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Latest revision as of 07:13, 30 March 2022

A slow bite to eat.
Date of Scene: 29 March 2022
Location: Big Belly Burgers
Synopsis: A new friend is made and future plans perhaps?
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Emiko Queen, Terry O'Neil, Belinda Gutierrez

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has brought Emiko out after classes this evening for something to eat. He let her drive to get here, taking the normal human methods to get here. He smiles over at her, and sends out a text on his social media "Big Belly Burger Queens, bought to make some $$$$" He looks over to Emiko and says "I put out am here so, see if anyone is nead by and wants to join us.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emi does love her motorcycle, and driving it, so driving it to food with Bart is all her favorite things! When they arrive, she parks and hops off, then grins to him, "Sounds good. What do you feel like having today? Is there like.. a Belly Buster Burger that's one of those food challenges so you can get a free t-shirt and your picture on the wall?" She's looking over the menu already, scanning her options.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry O'Neil is already close to the joint to begin with. Having just finished an interview for The Planet, he has a few hours to burn on his schedule before he has to jaunt over to Metropolis for his other shift. When Bart's message comes up, his stomach lets out a sympathetic growl and reminds him he hasn't had any food since the very early morning.

<<I'll be there with bells on>> he comments on social media, <<Just me, though. They've told me not to bring Gar over without at least a twelve hour warning>>

When he steps into the Bruger joint, it's in his human form- the red-headed twenty-year-old in black sweatshirt and pants. He's just turn the big 2-0 and he's pretty much kept it to himself. Not even Gar has found out what his birthday is, and if he has his druthers people will find out when he dies and they cut him open to count the rings.

It's just one of his things.

The reason he's not wearing The Cat form is because it was a message Bart sent on his civilian social media, and although Terry O'Neil is known to the public as Vorpal of the Titans, the human redhead is far less distinctive on first sight than the cat. After all, there are at least three other redheads who work at the planet who are somewhat similar in appearance. For all anyone knows, it's Jimmy Olsen who is coming to lunch.

He peers around, keeping an eye out for his friends, and heads towards their table when he spots them.

"Ahoy there, strangers!"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Scanning the menu. It's a menu. For fast food. In *New York*.    
Belinda kicks the chair leg again, practically pouring over the endless options. "Beef... chicken... fish.... Ostrich?" She gazes at the menu, eyes widening. "Buffalo, emu, pork.... Where are all the other ingrediants?"    
Pause, turn page. Stare.    

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Emiko, and says "I doubt it, with the whole hero communities, I think those are more often in the cities not as big as here. Seeing Terry come in, he waves to the other and says to Emiko "That's Terry, since he is not sure she has seen him none fuzzballing it. "Hey man, how ya doing?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko flashes a grin towards Bart, "Too bad. That would have been fun to watch." She glances over when Bart points him out. Then almost immediately double-takes, "THAT is Terry?" She blinks, then shakes her head, "Okay. Right." She has a smile for him as he approaches, "Hey Terry, glad you could swing by!" Belinda gets a glance, smiling as she goggles over the ingredients. "I know, it's a lot to get used to, right?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"In the not-fur," Terry grins at Bart and Emiko, "just trying to get by. Was over doing a piece for tomorrow's edition when I saw your message. Mind if I grab a seat and a bite? I can't stay long but I figured I'd visit."

