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Latest revision as of 13:13, 13 April 2022

Model Scouting
Date of Scene: 12 April 2022
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar)
Synopsis: Belle takes a look at Rogue, allegedly for model scouting reasons.
Cast of Characters: Bella Donna, Rogue

Bella Donna has posed:
Bella Donna is easily stands out in the usual crowd for Harry, wearing a fancy dress for once, with an elaborate golden necklace, her hair styled perfectly, her makeup impeccable, it's just an unlikely look for Harry's. She's sitting in a booth all by herself, sipping what appears to be a Pina Colada. Her eyes are set on the door, and as soon as Rogue walks in, she waves her over with a beaming smile on her lips.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steps in the door and takes off her sunglasses. She sees the woman waving at her which has her narrowing her eyes in confusion before she... waves back.

She approaches the bar though, where Harry is. He stares at her gruffly. "Bout time." He says to her. Rogue smiles sweetly at him. "Miss me?" She asks the much older man.

He holds up his smart phone then. On it is a video of Rogue rolling around on one of the bar's pool tables, to a series of hoots and hollars from some of the young people at the bar that night. Rogue starts to grin at the video before she looks up at Harry. "It was a dance routine."

"What have I told you about getting on the pool tables, Marie?" He asks her, sounding calm, but serious. He just eyes her sternly and Rogue smiles back at him. "Only do it if its a dance routine?" She asks.

He sighs then and puts the phone away, then motions around the bar.

Rogue slumps her shoulders. "Fine... I'll clean up." She tells him, as he tosses her a towel, and the plastic bin for picking up cups and plates.

Grumpy now, Rogue accepts these things and starts to walk around the bar doing just such. She puts cups mugs and plates in to the bin, ending up standing near to where Bella is. She shows the woman a soft smile.

Bella Donna has posed:
Bella Donna did not expect to be outright ignored, which leads to her smile losing some of its spark, as she turns to follow Rogue with her striking blue eyes. But she doesn't budge from her seat, and rather waits until Rogue comes closer as she does her work, asking loud enough to be heard to miss, "is that what you do for a living? With a face like yours...? Seems like a waste to me..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sets the plastic bin down on the table beside Bella's. She reaches her black gloved hands up to tie her hair back behind her head, leaving the white bangs loose around the sides of her face. She looks over to the woman while she does this, and smiles at her. "Well thank ya, Sugah." She says happily at the compliment, assuming that the woman is flirting with her now.

Her hands go down to the glasses on the table from whomever was seated there and left.

"And no, I work at a school near here. But... Harry makes me do this stuff, if I break his rules around here.." She explains with a smirk. "Which happens just about every weekend."

"How about you, Missy? Never seen ya in here before."

Bella Donna has posed:
"Ohh...you in zee habit of breakin' rules?" Belle asks with a fascinated smile, extending her hand with a card that proclaims her as Aline Martel, a model scout. "I think you could do vairy well in fashion, you have zee looks and of course, charm. You're a natural." She grins at the question, and pauses a moment to sip from her drink, before offering, "would you believe I heard rumours of your good looks and made the trip to see for myself?"

Rogue has posed:
Of course, this information, has Rogue pausing what she's doing with the bin and glasses. She looks over at the woman more seriously then, her hands going to her hips. Dressed in blue jeans, a green tanktop with the words 'SO FUNNY' across her bustline. She glances down at the card, then back up at the lady. A grin crosses her lips then. "You serious?" She asks, as she reaches out to take the card and drop her eyes down to it. "Did Jean put you up t'this?" She asks then.

Bella Donna has posed:
"That's an interesting shirt..." Bella Donna remarks in a tone of voice that suggests she abhors the shirt altogether, and perhaps leaning to the idea Rogue would do even better to dress nicer, even though the words were never spoken. "I am tres serious," Bella Donna notes decisively, before looking a bit puzzled, "Jean...? I'm afraid I am not familiar with a Jean...does she look nearly as good as you? I may have to scout her as well."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue twirls the card around in her black gloved hands. A grin spreads across her lips after she glanced down at her shirt. She looks back up then at the question about Jean. She shakes her head. "I mean... she's pretty. But, you know... Redheads. Their skin is so pale you can practically see through it." She's messing around, mostly because she assumes Jean is listening to this right now on some device of some kind. "But you should totally scout her. Her current job suuuuuucks." She adds with a continued grin.

"So this is certainly an interesting turn of events for the day." Rogue then notes with another glance back down at the card.

Bella Donna has posed:
Belle laughs at Rogue's joke, "they are also typically difficult to work with..." whether that was a joke or not is left for interpertation. "Have you ever done any shoots before?" Belle asks curiously, "I may ask to book a small session with you, just to have some sample photos..." Belle grins, "I do like your humor, though it's true, most jobs suck...a lot, at least modelling, you get to wear the finest clothes, and the attention isn't bad either, neh?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue lowers down to sit on the edge of one of the chairs at that table she was cleaning off. She holds the card on top of her denim covered thigh, then just smiles at the woman across from her. She shakes her head side to side then. "I've never done anything pro. I do have a social media followin' though, with the pics I've taken myself, and some that I've gotten my .. uh... man friend to take for me too. He is all about the silly photos, as I'm sure you can imagine." She says that part with a grin, totally unaware!

"But that sounds like a blast. I'd be up for it, or down for it... which ever one'a those makes sense for this." She states witha grin chasing her words again.

Bella Donna has posed:
"Social media is good, shows some clout, general likeability, definitely a plus...humor is good," Bella Donna adds as an after thought, "maybe play down zee boyfriend for starters...illusion of attainability helps when you start in zis field." The suggestion is given as a tip, "I do have to be in a bit of a hurry right now, and it looks like you need to finish attoning for your folly, neh? Number on the card, give me a call, I'm in a hotel in town, we should do follow up when there's time to talk, n'est c'est pas? Au revoir for now..." she leaves money on the table with ample tip, before making her way out of the place.