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Where it All Began
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Matt and Elektra meet in 2010 changing their lives forever. There's banter, a little light auto theft, a police chase, it goes about how you'd expect.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Elektra Natchios

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Columbia University, 2010

You'd hardly know that a tidal wave had hit the city looking around the Alumni and Donor mixer at Columbia all the best and brightest of New York were on hand chatting, dancing to the live jazz band, generally having a good time. Well, New York's best and brightest plus two. Matt and Foggy were definitely not invited to the party but had snuck in anyway, it had become a habit something watching a certain young blindman might be able to pick up on, fancy party on campus? Matt and Foggy were going to crash it. They were pretty good too, Matt better than Foggy, fitting in with the well moneyed guests, getting food and drinks and then slipping away.

Sometimes Matt even got the number of one of the rich girls that had been dragged along to these things.

Tonight though, Matt had left Foggy in the kitchen snacking hors d'oeuvres while Matt went looking for booze, something he could snatch off a tray and carry back to he and his buddy's little kitchen feast.

The things you do when you're 19 and bored.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It has been an interesting year for Elektra, getting into university, an whole new world opening to her even if it all seemed so drab and empty. It was so .., not her life. Being proper, normal, behaving as rules dictate. Good grief, someone stab her now ....

Stick almost did when he came back to her life. "Haven't lost your edge eh, Ellie?" he had said after she had survived one of his 'tests'. One more. But he had come with a mission to her. "Check in on my old protege." She had found it highly doubtful that Matthew Murdock would had been one of his old pupils but fine, another test. She could do that.

So here she was. By the bar, sitting in that elegant poise of hers, hair pinned up in a twirl, a faint scent of perfume and jewelry. That heart beating on a steady manner while she watches the party. Thoughtful.

"A bloody mary, if you may." She asks the bartender in that refined tone of hers, just the whispers of a smile to her lips.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt wasn't having any luck with unattended trays, the room was pretty packed and they were keeping the wait staff hopping. He could hear the waiters grumbling when they went back to the kitchen, the same way he could hear the various guests talking about the tidal wave, and how it impacted their portfolios.

"...oh yes, Lex Luthor is making a killing on real estate..."

"...My 401k is in the toilet..."

"...No, no, it's a good thing, buy low. trust me..."

It was dull the same old boring fat cats talking about the same old boring things.

He makes a snatch for a tray only to get a reproachful look from a waiter before heading off. He grimaces, sensing one of the party's security people coming his way, he was ready to turn and leave when he sensed her over by the bar, no more than ten feet away.

He wasn't sure if it was the purfume, the clink of her jewelry or that all too steady beat of her heart that got his attention, but it did.


Though that little pause to appreciate, was gave the security guy an opening, a beefy hand rests on Matt's shoulder, "Sir, can I see your invitation?"

While he was dressed in a suit, it stood out, cheap, store bought, off the rack, in a room full of bespoke suits. The guard had good eyes.

"Oh sure," Matt says with a ready smile, patting himself down. He pulls a face, full of embarassmen and apology, "You know I think I might have put it down in the bathroom I can go get-"

The guard wasn't having it. "Right this way, sir." He was leading Matthew to the door.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Lex Luthor and real estate. Pfff. What were they going to say next? That he might be President one day? Right ... Elektra is close to rolling her eyes. It is indeed that same old gossipy gossip all the time.

She stops herself from letting out a sigh, instead elegantly picking up her drink once it's brought to her, turning it about very slowly on one hand.

It is noticeable though, both the approaching security officer and the way Matthew pauses there. Again that clink of her jewelry when she brings one hand up to brush a stray hair out of her face, head twisting to observe him. Her eyes skim Matthew briefly, staying there perhaps for longer than she has looked at anything or anyone tonight. Low attention span? No, just nothing that perked up her attention before.

She watches the interaction, not hiding brief amusement. And of course, cruel as she was already at 19 years old she waits until they are close to leaving through the door.

"He is with me." The voice carries just enough, and just that faintest of amusements in her. Finally something out of the norm tonight.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Even on the verge of being thrown out, Matt can't miss that clink of jewelry, the whisper of her hair being pushed back, her head turning towards him.

