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Latest revision as of 16:23, 11 April 2022

Other Dimensions
Date of Scene: 03 April 2022
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Zatanna and Johnny Blaze discuss wendigo hunting.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Johnny Blaze

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
One of the many advantages of living in a mansion that unfolds into other dimensions is windows and light. There are more windows in the old mansion than can not be seen outside.

Zee has flung open the floor-to-ceiling French windows onto a flagstone patio overlooking green rolling hills and tall yew trees. A traveler or an admirer of Renaissance paintings might recognize the tranquil early spring landscape. She is pottering among the tall pots that line the stone walls of the terrace, taking advantage of the spring sunshine, when the House tells her a visitor has arrived.

Unperturbed she begins to trim an early blooming rose. No one can find Shadowcrest without an invitation; she waits for a servant to usher the person in.

Johnny Blaze has posed:

Johnny's motorcycle could be heard a mile away like it was being announced by a Bon Jovi track. Johnny drove along the open road and perhaps an invitation was given, but he manages to get to the House of Mystery. He continues to rev the bike when it gets to a good parking spot. Only then does he turn off the bike and he dismounts. Wearing leathers that cover him in head to tow, He looks around and starts to approach.

He doesn't have to knock on the door. He's invited in by a 'servant' and they lead him through the Manor to Zatanna. Thourghout the place he looks at hte renaissance paintings and landscapes, his eyes narrowed and brows raise on occasion at the artworks he manages to spot.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Johnny will pass a gallery of portraits of illustrious homo magi belonging to the Zatara family's long line of sorcerers and magicians from around the world, including the Middle East. Her mother was Turkish and the source of her lustrous black hair and luminous blue eyes from ancient invaders from the far north.

On hearing footsteps crossing the library to the terrace, she turns and smiles at the man in motorcycle leathers. She had wondered how long it would be before she accepted her invitation. After stripping the gardening gloves from her hands, she pushes back a stray lock of hair.

She is dressed for the weather in loose wide-legged linen pants and an organza blouse under an equally relaxed jacket in pastel blues.

"Welcome to Shadowcrest! It's lovely to see you Johnny. Can we get you anything to drink? You are welcome to stay to lunch. I was just about to stop and have something myself."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"And I thought my family was illustrious." Johnny's family is not illustrious. They are filled with a long line of Ghost Riders and mystics. Magic and the weird have found Johnny's family more than most, but the Zatara family has them out classed by sheer prestige and mystic talent.

He coughs into a hand, before he looks at Zatanna as she seemed to have been gardening a little bit. "Nice place you got here, Zee." Johnny comments with no disdain in his voice whatsoever. She approaches him and he jokes. "So, should I bow? This place is like Buckingham Palace."

Johnny smiles. "Some scotch if you got any. I'd love some lunch with you. I wanted to ask if you knew anything about Wendigos. I know how they're made, but killing them -permanently- is damn difficult."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A mischievous look flits across her face, "Bow and you will jeopardize our friendship! I only wear a diadem for state occasions, I'll have you know."

Zee looks up at the vine covered walls with affection, "It rambles and is easy to get lost in. Every generation seems to add something new to it. I like the windows into other places best of all. This is Italy," she gestures to the countryside the terrace looks out on. "One of my favorite rooms is a hillside on the western side of Kyoto."

"We can talk about Wendigos over lunch. Today Tuscany."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Maybe I should bow anyway just to make you blush." Johnny grins at her like a devil. "I'll keep that in mind, maybe when the diplomats show up I can wear...whatever the male equivalent of a diadem is. I don't know what a diadem is, don't judge." Johnny teases her.

He looks at the vines along the walls. "Enough vines in this place to make wine." It's said in wonder, not direct like an insult. Merely wonder. "Man, I'm starting to think all you wizard types really enjoy having houses that really defy imagination." Johnny whistles.

