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Latest revision as of 06:05, 9 April 2022

Visiting the Farm
Date of Scene: 07 April 2022
Location: Kent Family Farm
Synopsis: Jon shows his girlfriend his rural home. They plan another date.
Cast of Characters: Molly Hayes, Jon Kent

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes let Jon do the flying to get them out here. For one, she had no idea where they were going. For two, she isn't sure exactly what the range on her jet pack is, but Kansas is definitely probably outside of it. She keeps her arms wrapped tight around her boyfriend (OMG SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND) and clings to his chest as they finally set down just outside the farm.

"Whoa, this is some serious rural! Like, we drove past things like this when we were on the run, but we'd never stop because there was never any wifi and it was hard to get the good candy bars at the convenience stores. Also, I think once we saw some cannibals in Texas," she says.

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon cradles her to him, holding her gently, and yet so securely. The country zooms by beneath them. He could literally get them to Kansas in moments, but he lets them enjoy the trip a bit more then that. He even pauses a few times to take in some beautiful natural and manmade wonders. Finally, though, he gently sets down on the grass and lets go of her.

"Yeah, hard to get more 'middle of nowhere' then Smallville. And the family farm isn't even in the town itself."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes smiles and bounces around, hopping just a bit on her sneakered feet. She's wearing a pair of overalls with lightning bolt patches over a Happy Harbor High class t-shirt. She's got a few autographs on it from other students in her class. Getting close to graduation!

"I think it's pretty cool. Maybe cause I've always lived in the city, so it seems, like, exotic and strange and interesting. I can see how you could get pretty bored, too. Of course, you can always...zip, zoom, whoosh!" she says, using her hand to make flying gestures. "Probably helps."

Jon Kent has posed:
"It can," the boy says with a laugh. "I have to play it pretty cool, though. Secret identity and all that stuff. Heck, I can't even join the school sports teams, even though I wanna. My grandma says it'd be cheating..."

Jon suddenly twirls, creating a brief whirlwind of red and blue...and when he stops spinning he is in civilian clothes. Comfortable jeans and sneakers, with a knock-off Spider-Man shirt. He flashes her a grin.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes hooks her thumbs in her overalls, "Yeah, well, your grandma's probably right about that," she grins. "You're, like, the fastest, strongest, coolest, handsomest ever. Other guys at school would probably hate you just for being...you," she says. "But they'd just be jealous."

She grins at the outfit change, "I saw Spider-Man once!" she says, "Not, like, real close or anything, but we were, y'know, fighting some bad guys together, briefly. Oh, that was when I met your Dad! He was there, too!"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Nah. I'm pretty nerdy at school. I'm...not usually as smooth as I am with you." The boy blushes a bit and clears his throat, before he leans in to kiss his girlfriend lightly on the cheek. He then takes her hand to lead her across the yard to a very large, drooping tree, and the old tire swing.

"That's awesome!"

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes takes that hand and gives it a squeeze, walking along to the tire swing, "This is super old school. Like Norman Rockwell stuff," she grins. "Does your grandma have a pitchfork? Or a Tweety bird?" she giggles.

"I don't know what I am at school. I'm not smart enough to be nerdy. And yeah, my powers are, like, too cheaty for sports and stuff. But I'm not into clothes and stuff. I like video games, but, like, not that much. I dunno. I guess that's why I always had lots of friends who were older. I never fit in great with kids my own age."

Jon Kent has posed:
"I mean, of course we have a pitchfork," he says with a laugh, gesturing to the barn. "A lot of that stuff is all machines now, though. But...yeah. All that old stuff is here, too. A lot more liberal then something in Rockwell, though." The boy grins and squeezes her hand back.

"Well, you fit in with me. And I don't really have a...clique, either. Not a ton of friends. But that's fine."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes smiles and leans in to push herself against his chest, kissing the point of his chin, "I like fitting in with you," she says softly. She even flutters her eyelashes a little bit!

"Yeah, that's the other thing, I think some of the country people are sometimes like...a little..." she's trying to find a polite way to say it, "Backwards? No, that's mean, too. Ugh, I don't wanna be mean, but, like, a lot of them are wrong about, like, important stuff, y'know?"

Jon Kent has posed:
"Saying Kansas is a bit old-fashioned is a very nice way of saying...a lot of bigots live out here. But...it's more complicated then that. These folks aren't dumb. They've just been lied to. Manipulated. Led to be afraid and paranoid. That kinda stuff can be fixed. But trust me, I know exactly what you mean."

He leans down to give her a proper kiss.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes returns the kiss, making a little squeak in her throat. She doesn't kick up a foot, although there's some mild consideration of that. She's not sure where that idea comes from. Movies, maybe?

She comes up for air after a long moment, cause teenagers tend to take their time in making out, at least, if nothing else. "I know. Most people are more complicated than they seem. Except me. I'm pretty simple. Just a regular old fashioned super strong girl with evil parents."

Jon Kent has posed:
He laughs and shakes his head, placing another kiss on her forehead. "Princess, a teen girl is anything but simple. So, whatcha wanna do? There's a killer burger place in town. We should go to the Harvest Carnival in October. It's awhile off, but...it's so freakin' fun."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes grins, "Uh, yeah, probably can't just hang out here making out in the yard until October. We could try, though, I'm game," she laughs, kissing on the side of his neck.

"Uh, well, you could show me inside the house? THere is an inside, right, it's not a big movie set that's held up with sticks on the other side, right?"