He offers a smile in that direction, before the beefy hands of the security guard push him on towards the door. There's a part of him the scrappy kid from St. Agnes that wants to lay this guy out cold. He's big sure, and has good eyes, but he's older, his heart isn't beating right, his left leg moves slower than the other and creaks like an old sailing ship to Matt's ears. The fight would be over before the guard knew it began.

But it wasn't that kind of party.

He tries to bluff, "If you just let me find my friend he'll show you my invitatio-"

'He's with me'

Three little words that save him and set his life on a course that at 19 he wouldn't imagine possible.

The guard stopped, looking back at Elektra, his expression suggests he doesn't know her by name but he's quick enough to know she's money.

"Sorry, sir, my mistake," the security guard says as he lets Matt go.

Matt nods, "Uh, no problem," he says pulling on the lapels of his hideously cheap suit that he somehow improved by draping it over his athletic frame, straightening out the shoulders.

Then he makes his way over, smiling, finding the bar with an ease most might miss, "Thanks," he says. "Good help is hard to find, huh?" he asks like he was the sort of person to think of people as 'help'. "Matthew Murdock," he says extending a hand.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
While to a casual observer there may not be much more to it than a security officer just dragging a party-crasher out of here to Elektra there is a very different read. One that she studies well, the posture on Matt, the shifts that show intention of doing something more than just being dragged out. It is a curious sight. But she has learned to read when someone is ready to duke it out.

The party was getting a bit more interesting at least. And it certainly would had been a blast if it turned into -that- kind of party.

"You have no idea." Again that refined touch to her accent. She reaches up to rest her elegant hand on Matthew's. "Elektra Natchios." her eyes hold steady up on him and she allows the faintest of smiles to come to her expression, holding there. "My pleasure, for sure."

"Please, sit." She offers.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There's something about Elektra too, the way she watches him and the guard, almost anticipitory, hungry, like she wanted him to lash out and hit the guy. A few years younger and Matt would have done it, but this was Columbia, he'd worked like hell to get into this school and he wasn't going to get kicked out for trying to impress a girl. Even one like this one.

She definitely had his attention and apparently he had hers. That was a good start.

Freed of the guard he takes that offered hand, calloused hands giving it a single pump, before lingering just a second too long to be polite. "Well that remains to be seen," he says of who's pleasure it would be, as he takes the seat. "Let me get you a drink, only fair with you rescuing me," he says. His nostrils flare a moment, "Another Bloody Mary?" he asks, showing off. Stick would have beat him bloody for that, being cocky, reckless, but if he wasn't going to cold-cock a guy he felt he had to bring something to the table.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"So far it's certainly been yours." Elektra retorts in that confident manner of hers as if she'd be leagues above Matt, or even anyone else here in the party. Truly, being that ambassador's 'daughter' had started to rub off on her. But in truth so far she was less than impressed with Matthew, no matter how good looking he might be. Just another boy crashing in parties uninvited for free booze. Dreadful. Whatever was Stick thinking?

She stiffens a slight sigh after those thoughts, her eyes then straying over Matt's drab suit. Wherever did he get this?

That perceptiveness though, that makes her lift her gaze back up to Matthew's face, curious perhaps. "A Martini." is her reply, because the day still needs to come in which Elektra will be simply following someone's suggestion. But it brings just the faintest tinges of a smile to her. "Perceptive. And here I was thinking you were just a dumb boy entering uninvited to parties to steal booze."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt laughs, incredulous, the arrogance of this woman. Still he finds himself settling in beside, her, smiling tightly as she orders, "A Maccallan, neat," high end scotch for a boy from Hell's Kitchen.

He smiles when she changes up her order, defiant, he could understand that. He'd probably have done the same, just because he could. He nods in the direction of the bartender, "What the lady said," he demures before he turns Elektra's way while the drinks were being poured.

