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Latest revision as of 06:03, 22 March 2020

Burger Date
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Vanderbilt Market
Synopsis: Supergirl and Peter Parker go out on a date...and potentially their last one.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Kara Danvers

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked nervous.
Well, he looked nervous a LOT. But this was a special case.
Since Gwen and Zatanna were busy on something (probably showing Gwen how to escape a water trap or something) Peter had decided to just now wait. He had sent the message to Kara (Supergirl when in uniform, have to remember that)...

Hey there, Blonde Bombshell. I was thinking we could go to UrbanSpace for lunch? There is a joint there in Vanderbilt Market that makes the best burgers in town. Let me know what you think and what day would work for you. - Peter.

Well, today is the day, and he left TWO hours early, so he was actually early, for once in his life. Only ten minutes early, but for him that is a superhuman feat in itself.

He paced nervously in front of UrbanSpace. He had been pretty successful at shooing away the nerves, but they were trickling back in as the minutes passed.

She'll be here.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl was feeling...nervous. Nauseous, even. She reads the message again, with a frown. "Kara, we need to talk. You're putting the boy in the news in extreme danger, all of your enemies will target him to get to you..." She sighs, and takes a hop off the rooftop and her cape flutters as she touches down lightly to meet Peter. She is torn. She is worried. But she puts on a brave face, and one of her dazzling smiles. "Hi, Peter!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks up, because it is Supergirl, and you don't expect Supergirl to come up from the subway station nearby. He spots her as she is descending, and smiles wryly. God, she's beautiful. But she's a person as well, and there is so much more to her. If he's lucky, he might find out about some of it.

People turn to look as the Kryptonian blonde goddess deigns to consort with the lowly mortal. Well, maybe not exactly like that, but the 21st-century version of that. Cell phones at the ready as Peter steps closer, but stops a couple of feet away, perhaps unwilling to get too close just yet. It might be rushing things.
"Hey, Supergirl...I'm glad you could make it. It's...really great to see you."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Hello, Peter," Supergirl smiles and looks around at the others. "It's great to see you. You look nice." She looks a little apprehensive of those around them. Uncertain who here might be just a gawker, and who might be set out to harm Peter. "I hope you weren't waiting long."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles wryly. "Hey, that's usually MY line. Listen, I got a reservation in a private area. My best friend, Harry, set it up, but he DID ask to meet you before we went up." He pointed to the front door, then hastened to move over to it and open it for her. "No one knew we were meeting here. Shall we?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl smiles and nods to Peter. Her clothes today are more dress and less comic book hero. Her blue suit is darker, and her red is more of a deep crimson. Her cape and skirt are edged in burnished gold, as are her boots. It makes for a bit more of an elegant effect that might garner a little less attention. She follows Peter as he opens the door. "Thank you," she says with a smile, and she goes on inside.

Peter Parker has posed:
The Market is fairly quiet. Recent events have caused many New Yorkers to opt for carryout or delivery over dine-in. But the two still catch attention, much of it surprise. Some of it the usual kind of surprise...and some of it is the kind of surprise you expect from someone you just told that Snow White dumped Prince Charming and eloped with one of the Seven Dwarves.
And with the glances moving from her to him and back again, he can guess exactly WHICH dwarf they are thinking of...

The elevator to the rooftop area has a young man standing near it. Short red hair with something of a widow's peak, thin face and a wry look.
His clothes are as different from Peter's as night and day. Where Peter opted for loose-fitting flannel and jeans (and it looks different once Kara knew why) over tennis shoes, the young man was wearing an expensive suit, a Rolex watch, and $2,000 loafers.

The first impression is someone who wouldn't give a working-class high-schooler like Peter a second glance. But when he sees Peter, his entire face seems to light up with genuine joy, and he immediately moves forward. He actually focuses on Peter for a full second before he looks at Kara.
Then he glances to Kara, and blinks in disbelief. But after he does, he looks back to Peter with undisguised pride.

