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(A friend of Thomas' drops in from beyond the wall of sleep. Guest starring Mike the Raven!)
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Latest revision as of 12:11, 11 April 2022

The Rockstar and the Carpenter (and the Cat)
Date of Scene: 10 April 2022
Location: The Black Market
Synopsis: A friend of Thomas' drops in from beyond the wall of sleep. Guest starring Mike the Raven!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Michael Hannigan

Thomas Blake has posed:
There are places of darkness in New York. This is not one of those. On the surface it is another mall, well lit and fairly popular. The stores and kiosks have some odd wares for the discerning client: freeze guns, exploding arrows, glue guns (30 meter range!) Along one wall is a large space opening onto a bar with a rough looking clientele but everyone is keeping it polite and relaxed. They're villains. They come here to unwind, get a snootful, and spend their ill gotten gains.

Thomas Blake came here for a meeting with someone he'd contracted. Waiting in proximity to freely flowing booze relaxed him. Waiting longer made him sleepy and now he snores lightly in his booth. He did buy a decent amount of liquor and, well, people know what happened to the last guy to wake him up so give the Cat a few more minutes.

Thomas is having a very pleasant dream, involving present and past friends and skin contact.

"Chuck, you're his realtor... wake him up."

"F*ck yourself! I'd sooner kiss Croc."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Did someone say dream?

No one?

Well, either way. After finishing up most of the remaining tour without incident, save for the Latveria concert, there are no more make up dates left to deal with. So, Mike finds himself back in New York City making the most of his rest and relaxation time. He best enjoy it before the next leg of the tour hits.

So what does a rock star do when he has no performances left to do? Well, if is Mike and he didn't quite get the memo on the recent happenings over at Titan Tower, he's relaxing at home doing a cursory skim of dreams to see if he can find anything Wonderlandian. What he instead gets is a glimpse of something.

Well. Not Wonderlandian.

But Mike is Wondering.

Curiousity piqued, the musician ends up wandering in the general direction the dream came from. But upon reaching the Tenderloin District he did have to stop and shift off to the side of the sidewalk so as not to block the foot traffic while he tried to get another glimpse of the curious dream.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is enrapt in the dream. He's even smiling a little. One villain tries for a selfie with him and gets a quick beat down. You do not selfie if you're a respectable villain. In any case, Thomas is enjoying himself with some friends and imposing payback on a certain ex. The villains go back to their drinks. Thomas smiling is weird. even he will admit that. The only people used to it are Saeko and Terry O'Neill.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Spotting the dream, Mike's head turns. Eyes blinking, he looks to a nondescript building that doesn't appear to be someplace he can legitimately go into.

Why would someone be sleeping there?

Frowning, Mike ends up popping down an alleyway. The medium size-ish purplish black raven that flies out of it a few moments later to head towards the warehouse like building is PURELY coincidence.


Thomas Blake has posed:
"Mike is here," Rasputin says. He swats Thomas to get his attention after pushing many people off him, including a Swedish bikini team composed of blond kitsune and captained by Saeko. He looks away after shooting his father yet again. then mutters, "Bloody hell! What's he doing here?" Rasputin shrugs. "Your dream, sport."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird flies high and being what it is, ignored. Birds in the sky. Old news. Birds landing on buildings? Even older news. Birds somehow getting into buildings and perching on the rafters?

Well, it happens, and honestly does anyone ever see them fly in?

Devoid of the dream now, the bird is left to scanning the crowd, seemingly trying to find someone familiar enough to be dreaming such things. His money is on Thomas being the source and after the airport-

Well, what's the harm in checking on him discreetly?

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake wakes with a start. "Never ask questions of a tiger. A total waste of time." He blinks to clear his eyes and squints slightly in case anyone had a problem with his napping. the bartender hurriedly replaces the the seltzer nozzle he was aiming.

Thomas Blake looks up, and up, with a predator's eye. Well he learned the look from predators anyway. The no weapons rule was keeping Mike from drawing a lot fire. Thomas makes a nonchalant sort of shrug. Sits back down. He'll go. Be cool.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Considering the nature of the location and the positioning, there is a lot more for Mike to look through in order to spot Thomas than it takes to spot the bird. There are a lot less of them on the rafters for one.

The general sense of being looked at does draw the beady eyes of the raven towards the tiger owning criminal. The head tilts the other way as the bird patiently waits.