"I try," Matt remarks about his perceptions. "You too apparently, what makes you think I'm here to steal booze?" a beat. "And for that matter, what makes you think I'm dumb?" that one stung a little and it shows in his tone.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Maccallan, eh? Well, someone knows their booze well enough. It seems to make Elektra a touch more interested at the choice of drink, "Are you trying to impress me?" she wonders, even if she may already know the answer to that question. Still, she asks it, always liking to hear it from others. Not to feel reassured, but to have others know she is aware of it.

The dark gaze of hers strays down to the drinks while they are being prepared, again the sound of her bracelets moving when she rests her hand on the counter, tiptapping her fingertips there.

"Why do boys come to these parties uninvited if not for the booze? Or was there a more noble purpose for your coming here?" She questions, that tone of hers always challenging everything, as if searching for a reaction, anything that will take away from what has been her more normal life since she has become the daughter of Hugo Natchios.

"Dumb because you were caught. Couldn't keep your head in the game just because your attention was on me." yes, she noticed.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles, easy, light, as he shakes his head, "No, really like the taste, plus," he nods. "Open bar." Yep, she didn't factor into it at all, or at least that's the story he's telling.

He pauses a moment to listen to the sound of her jewelry, the heavy gold having a distinctive clink he could recognize anywhere, the taps of her nails echoing like gunshots even against the noise of the party. He takes a breath, clearing his head, shutting out the background to focus on what's in front of him.

When he's handed his drink he takes a sip, chuckling at her assessment of why he might be dumb. "Must be really dumb then," he remarks. "I don't know how I'd have noticed you from that far away." He says playing to the blind thing, but was puzzled now, a little frightened and very intrigued. Was he that obvious or was she paying that close attention to catch that not all was as it seemed with his disability.

The spike of nervousness makes him bold. It was like a reflex. Scare Matt a little and he rushes right towards the source of that fear. He leans in close, his voice barely above a whisper, "As to why I'm here? I think you're asking the wrong question."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Maybe that's why you need to resort to stealing it. Spending all your money on the good maccallan otherwise." Because it takes a bullshitter to know one. Yet at least there isn't contempt in her demeanor anymore. Instead it's curiosity, some amusement at the man, the mystery that seems to have her drawn. And even if perhaps she is not the easiest to read there are still enough hints on how she shifts just so barely on her seat, or how her attention is now up on Matt instead of his dreadful suit.

Not that she stops that litle drumming of her fingertips, a rhythm to them, one that could go by to someone less attentive. "Your lies need work. You should had said, because of the scent of your perfume. Saying you don't know isn't helping your case." though it's not as if Matt is a lawyer yet, so no cases! And it's not even a lawyer quip, safe for now.

She feels a little potential in Matt, but so far Elektra was feeling as if she was playing him as a fiddle, her amusement having grown. At least until he leans in, makes that question. Unexpected. An attempt to turn the tables on her? Still, she plays the game. "What question should I be asking then?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Might be something to that," Matt allows with a bit of a smile. "The price point is a bit above the cheep Budweiser my roommate likes so much." There was a little bit of a lowering of the guard there, still putting on a front, but less of one now. A little of the man behind the horrible suit and the self-polished wingtips showing through.

Well she definitely noticed something, but there was nothing concrete to prove any of it, so he figured what the hell, live a little, "Can I say it was the perfume on appeal?" he asks her slipping into the lawyer jokes oooh roughly eight years and a handful of months before the idea of a rotation is ever brought up. "And it is a good perfume, though," his nostrils flare a little. "But I think I like the one from yesterday better, spicy, with a hint of floral?" he had to focus hard on that one, pulling the smell of the remants of the old perfume out through the stronger, masking scent of the old one.

"Why are you here?" Matt answers. "I mean, you come from this world, sure, by the sound of things you've got money, looks, probably an education that's worth more than most people's homes, but this isn't your scene," he says. "You could be anywhere, doing anything, with any one, but you're here, wishing you were anywhere else, doing anything else, with anyone else, drinking watered down martinis at a tight ass party, so, yeah, the real mystery isn't how did the blind kid here to steal booze, see you across the room, but what's a woman like you doing here wasting away a perfectly good evening?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Careful. You were running on credit already, but now you are deep down on the negatives with the mention of Budweiser and living on a dorm." Elektra states, her eyes again drawn to those wingtips. "But sneaking into parties isn't your style, it isn't you. You don't want to be here. In fact it's as if you are just waiting to have someone drag you out of here to show you some life." a beat. "And to murder those wingtips."

