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Making Contacts
Date of Scene: 31 March 2022
Location: Alias Investigations
Synopsis: Daimon introduces himself to Jessica and offers a professional exchange of business potentials. Additionally, he makes a softball play for her soul.
Cast of Characters: Daimon Hellstrom, Jessica Jones

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Footfalls may be heard from the walk-up to Jessica's door - aka; Alias Investigations. The glass of the door is shadowed by the frame of a man who comes to a stop just outside and then there's a rapping on the door, knock-knock, knockity knock. Then he turns the knob and pushes the door open (whether its locked or not). He'll reveal himself as a dapper dressed male with dark red hair and green eyes. He is dressed in black suit, black shirt, red tie, and a golden pentagram upon his left lapel. He announces with the tone of an open ended greeting, "Hello? Name's Daimon Hellstrom. Supernatural Investigations. Anyone home?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is quite alret to the annoying sound of someone approaching on the hallway towards her office door, she's sat at her desk, rolling her eyes to brace herself and quickly finishes the glass of whiskey she just poured herself. "Well...you don't the strike the profile of a usual clinet," Jessica notes as Daimon walks inside before she had a chance to invite him in. "I would be the one home, welcome to Alias Investigation, from the focus on supernatural I take it you're not competition...?"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    A charming smile from an equally charming man is lent while he crosses the room and approaches her desk. His aloft right hand 'produces' a business card (like a magic trick) and he answers, "None what so ever. Miss Jones. I prefer hunting the things that go bump in the night over the countless cheating husbands, skip tracing, and hours upon hours of stakeouts. I also do exorcisms. Just in case you know anyone possessed by a demon, ghost, or otherwise supernatural entity." he places his card on the desk. A simple black card with gold writing (name, address, phone) and a pentagram.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm depressed enough about my job as it is, no need to rub it in, thank you very much," Jessica groans as he lists her most usual cases, while reaching for his card, "I'd offer you one of my own, but clearly, you found the place without one..." at the mention of exorcisms she laughs and offers, "I know an Elektra Natchios who might be a good candidate for one of those..." she arches a brow at the pentagram, "you also do birthday parties for goth kids? What's with the pentagram? An unusual choice of a logo, most would align it with satanist, that wouldn't be you, would it?"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    "Considering I'm the Son of Satan, then it's quite the fitting moniker. No?" Hellstrom answers and then takes a seat across from her. He gives pause a moment and looks her over as if he's peering deeply into her soul. "Well, aren't you the conflicted one?" He asks rhetorically then says, "No, I do not do children's parties. Unless they are spitting up green pea soup. But, none of that is either here nor there. Is there something perhaps that I can help you with on the /business/ side of things? I'm inferring that business isn't the best for you at present? Perhaps there is something I can do?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Wait, what!?" Jessica straightens considerably in her seat, looking directly at Daimon. The guy literally just casually mentioned he's the son of Satan, like it's no big deal. "Did your dad send a demon to my fire escape?" Jessica asks cautiously, looking more carefully at Daimon. She's seen enough to not immediately consider him crazy. And there she goes pouring herself another round of whiskey, "son of Satan offering me business help, let me guess, this is all for the meager price of my soul?"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    There's the hint of a smile that crosses Hellstrom's lips. He says, "There's always a price. A fair price. I find that some people have no use for their souls. Or even consider them a valid currency. However, I'm willing to adjust the cost to ensure a fair trade. Yet, I take it that you're a bit more concerned than most, so it's unlikely you'd take such an offer - However, I have been surprised before." He stops, glances at the general area of her fire escape; his eyes narrow and then he answers, "I doubt it. Unless he had the foresight that I would be gracing your door. Even then, Father would have had better timing. Like present, not previous. In most cases, when a demon shows up, it's to try and force me to return to my father's realm and take up the mantel of Hell-Lord, ruler of his part of Hell. It's always a power play." His eyes return to her own. "Oh and yes, Jessica, I'm very serious. Not insane. Not some crackpot trying to trick or con you. I deal with the preternatural that skirts our reality. Keeping it in check and keeping it out of human affairs. Can't have that taint corrupting humanity any more than it already has."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I would very much doubt I even still have one," Jessica scoffs as if the entire conversation was ridiculous.