"Today Tuscany?" He questions her curiously. "Well, I've never really had that kind of food before, so I trust your expertise." He winks at her.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Trust us to treat you well." She observes the handsome man a moment before saying with a straight face, "You would rock the right crown."

A servant brings in a silver tray with a Blanton's Single Barrel Bourbon bottle glinting rich amber in the sunlight, cut-crystal glasses, and a small crystal container of ice and lays it on a low table. "Sit down, and we'll have lunch al fresco."

To one side of the terrace, two servants smooth a white tablecloth on a table and pull up comfortable chairs. They begin setting it with china and cutlery. Another brings in several dishes of antipasti to place in the middle.

Zatanna holds up the bottle to pour for him. "I'll join you then." Zee decants them both a generous two fingers of bourbon and hands him a glass.

"Come sit and tell me about your Wendigos."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"I do trust you. The magic houses thing kinda weirds me out, but I trust you more than you think." Johnny observes the -stunningly- beautiful woman and he starts to laugh. "I don't think I'd be caught dead in a crown unless it was a crown of fire. That'd be pretty cool I think. But then I remember my head catches on fire when I transform." Johnny smirks at her. But the servant bringing in a silver tray is noticed with the wine.

"Spoiling me already I see." Johnny takes a seat at the table and notices the white tablecloth being set on the table and comfortable chairs offered. He accepts the glass from her and starts to offer it to her to be poured.

"Love a woman who knows her drinks." Johnny states a little bit flirtatiously, a little bit blunt.

"Now, I found Wendigos down in New Jersey. Cannabals, they were startin' to eat folk along the water border. I killed two of them and called it a day, only to find two more. So my question to you is, how do I kill these things permanently, and considering that you are the most knowledgeable magician I know of, I figured I'd come to you."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna accepts the compliments with the grace of someone who knows they are beautiful without conceit or need to hear it. Still, compliments warm the heart and she gives them to those she deems merit them. A faint smile warms her face, "We try to spoil all our guests. I could see you in a crown of fire." She raises her glass to him, sips, watching him silently for a moment as she thinks.

"How did you kill it? That could possibly be why two more replaced them."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"I blew it's up off." Johnny explains. "With my shotgun. Akin to what you saw a few days ago with the demons who attacked the bar." Johnny shrugs. "I miss the days when things were so cut and simple. But I've been trying to avoid turning into Ghost Rider - I know it's ncessary and I know it's my job, but its nice doing things as me instead of as him."

He smiles at her. "I think you'd look nice in anything."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Let's be scientific about this. We can pool what we know about killing them. They are rather like vampires according to the lore I've read. Fire is generally thought to stop them on the spot." She takes a sip of bourbon then gestures at him with it, fire catching in its golden depths.

"Silver works on vampires. Have you tried silver? Traditionally, axes and stakes."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Yeah. Fire should do the trick. Hellfire should do the trick. It's just fire that burns the physical and metaphysical body. Or the soul." He takes a sip of his bourbon. "But, apparently it wasn't enough to -keep- them down. Putting them down is less of a problem than making sure they stay there." He shakes his head. "I haven't tried silver yet. Figured I'd come to you before I wasted time trying things. Other things need putting down."

Johnny didn't want to waste too much time on these Wendigos apparently. Johnny knew his shit about the occult, but Zatanna was the genius.

"So, I'm at my wits end with these damn things."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"My father told me about them. We are going to have to practice on one or two and see if it works. Try the steamed vegetables, they are wonderful with olive oil and garlic. Do you like eggplant? These are breaded and fried." She begins to move dishes across the table toward him.

"We'll have a pasta dish, then grilled Florentine steaks. Neither of us are squeamish sorts. Right?" She gives him a glance to confirm her surmise then goes back to arranging dishes for him.