But then she listens to the 'appeal', one of those finely-trimmed brows starting to arch up while she listens. Her tone speaks in a rather less-impressed manner than what she'd otherwise feel. "Find which flower it was and perhaps I will be impressed." a challenge perhaps? One for the future? She knew blind people could have those peculiar senses to them. Stick showed her constantly when he was able to defeat her. But he had never shown her this level of finesse. This seemed different.

But as they move closer together, and then he poses that question to her, the one which seems to read her so well she says, "Mmmm, finally." as if she was pleased on how he had seen into her. That someone could look over those layers. "You see more without eyes than many do with. Fine, you are not in the dumb category anymore." though which category is he in now?

"Do you want to get out of here?" Even now, at 19, there is this underlying danger in those words, as if accepting could lead into something rather dangerous but also .., enticing.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Good to know, I'll remember to say champagne and penthouses next time," Matt says easily taking a sip of his drink. Neither of those worlds really fit him though, like she said about this party, it was just something to do, a bit of fun, but it wasn't who he was. At this point, he didn't know the answer to that? Student or fighter, the son of Jack Murdock, or the disciple of Stick, or maybe like in most things the truth lay somewhere in between.

There's a snorted laugh at the bit about the wingtips, but no comment, best to just leave the comment be, as he should have done with those shoes. She was right though, he did want to be thrown out, or at least flirt with the danger of it, maybe he was even looking for that fight. He was lost, doing amazing academically while the rest of his life spun about rudderless.

He can't help but ask, "If not dumb then?" he leaves that blank to be filled as he slams back his drink and sets the glass down on the bar. "That was the other question, I was going to aks, why haven't we gotten the hell out of here?" he says with a grin. It's not that he doesn't sense the danger there, the hint of excitment, it's plain day, and that's exactly why he stands and offers her his arm. "Lead the way."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Remember what I said about you being a bad liar. Do you really want to go about lying to me?" Elektra says almost as if in warning. Not that she was a stranger to lying, considering the type of life she led. But such double standards are part of her. And life isn't fair afterall.

The snort about the wingtips just made her smirk. But she most likely meant it literally. She had killed in the past, when she was 12. What was a pair of defenseless wingtips but fodder to her? But she notes that attraction to the danger, -her- world, the one she was so certain she was meant to be. Dark and full of death under Stick's orders. Or was it?

"Do you really want me to tell you everything..?" She replies at the question of what he'd be if not dumb, something to discover eventually perhaps and then she slides out of the bench, elegant, the sound of those bracelets again when she slides her arm about Matthew's, fingers resting on his arm. Those fingers do not feel as smooth as they could if she had that simple life of the idle rich. But it's not as if she's the type to meet those normal standards. Perhaps that's part of her charm.

"I always do." She says about leading, high heels heard echoing on the floor as she starts to bring them outside, to the parking lot. Her eyes start to casually peruse the cars there.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Am I really that-" Matt begins, before he smiles and shakes his head. "Nevermind don't answer that," true or not she was going to say yes. He was going to have to work on that.

Knowing nothing of Elektra's past, Matt could still feel the danger in the woman, there was a darkness there, like she had the 'devil' in her too, but unlike Matt who kept it tamped down under layers of respectability and rules, she kept hers close to the surface, a dark undertone to the elegant music she played for the world. One he was sure others could see, but perhaps not as clearly as he could. A smart man would have run, but maybe Elektra was right and Matt was dumb, because the danger drew on him so fully. Not just for it's own sake but because it spoke to him, the desire to just live, rather than pretending to be something he wasn't.

So he goes with her, hearing the roughness of her fingers rasping against his cheap suit jacket, feeling a dozen heads turn in their direction, men and women both looking enviously at the poor kid from Hell's Kitchen as he walked out with Elektra.

"Want? Yes. Expect? No," Matt answers easily with a grin. "But sometimes not getting what you want can be fun."