"PETESKY..." he says with a crafty smile.
"Harry!" Peter has that same look of joy. They are friends, maybe the best of friends, even though they couldn't be more different. "Listen, thanks for setting this up. I hope it wasn't a problem."
"C'mon, Pete, it didn't cost me a thing." He looks back to Kara, then says, "So...introduce us?"
Peter's eyes widen. "Oh, jeez, sorry. Harry, this is Supergirl, and she deserves the name completely."
Harry smirks. "Yeah, I've heard about you a lot."
"Supergirl...this is my best friend, Harry Osborn."
Harry steps forward. "My father is the CEO of OsCorp, so yeah. Peter doesn't care, though."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Pleasure to meet you, Harry," Kara offers brightly. "Peter seems to adore you, so I see no reason to feel otherwise," she says with a wink. "And it seems I owe you my thanks, as well. It is hard to even just talk to someone when everyone around you just wants to stare and take pictures."

Peter Parker has posed:
Harry chuckles. "TELL me about it. I'm not as high-profile as YOU, though. Pete, you dog. How long were you going to keep this a secret?"
Peter blushed slightly. "I wanted to keep this private until I was sure we...well, you know..."
"If you clicked?" Harry grinned. "He's one of the last true gentlemen, Supergirl. Don't expect him to try anything UNSAVORY." He winked. "Anyway, I must dash. Boring board meeting my dad wants me to attend. But I want to bend your ear later about some projects I had in mind. Not for OsCorp. For me."
Peter smiles. "For you, always. Just not now."
Harry nods, then swipes a card over a proximity-pass panel and the doors open. "Have fun, eat hearty, and Supergirl, it was a pleasure to meet you."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh the pleasure is all mine," Kara replies to Harry with a slight bow of her head. "So glad to meet you. I'm sure we will be seeing one another soon!" She offers Harry a wave as she enters the now open door, and looks back to Peter with a smile. "He seems nice. How long have you two been friends?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles as the doors close. "Four years. Got hired to tutor him and we progressed to hanging out." He sighs. "His father is a taskmaster, but throws money at him in place of affection. Guy could buy half of Manhattan if he wanted...but he has people sponging off of him all the time. I won't take a cent from him. He knows that. I think that's why we're such good friends. Everyone else sees him as 'Norman's Son' or 'Harrison Osborn.' I just think of him as 'Harry.' It's why we have Harry's Hovel in the basement. I think he comes to the house so he can feel...normal."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Aww...that's so sweet." Kara takes Peter's hand, glad to be out of the spotlight and more in relative seclusion. "I'm glad he has you. Like I'm glad you have him."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter gives Kara a relaxed smile, and then the door opens to the patio area. It is still indoors, but the windows give a good view of the city beyond. The Chrysler building can be seen off to the left.
"I figured this would work, too, because the sun's position in the sky reflects off the glass and will put glare in any camera aimed at it from outside." He winks as he steps out of the elevator and towards the patio table with four chairs. A tablecloth has been put down, and menus are already in place. A server is standing nearby. Her nametag says JULIA.
"Hello! I will be your server today." She places a small device on the table that looks like a pager. "Should you need me, press the call button. I will be coming up periodically regardless, but we pride ourselves on good service as well as good food."
Peter reaches the table and pulls out a chair for Kara.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smiles and thanks the server, then turns to Peter. "Thank you," she says softly to him, and she seats herself in the chair he has offered. She watches him as he takes his own seat, and then looks out at the view. "This is perfect," she says. "You think of everything, don't you?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckled as he sat down. "Never let it be said that I never need help from anyone else. I was pondering date ideas when Harry stopped by. I figured out the glass part, but the rest was all him. He'd eaten here himself with Francesca, an Italian supermodel, I think. They broke up when he wouldn't buy her a Ferrari." He sighs. "I think he wants to know that we'll have nobler intentions on our date."
Peter picked up the menu, then perused it. "I was going to ask if you wanted to go Dutch..." he says, being reminded by the prices...

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is nothing, if not observant. "Well, I was thinking that maybe I needed a chance to talk to you, and this provides the best opportunity," she says, picking up the pager and turning it over casually in her hand as she examines it. Looking for signs of tampering. Looking for parts inside it that don't belong there. "So I think it only fair to pay for this date. Maybe Dutch next time, eh?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter tilts his head. "Well, if you want to, then I won't refuse the gift." He looked at the menu again. "...especially at these prices."
He chuckles, then holds up the menu and points to the double cheeseburger. "What do you think of this one?"


