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Latest revision as of 14:51, 14 April 2022

Coffee Beans and Sympathy
Date of Scene: 13 April 2022
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: A reunion, a step back, and being called on B.S.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Rien D'Arqueness, Gabby Kinney

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake lived with lions. A lion will wait however long it takes for prey to move into the optimum spot for a quick clean kill. Lions are masters of delayed gratification. Delayed gratification was their key to survival. A missed kill could mean starvation, injury and slow death.

Thomas had never quite mastered it. He arrived at the Coffee Bean early and proceeded to stew, waiting. Why? He'd been with a lot of women. A lot of men for that matter. But, this was his first outing since he returned with a dicey memory and the first since his break up.

Also it was Gabrielle's big sister -so to speak. He was pretty sure trouble would dog him at some point. he didn't let that stop him, but he got a little anxious waiting for it to happen.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien shows up on time, punctual but not early. Strolling into the coffee chop with a glance around, then smiling towards Thomas when she spots him. Lifting a hand, she approaches him, head tipping back to look up at him, "Hey! I'm not late am I? I'm sorry if I've kept you waiting.." Motioning towards the counter, she lifts both brows, "Shall we? I'm kinda curious what kind of coffee you like."

She hasn't really 'dated' much, perse. Her life, up until the mid-90s, was pretty much all training and fighting and training and magic, rinse and repeat. So this is something of a novel experience for her, potentially leading to a bit more awkwardness than she would normally display.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake ponders that for a moment. What kind of coffee he likes? The kind with a little milk in all honestly. he stall while he thinks of an answer by handing her a stem of daisies kept behind his back. He glances at the menu and says, "The sea salt and caramel is tasty." His upper class Gotham accent slips in there as he pronounces the word cah-ruh-mel'. "You are looking beautiful." he ndicates a table and pulls out a chair for her. Again upper crust Gothamite in full force. He'd see how long that lasted.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien is looking over the options, so the offering of daisies catches her by surprise, her face lighting up, "Oh! Thank you, I wasn't expecting flowers..." She can smell them even from here, but she enjoys their delicate fragrance anyways, turning a smile towards Thomas, "I'm a bit of a purist... I like a dark roast done in a french press, one teaspoon of sugar, touch of cream. I can't get the caffeine kick from it, but I can still enjoy the scent and taste of it." Taking the offered seat, she chuckles softly, "And you are a shameless flatterer. You clean up very well yourself."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake goes to place the order, enjoying the smells of coffee. He returns quickly. "Most people don't realize daisies even have a scent. My nose is unusually sharp. It has come in handy. One fellow I had a disagreement with habitually wore axe. I caught that smell and not a moment too soon. You... built up quite a nice cloud of aromatics. Most females just slather perfume on them and think that and hygiene is all there is but in your case, everything compliments, as though it's a second set of clothing where everything matches and is accessorized. Me? I wore Axe. I'm still a guy."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Her nose wrinkles at the mention of Axe, shaking her head, "That is some of the most wretched offal I've ever smelled. Pure chemicals, there's not a natural scent in there. They might as well hose themselves down with toxic runoff." Rien lets out a breath and smiles warmly at him, "Thank you. I don't actually wear perfume, but I make my own herbal cigarettes.. it helps me to keep the overpowering aromas to a bearable level."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake raises an eyebrow, "Then I guess I'm smelling that and you. What a nice surprise. I've lived among lions in the wilds. I can tune out the less pleasant smells. I'm sure my discrimination isn't as fine as yours. Oh, here's the coffee. I ordered you your dark roast. I got my sea salt brand. I usually don't drink coffee. I'm a purist too, usually water or liquor. So what do you do for a living?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The jingle-jangle of the door sounds heralding the entrance of Gabby. It wasn't intended for her to show up where Rien and Thomas were. It was just a good coffee spot she had visited plenty of times before and random chance. As it is she looks a bit bleary eyed as she pauses to squint at the coffee board. It takes a full few seconds to become aware of her surroundings by turning to peer at Thomas, then at Rien, then back again.