No point in wasting alcohol.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake does the rubbing the bridge of the nose thing. His contractor contacter will show up soon. He could leave Mike where he is but Felix Faust does show up sometimes for who know's what. So he goes to a support holding a wall up and begins climbing it. this being a bunch pf villains no one notices it. Thomas climbs to a cross beam and begins walking across the maze of beams towards Mike the Raven. He pauses only to say hello some guy walking across another beam on his hands and knees. He has a life you know. Pleasantries are exchanged. Thomas continues birdward. He is determined to get the bird.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bird's wings lift slightly in reaction as Thomas starts to latch on to a support beam. Of the possible ways things could have worked out, this was not one of the ones Mike considered. Thomas is pretty quick. And it seems like it would be a dick move to go land on the floor now that Thomas made his way up here. So the bird waits, watching as Thomas talks to someone else climbing on the rafters before heading towards him.

The bird hops along the beam to cut down on some of the distance before hopping onto Thomas's shoulder.


That happened.

"You didn't need to rush." The bird murmurs, "I can wait."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says softly and angrily, "What are you doing here? You can't be here! This is a place for villains, you hang around with a Titan, and you used to date that over the hill Avenger whatsisname. You have any idea what they'd do to you? They'll feed to to Killer Croc, who they will bus in. They'll make me watch just to prove I'm not an undercover super. There are spell caster around here. There are psi's around. They aren't supposed to peek, but some do." He begins walking back towards that wall supports. "Just act casual."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
To the warning about psis the bird grumbles. "Then don't nap here. You dream loud." The bird tilts its head, bobbing its head low. "I didn't date any of them." The bird corrects, "Alcohol was involved and I don't think she would appreciate being called over the hill."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake's gloves sprout claws. Technically breaking the rules but it is a villains' place. They strike sparks as he slides down to the ground floor, the only floor. Bird on his shoulder Thomas moves towards the door, until he is confronted by a shapely young lady in a denim, shirt, white bb overalls, and white cap. A tool belt hugs her hips as she snerks at Thomas and asks, "Where'd you find that ugly thing?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Thomas hightails it towards the door only to be stopped by a woman asking where Thomas made some ugly purc-


The raven makes a very convincing croaking sound. Just your common Raven here with pretty purplish black feathers here. NOT UGLY AT ALL. Hmmph.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake rubs the back of his neck. Cutting a woman loose is not in his wheelhouse. "Right we were supposed to discuss some repair work in the apartment. Listen, Jenny, something came up. We need to reschedule... there's an ex of mine around here and if you ever saw her make toast..." Thomas mimes breathing heavily on a piece of toast, turning it over and breathing on the other side.

Jenny (the Carpenter) Duffy grins and says, "Oh, I can understand that... uh, you need a place to stay, big guy? I got room... you might wind up getting a friend's discount."

Charm can work against you Thomas realizes.

"I would love to take a beautiful young thing like you up on such a gracious offer... especially considering the marble counter tops you quoted to me. But this bird is supposed to be delivered to a collector. I think he's having it stuffed or something. We'll raincheck it. Order what you want at the bar... give the Carpente watever she wants Woody, on my tab!" He turns to go, not noting the Carpenter's look turning a bit vindictive.

The Carpenter watches Catman's retreat, then turns back to the bartender and says, "A round for the house, to resounding cheers.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well, in for a penny...

With the general role being that as that of a plain old Raven, there's not much room for dialogue here for Mike. But upon them clearing the actual building the raven looks over to Thomas. "...sorry." He apologizes, keeping his volume low, "Make up drinks at the Wick?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake slumps a little when they are several bocks away. "Thank you but no. I feel the way my luck is running... we'd arrive right before the Avengers and Justice League drop in for a nightcap... and keep your mouth shut about that place. Not like we actually BREAK laws in there... well I mean consorting with known felons of you're on parole... and you want to be a Bat-level narc. I'll take it as a favor. I'll even get you in, call you Edgar Felon Poe or something... they have a fantastic thrift store, some great clothes. I got my jacket there. Sun glaases... we have the best sun glasses. Don't believe Punisher."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yeah I got it." The bird replies, giving a shrug of it's tiny shoulders "Consider it forgotten."

The bird sways with each step Thomas takes, considering the expressed bout of bad luck. "...Well, there's beer at my place. Wade's out for the night."