He gives Belinda a small wave, "I'm Terry, by the by, nice to meetcha- if you want a suggestion, the Bellyache Burger Special is my recommendation if you're super hungry. But you'll be so stuffed you might have a food coma afterwards. It's the only thing that can keep my boyfriend satisfied for at least half an hour," he grins.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"Belinda," she answers absently, blinking as she drops the menu on the counter with a shiver. "*Mushroom* burger patties? You put mushrooms ON burgers, not just make a single sandwich out of them!"    
"Ah. Belinda Gutierrez. Attending Harbor-- Happy Harbor." She twists in her seat, eyes focusing on the mostly-adults with the glower only the young can bring to bear.    
"And New York is wierd. What is an emu, and why is it made into a burger?" She glances sourly, eyes askance. "Is this some kind of gringo Yankee thing like burgers made with flowers or putting sardines on a pizza or someone making a salsa in New York City and calling it 'original Spanish food'?"     
Pause. "Uhm. No offense?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "It is for vegetarians." He offers to explain about the burger shroom. "I went to Happy Harbor, and got a cousin going to school there now." He offers. He orders himself two of the bellyache burger specials, and lets Emiko order for herself since she knows what she likes the most.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Perhaps perversely, Emiko orders the marinated mushroom burger with swiss cheese, lettuce in favor of a bun, and she loads it up with other veggies. "For the record, I'm not vegetarian, but I've been eating too many fried foods lately and need to start getting back to my usual diet." To Terry, she smiles, "I didn't even know you -could- not-fur. That's really cool, Terry." To Belinda, she smiles, "I was homeschooled, so I get to be super weird."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I can, I simply prefer to keep the cat in the spotlight more often so that when I go human, people have very little clue of who I am at first sight," Terry explains, deciding for a small cheese-burger instead. He can't fall asleep at his desk on shift two. "It's why I have the Cheshire photo as my byline and I don't let Gar take candids of me out of the fur. I may not have a secret identity, but I make sure one face gets the media circulation and the other one stays away from the sun enough." He smirks, "Besides, being this pale and this ginger, being in the sun is dangerous for me."

He glances at Belinda after her musings on the food. "Experimentation is the spice of life. Every culinary stroke of genius has come from someone going 'what if I mix...' and going with things nobody thought could go together. Like bacon and chocolate." He holds up a hand, "I know, you go 'ew' when you hear it, but have one of those chocolate-covered bars with bacon in it and your eyes will go 'whoa'."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda Gutierrez scrunches her face up at Emiko's order, stifling a sigh as she places her own order. Burger, regular beef, with ham and bacon and-- "Chorizo!" she exclaims with a squeal. "Also add peppers. Spicy-hot ones, please."    
"You are in the Biggest of Big Cities," she says, leaning on the back of her seat. "World-famous for spiders and supers and people who burst on fire unexpectedly, so-- wierd, allowed." She affects a serious tone, raising a finger in the air. "You are absolved for one day of being Normal. So let it be written, so let it be done, and may the burgers be well-cooked and edible and dressed with mustard."    
She casts Terry a sharp glance, eyes keen. "Furred? Like always with a furry coat, or furry collared jacket, or one of those strange hoodies from Japan that have built-in cat-ears and-- ooh, chocolate with bacon. Take jerky or just regular pork strips, cut to size, cook-- then dip in chocolate, allow to cool, and serve!"    
She leans back, quivering with relish. "Deliciosa!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Terry and smirks, letting him answer the question asked by the other. "Oh speaking of that, need to talk to you, Gar, and maybe Kian about doing some social media adds in a few months once a project we are working is getting off the ground." He looks to Emiko "I am a bad influence?" He smiles at her though

Emiko Queen has posed:
"That's fair. The ones that go public, like fully public? Do seem to have a rougher time of it, trying to keep personal and public lives separated." Emiko gives a nod towards Terry, smiling brightly. She looks back to Belinda and chuckles, "Thank you, but I embrace the weirdness. I've found it's far easier to embrace it than to try and deny it." To Bart, she leans up and presses a kiss to his cheek, "Best bad influence." Then she's nodding and looking back to Terry, "We have the location, the funding, the big name backing... we're working on getting everything into place, and when we have the staff, we'll do a huge grand opening event with lots of press and social media influencers invited so we can spread the word."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I'm as public as can be," Terry chuckles to Emiko, "Everybody knows Vorpal is a Titan and is also Terry O'Neil, on paper. Just not a lot of people remember this punim," he gestures to his face, "when compared to the Cheshire, or my very handsome boyfriends. Looking like your regular neighborhood kid helps a lot because everybody else is staring at the gorgeous space princess, the Greek goddess, the Nightwing with the legendary butt, the half-naked chiseled guy in a loincloth or the handsome green guy with the goofy humor." He leans back, taking a sip of his coke, "And so I put on flesh when I want to hide in plain sight."

He glances at Belinda. "Oh, no, I wear my own fur. I sometimes turn into the Cheshire Cat when I'm with the Titans. Don't tell ayone here, though, they'll want me to turn into the cat. And then they ask me if they can pet me. And that's /super/ awkward," he chuckles.

