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Latest revision as of 07:12, 30 March 2022

Another Unexpected Visit
Date of Scene: 28 March 2022
Location: Mystique's Office
Synopsis: Azazel pops in for another quick visit.
Cast of Characters: Azazel, Raven Darkholme

Azazel has posed:
    It's probably the randomness of these visits that keeps them interesting. You can never quite be sure when and where Azazel will show up, sometimes at the very worst possible time. We won't even go into the time in the shower, but it was fairly crowded.

    Today's visit was at least in a semi-public area, as with a *BAMF* he appears seated in one of the chairs in front of her desk. "Working again? I'm beginning to worry that taking the Brotherhood legit is going to lock you into a desk job, and that's so not you." He settles into his chair, tail carefully tucked around him since these chairs don't have any openings in the back.

    "I know, let's go steal some politicians and drop them all naked into a bathhouse in SoHo. You call some reporters, scandal is always fun."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The days on the asteroid were getting a little easier now that the refugees were mostly in Genosha. A few remained in space, but most had become content with life among the stars until their homes were rebuilt or they had places to go. Few refugees meant fewer tablets on Mystique's desk filled with information that needed to be checked over. H & D had been life savers in maintaining security watch and keeping track of the thousands of supplies going in and out.

Sitting behind her desk, the cobalt mutant was actually watching a video off YouTube, stupid human children being, well... stupid. Some challenge that was going across the internet again, like the Tide Pods thing that didn't manage to kill off enough of them. Sure, there were some humans that were useful, helpful, even trustworthy, but anyone moronic to eat laundry detergent deserved death, as did their parents for failing to miserably.

When Azael bamfs in, her yellow eyes shift from the screen to the chair he choose and a grin plays across her face. "Not really working," she offers with a snort. "Unless you count hoping more stupid human children off themselves counts? No? Oh well."

Reaching over she pauses the video before standing up to walk around the desk and greet Azazel more properly, a kiss that could likely curl his tail. "Dropping politicians in a bathhouse does sound like a great deal of fun, but logically... they'll know it was you. Me calling the reporters would then link me to you, and well we know just how well that would go," she then says, sitting herself in the chair beside him. "Wonder Woman is not someone I seek to piss off at this time, so we'll need to think a touch smaller... or, I could just keep sending Deadpool to off the politician's quietly, in the back ground."

Azazel has posed:
    Azazel's tail does twitch a bit at the greeting, but pinned in the chair as it is, it doesn't have quite the room needed to curl up. "See? That's what I mean, always having to worry about image and all. And besides, this would fall more under the heading 'practical joke' then 'terrorist action'."

    Shaking his head with a sigh, he continues "Fine, we'll leave the politicians alone for now, but it would still be amusing." Glancing at the monitor, he asks "Have you figured out why humans are so set on killing themselves in the stupidest manner possible? I mean, I'm not huge on preserving them to begin with, but they're getting pretty damn stupid these days."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
From the chair she chose, Mystique can reach the beverage cart, so she asks, "Would you like some coffee while you admonish me for using the tactics of a 'long game' rather than instant satisfaction?"

She collects the carafe to pour herself coffee, and some for Azazel if he decides he wants some. "I would prefer to be out there slaughtering the human masses with my bar hands," she admits with a slight shrug. "But the long game is more important. If we're going to establish ourselves as a real power to contend with, and not merely some terrorist group as we once were, then we have to play the game, move the pieces, roll the dice, and whatever game metaphor you want use. It's logical, boring yes, but logical."

Adding cream and sugar to her coffee, and the same for him if he'd like she sits back with her cup in hand. "I have noticed a disturbing trend over the course of the past fifty years," she then says, getting back to the topic of stupid children. "Human children, in the US anyway, have nothing better to do with their time. Social media is their world now, and if subject A does something and succeeds, well then subjects B, C and D all have to try and do it better. They crave that fifteen seconds of fame, to be noticed in a world where their own parents are too busy to notice them. Honestly, if things keep going this way, humans will off themselves."

Azazel has posed:
    Azazel shrugs a little, then grins and replies, "Really? You're talking to me about the long game? I've been working on these morons since before they figured out that thunder wasn't caused by the gods fighting. And really, they never change. They were in general stupid four thousand years ago, and they're stupid now. The only change is that now they can share their stupidity across the world in seconds."

    He takes a cup of coffee as well and takes a sip, not bothering with putting anything into it. "I mean, you get the rare smart one, but in general, the faceless masses are still the same except that now they can all try and be famous for something, ignoring the fact that what they are trying to be famous for kills them half the time."