"I will do some research after lunch, but I think I remember hearing that they need to be dismembered with something silver to take them down for good."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Alright, it'll be an interesting kind of adventure for the two of us I think. We'll write a book on it, 'how to kill a Wendigo with 100% success rate." Johnny shakes his head, and he does indeed try the steamed vegetables. "Mmm. Delicious." He shakes his head. "Not the biggest fan of eggplant, but I hear it's a delicacy in some places." Johnny shrugs. "No, not squeamish. I trust you." He lets her order as she pleases for the two of them.

"Dismembered with something silver....I can get a silver blade that I think would work. Well, more of a knife than an actual sword. Agh, you get what I'm trying to say." Does she though?

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
More plates are brought with sliced salamis, marinated olives, and roasted red pepper.

"I hope you like pasta putanesca if not we can change it before the chef puts on the steaks."

"Surprising, isn't it - about the silver? But that is what I remember reading. I've never faced any. They don't sound easy."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
More plates are brought in and Johnny doesn't seem to mind it. "Wasn't expecting a buffet." He looks at Zatanna, a grin on his face. "Are you spoiling me?" Johnny questioned her. Though he chuckles. "I've never tried it. Never really lived that fancy lifestyle." He teases her, surely.

"They arn't. Sharp claws. They are skinny, look like a demonic corpse, but they are -strong-. Surprisingly strong. Can easily tear a person limb from limb with their bare hands."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Italy is a buffet. Italians understand 'Il dolce far niente' and taking things slowly, believe it or not. It seems deeply engrained. So, I hope you enjoy it." She spears a few olives and slices of salami for her plate. After a sip of wine, "Do you think they are on your trail? Where are they now?"

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"No. Wendigos are single-minded. They go after prey. Mindless creatures, you see." Johnny suggests to Zatanna with a bit of a small smile. He uses a fork to stick a few pieces of salami and place it on his plate. "I'm goinjg to try using heat to my advantage. Dunno why I didn't think of that. I've been trying to act with..less of the Rider. I don't like taking a back seat, even if it's necessary most times."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Ever hear of gaki? They sound like hungry ghosts. Burn them to ashes, Johnny." She smiles at him him over the top of her wine glass, the sunlight catching the ruby liquid aflame as though to underline her words.

"I believe in you."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"I'll try my best. Evil bastards." Wendigos feast on human flesh almost exclusively as other creatures are practically nonexistant to these foul creatures. Yet, Johnny lifts his eyes from his meal to look upon Zatanna's beauty. Her eyes as she looks at him. Her lips that grow more red as she drinks from the wine glass.

She believes in him?

Not many people do. "Thank you, Zatanna."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Thank you . We have to trust people like you. One reason why we have guardians such as yourself to keep things like that at bay. Human flesh," she says with disgust.

A smile curves one corner of her mouth at his glance and she drops her eyes then looks up, fixing him with a direct gaze.

"I will always be willing to give you a hand in these matters, Johnny. This is rather hard to say. Please don't misunderstand my invitation today or my intentions."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny looks upon Zatanna. "We need more people like you. Knowledgeable occultists who know what they're doing. I didn't even think of something so simple as /fire/. Fire is kinda my schtick, and here I am blowing their heads off with a shotgun." He chuckles a little bit.

"Makes me want to ask what your intentions are, Zatanna."

Johnny keeps his full attention on her. His eyes lowering to her lips once more. A request.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Gaze steady, she says slowly, "I've been flattered by your attentions. I like men who are masters of their domains. I realized recently that friends are what I need most in my life right now and not romance. Or a fling." A fleeting smile crosses her lips and she shrugs faintly. "As tempting as it has been. So my intentions are friendly, to be clear."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny nods softly to Zatanna, not looking put out or otherwise insulted. Johnny though proceeds to clear his throat. "I apologize if I was too forward. You are an attractive woman, Zatanna. Forgive my flirting. I have no desires for a fling. Life is too short and I am too scarred."

"I'm searching for something serious. I am trying to let myself be more...open with others."

Johnny hums a moment. "But friendly it is."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Raising her glass to him, she smiles. "To friendship and fighting demons."