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Latest revision as of 13:13, 13 April 2022

Life is a Jolt
Date of Scene: 13 April 2022
Location: Queensland Park
Synopsis: Two teen heroes talk in a park.
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Virgil Hawkins

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It's sometime late at night. Sarah Rainmaker is flying through the air over with some sort of focus. That much is obvious over from her direction. She's heading through the sky at high speed, arrying herself along in the breeze at more than ahundred miles an hour, heading towards the center of the park.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Although Virgil was almost finished getting materials together for his new costume, he decided a little more testing of the new flight disc was in order. Sure, it worked well for high-altitude flights and over long distances (even if there was a rather unusual of pleasant conversation involved at one point), how well did the mylar respond for finer-tuned maneuvering? There's no reason it *shouldn't* work well, but smack in the middle of a firefight would be a heck of a time to find out what makes it crumple like tinfoil.

And so it's with that in mind that Static is currently weaving his way through the park's trees, zipping along them like a makeshift aerial obstacle course. He may not be easily visible in the dark, but someone approaching from air could probably make him out as he flits his way across the open spaces...

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker hasn't yet noticed Static, though she's probably simple enough to pick up as she's diving towards the ground in what passed for her 'costume'. Going in for a landing, she's sliding down over to start to look about the area. Definitely watching for someone or smoething she was expecting on happening. She's not in an 'alert' posture or defensive, but she's definitely wary and on edge as she would glance about the area.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static is indeed the one to catch sight of her, pausing in his latest bit of drills and his sort of hovering in place. "Huh? That's -- " Come to think of it, did he atually come away from that aerial meet-and-greet with her name? Or codename? Or whichever? Whatever it is it looks like she's out here with a purpose.

...at *this* hour?

Trouble, maybe. For a moment, Static wonders if she should get involved. Metropolis isn't actually his turf, after all -- he'd come into town for some materials shopping, and had called his family to let them know he was staying overnight instead of hopping a late Hyperloop back. This town has its own way of doing things, and there's no need for a nosy out-of-towner to be poking around in other peoples' business, is there?

But still, there's no harm in asking.

"Hey there!" The young man in the blue coat and white mask hops off his flight disc after floating over to Sarah, the silver disc folding up with a gesture before being stashed away in an inner pocket. "Good to see you again! Everything okay?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker is going to slide on down towards the ground, going in to land and then looking over behind her.. There's a quick return gaze given to Static as she would rapidly place an didentify him, "Hello. Static, right? Has anyone on the Titans gotten back to you? I'm not hte person to ask on a followup, I'm just a guest in residence for the moment while I sort out some life things."

no wary looks over her shoulder, no quick gazes about to see if anyone was approaching or there was any sort of danger about or even sign he was interrupting her. she was paying him full attention and not in a 'what are you doing, get out of here' sort of way as she would fold her arms over.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Huh? Oh! No, not yet, but that's okay -- I mean, that's not why I'm here! I was -- well... I was kind of in the neighborhood," Static hedges. *Why* he has to hedge when that's pretty much the truth, he's not sure, but he feels kind of dumb now after seeing her act so un-concerned. "And I saw you nearby, and... well, it's pretty late. Just thought I'd see if everything was okay?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod over at Static, "Fair." Her accepting that from him, kind of honest or not. She was far from one to talk after all or make a judgement on anything. "I was supposed to get a.. Message from someone out here, setup to meet them later. I'm a bit early.."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Oh." Static blinks, looking around the darkened park. Reminded that once again, it's rather late. A message out *here*? "Must be important, then. You want some privacy?" Leaving a young woman alone out in the middle of a park at night is practicallly begging for tragedy, but Static's already seen this is no ordinary woman. Granted, he hasn't seen *all* that she can do, but even so he has an idea.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shake her head, "No. Thank you. I'm fine wtih some company. I came out ehre early and I guess that it's likely they'll be late. If they wanted to pass it along somewhere no one would be around they could have done it." That doesn't sound.. Particularly good at all if one were to think about it.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
No, it doesn't. " ...right. Okay, then." Sarah may not have looked particualrly wary, but Static gives the longer shadows of the park a suspcious look now as he takes a step closer. It does remind him though -- "You know, I don't think I caught your name before?" If something's about to go down, might as well know who you're in it alongside of, right?

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would oh over at Virgil, "Sarah, sorry. I don't exactly have one fo those.." She would wave her hands together miming flight, or whatever one might do to indicate a 'hero' sort of name. Just leaving ait Sarah for now.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Hey, that's cool!" Static replies easily, picking up on the gesture easily enough. "Whatever works for you! I just picked mine because... well... " He pauses -- but there's really no reason not to talk about it, is there? "When I first got my powers, I guess I just wanted to make sure I could keep everything quiet if I had to, you know?" Gesturing towards his mask for emphasis. "At first, anyway. Then I guess I got worried about gettin' my family in trouble for the stuff I did."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod at Virgil, "Mine kidn of.. Came into existence at a not great point in my life. I was.. Lucky to have some people there that were able to help me and teach me how to handle things. I'm here because of them. I have to make sure I'm around to try and help others."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static winces a little, as he can easily imagine any number of points in life that would be 'not great' to have meta-powers suddenly make an appearance in. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that," he says earnestly, his voice a little quieter. "But sounds like you've got things going pretty good now. If you ever need a hand with the 'helping others' thing, look me up? I'm mostly around New York these days," he adds. "But always willing to help out a 'frequent flyer' buddy in need!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shake her head, "No, no, it's a thing." The lie is very smooth, with total sincerity. "A lot of people have had i ta lot worse. I could have been in a lot worse places, with people who didn't have a clue or who were frekaing out." A complete lie told with total sincerity. "And I can do that, sure."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
It's not that she's not believable -- the lie is indeed smooth. But Static does cock his head for a moment. He's seen a lot of "Bang Babies" who ended up in a bad way, and some who believed there was no help for it. It's that experience that has him wonder if she's playing it off, rather than any suspicion of her. But finally deciding if she's not going to make an issue of it, there's no reason to press it.

"I mean, it's not like you've got my digits. But hey, if you happen to fly around, I'm sure we'll run into each other! Not literally, hopefully."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would smile, "I'm sure we will. And I'd guess tha tone of the Titans can probalgby get in touch with you as well. Ah.. You could probably pass along your contact information to them if they don't have it. You could drop in sometime at the Towers and ask? But don't take my word ofr it, I'm just a houseguest there."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static pauses at that. "You sure that'd be all right? I mean, just to have me drop in like that." It seems rude, but it's probably not like they have a listed number he can call ahead with. ...or do they? If it was still in the day of print phone books that'd be one thing, but you can find pretty much anything on th Internet these days, can't you? "I mean, I'm not gonna get shot down or something if I just fly in... ?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shrug, "I don't know. I'm not a member or anything official with them. But they seem to be rahter informal. You can always call ahead and ask if you're worried about it. I wouldn't guess so. But I'm not the one to speak."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static nods slowly. "I'll think about it... "

But that's for later. For the moment, he gives the park another look around. "Think your message is still on the way?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shake her head, "No. I wasn't necessarily expecting them to.. But one could always hope they might follow through. T hank you."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Sure! Sorry it -- whatever it was -- didn't work out." Static rummages in his coat, retrieving his folded-up flight disc and giving it a little toss, letting it fan out back into its circular shape as it falls to hover lightly above the ground. "I should probably be getting back. But hey -- catch you around sometime?"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker wolud nod, "Oh, sure, sorry. I can't claim to be the most interative person, but I'm sure you'll geta long with some of the otehrs." Giving him a light wave.