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Latest revision as of 13:13, 13 April 2022

Currents of Magic
Date of Scene: 20 March 2022
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Zee finds an interesting young magical user in Gotham and invites her to shadowcrest.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Susan Sullivan

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Teaching budding magicians has become a new passion for Zee, both the naturally endowed like herself and those who look magical because of their formidable sleight of hand tricks. Zee's father had insisted she be adroit as any non-magical card sharp or prestidigitator.

It was a beautiful setting for it with the water sparkling in the background and the stands of old trees bordering the grass sward dotted with daffodils. The table where they practiced was set up on a low knoll that gave them a sweeping view of the island.

Zee has just released the three non-magical learners back into nature to torture their families and peers with their developing skills. Then, she whisks the table covered in green baize into the ether when they have skittered away.

A waft of magic raises her head, the current seemingly coming from the gardens to the south. Head high, the homo magi follows the scent of magic sizzling in the air.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan doesn't look particularly magical. She is doing some martial arts meditation--something like a cross between Yoga and Tai Chi. She takes in deep breaths, which is slightly magical, if one can sense the flow of qi. It is her exhalations that are particularly potent with the stuff. It's not entirely spent qi, but magically, the girl would blend into her surroundings if not for that bit of qi manipulation. She's essentially camouflaged against magical detection. Not that she's not there, but according to the bird that flits down and lands on her head, only to alight in surprise at the movement when she changes poses, she is one with the forest in more ways than one.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It is in her blood. And as her father would say: blood knows blood or in this case, air. Zatanna takes her time strolling down the gentle slope, feeling like a magical bloodhound. When a bird startles in the air, her prey is not far away, so she does not wish to alarm whoever she is stalking.

A head comes into view, then a young woman seated in meditation - the source of the occult exhalations.

Slowly, careful to come into the person's full view, Zee walks from behind a tree.

There is nothing remarkable about the fashionably dressed woman. Dark, lustrous hair falls to the shoulders of an asymmetrically cut jacket straight from Harajuku. It covers matching black trousers and a starched white shirt, courtesy of the same designer. After clearing her throat, she waits to be discovered.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Her eyes closed, Susan takes a deep breath as she stands without using her hands. She turns to face Zatanna and opens them, making eye contact. "Hello," she says. "Were you looking for me, or are you just curious?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Hello, and indeed, though I didn't know it ten minutes ago," she replies with a faint smile curving her lips.

"I think the wind shifted. Curious. I thought I knew most of the magic users in Gotham. We tend to, you know. Know one another. My name is Zatanna Zatara and I live not far from here. And you?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Oh, I'm sorry," Susan says. She bows respectfully. "My name is Susan Sullivan. I take the hyperloop to Gotham once a day to look after the plants in the greenhouse." She stands back up and says, "I'm out here recentering my qi. The plants in there can be...frisky." She looks over Zatanna and takes a few steps nearer. "You're beautiful," she says. "I feel a bit underdressed, all of the sudden."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee's smile grows larger, with a small negative shake of her head, "Oh, I wouldn't. Big city living and habit, dress me. You're perfectly lovely. Whose plants are you tending?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Her name is Pamela," Susan says. "I think she's got a bit of an unusual past, but she's been nice to me so far. So, you said you know magic users in Gotham. Are there many? I have a tutor of sorts in Manhattan, but he's more helping me explore my own abilities."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Well, then, it is nice to meet you Susan Sullivan, tender of plants. I must say if you'll forgive /my/ curiosity, but I think we don't see many of your ilk out this way. If you were a plant, you would be a rare specimen."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smiles. "Oh, I'm a mammal," she says. Putting her hands on her chest, she jokes, "despite the lack of evidence." She glances a bit more at Zatanna's outfit before clearing her throat. "Sorry. Bad joke." She takes a breath and lets it out. "I'm not a plant as far as I know. I guess I could be, but I don't photosynthesize, and I feel just like a normal human. I mean...for some definitions of 'normal'."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A wash of humor crosses the homo magi's face at her protesting normalcy. "Hardly. Or no more normal than I am. And, there are precious few of my kind in the world, or this world, at least."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Oh?" Susan says. She looks past the outfit to the woman wearing it. She looks her over and says, "Well, you're definitely a mammal, unless those are the biggest poison glands I've ever seen." She looks up to make eye contact. "If I was the jealous type, I would be very. What are you, if you don't mind me asking? I mean, I presume you're a magic user, but I don't know how many of those there are."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The humor returns to sparkle in her sapphire eyes, "I don't know if there has ever been a census of magic users. I would wager there are less than five thousand in the world with many diverse talents and strengths."