Kara Danvers has posed:
"I think...that it looks like the perfect cheeseburger, if you ask me," Supergirl replies. "Which you did," she adds, lifting a finger into the air demonstratively. "I think maybe that looks like exactly what I'd like to have."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Okay. And then...well, I like the sound of the waffle fries. And they come in russet and sweet versions, if you like sweet potato fries. And Pepsi is a must, of course."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Waffle fries and loads of ketchup," Supergirl agrees whole-heartedly. But...Root beer." She grins. "I can't have the perfect meal without root beer. So...are we ready to order, then?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter grins. "I think so." He presses the button, and Julia appears with a tray holding two glasses of water.

"I think we're ready to order. One double cheeseburger, large waffles fries and...do you have Coke or Pepsi?"
"Coke, sir."
"I'll take a cherry coke, then. On the burger--mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, and bacon."
Julia nods. "And for you, Supergirl?" Because who doesn't know her?

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Mmm.....I'll have the same...but I need mayo and ketchup, pickles and lettuce, with bacon of course. And root beer to drink. And...could you bring plenty of ketchup for me to drown my waffle fries?" She grins impish up at Julia and then looks to Peter. "This is gonna be /awesome/."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter grins. "Yes. Yes, it is."
He waits until Julia steps away, then says, "I did want to mention, before we spoke of anything else. Do you know someone who goes by the moniker of Power Girl? Because she seems to know you."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I know of her," Kara replies to Peter, but she doesn't expand on it from there.Then she takes a deep breath and sighs, looking back at him. "I'm worried about you being in the news. It may not be safe for you. Or for your aunt."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nodded. "Well, I sat down with Aunt May. Who wants you to come for dinner, BTW. She does hope you don't wear something flashy. Our last houseguest...was a litle provocative."

Yep. And the Titanic had an ice-cube issue.

"But we talked about what this kind of exposure could mean. She told me that she would welcome a little excitement in her life. She feels God will look after us. I go to church with Aunt May every Sunday."

Peter takes a deep breath. "Uncle Ben once told me, 'God hates a coward.' I lived most of my life ruled by fear. I'm tired of living in fear, of being afraid of what MIGHT happen." He looks to Supergirl. "If it, God forbid, doesn't work out between us because of stuff beyond our control, I can accept that. I won't LIKE it, but I will accept it. But for it to end because I'm afraid of what might happen. No. That's not me, not anymore."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I'm not saying it wouldn't work out," Kara replies quickly, shaking her head. "I am just thinking...maybe we should be a little less obvious. A little less...public. A wise man reminded me that things like this are why we have...secret identities. And it is to protect others, more than it is to protect ourselves..." She shrugs. "I have ideas. But for now I just wanted to...y'know, touch on the subject."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Maybe without the costume you wear, but in normal clothes? You'd look awesome in anything, but the costume IS an attention-getter." He smirks, then leans forward slightly. "I'm willing to talk with you about anything you consider important. Or unimportant. Aunt May says communication is a big part of any relationship."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl shakes her head slowly. "It's not enough. Not quite. If we continue from here in civilian clothes, that would most certainly compromise my identity." She smiles wryly. "We need something bigger."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter tilts his head. Just like Spider-Man. "Oh? Well, if you have ideas, I would love to hear them."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl arches a brow and looks out the window thoughtfully. "What if...what if we broke up? In a very public way? Say...I catch you out with someone else, and overreact? End it all in public? It might require some of your tech skills...I have faith in you."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinked. Was she actually...?

No. It wasn't in her to do something mean-spirited like this, even to ask for his help in it. There was more, much more. He hadn't been told everything yet.

After a moment...he nodded. "There's more to this plan, I'm wagering. And Harry said he had this place checked for bugs before we arrived. Must be nice to be able to hire someone to do that."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl nods slowly and thoughtfully. "I had looked around for them already, too. I wasn't about to talk about this if it was compromised." She takes a deep breath and exhales. "No one can know. Not even Harry. If you need the tech to pull it off, I will see to it that you get it. What I am proposing is perhaps you would like to be set up with a reporter. Someone safe. She is a student, too. A freelancer named...Kara. If Supergirl should appear and find you, flip tables....so to speak...and leave? Well I suppose that takes the focus off of you. It takes the focus off of us. And well...I suppose I'd just have to wish Peter and Kara the best on their new path."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks thoughtful. He is about to say something...then stops.