"Oooh, a project? Consider it done. Gar has a big social media following so he can help with that, and if it's something that could use Planet coverage, let me know and I'll talk to Miss Lane about getting a feature in."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda's eyes widen a moment; another question forms at the edge of her lips, and--    
"Ah! 'Scuse," she asks, scrambling for the cellphone at her hip. A quick glance and she blushes, exhaling through pursed lips. "Got to go touch the bus stop before it leaves me behind. First day!" She shifts around in her chair, pushing it back before she rises. And then, with a wicked flash, slips over to give Terry a wild rustles through the hair. "Pet for the road?" she suggests, teasing. A tousel and a quick wave later, she runs for the counter, switching her dine-in order to go instead. And all but running out the door. Right-- then left. Bus stop!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit at the behavior from the young lady, and as he gets his food, he looks over to Terry, and says "An animal rescue project but a large scale one that is non kill, and takes in animals other places either can't handle or can;t find homes for.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko lifts a shrug and smiles at Terry, "Don't look at me, I'm fairly forgettable when it comes to appearance. And I tend to notice... everyone. Habit. But I do get what you mean. It's easy to fade into the background when you're surrounded by impressive people." She just smiles as Belinda leaps up and runs around, "I like her. She seems fun." Then she's back, ruffling Terry's hair, and running off. "Yep, definitely like her." She looks back to Bart and Terry with a nod, "We're going to be focusing on taking in all the 'unadoptable' animals that get stuck in shelters. They'll have a home for as long as they live. And hey, if the press gets out and people start wanting to take on the special needs animals, or the unfortunate ones that lose limbs or need help... then all the better. But it will be strictly no-kill. And if it takes off well, then we can expand into more types of animals. Livestock, circus animals, sea creatures... anything that need a safe space, whether temporary or permanent."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry sighs. The ruffle having done very little to bring disarray to his hair, which is already a fiery chaos to begin with, no matter how hard he tries to style it. It has a mind of its own.

"She does seem fun," he agrees as his order is brought and he starts digging into the burger with gusto.

"That sounds like a great thing, we'd definitely be interested in helping! And getting the animal-themed members of the Titans involved is a crafty bit of marketing for the cause. I approve."

Just as he is letting out a MmMMMmm of delight at the taste, he is interrupted by a loud buzzing from his sweatshirt. He extricates his beat-up and very cracked phone from it and sighs upon seeing the text message that is displayed on the screen. "Looks like I have to eat on the go. A lead I was hoping to get access to has unexpectedly come my way, but they're only willing to meet for an hour before they have a plane to board, so... no rest for the wicked."

He grins and wraps his burger in napkins, and uses the plastic wrapper that lines the bottom of the basket as an impromptu bag. "I hate to bite and run, but catch me up later and we'll get Gar and the rest involved in the shelter idea!" he says, standing up and holding the burger, "Look! A doggy bag!"

And with that Terry-ble joke, he makes his way out.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and pulls his phone out and sends a couple of pictures to Terry. Two one eyed black kittens playing with a feather on a stick. "Those two are a bit of our inspiration." He tells the other man. He looks over to Emiko and says "Did they put too many onions on my burgers?" He asks as others seem to be leaving

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko flashes a grin at Terry, "Getting you guys involved was Bart's idea. He was talking about how he and Gar had done a series of videos and it really took off, and there's multiple Titans with animal affinities that might appreciate what we're doing." She pauses when he pull out his phone, instead taking the time to get a few bites of her veggie burger before nodding to Terry, "Good luck! We'll catch up with you soon and talk animals!" Then Bart is sending a picture of Huginn and Muninn and she grins, "My rescue cats. Great little guys."

To Bart, she smiles, "Babe, you could eat an onion like an apple and it wouldn't stop me from kissing you."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen leans over to kiss Emiko after he wipes his mouth to make sure he is not messy. "And I would you as well." He grins at her, and says "So thats the first time you saw Terry like that?

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emi returns the kiss and smiles, "Good to know, I'll keep that in mind the next time I have kimchee." She looks after where Terry headed out and grins, nodding, "Yeah, never saw him out of fur before. That was pretty cool." She looks back to Bart and grins, "You're cuter, though."