved. The armored skeleton is just threatening. So, Daniel keeps the Rider out. "Who are you?" He asks again.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The skeleton would grin, "I forget.." He would go to twirl up his fingers, gesturing with a fireball and then pointing at a nearby Brownstone. The hellfire hovering in place. "The proper incentive. ANd I.. Am Bludgeon. I will be your DOOM."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel stares at the creature for a couple seconds. Maybe he is a former enemy of the Rider coming for a pointless fight. Whatever it is, he seems serious about throwing a fireball to a building full of people, and he left his shotgun on the bike.

Fine, he stops resisting, and clenches his jaw as for a second he feels fire burning his flesh and bones. But it passes quickly, and Daniel is gone. In his place is the massive figure of the Ghost Rider, a skeleton clad in spiked leathers, a chain wrapped around his torso.

"Foolish stranger, you threaten innocents to summon the Spirit of Vengeance," the Rider states, his voice a deep bass. "You shall suffer for your imprudence!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Or maybe it's just a demon that's looking for a fight. Sometimes the damned have their own wretched ways stooped in pettiness. Whether or not it wishes to specifically engage the Rider.. Or he's just the first available thing.

The demonw ould grin, "I threaten many things, Rider. I also carry them out! And FOOL! You will die your permanent death today at my sword!"

The demonw ould grin, widely and sadistically to match even that of the Rider, bringing up his katana to a neutral stance.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Ghost Rider snorts in annoyance, quite the feat considering he has no lips or lungs. It is a very rare thing someone looks conflict with him for the sake of conflict alone. He is not an errand knight to be challenge in every bridge. There are important causes that require his vengeful attention, and Bludgeon is on his way.

The chain around his torso unwraps quickly, and strikes like a whip aiming to 'grab' Bludgeon's own blade. At the same time, he charges forward, ready to deliver a brutal punch at the other skeleton's face.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Bludgeon's blade snaps up, intercepting the hellfire chain. The katana takes it, the chain wrapping around it. The sword does not give or warp. Bludgeon digs his armored boots into the ground. Then goes to lift up his hand to try and yank over the Rider with a telekinetic heave to hopeuflly send him flying towards Bludgeont o meet a skeletal fist!

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Ghost Rider attempts to yank the sword off Bludgeon's hands, but rendering it half-useless with the chain around it is also fine for him. Getting pulled towards the demon is also a good development, since he wants to go into hand to hand combat with him, aiming the spiked fist for his opponent's face while making no counter-move to protect himself.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The spiked fist slams itno the demon's face, shattering his lower jaw. He responds by trying to slam his head down, using the horns on his helmet htat if the Rider were an ordinary foe would have gutted him from the impact!

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Rider pauses a fraction of second as the horned head smashes against his own, but there is no lasting effect, and instead or stepping back, he attempts to grab one of the horns of Bludgeon's head to pull the monster down. "This is but a pointless brawl; you are making me waste my time!" He grumbles.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The armored fist is drawn back, then Bludgeon would be yanked down. "Fool! Nothign is ever pointless!" He would cackle, going to try and snap a hand up to the back of the Rider's leg, trying to move to twist it around to get leverage by yanking at the kneecap!

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Rider is yanked off, but he doesn't release the horn, instead he pulls Bludgeon close, meeting him eye to eye. "Indeed? Let see the truth through the sharpest light of the Penence Stare," he states, trying to dig into the cackling skeleton's mind and spirit to punish him for his sins.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The demon would lash out at the Rider. Being lifted up and over by the neck as the Penance Stare would flash. And the demonw ould scream. Starting to spasm over in agony and howling in rage and pain. Burning in fire as his armor would start to peel off, his skull starting to turn to dust, melting away!

Daniel Ketch has posed:
And that is the main reason not to pick a fight with a Spirit of Vengeance. Even those who love fighting and think getting punched in the face is very fun quickly learn to hate the Penance Stare.

The Rider stands up, holding on Bludgeon's horn until the creature has crumbled to dust. He adds nothing, merely looking around for the witnesses of the battle, if any. Then his flaming motorcycle rolls in to stand at his side.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The demon is screaming over in pain and then there is nothing. Just the heavy scent of brimstone thick in the air and dust blowing away in the wind, scorch marks left behind. The heavy sense of unease is gone, and there is simply normalcy now. Of whatever normalcy in the city is.