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(Frank is on the hunt for an assassin. All Nick wants is a beer.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:25, 28 March 2022

Hotel Happenings - Regina
Date of Scene: 27 February 2022
Location: Hotel Dolce - Regina, Saskatchewan
Synopsis: Frank is on the hunt for an assassin. All Nick wants is a beer.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Frank Castle

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the chaos that has plagued the first few legs of the tour and the problems that errupted back home. It is good to get back to a sense of normalcy. Or at least what counts as normalcy for musicians these days.

Regina, Saskatchewan is one of the locations that had to be rescheduled due to the past troubles but true to Shaw Studios' words. They said they'd play there and dammit all they would. With two Canadian dates crammed in between the Estonia and Finland dates, there's little reason for the band members to want to do anything after their concerts other than sleep and eat and that's where they are now.

Somewhat zombified by the effects of several days straight of airline travel and concerts, several of the band members and crew just head straight to their rooms to pass out.

An equally exhausted Nick almost does the same thing but he takes notice of the bar still being open. He heads over there instead.

The hotel they ended up at, while not part of the Muse network they normally use, is pretty nice. Other than those involved with the tour, the only persons really seen traversing the lobby today were various business types and international travlers with money to spend.

He gives a halfhazard nod of greeting to others at the bar before taking his respective seat.

Frank Castle has posed:
Then, there are the internationally wanted vigilantes in disguise, on the hunt.

One thing people tend to forget about the Punisher is that he's fighting a /global/ war. He can and will go to the ends of the Earth and beyond if his targets run from him. New York is simply the most logical hunting ground most of the time because that's the financial center of the world, and there are plenty of people looking to get a slice of that pie by any means necessary. Frank had his family killed in those legal games, and he's developed a hard 'no, screw that' stance to people who take chances with other peoples lives knowingly. In this case, an assassin on retainer for a mob family he's hunting has hired onto the Tour in a previous port of call... but all Frank has is a fake name.

Now he needs to put a face to that name, which means getting a look at the records for the tour.

He's already been in the bar for an hour by the time Nick comes in, reading a tablet as he sipped a coffee. Meanwhile, Microchip has already been cracking into the hotel wifi network from that tablet to work out security options...

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick's choice of seat is likely not ideal for the man on a mission. Seated where the bar turns, the musician ends up with a pretty good view of those gathered around the area of spirits. But with the general sense of fatigue from the busy weekend, he's not quite registering those around him just yet. Just the bartender as he approaches.

"Guinness please." He requests, resting his arms on the bartop, "Just the one."

Frank Castle has posed:
With most of the hotel going to sleep, this is the perfect time to start getting the operationg going, and Frank casually starts to walk out of the bar with a very different gait compared to what Nick saw him last. Microchip has already found the security hub... and the main servers are on their own network, which means it's time for Frank to take over the security office and give Microchip a hotspot plugged directly into the hub, now that people are going to sleep...

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Drink order in, the musician rests his chin upon the curled fingers of his left hand. That arm drew the short straw with head propping duty while the performer lazily glances around the bar. Frank getting up to walk from the bar is only slightly noticed. There is something familiar about the guy but out of the locational context of the music park, the connection is lost. There was a bit of shuffling around with crew members due to the chaos in NYC. Hell maybe it's a member he saw in passing but never got around to speaking to.

As the beer is set down before Nick, he gives a small nod of thanks, taking a moment to fill out the paper slip that comes with it and sliding it back. Nothing tying him to the bar now, he gets up from the seat and takes his glass, giving a nod to the bartender. One nightcap, to go. Oh the perks of having a bar at the place you're going to pass out in anyways.

Frank Castle has posed:
Places like this usually have mostly automated security, with a couple exceptions... time to find out if there's someone in the security office proper.

Pulling out a visual probe, Frank brings it under the security door and takes a look around on his tablet, checking the room in a sweep.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As with other hotels, the security is mainly meant to help in the event a crime was already committed, not to prevent it. And while the cameras may be plentiful, the staff monitoring it is not. Nor should it be a surprise that the security room is not obscured in a hallway of its own and is instead sandwiched between the 'public' bathrooms and one of the gathering rooms that sometimes gets booked out for things like wedding receptions or fundraiser dinners. It is currently not in use.

As such, Frank is rewarded with the glimpse of no body behind the door.

Nick is unknowing of what is going on in the the convention area of the hotel at the moment. But, after last night, he knows it to be a good cut through to get to the other side of the hotel. He also knows he'd rather not have to deal with keeping mind of the discarded room service dishes that will most certainly dot the entire length of room corridor. So, heading that way he goes.

Frank Castle has posed:
One lockpick later, and Frank is inside the office. His eyes already on the server hub after another sweep of the room, "wifi hub being inserted now." Frank whispers into his commlink to the silent Microchip, who waits where he is for the signal...

The fob is put into a USB port and Frank gets to work on checking the various hotel rooms via cameras, streaming the contents via his tablet to Microchip for facial recognition.

"Not seeing the manager yet... are you sure he has a laptop?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the door behind Frank clicks shut, Nick comes around the corner with his beer, stepping through the wide hallway with no clue to what transpired here a few seconds ago. Walking past the security room, he barely registers the thunk of a door opening and closing.

"Excuse me..."

Nick slows to a stop, turning to look to who is speaking, seeing a reasonably well dressed man coming from the bathroom area, he glances around for anyone else he could be talking to but finding no one else, he looks back to him. "Yes?"

As Frank and Micro likely suspected, the hotel doesn't actually have camera footage of the inside of the hotel rooms. It seems like there's a law against recording such things. But the footage of the publicly traversed areas does allow for one to look through the comings and goings of the various guests.

Frank Castle has posed:
"Educated guess, but no, I can't confirm that." Microchip replies as he starts to work through the cameras and pair them to facial recognition. It'll be a while to process, and Frank needs to get room numbers from reception at this point.

Taking a moment to listen at the door for anyone outside, Frank checks the airsoft tranq in his jacket holster as he waits.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The well dressed man smiles as Nick turns around. "Ah! It is you!" He declares, excitement betraying the thick accent, "My son. Loves your music but he ended up missing your show after the shooting at the festival. He couldn't go to the rescheduled event. Unfortunately."

Nick frowns, "Ah. I'm sorry to hear that. Parco De La Musica?"

"Yes, that would be the time. He was looking forward to it."

"Well, I don't know the dates yet but, I do believe there will be another chance at the end of this tour. We tend to do encores in Ireland and Italy for these things, so... keep an eye out."

"Would it be too much to ask for an autograph?" The man starts, "For my son..."

Nick glances down the empty hallway and then back towards the lobby. "Yeah- sure. I'm sure we can find something to sign in the Lobby."

"Oh thank you!"

Exchange completed, the pair soon turn to head off to the Lobby, leaving the hallway empty in the process.