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Latest revision as of 06:05, 9 April 2022

Blue on the Roof
Date of Scene: 07 April 2022
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Singularity comes to cheer up Sarah in the rain.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Singularity, Valeria Richards

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
The roof of Titans Tower fit Sarah Rainmaker's sense of isolation. Few came up here; at least often. the general chaos of things within the Tower left her mostly alone up here and gave her space. On this day, it was raining. Nothing of her own doing, just her settling up in the air and looking along the horizon. Rain falling upon her, and her elbows on her lap, chin resting on her palms as she would just sit and stare along through the storm.

Singularity has posed:
    The lights of the city shine despite the raindrops falling, the rhythmic flash of the warning lights on the highest skyscrapers visible against the dark clouds overhead. The sound of traffic and horns and sirens drifts up as...one of those lights seems to move. It's a steady light, a shimmering blue that seems to approach, coming closer until a keen eye can see it's a glowing blue girl, who appears to be flying among the raindrops, doing little twisrls and loop de loops from time to time.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
There's a blink from Sarah Rainmaker as it takes her a few moments to take note that things are changing. The lights are.. That's not natural. Is it one of those events of strangeness coming from within the Towers? She's tense.. But they seem to be randomly going along, and not something making a charge in. So she just watches, head cocked and confused.

Singularity has posed:
    The glowing blue girl's laughter can be heard as she draws closer, spinning and reeling, seemingly just enjoy her flight through the falling rain as she passes over head, then stops mid-loop as she spots Sarah, hanging upside down. She smiles at her and waves. "Hi!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would almost jump in surprise from her position as the girl would float towards her. Staring. But the way the cheerful greetings were given put her at ease. "Ah, hello. Who are you?" The girl (it was a girl, right) didn't seem threatening.

Singularity has posed:
    The starlight girl rights herself, floating comfortably in midair, one leg drawn up slightly and her hands at her sides. "Singularity!" she says cheerfully. "Hello! The rain is nice tonight." The water in question seems to be striking Singularity as it falls, but it's unclear if it's even getting her wet at all...the sparkling skin sort of makes it hard to tell.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would cock her head to the side and allow, "Yes it is. It's lovely to just sit out in. And to watch." Her looking at Singularity, "And is that your name or just a.. Term for something?" Her trying to decipher what hte girl was. But she was cheerful.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Despite not being a Titan, Valeria does actually have enough friends that are that she can get away with crashing in an empty dorm. Part of the whole socialising thing her mom made but having a lousy sense of time since she just sleeps when she needs to. So when she wakes up she heads for the roof where she's got a Fantasticar parked. A coffee in hand while she fumbles for the remore control for the keyless entry and de cloak which chirps with that familiar sound. "Oh, umm. I'm not interrupting?" Val asks with a goofy grin and sees that the roof is not unpopulated.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity tilts her head curiously, floating downwards as she sits crosslegged in midair, more on eye level with Sarah. "It is who and what I am?" she says after a moment of thought, then grins playfully. "I am a person, place, and thing!" Someone apparently taught her the joke, from the way she looks proud of herself using it. "Who and what are you?" she returns easily. As Valeria arrives, she glances over, then waves energetically at the newcomer. "Hello!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would twist over to look at Valeria, "No, ah.. You're not. Here's a public area. And.." Then she would look over at Valeria and sigh, "I do hope that you're not going to need to tkae another blood sample from me." She would put up a cheerful air. "And.. She is quite cheerful." She would point at the blue quantum girl.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Val waggled fingers at Singularity with a cheerful smile despite clearly being on the side of sleepy. "No, no blood tests. Honestly think we've got enough material for testing. Any more fluids gathered would have to be for funsies." she states and nods her head. "Very it seems!" she adds with more smiles for the two young women. "I'm Valeria! Nice to meet you!" she offers as an introduction.

Singularity has posed:
    The floating girl doesn't seem bothered that Sarah doesn't answer particularly, her glowing blue eyes settling on Valerie curiously and and unfolds, floating down to actually set feet on the top of the roof as she offers a hand in greeting. "I am Singularity." she offers, just in case she didn't hear the first time. "I am happy. To meet you too!" Her way of talking is slightly stilted, like she's having to pause to figure out exactly how to express her thoughts in the words sometimes. Her hand, if taken, is warm and smooth and feels like a normal hand...if you ignore the stars floating underneath. Up close, she seems lacking in some details, though her general form is a teenage girl on the short and/or young side.