He laughs again and then when they pause at the edge of the parking lot he asks, "So, which one is yours?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Everyone else is ignored as they walk their way out of the place, as already by now Elektra had no care as to who looked her way or not, she simply was and took everything in front of her, uncaring on what got trampled in her way to her goals. And now, perhaps more than in the future, she had yet to find any spark that could tell her there was more to this, to just take and do what she wanted.

"But then I'd have to kill you.." She replies about telling Matt everything, an amused smile to her lips. Elektra keeps him to her, leading them across the parking lot now ...

Too dark, too old, too boring..., fit for her father. There she goes..., looking at the cars, not answering right away which car is hers. But then she finds across one. Sports car, red dodge viper. That will do. "This way." she says.

There is something that can be said about being confident, and Elektra just exudes it, so she goes past the security officers without a glance, they only looking at her to check her out, not realizing that the person that drove this car here wasn't her.

Leaving his arm she then slides over the door to sit on the driver's seat, reaching across to open the door for Matthew. "Come in." then she opens the glove compartment. Rich kids, so predictable in how they just trust noone will steal from them. She takes the keys out of it and turns on the engine, the roar of it loud.

"Where do you want to go?" she asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
For all he tried to be a good Catholic, Matt found himself envious of how Elektra seemed to live, it was so simple, see, want, take, no moralizing or agonizing over right or wrong. He wasn't ready to conver to the 'Church of Elektra' but he was certainly willing to give it a try for an evening.

"Well, you'd try," Matt says the challenge clear in his voice, he could tell she had some sort of training, her movements were too controlled too dangerous for it to be otherwise, but confidence had never been a shortcoming when it came to Matt and his skills.

Still the challenge is left there hanging as the 'shop' for cars. He gets in, smelling the rich leather of the seats and the high-test fuel in the air when Elektra revs the engine. "Sounds expensive,"he remarks with a grin. "Is it yours?" he asks her, already guessing the answer.

As to where to go? "Someplace I havnen't seen before," a smile at the little joke. "Somewhere exciting."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Try? Now that's a real challenge right there. It's noticeable in the way she looks at Matt, that dangerous aggression to her, as if she'd be ready to throw down right about anywhere. There had been many which had underestimated her before, and suffered from it. Yet this felt different. Matt could read her to a point, and he was confident in it. Yes, certainly not just the dumb boy she had expected when Stick told her to come here. "It sounds to me as if we should find a place to test this sometime."

But she leaves that offer to test each other for later. The question about if the car is hers just makes her laugh. "Of course not." and she engages the first gear, wheels squealing as she leaves the parking lot, turning here and there as they start to drive off into the night. And yes, high speed of course.

"I thought you were seeing all you wanted tonight already." Elektra replies while they drive through the city, towards the river side in Manhattan.

Then she tells Matt. "Take the wheel." Is it a challenge? A test? Maybe that's what she wants him to see tonight.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt can practically feel that aggression radiating off of Elektra and though to the security guys and all the rest of the people in the parking lot nothing is going on, there's a slight and noticeable shift from Matthew to suggest he's ready if she tries anything, preparing a counter that Stick had taught her as well. There's a smile about finding a place, and he nods, "Well, when sometime comes I know just the spot."

The part of Matt that kept him on the straight and narrow, the parts that he'd listened to (mostly) after Stick left, were counting the charges in his head, grand theft auto, wreckless driving, the first would sink his application to law school and the second would likely ensure the first came with a bit of jail time as well. Not for Elektra, she probably had the money to beat the charge or charm the owner to get him to drop the charges, but Matt, that part of him told him he was screwed.

But he was tired of listening to that voice, he had the rest of his life to be straightlaced Matt Murdock, blind lawyer, tonight he just wanted to be Matt, the guy with powers, the guy who left the party with the most beautiful girl in the room and was heading for uncertain danger.

That Matt felt free.

Matt laughs, when she offers, for him to take the wheel. "I don't know, are the other cars wearing perfume? Not sure how I'm going to see them," he says clinging to the act he couldn't do more than other people with his disability that he wasn't fully behind whatever wildness they got up to tonight. But he was so close to letting go. He just needed a little push.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It is all about subverting expectations for Elektra. And remember, she never does what she is told. A place? No, instead she seems intent on showing Matt something else. Freedom. Letting go, living in the moment. Forgetting what society expects of you, twist it and make it yours. By force if needs be.