The pressure of Susan's gaze makes her look down at herself. Had she spilt soy sauce on her white shirt when she ate lunch? She brushes at herself, not understanding for a moment. Comprehension dawns and her mouth crooks up on one side and her eyebrows pinch slightly, "I'm not that well-endowed."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan cocks her head to the side and gives a slightly disbelieving look at Zatanna. "You're joking," she says. "You may be second fiddle to Power Girl, but I'd give anything to have what you've got." She shakes her head and re-centers herself. A deep breath is filled with slightly sour qi. "Sorry," she says. "I shouldn't compare you to anyone. You're beautiful, and you don't deserve that comparison." She looks up at Zatanna. "My boyfriend's ex was built like her. It makes me a little self conscious is all. Hard act to follow." She takes a deep breath and lets out a normal breath, just for her mental health. "Sorry to make this about me. What were we talking about?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna considers the young woman silently before saying, kindly, "If they are ex's there must be a reason. I rather think he would like you, for you. You are really lovely which undoubtedly attracted him at first. The rest is behavior and chemistry, don't you think?"

Almost apologetically, she adds, "Does he compare you to her or talk about her all the time?" She fervently hopes for Susan's sake it is not the case.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "No," Susan says. "If he did that, I wouldn't be with him. This isn't really about if he likes me or not. It's mostly about me feeling good enough." She blushes. "I know it's silly, but it's because he likes me for me that I want to be better for him. Like, if I lost what little I do have, became a brain in a jar controlling a robot that wasn't very nice at all, we'd at least still be friends...he wouldn't necessarily kiss my cheek anymore. But because he likes me for me, I want to be more like her. He lamented how he only got to kiss her, and I want to fill the gap." She furrows her brow. "I don't know, I'm not putting this very clearly."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Inwardly, Zatanna sighs at the foibles of women, herself included, and their imagined inadequacies laid on them by stereotyped masculine standards. But nothing shows in her face. Instead, a kind smile creeps back at Susan's recital of her boyfriend's single kiss as she puzzles out the logic of being liked for herself, therefore, wanting to be like another. They both must be younger than she imagines.

"I think I understand. Are you concerned he won't find you sexy if you..." Zatanna gestures vaguely in the air.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "No," Susan says, smiling back at her. "Peter's wonderful. I just wish I could reward him." She shrugs. "Like icing on a brownie. He'd eat the brownie regardless, and he'd love it, but I want to ice it for him, you know?"
    Susan rolls her eyes. "Not something I can fake. Found that out, and now I feel stupid every time I'm around his aunt."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"What concern would cup size be to his aunt? Met her have you? She is a real fire-cracker and a dear." Zee retreats back into thinking about Susan's circumstances, eyes downcast.

"You are a magic caster or user, aren't you? Could you encourage your body to change?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan shakes her head. "Doesn't work like that. My body's done growing, and even if it wasn't, I just move qi around. I can't imbue it with spells like Doctor Strange. He won't teach me, though. Like I said, he's working to help me with my own abilities." She taks a slightly encouraged breath. "I don't need to cast spells, though, to do what I do, so that's a bonus."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Nodding thoughtfully, "We are each different in that regard. Homo magi, like myself, are born to cast. We can change reality. It's a fearsome responsibility, not to sound self-important. Dr. Strange," she smiles fondly as she says the name, "knows and undoubtedly tells you the same."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan shrugs. "Well, he's not really teaching me sorcery," she says. She furrows her brow and tries to elaborate. "I'm not normal, but I'm not awakened or...something. My third eye isn't open, let's put it that way. What I do I learned to do through intense meditation and spending a long time dead."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee's eyes widen at dead. But she likes the unexpected and is intrigued. "No one is normal. But maybe you more than most, eh?"