"Is this a nightmare? You two aren't dating are you?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien offers a faint smile and gives a nod, "There are a number of scents that I can.. tune out. But there are most definitely scents that can collect, especially in the city, that are just too strong." There's a brightening of the smile as the coffee arrives, glancing to him, "Thank you. I have to admit, being French, I'm a bit picky about some things. Coffee is one of them."

Gabby's arrival has her letting out a small laugh and shaking her head, "No, we're just having coffee, Gabby. You're welcome to join us." Turning back to Thomas, she chuckles, "I hunt demons. Yourself?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake ha's. "Well I lived with a demon/human for a while. It did not work out and I am unlikely to seek other demons out, having learned my lesson. These days... mmm I am a go between, a security advisor and a broker of sorts." Or fence, mercenary and thief depending on how you saw things.

Gabby's dismayed remark draws his attention. "Hello Gabrielle, you're looking well." I heard you weren't feeling well."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just considers a moment before she sniffs a single time, her nose scrunching up. A little displeased noise is made for whatever reason and her eyes nearly shut. The breath is let out, and she walks over to just plonk her head against Rien's shoulder.

"Okay. That would have been a surprise. Hi Thomas, Rien. I'd introduce but seems you already know each other." A little sigh comes, and she lifts her head while reaching up to rub her nose vigorously back and forth with the back of her hand. "Yeah, but we got it resolved the other night. Just... ugh. Everything smells now. I'm wondering if something got messed up in my head." A pause before she adds, "Not so bad in here. Coffee smells and all."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Well, if you ever feel like getting a little revenge... I have means," Rien chuckles at the jest before giving a small nod to his voiced profession. "Interesting. Antiquities? Jewels? Or perhaps more arcane objects of interest?

Gabby gets an arm around her shoulders for a small squeeze before stroking her fingers through her sister's hair. "It's all done now? Good. No more heart monitor, no more holding back." She drops a kiss to her sister's temple and smiles, "Oh? Sounds like the Howlett senses are starting to kick in... it will take some getting used to. We can help with that, though. There's ways to deal with it."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes a sip of coffee, listening to the conversation thoughtfully. No idea what a Howlett is. Wolverine family name, he guesses. She said 'we' took care of it. She had fallen in with a crew. How long was he gone? Hard to say. Then there was time spent in the Kitsune's realm. Did time pass differently there? He was definitely out of touch. Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than open it and remove any doubts.

Finally he ventures, "I've dealt with jewelry and collectibles. Some so called magic items. I have no idea if they were. I didn't fool with them."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What? But... I'm too old for that!" Gabby blurts out unexpectedly only to end up puffing her cheeks with a pout. A stubborn pout. She only holds it a moment before she moves over to give Thomas an unasked for hug as welel. "Glad you're back, by the way. Uh. Your safehouse in New York kind of got leveled by the Angel invasion but Bellona's okay, she's run off again to do who-knows-what." With that said she pauses, then utters, "Thomas is really good at finding things," with a knowing nod.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Well then, I may well reach out for assistance in the future. With the angel invasion, nearly everything else got pushed to the back burners, but there are still a lot of potential threats and risks out there that need to be dealt with. Some are beings, but just as many are artefacts or items or powers." Rien curls a smile towards Thomas, "And not all of them are with the right owners." Her coffee is lifted, sipped from, enjoyed and savored. "Very good. It could have used a touch more cream but.. all in all, very well done."

Rien looks to Gabby and lifts a brow, "So certain are you? Many mutants don't display all of their powers initally. It's called a mutation for a reason. We are the next -step- in evolution, we are not the end result." She smiles again, "Besides, those nano whatevers could have been stunting your growth."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake spreads his hands when Gabby releases him. "Maybe I can help. I'm not that good at finding things right now. I lost two weeks or so of memories. Lost my mansion, lost my safehouse, though that was a rental. Lost your other sister. And... what happened to you? You have a posse, a team? Any bats on it or birds, might cause me problems?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips her head back toward Rien not looking completely convinced. "Yeah, I know secondary mutations can happen. It usually has to happen during moments of high stress or pain though. That... that's how I've seen them forced out of people before, anyway." That time when she and others were kidnapped by Mr. Sinister was very enlightening in a not-good-way. Rather than get into it though she shakes her head. "Maybe." Another light sniff, and she frowns. "That would explain it at least."