    He pauses and purses his lips, thinking for a moment. "I wonder if we could find a way to use that against them, convince them to try actually fatal tricks. At least it could pare down the population a little. We'd have to be careful though so it wasn't tracked back to us."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique takes a sip of her coffee as she studies Azazel, that same grin playing over her lips that she always gets when he is 'plotting'. "We most certainly could," she answers. "They were eating laundry detergent, I think we could one up that to a deadly combination and many of the kids out there would be stupid enough to try it."

Crossing her right leg over the left, she settles back in the chair. "I realize that you've played the game for a great deal longer than I have, Azazel, but you also have to remember that the normal life span of humans and mutants a like makes the long game more difficult for an organization like this one." She shifts slightly, turning more toward him. "Instant gratification has been the norm for quite a while, so resetting the thinking of the mutants who are part of the Brotherhood is the first of many small goals required. There are a few who will never change, like Victor Creed for example, so instead finding the route and methods to use his unique skill set and keep the appearances is a requirement."

Canting her head slightly, she then asks, "How would you do it? Knowing that Superman or Thor, or any one of the exceedingly powerful, god-like, human loving superheroes out there, could literally destroy everything?"

Azazel has posed:
    Azazel hmms for a moment, considering the question. "Well for starters, I'd go snooping around for any weaknesses they have. Nobody is completely untouchable, though some of them seem to come awfully close. Your biggest problems are the Kryptonians, they seem to be almost completely impervious to just about everything. I'd say talk to every villain who has fought them and see if any of them know any weak points you could try to exploit."

    "We know that some things can get through their defenses, even Superman got himself killed once. Sure, he got better afterwards, but the fact it happened means even he has some weakness. So that would be the most important thing to find out about. Once you can deal with them, you can pretty much deal with anyone else."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique nods a long as Azazel speaks, another sip of her coffee taken as she listens. "That is exactly the step we are on," she comments when he finishes. "Finding weaknesses, if they have them, to exploit later. The Kryptonians are the biggest problem, and there are /a lot/ of them out there at this point. I think we're up to like, what... five? I even met Superboy." She snorts at that then starts laughing.

"I more meant in regards to the appearances of the Brotherhood, that part of it. What would you do differently? I have a large number of mutants to protect, to keep off the over powered, superhero radar, and that is part of the reason I chose the path I have. The other parts of the reason are personal, so not as important to the current question."

Azazel has posed:
    "Honestly, what you are already doing is making the Brotherhood look like it has changed. You've been more open in talking to people, you personally did that thing with Wonder Woman and you've been putting out info about helping mutants by giving them safe place to live, including the rebuilt Genosha. You're pretty well covered there, I think, turning mutants from scary monsters into oppressed people who just want a home. Making the common man feel for the plight of mutants is the most important thing. Mutants are becoming more relatable to the majority of people, which is going to make them more acceptable."

    He takes another sip of coffee. "Mainly, you need to keep the scary ones off the news and away from the public eye, which means policing the mutants more strictly then the heroes and humans do. You can't afford to have Victor caught on video pulling someone's spine out, that just builds the fear and hatred up again. I use him for example, but you've done a good job keeping him out of sight for quite a while now."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A soft sigh escapes Mystique as Azazel speaks of Creed pulling someone's spine out. "I miss watching him at work," is idly offered. "Clarice takes him on her 'rampage against cruelty' missions, to help him from going off the rails in a public place, but he's just one of many who have a disastrous streak. Thankfully though, the others are easier to keep in check."

Finishing the last of her coffee she stands up to place the cup back on the cart, different tray of course. "I realize you worry about my pent up need to destroy something in a spray of blood," that was graphically accurate to what she sometimes craved. "But I have my methods for making certain its not observed, or I aim it completely and utterly at good causes, mutant causes of course. I have had to get behind a few human causes, or at least appear to be behind them, but the truth is that helps the image. After all, if the former human hating leader of the Brotherhood can extend an olive branch and help out poor, down on their luck, humans... what does that say for those humans who still hate mutants?"

Azazel has posed:
    Placing his cup beside Mystique's, Azazel nods, "Exactly. It's all about image, as the humans figured out long ago. Look at all the politicians and celebrities whose careers have been ruined due to one slip in their carefully crafted images. One thing you have the advantage on is folks like me. If one of those images is about to be ruined, remember that I can extract people from the scene very easily to cover things up. I'm always more than happy to help you out, but I think you know that already."

    "For now, I'll let you get back to work watching how the humans are trying to exterminate themselves this week. Errands to run and all, you know how it is." He pauses then continues, "Which reminds me, you should visit my island one of these days, I'm getting close to completing the place."

    He leans over to give Mystique a kiss, then with another BAMF, he's gone as quickly as he arrived.