    She looks back to Sarah. "Cheerful, yes!" she agrees, grinning a bit. "It is a pretty night. Good to be cheerful."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shift over and let out a sigh, "I'm.. Sarah." She would smile. Something about the floating blue girl setting her at ease more than she had been. Among them the lack of pressure or inquiries. "And.." About to ask 'what are you' but that had already been answered. "What are you doing here then, Singularity?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
Valeria Richards takes any hands offered with a smile and maybe a little curiosity at the floating girl's physiology. Though at least she refrains from busting out the scanners and sciencey type tech. "I imagine a roof top with a young woman with a lot of things on her mind would probably garner most flying peoples interests. Kinda like when the get spotted in a museum. But maybe less scary?" she says hopefully.

Singularity has posed:
5tSingularity grins. "I'm flying in the rain!" she says simply. Because it's pretty much what she was doing. She peers at Valeria curiously. "It is? Yes. She looked interesting. On the roof. So I stopped." she explains, bouncing on her...not really toes, but feet at least. She looks back to Sarah. "Lots of things on your mind?" she repeats curiously.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would laugh, "Flying in the rain. Simple. I suppose I should have thought of that myself. And a.. Pleasure to meet you, Singularity. And.. Yes, there are a great many things on my mind. I'm sitting up here to try and clear them from it." IF only for a little while.

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Good thing Fantasticars are convertible." Val states and looks over at her ride with the top up so the upholstery is spared any drizzling weather and water damage. "Luckily Sarah is in a literal good spot for folks to provide help." she says and makes a sweeping hand sdown at the roof beneath her to indicate the whole building. "A whole building of people our age beneath us." she says and offers Sarah a reassuring smile before aiming her eyes back to Singularity.

Singularity has posed:
    The blue girl nods enthusiastically at that. "Yes! Titans! Heroes!" She floats up in a little twirl, her arms out, making the whole T pose. "T!" She cocks her head at Sarah. "Can I help?" she offers, her expression more concerned now. "I am. Not a Titan. But. I like to help."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "I'm sure that they would appreciate your help much. I.. Am not in immediate need of it. But Valeria is an.. Interesting person." Sure, that was one way to put it. "I think that she might have ays that you could help her."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"To be honest it's mostly just sitting in a chair while I run scans and diagnostics and entertain my curiosity on your physical make up." Val points out. "But that's always something to do later on." she states and chuckles with a playful tone. "There's more than one way to get to know a girl after all and I think somethings call for a slower approach on occasion!"

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity nods at Sarah's response, her glowing eyes returning to Valerie as she explains more. "Do you have. Many things on your mind. Too?" she asks curiously, clasping her hands behind her back as she watches Valeria. She pauses, then returns to Sarah. "If they wanted help. I would give them help." she says easily. "They are good heroes."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "I have things on my mind. But they are not ones that could be solved now. So I can merely think and try and not obsess on them and let it swallow me whole." She would smile, "An the Titans are good heroes. And people."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"They have their moments yes!" Val points out cheerfully as she remembers she has a coffee in her hand to drink and keep those neurons firing. "I have lots on my mind too but nothing that would warrant the need to hug and fawn over me." she points out with a nod. "Mostly just keeping track of all my work and a few software solutions I've got compiling. And some games I left bots running on." she states and shrugs her shoulders.

Singularity has posed:
    "Fawn?" Singularity says curiously, frowning thoughtfully. She thought those were those four legged furry creatures with the hooves. Is it like taking care of someone like a little fawn? That seems cute! But probably people would be less likely to enjoy being petted. She just smiles and nods at that. "Okay!" she says agreeably. "What is your work?" she wonders.

    Then back to Sarah. "Okay. Can help, if you ever need it." she offers anyway, smiling simply at her.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over at Valeria and then slowly smile, "I do believe that she could use it anyways. Merely show her how intriguing you think she is and that you are as interested in her as you might be of anyone." Her gesture being from Singularity to Valeria. "And your offer is appreciated."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Fawn in this sense meant caring for and attending someone's needs, Abd it's not so much that folks don't enjoy being petted. It's more there's a time and place for it. A roof top where any random person could swoop down or come out from downstairs isn't exactly ideal." Val says with a chuckle. "Tell yas what though. When you're in New York, swing by Four Freedoms plaza. I'll make sure you're on the list to head in and we can do all the fun sciency stuff. Or just go for a ride in the Fantasticar here when the weather is better. Wind in your hair when not flying yourself is always fun!" she states and hits a button on her keychain FOB that gets the vehicle revving while she climbs in. "All the curiosity! All the SCIENCE and girls hanging out! See ya soon!" she yells out and zooms off.