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Latest revision as of 13:13, 13 April 2022

It's just cigam!
Date of Scene: 14 February 2022
Location: Angelo's Carriage House
Synopsis: After the theatre.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Achilles

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The audience is hushed as they watch the woman magician seat herself at a simple felt-covered table with a black backdrop. The lights are lowered, and a single spotlight highlights a dark-haired woman in a tux and white tie.

All eyes are on her and the movement of her delicate hands. An ornate gold box, no larger than her hand, sits in front of her. She draws the audience's eyes to it, stroking a finger along one of its engraved edges with a flourish, then opens it. With a deft wave of her hand, she removes a white ribbon that she affixes to the table and a deck of cards. She deals the cards face side up then turns them over. All the cards on the right of the ribbon are blue and red on the left.

With a touch, she turns each red-backed card blue and blue-backed cards red in rapid succession, flipping them faster than the eye.

The audience groans as she fools them in a quick series of tricks. Cards disappear when she passes them from side to side and transform into coins that she tosses.

At the end of the trick sequence, she smiles warmly at a handsome man sitting in the front row, then stands and bows to the audience. The music rises, and she leaves the stage to applause, returning once for an encore during which she throws cards in the air that turn into doves.

Backstage in her dressing room, there is a knock, and a stagehand brings her a bouquet he sets in a waiting vase.

Achilles has posed:
    Some people send bouquets backstage. Others bring their gifts back in person. Of course, Angelo is one of the latter. Duh... He politely squeezes past one person and then another before he reaches the door with the big double Z on it, and no, it ain't for ZZ Top. Though that would be awesome.. a rock show opening for the magic act... ZZ for each! Huh, Angelo ponders trying to arrange that as he reaches the door.

    But he waits politely as the delivery guy walks away, and as the door is closing, he catches it and raps his knuckles upon it gently. "Great show." he says in his resonant voice, but not overly loudly. He grins and gestures, "May I come in?" he asks.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Certainly," Zatanna recognizes the voice. Seated at her dressing room table she watches his reflection in the mirror.

She turns briefly and smiles. "Thank you for that. Glad you enjoyed it. The last trick was new and almost entirely sleight of hand."

"I'm about to remove this," pointing to her stage make up. She covers hers dark hair with a scarf and sets to work, rubbing cream into her face, carefully peeling off false eyelashes.

A fresher, younger face merges, flawless skin pink from the rubbing. A light application of eye makeup and lipstick prepare her for the street.

Achilles has posed:
    With a chuckle, Angelo steps in and positions himself out of the way. "I am afraid that I brought no gift for the star of the show." A pause and he adds, "No gift but an invitation. My current home is nearby, and I thought to invite you there for a nightcap. Perhaps a pleasant conversation for the evening? I thought that I had visited your home enough times that you should come to mine next."

    That said, he smirks and shakes his head. "You realize that you need to decoration to look as lovely as a morning flower in bloom, right?" he asks.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Though used to compliments as stage performers are, Zatanna looks pleased and smiles back at him in the mirror as she puts the final touches on her face.

"That would be lovely. Do you live nearby?" she asks, rising and going to a rack of clothes. She is still in high heels, fishnets and her tight fitting mini-tux and white tie. "I'm going to change. Should we grab something to eat and take it with us?"

Achilles has posed:
    "Very close indeed. Only a few blocks to be honest." states Angelo, "And we could get some takeout for certain. Sometime, you must let me cook for you however. I have learned a lot of dishes over the years."

    And at the mention of changing, he simply turns his back to give privacy. Or at least the illusion of it. He -is- however, a gentleman and would not dream of taking advantage or sneaking a peek. He even goes so far as to step out of the door and let it close behind him so that others will not be able to peek either. "I will be out here when you are changed." he says as the door shuts.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
After making her selection, Zatanna goes behind a screen, emerging some minutes later in her customary Japanese designer black - a short fitted jacket over a long crisp white shirt and wide pants. She pulls down an ample black coat and a bright scarf to throw over it.

"Ready? So, you cook? What kind of dishes are your favorites to cook? And what do you feel like eating tonight?"

Achilles has posed:
    Once Zatanna has emerged, Angelo grins and shrugs, "I am not all that picky, but.. I must admit that I have... in the last few decades, fallen in love with the charcoal grill. So... anything that can be grilled is my specialty. I also do a mean quiche." he adds.

    "But, all of that takes time. I am quite good at ordering take-out too. That, along with sticking my foot in my mouth are two of my best talents. Also ones that I have practiced more than most others."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I will remember that," she says seriously. "I'm always famished after performances. I don't need anything elaborate though I may ask you to make me a lamb barbecue in the not too far distant future with tzaziki and other Greek side dishes if you like that sort of thing. I will bring the cookies. My chef makes the best kourabiedes in the world, if you ask me."

She extends her hand to the door. "Shall we walk or take a taxi or port> Your decision."

Achilles has posed:
    "The choice is yours. I do not mind walking in the cool evenings. But... it must be a luxury beyond words to be able to simply -appear- wherever you wish to be." offers Angelo.

    "And I am not against the idea of traditional Greek cuisine. But I love foods from all over the world." He pauses to incline his head before adding, "Can you portal to my place without having been there before? If so, then by all means.. show off." he offers with a gesture.