Looking back to Thomas she grins with amusement. "Remember the people at my birthday party last year? Just a few birds. They know I'm friends with you but haven't pried or anything." She shrugs faintly. "But yeah, they were a big help. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for ya. How's Rasputin?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blakesays, "Birds. Maybe you should step back from me Gabrielle. Rien... I was going to tell you but I'm a convicted felon. And despite what your sister says, if the birds don't pry, their boss will. Trust me on this. I have no desire to deal with the Bat. I will if I have to. But I don't want him messing with you. Because then one of us..."

"Rasputin is somewhere safe for now."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Sounds like you could use a job or two to get back on your feet then." Rien flashes a quick grin before falling silent to let he and Gabby talk for a minute. She enjoys her coffee in that time, savoring each sip before looking to Gabby when she's addressed. "You mean like suffering through micro deaths every few hours? Just because -you- didn't think you were stressed doesn't mean your body wasn't stressed. And mutations happen at a genetic level. So whether you felt it or not, it's entirely possible." She lifts a shrug, "And so is the second option. But I'll tell you what.. we'll go down to the docks soon and see how long you can last. That should be a pretty good indicator."

Lifting a brow at Thomas, Rien clucks her tongue, "I know who you mean. He's a member of the same team that I am. But he has no say over my personal life, Thomas. Nor do Gabby's friends over hers. We are both fully capable of deciding who we extend friendship to. If they can't accept that a broken system forces some people into awkward positions, then they're not paying very close attention."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares a long moment at Thomas. Just long enough to let his words sink in. She responds the best and only way she can: By throwing her arms around him again in a tight hug. "NOPE. Stuck with me, On occasion." She utters with a stubborn shake of her head. "None of my family is exactly 'straight and narrow' and yet they get along okay. And you've helped me way more than some of them have in the past." Nto that she didn't love them. She did. But there was always the 'later, when you're older' situation that tended to come up, or just the sheer overkill of some of the others.

Letting him go again she steps back over toward Rien with a nod. "My group doesn't always deal with the same old same old, anyway. We've got our own threats to deal with, and they're more ... threat-y than you. No offense. Lots of criminal labs and kidnappings lately." Glancing back to Rien she grins at her older sister. "Right, we can make our own decisions." Pausing she looks back, only to let her smile slip a bit. "But if it makes you feel better I can back off some. Just. Not completely. Okay?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake give Gabby the smallest of smiles. "Fine. If any of them bother me I make no promises."

After a moment he turns to Rien and tentatively places a very rough hand on. "I don't make the excuse of a corrupt and broken system for me, Rien. I did what I did and what I do to make a living. I blew through my inheritance in two years and was broke. I remember I was still posing as a rich dolt in the Peregrinator's Club with another fellow and we were both doing the bored rich guy act and discussed becoming superheroes and... I said I'd be a supervillain. It paid better. No one took me seriously. My friend -sometimes amour, insists I am a hero deep down but... I'm not. I'm just nice to people I like. It fools them. I am a bad man, as people judge such things. In fact, I have nerve even asking you out." He starts to get up, still sort of off balance by Gabrielle. "Let me be on my way before the flipping Justice League shows up or the Avengers. Thanks for the company."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien watches Gabby, and Thomas, those blue eyes calmly moving from one to the other. Studying them both. As Thomas gets up to leave, she takes a sip of her coffee, not budging from the table, "You're full of shit, Thomas." Pausing, another sip. "If you were truly a 'bad man', you wouldn't walking out right now. You would stay and chat me up, hit on me, be friendly with Gabby... and then if the superheroes DID show up, you would hide behind us to protect because 'you really aren't such a bad guy, right'... bad people don't care about others' feelings, or the situations they put them in. They use it to their advantage." Rien turns her head, a small smile playing on her lips, "So if you're trying to show us how bad you are, you're failing miserably at it. You're selfish, so are a lot of people. Doesn't make you bad or evil. I'm sure we'll see you around. And if not, well.." She taps her nose, "I have your scent."