"...I see a problem. This could look bad for you. Impulsive, petulant, unreasonable. Unfair..." He frowns. "I don't want to ruin things for you. I mean..."

Suddenly he stops. He is struck by something, something...unexpected.

"...What if I got hurt? Okay. Not hurt, but NEARLY hurt, because of my relationship with you? An unknown stalker. Someone who..." He sits up, eyes flickering. "Someone attacking me to get to you. I narrowly escape being hurt, but you, as conscientious as ever, declare that it is a terrible thing, but that we cannot see each other, because you can't take that risk. You don't lose any credibility, people don't think you're a witch, and we part for noble reasons..."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"There aren't any easy answers, Peter. That would still leave my feelings for you hanging out there, and people could still lose you. But my plan could also make YOU look bad, if you were seeing someone else. I'll have to be there...as Kara and as Supergirl. And if it makes either of us or both look less than fantastic...well, at least it is believable." Supergirl sighs. "Life is messy, sometimes."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter's mind is now racing, going a mile a minute. "Okay...okay, something ELSE..."

Kara can almost hear the neurons firing in his brain.

"Suppose I'm 'rescued' by Spider-Man? The stalker is never found, but Peter is safe, and Supergirl...Supergirl becomes interested in SPIDER-MAN. Because he's a hero and selfless, yadda yadda yadda. And HE is better at handling those kinds of threats and is harder to track down. Supergirl and Spider-Man are together, so you wouldn't have to worry about our relationship getting complicated if another hero starts flirting with you. And Peter can find solace in the arms of Kara the journalist." He looks up, his fingers tapping the table. "And, if things don't work out between us, then Supergirl and Spider-Man can break up publicly, and Kara and Peter can break up quietly."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara narrows her eyes for a moment, then she softens with a smile. "...I can see this is going to be a negotiation process..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "It works. Spider-Man and Peter Parker are seen in the same place at the same time. Supergirl doesn't sound petty or entitled. Spider-Man's connected to Supergirl, so he can fend off any female interested in him..."

One female in particular...

"And Supergirl can claim the same if anyone gets interested in her that way. We insulate each other so we don't have to worry about being compromised."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl nods slowly. "Well...all right. But only as long as we are BOTH comfortable with it. Poor Peter, though...gets ditched for another cape." Kara sighs.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles sadly. "He'll realize it's for the best. Having something nearly blow up your lab can re-calibrate one's sense of reality. But he;ll hate the situation..." He looked to Supergirl. "...and not the person."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well," Supergirl replies softly, "Then maybe Kara can help to soften that blow."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Maybe she is sent to report on the event for whoever she represents, and decides to do an in-depth on Peter Parker, The Man, The Myth, The Mook." He chuckles. "They'll call her the Rebound...but that talk will go away eventually.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Blonde, blue eyes...same height, same measurements." Supergirl winks. "People are gonna say you have a type."

Peter Parker has posed:
"As long as it gets me off redheads. Harry will say I'm not over you." Peter tilts his head, then raises a finger to his lips.

One second later, the elevator door opens and Julia comes out with their orders on a wide tray. She puts down the plates, then the drinks, and then smiles. "Page me when you want the check. I hope you enjoy."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Ohh, fantastic! Thank you!" Supergirl beams as she looks back up at Julia. And when she is gone, she looks back to Peter. "Harry will have to think what he thinks, I'm afraid. If anyone else knows, that puts not only us but them in danger, too," Supergirl replies apologetically.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter waits until Julia leaves, then nods. "I hate lying to them...but if lies hurt...but truth kills..."

He looks down at his meal. "It's still better than the alternative." He looks to Supergirl. "But you and I can be together...in both roles. I'm willing to take that risk."

He takes a deep breath, then says, "Well...shall we eat?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is already reaching for the ketchup bottle and starting to create the veritable lake in which to drown her fries. She looks up sheepishly. "I like ketchup...with my ketchup."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shrugs. "Hey, it's going into your body. You know more about it than I do, and it doesn't seem to be affecting you adversely." Peter dashes some salt on the fries, then takes a bite of the burger.

"...Oh...my...GOSH. Kara, I think this is the best burger I've ever tasted in my LIFE."