She eyes him as if she was that small devil on the shoulder daring Matthew to take that plunge, to dare and be wild like she was, living life. And their young lives certainly needed so. It's an almost palpable thing for her, what she sees in Matthew, being on that verge. Yes, Stick had been right to send her to him. So much potential there. Though Stick had also told her something else.. What was it again? Bah, she'd remember another time ...

"Are you going to let me die then?" A question and then her hands leave the wheel. She takes that plunge for him. It's noticeable in how her heart thunders. The danger, the thrill. She waits. They are going down a blessedly empty road for now, straight line. But for how long?

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's expectations were definitely subverted, while he expected danger, he also expected it to be a place not a journey. But he was learning quickly that trying to anticipate Elektra was a losing game.

Besides, trying to keep up was a lot more fun.

Matt crosses his arms, "Are you?" he holds it, feeling the car still speeding up with Elektra's foot on the gas, beginning to swirve a little as the wheel goes unguided, veering more and more, and more until finally Matt lets go, he snatches the wheel and turns it back towards center, quickly, but not so quick it sends them flipping over, spilling them both onto the road. He clearly knows what he's doing.

"So want to change seats?" he asks her, a smirk on his face.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That thrill of the unknown. Would Matthew take it? Let them crash? No, Elektra was very sure he wouldn't allow it. Doesn't mean that her heart isn't wild at it, her eyes wider, a laugh out in the wind. "I would prefer to die living than not to live at all." She reaches up with both hands, unpinning her hair from where it was all so secure and nice, so pinned up as is proper for those rich parties. She lets it be free, very much as she feels now, that dark long hair following the whims of the wind, some of those strands brushing and taunting Matthew when he comes closer to take the wheel.

Another laugh when he takes the wheel, she gives it a little tease with the accelerator when he begins to drive. "I never let a man take full control. Besides, I was the one that stole this car." she reminds Matthew.

But her eyes are on him now, away from the road, uncaring, watching him, the expression he has while he is driving the car as they continue in their crazy drive through the city, the lake to a side of them.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
As much as Matt's senses let him sense everything at once, he can't help but find his focus drawn to Elektra even as he debated taking the wheel, the pounding of her heart matching the rythmn that sounded within his own chest. One that spoke of adrenaline and a lack of inhibitions that most people needed to be drunk to find. Not them though, not tonight. Danger was their drink of choice tonight, chased on Matt's part with a growing attraction for the woman in the drivers seat of the very expensive, very stolen car.

He takes the wheel, "I can get behind that philsophy," he says of Elektra's declaration. "Which is handy, because I'm only sensing things comings a couple seconds out..." she steps on the gas. "One second now," no fear though, at this point he's just showing off. "And let's call it borrowing." he jests but at this point he doesn't care.

The cop car they blow past might though.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Two seconds? One second? Make it half as she steps on the gas again. It's that life on the line, danger. And all that damn time she is looking at Matthew's face, the way he seems to enjoy himself. That letting go she was looking for, one that understands it like she does. And through it all she just laughs, delighted, exhilarated at how they both are creating this moment. Being night though, blessedly, there isn't as much traffic out here so the danger of crashing may not be as prominent.

"Borrowing? Will you be the one returning it?" She asks. But if precludes the arrival of that cop car. That woosh of a car nearby. The look of the officers inside as they see that obviously speeding car running past. As their senses seem to go on alert ad two seconds later there are those lights on, the warning sound that means a pursuit. The squeal of wheels as they turn to go after the duo.

"Well, Matthew." She says, "A real test to your abilities then." Yet next it's her fingertips that are felt on that hand on the wheel, not to guide him, just to be there, skin on skin. They are in this together.

The police car is coming fast, Elektra saying. "Take a right here."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt's expression tenses as the car speeds up but only for a minute, though his focus now moves from Elektra and everything that's alluring about her to the road ahead of them. When she laughs though he joins her, using his free hand to tear off his shades, his mask to the world, and throw them out the open top of the car. A commitment to the night they were making, no hesitation, no regrets.