She grins suddenly, like the sun coming out from behind a cloud. Blinking she looks up at the trees moving in a slight breeze, "So, you want to suddenly blossom into something larger? Is that what I'm hearing? I sometimes wish I were smaller. Strange could open your third eye if wished."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "We talked about that," Susan says gently at Zee. "He's not going to, and I'm not going to push it." She looks down at herself, then at Zatanna's chest, then back at the other woman's eyes. "Are you suggesting a trade of...um...form? At least partially?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"A trade?" she asks on a rising note. "Learning about your magic would be welcome. But I don't trade magic."

Zee falls silent for a moment, "It could be done though I have never done it before. And, I don't recommend it for many reasons, philosophical and how it might impact your relationship with yourself and others." She doesn't develop her thinking, optimistically hoping that Susan realizes that fundamental dissatisfaction with yourself doesn't vanish with a change.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "I wasn't talking about trading magic," Susan says. "I mean...I don't have any to give you back. I don't know if what I do is magic or mutation or remnants of my time being dead. No, I meant...you know what I meant. I'm not going to ask for that. I'm sorry. I don't really know why I got it into my head that you would just wave a magic wand over me and boom, I'm an iced brownie. It's just conversation, right?" she asks. "I used up my wish coming back to life, anyway. I need to make the most of me, no matter what I look like."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Fixing her with an intent stare, Zee nods twice. "I think I understand. It might hurt. I can return you to yourself. I still don't recommend it."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan tilts her head to the side. "Why are you offering if you don't recommend it?" she asks. "Why are you offering to start with? I'm not complaining, I'm just confused. How do I deserve such a boon?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Good questions." She taps a finger to her cheek, then holds up three fingers, "One, not necessarily in order, I'm not you. You know yourself. I can only tell you my opinion. Two, I never expect payment for what I do. I also cannot harm someone out of malice or take a life without it rebounding on me in very unpleasant ways. Three, we all deserve boons. I'm no genie in a bottle, either." She smiles at the last.

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smiles and shrugs. "Okay," she says. "Well, I won't ask, like I said, but I won't turn it down, either." She looks back toward her stuff and reaches her hand out. Her wool pea coat lifts and floats toward her. She turns her back on it and pushes her arms backward, threading through the approaching sleeves. She glances around and back to Zatanna. "Okay," she says. "If you want to, at least now it's not so blatant."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Are you sure?" Asked with emphasis on each word.

Zatanna closes her eyes, she opens them to look intensely at the young woman, murmuring under her breath, words that would be unintelligible even said aloud. With an abrupt gesture as though batting something in the air in the young woman's direction, Zee stops speaking and nods.

"You will wake with the desired affect. I made sure you won't be a circus attraction and I think it won't be painful. You'll know tomorrow. I'd appreciate it if you checked in with me. Do you know my house? Shadowcrest?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Um," Susan says, lifting the lapels of her peacoat with either disappointment or confusion. "Thanks, I think? What do you mean circus attraction?" She shakes her head. "Sorry," she says, staying on track. "No, I don't know your house. Is it on Google Maps?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
".esuoh ym dniF" she says, conversationally, laying a finding spell on her like a calling card. "When you are in Gotham, you are welcome to stop by."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan blinks a few times. "You have no idea what your qi smells like when you're speaking magic words," she says. She nods. "Okay. I'll try to find Shadowcrest tomorrow. I have to come water the plants, anyway." She smiles. "It was nice meeting you." Susan moves to scoop up her Beauty and the Beast backpack and swing it over her back. "See you tomorrow?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"No, I suppose I don't know how it smells. But I can feel other people's, it's not quite smell."

Smiling, she gestures vaguely in the direction of Shadowcrest. "I should be there. Please do. I like tea and you are welcome to take it with me."