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Latest revision as of 14:51, 14 April 2022

Doing the Date Thing
Date of Scene: 14 April 2022
Location: Big Belly Burgers
Synopsis: Susan tells Peter to take her more seriously as a datable woman.
Cast of Characters: Susan Sullivan, Peter Parker

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan follows her GPS to the address that had been texted to her earlier that day. Looking up as she arrives, her shoulders slump slightly. "Big Belly Burgers," she says to herself. She closes her eyes and takes a few breaths to calm and center herself. She stretches a little before putting on a smile. Peter would be here, anyway. That was something she could honestly look forward to.
    Pushing her way in, she looks around until she sees him inside. She can't help but smile. Cute dork that he is, he may not stand out to others, but he does to her. She moves to her beau and greets him, "Hi, Peter."

Peter Parker has posed:
    The bundle of nervous energy that he is, Peter is seated at a table, having folded the paper placemat into a small triangular "football". He is spinning it around absently on the table, lacking anyone to hoist up finger goal posts for him to pop it through. Practicing for the long game, perhaps. Hearing the voice of Susan, he looks up, losing track of the football as it spins off the other end of the table. "Hey, Suze, glad you could make it!" he says, standing up and waving to her from the table. Not that a wave is necessary, as she clearly saw him. He greets her upon her arrival at the table. "I know, not the classiest of places, but I'm telling you, the cheese fries are out of this world."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan furrows her brow. She takes off her Beauty and the Beast backpack--a fashion choice she refuses not to wear and which doesn't so much clash with her gothy attire so much as shine like a beacon atop it--and puts it on the bench opposite him in the booth. She sits next to it, leaving no space next to her to sit. "Peter, can we talk?" she asks, seriously. She gestures at his side of the table, inviting him to join her.

Peter Parker has posed:
    Narrowing one eye as he looks at her, Peter nods and moves to take a seat. "Uh, I don't need my tingle to tell me that that's not a good sign. Is it?" He sits down, and then becomes acutely aware that the paper football he had been occupying himself with was under Susan's side of the table. For reasons he cannot quite explain, he decides he does not want that trash to be at her feet, and so he slowly slips down on the bench, stretching out with his leg, to place one foot on it and slowly drag it back to his side of the table. All the while meeting her gaze as if a nonchalant expression would disguise his very clear dip in height.
    "What's up?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan closes her eyes and takes another few breaths to center herself again. "Peter, you know I like you," she says without opening them. "I really want this to work, but I feel like you're not taking it seriously." She opens her eyes and makes perfect eye contact with her boyfriend. "No flowers, no chocolates, no fancy restaurants. I don't need you to go into debt, but I've seen the machine shop you've got in your basement. Tell me you can't take me out somewhere nicer than 'Big Belly Burgers'. Really? This is as good as it gets?"

Peter Parker has posed:
    Luckily, Peter managed to make himself back up to his full height by the time she says he needs to take this seriously, otherwise he would have had a really hard time convincing her that he was. Harder time, really. He meets Susan's gaze, and sighs for a moment. "Do you really want me to give you something that I've sourced from where I get my basement stuff?" Maybe she doesn't realize that it's almost entirely garbage picking. "I mean, I could, and I definitely would, if I thought that was, you know, all you were really after, but I kind of thought..."

Peter shrugs for a moment. "I try not to be someone I'm not. And you know, fancy meals at places that require jackets, that works for ... " He looks around furtively. "You know, some of my richer _work friends_, but you know, they are billionaires. Or work for billionaires. Or, like, everyone knows who they are and they never have to pay for anything." A sigh. "And I mean, it's not even so much that, but when I go to those places - how do you even know which fork to start with? There are three on the table, and..."

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    "Peter!" Susan interrupts, abruptly. "How many times have I asked you to take me out for a pizza? Like, not just bring me to a street vendor to 'get a slice'. Take me somewhere with table lights and atmosphere. Hell, take me to Olive Garden! Just..." She pauses. She gestures around the restaurant with her eyes. "This? A gaming store filled with middle aged men? It's sweet that you wanted me to meet your friends, but...Peter, I'm a Disney Princess, right? You know this. It's not just something I say. When I was--" She lowers her voice. "--dead--" And back to her normal tone. "--I wasn't allowed into churches for a variety of reasons. I made my own thing. Being a Disney Princess is my religion." She grabs up her Beauty and the Beast backpack and puts it on. "Peter, I don't need the moon," she says as she stands. "All I want is to feel like you're taking this seriously. Like I mean more to you than--" She gestures at the counter and pauses for a moment as she looks at the menu. "--a five dollar hamburger."
    Susan looks at him again. "I'm not mad," she informs him. "You're not doing anything wrong, necessarily. I want you to ask Aunt May or Ned or one of the girls who was playing in Ned's game for ideas." She pushes her hands into her pockets and shuffles things around before pulling out a twenty dollar bill. "I'm willing to bet money none of our dates so far will come up in any of the ladies' suggestions."

Peter Parker has posed:
    Peter absorbs what Susan is saying. He nods attentively. He looks sympathetic at the right parts. He definitely puts on his serious face when she says he isn't taking it seriously. It might be something he is trying to copy from seeing Tony Stark do it once, and it probably would have looked better with a bit of a moustache. But it is at least somewhat effective.
    His eyes light up as she takes out the twenty dollar bill. An idea has hatched. He smiles, and looks up at her confidently. "Deal!" he says, straightening up. "And then it solves itself - I'll win the bet, and then I'll spend it on the kind of date you deserve." He grins, as if this is the best idea ever. "Win win!"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan raises an eyebrow and can't help but smirk at his dorky enthusiasm. "There it is," she says. She folds the twenty lengthways in half before pushing it into the collar of her shirt. It disappears somewhere under that black tee. "You realize," she says, "if none of the ladies you ask suggest 'Big Belly Burgers' or your game store or me making you and your Aunt dinner, you don't win, right?"

Peter Parker has posed:
    "I'll have you know that some of them actually _do_ appreciate the game store." Peter doesn't delve into details. And he seems more confident as he speaks than he actually is. But by golly, he'll find a way to earn and stretch that twenty. "We'll just have to see, I guess." He watches Susan for a moment. "Uh, want me to call them now, or like, wait until the next thing they're at, and record them?" He pulls out his phone and waves it back and forth for a moment.
    "Or is it a draw for now?"

Susan Sullivan has posed:
    Susan smiles gently at Peter. "Ask me out again. Make as much of an effort as you think I'm worth. Tell me how nice to dress up. You know my wardrobe isn't super fancy, but it doesn't sound like that will be a problem, yet." She shrugs and her smile broadens some. "But if I had to choose my problems, I'd choose going dress shopping," she admits.