Matt's head tilts, considering, even as he drives, "No, not really, he can pick it up wherever we leave it," he says before... which may be at the police station given the sirens coming to life behind them.

He turns to her and grins as she puts her hand on his, a comittment to this night of a deeper kind, "Sounds good," he says, "Just keep working the gas," he says about the new test before on a whim he leans in and kisses her, it's brief, there wasn't time for more, but like the hand on his it was a comittment, they were in this together.

"Right," he says as their lips part, still steering by that 360 degree senses of his, and he yanks the wheel hard sending them fish tailing around the corner ahead of the cops.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Without masks. Yes, it was something they could do right now, live without a care. No matter how deep their masks would cover them in the future, ten years from now. Yet being this young.., noone could stop them, could they? The police car certainly seemed committed in trying it. They are flooring it too, and they have that advantage of using their vision to drive, the experience, even if not those heightened senses on Matt, or the death-defying will of Elektra.

Her eyes are up on Matt when those glasses fly, finally watching his full face, the eyes. It makes her smile in a way she wasn't expecting and then that kiss, albeit brief it was it makes some of that ferociousness of hers leap up, a brief brush of teeth on his lower lip.

She reads that turn when it comes, using the brakes, then accelerating again as they take that tight turn that makes the wheels squeal. Being a sports car though, it can certainly handle it.

The police car takes the turn, not as fast, the sirens a touch behind them now even if not having disappeared. "Can you see it now? What I wanted to show you?" that visceral tone to her voice, the one that she would hone it years from now that at this age was just starting to come up.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Right now everything was possible. They were not yet the people they'd be with the scars, and the cares, and the worries, they were just them and they were free. Matt was 19 and until tonight, the future was set, classes, tests, graduation, internship and a desk at some practice somewhere, with a few nights running on rooftops thrown in to show himself that he hadn't forgotten what Stick had taught him. Looking at that now, he could see he saw it all wrong, that the future wasn't set, he didn't have to slowly suffocate like the people around him pretending to be normal, he could be this or anything else he wanted to be, he just had to choose.

Matt grins as they make the turn and the sirens grow further behind. The furocity of Elektra's kiss still fresh in his mind stirring similar feelings as he dips them around a truck, then back into their lane cutting off another late night driver. Laughing as they both honk their horns.

He looks to Elektra, hearing that tone in her voice, and thinking then just how alive it sounded, how real. "Freedom," he answers without hesitation. "Life on our terms."

He doesn't wait to ask her if he's right, he just leans in to kiss her again just as fiercely as had kissed him back.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The craziness of it all seems to make Elektra beam within, it feeling so free, no barriers, nothing. That laugh again, wild, living. Almost happy, if only she could at any point in her life allow herself to feel that. Though it comes close. That light very, very deep inside her, even if what they are doing is all manners of wrong. She felt the same, that life that was supposedly set for her, a disguise as the daughter of Hugo Natchios. Then that second life, the one full of death and terror that Stick had imprinted on her, the one which had made her follow a very dark path in her life so far. Though they both could choose. She understood it.

And now the sirens are well behind them once they take a few more turns, still wild in the moment, she grinning. "On our terms." she echoes into the kiss when they finally meet again, again she pouring all of herself into it, eyes closing, the pedal rising slowly as she lets the car slow down.

The thunder is still there, resonating through her whole being while they kiss, giving no quarter.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt can feel Elektra's inner glow, spelled out for him in a million little signs but most of all because it is reflected within him, having found the same clarity, the same freedom in that moment together.

The sirens begin to fade, and Matt almost regrets their passing, turning them towards an alley as Elektra lets the car slow. Though before it has rolls to a stop their lips are locked in that kiss and the car, the alley, all of it ceases to matter. To Matt all there is is the kiss, Elektra, the desperate need to pour all of himself into the kiss and take all she gives him in return, there's no thought to it, no worries, no questions about tomorrow or what they were doing. It was just them in this moment of freedom.