"Yeah, well I had a demon visit, said I was a very comforting presence, which I guess means I'm bound for hell? Very reassuring...I would like to think he was way early to get to you though. That'll sit with me better."

There goes the whiskey, all down in one go, "you'll excuse me if I don't offer you some...but, do devils even drink?" She asks while pouring herself another glass.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Processing the information she offers, Hellstrom nods, "Yes, you do have a soul. Though, comforting is likely his way of saying he preferred hanging out in the radiant cacophony and discord that seems to swell within and without you. I would posit that it was a simple class 1 demon. One that seeks to bask or feed off whatever they are specifically attuned to. In that particular demon's case, discord. Or, self pity, self deprecation, something along the lines of your sarcastic depression. Which, if I were one to take advantage, I would find great interest in spending much quality time with you. However, that is not my way, nor my desire. Yet, if it makes you comfortable to think that he was scouting out the terrain in search of why I would come here... let's go with that. As for the whisky, devils, demons.. we all eat, drink, and enjoy the bite of a good whiskey. Perhaps I could offer you something better."

    He will reach into his jacket and withdraw a Black Label, lean forward, and place it upon the desk before her. Then he will lean back and say, "No charge."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I got discord in me?" Jess sighs, "I never knew." As she listens to Daimon giving her an unofficial psychoanalytical observation, Jessica flinches, "...that hurts." She looks suspiciously at the offering, and then back up at Daimon, "so I've been handed booze by the son of the devil, that is...a day," she remarks, "so...what's the real reason you're here? Can't imagine my soul actually being worth a damn..."

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    He settles into the seat, making himself comfortable and even crossing his right ankle over his left knee. His jacket is unbuttoned and not pulling. The little pentagram on his lapel glints in the light. He responds, "The true reason for my presence is as I initially stated. To make contact with the best PI in Hell's Kitchen. Fitting, right?" He offers a smile with the last comment before pressing on. "Now, in regards to your soul... all souls are worth far more than the mortal mind can conceive. It is the currency of the celestial. An eternal energy that is quite difficult to destroy. It can be consumed, traded, bartered, used to fuel wars, and so many other applications. The Divine and the Infernal alike trade in the currency for property, influence, power, status and so on. The more souls one of the celestial has, the more power they possess. I myself even have a small corner of Hell as my own and several souls within. Not quite as many as my father or Mephisto. Yet, even though you don't hold your soul in high praise nor consider it of value, it is. Regardless of the taint that you think it possesses. The only true taint is in your mind. You've had a rough life. Many things have worked against your psyche and created much pain. I can see that written upon your essence. However, you are still quite valuable on the mortal and eternal planes."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I swear when I choose Hell's Kitchen it was due to amount of work naturally found without leads...wasn't meant as a slight on you or your father," Jess mutters, better safe than sorry, it really feels like she's on a highway to hell at this point. She's not happy about it. "I am a damned good PI though. Flinching, embracing herself without realizing it, one could tell Jessica wasn't very comfortable with what she was hearing. Or perhaps it's the fact he's spot on and it bothers her she's readable to him. "Seems unfair, should be mine to share or not...so then, a collaboration is what you had in mind? I turn supernatural customers your way, you turn mundane ones mine?"

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    He turns his hands upward in unison and he gives a nod, "Absolutely. Best you not get mixed up in all the actual horrors of the city's underbelly and I'll gladly turn over the more mundane - and that is definitely no slight toward the nature of your profession. The word mundane in my mind opposes preternatural." He stands, "Of course, you can call me for whatever else you may require. I'm always in the mood for a good trade of services, wares.... souls." He buttons up his jacket, straightens his cuffs.

Jessica Jones has posed:
As much as her mind tells her not to, Jessica extends her hand towards Daimon, "you've got a deal, I'll keep your card, and you can take one of mine," she points to the stack on her desk, "if you even need it at all..." she toasts with her last bit of the bottle. "Cheers," and takes some more whiskey to ease her mind.

Daimon Hellstrom has posed:
    Hellstrom will gladly take her hand and she'll feel an unnatural warmth with that grip. As if he's running a fever or just stepped out of a sauna. His grip is firm and she can suspect that he is super strong - like herself. He says, "It is my pleasure - and I already have (taken a card, that is). He releases, she drinks, and he turns. In his departure, he states, "Take care of yourself Jess. More value than you know - or care to admit." and he exits her door, it closes behind him.