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Latest revision as of 20:42, 16 April 2022

Date of Scene: 16 April 2022
Location: New York Harbor Docks
Synopsis: Dinah and Shen experience a heist and an invasion by Atlanteans.
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Shen Kuei, Dinah Lance

Arthur Curry has posed:
    It is through unwise acts that wisdom is gained.
    And by that same thought then Arthur Curry should perhaps be one of the most wise individuals in the world. Or, at the least, soon will be. For it was not a wise act to check up on an old family friend only to hear what had befallen their two children.

    Along the docks of the East River commerce is often heavy save for the small late hours of the night. Ships do slowly come in, holding their place at times in the queue til they are given a slip or a dock and then inspection is made. Occasionally that inspection is little more than a glance at a docket, an inventory of goods, then they're passed through. Other times, however, there can be a good amount of red tape which delays it. Sometimes it's best to cut that red tape. Which is why on the docks tonight outside the harbormaster's office there is an unmarked armored car as well as two black SUVs. Normally the location is under a good bit of surveillance but tonight those cameras are disengaged.
    For neither the harbormaster nor the men meeting with him wish for there to be a record of this meeting.
    "You got ten minutes," Manny Wilkins says, twenty year veteran of the job. "Ten minutes to get in, move your cargo, get out. That enough?"
    "Fifteen would be better, Mr. Wilkins." Says the calm peaceful voice of a thin man with dark glasses bracketed by two much larger men. "But we will make do. We trust, of course, if we need another minute or two you will be reasonable."
    "Mmm," Is all Manny says, but with that given he nods.
    Which allows the man in dark glasses to gesture to his coterie as the engines start up and one after another the small convoy of three vehicles heads into the dock area.

Shen Kuei has posed:
It's not that Shen isn't capable of altruistic motives, it's just they don't tend to make it to his vision board. Tonight's motivation follows the same trend. The ex-agent has arrived out of curiosity. Regularly keeping an eye on the various ports of Gotham and New York, Mister Kuei is always looking for an opportunity to acquire something that's already off the record. Why do all that bothersome paperwork and coordination when someone else could do it for him?

This is almost a lie. Something Shen tells himself to deny his own humanity. He knew there was an opportunity this was also an instance of human-trafficking. He'd gone out of his way to disrupt Triad smuggling operations over the last couple of years. Something about the act crossed a line even for him.

Thus while the cameras are deactivated, the exchange is still under surveillance. A pair of red tinted binoculars are help up to his eyes, his body clad in a matte gray body suit with a number of utility pouches. His perch atop a nearby stack of cargo containers. The devil on his shoulder hopes for smuggled hardware, the angel wants to play 'good guy' for once.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Upon one of the rooftops not far from that dock is another figure, though dressed in black. A pair of binoculars held up to her eyes as she examined the goings-on from afar.

Dinah had been tipped off so had arrived a bit earlier in the evening. Choosing a spot that would give a view later, she had settled on the rooftop for a wait, her bike stowed in an alley below. It had been a couple of hours but patience was a virtue. Or so she'd been told. Repeatedly. Since it wasn't one she always exhibited.

She was staying low so she wouldn't silhouette herself, though that was unlikely. Better safe than sorry.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Shen and Dinah might well recognize the drivers of the vehicles, the man in the shades. Ying Tze Tong members, and the leader is Blind Chu. Nobody knows for sure if he's actually blind, yet he plays that role well enough that there's at least some question about it. They have their hands in various pies, and the darker the deeper. Some up to the elbow, such as human trafficking and the like.
    But something seems off on this job. Usually they deal more in bulk. Large shipping containers. Semis perhaps to move that number of souls. This was just the two SUVs and the Armored Car. Something transportable in the latter...
    Though when they reach that dock they're all business and just as precise as they've ever been. Quick movements, secured perimeters, six on watch, three going on board. There's a hustle to them, but it's a graceful thing as they move. At least there's no moon out, gives them more cover under the overcast sky. Maybe even a hint of rain in a bit.
    Blind Chu, however, stands sentinel. Checking the data display on his wrist. Waiting as his men go about their business.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen frowns a little as he recognizes members of the Tong and the somewhat infamous Blind Chu. The peculiarities of the job are not lost on Shen. He considers his MSS training on tong techniques and his own procedures for secure exchanges.

His binoculars focus on the armored car for a moment before he takes a quick inventory of the entourage. The lack of moon works two ways. He decides that his vantage will not reveal new details. Carefully, he descends, landing next to his own carefully stowed motorcycle.

The 'Cat' begins his prowl finding a particularly dark set of shadows to navigate near the water. He crouches and then hangs off the side of the dock platform before he begins a quiet shimmy closer toward the vehicles.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Something at the edge of her peripheral vision has Dinah snapping those binoculars back up to her eyes and over to some cargo containers. Did she see movement? Nothing there so she must be imagining things. She shook her head at herself and focused back on the armored vehicle.

What were they doing? She had just been told the Tongs would be at the docks and she should go check it out. No details. No idea what they might be doing. They had their hands in a lot of criminal enterprises. This seemed too small to be human trafficking, but that didn't mean it was impossible. Arms perhaps. Or just stolen goods. She was waiting for the crew to try to load whatever they were picking up.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The focus for now of most of the gang members is on the ship. A red and grey old vessel that used to be an refrigerated vessel and was converted for container cargo. Not too horribly rusted, but definitely showing its twenty years of age. Chu has his eyes on it and the gangway, while only two of the gang soldiers are watching the office and the roadway that leads up to the dock.
    Which might in part be why The Cat can make such a smooth approach. Unnoticed and able to get closer. He has a unique angle to get a line of sight on the ship and the transports all at once.
    Which might be why he's perhaps one of the first to notice the armored figures rising up on the ladder. Climbing on the metal rungs that lead up out of the water and to the docks, two figures of similar height. Perhaps the middle between five and six feet, thin of build but wearing golden metallic plates and a blue visor that hides the features of whatever is behind it.
    They seem to be moving with a hint of stealth, though their silhouettes are not too terribly hidden. It is only fortune which has allowed them to remain hidden, which has taken a hand in the moment as the two guards nearest them are looking away.
    Which could change at any moment.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen freezes as he notices the armored figures ascending up the ladder then carefully shimmies toward a patch of concrete that seems closer shade to his suit. Mentally, he grumbles in irritation to his misfortune. Clearly, more then one party had an interest in this exchange. This would complicate things... though perhaps if there is a conflict, the resulting chaos might yield to his benefit.

He grins in the darkness. The opportunistic in him making lemons out of lemonade. He retains his current vantage point deciding to watch things play out before he plays his own hand. His fingers only slightly ache from supporting his weight. He'd be fine for awhile.

Dinah Lance has posed:
From her vantage, Dinah isn't able to see the armored figures immediately. It is only as they move closer toward those guards that she picks them up in her binoculars.

Mentally, there is a 'what the hell' that goes through her mind. She doesn't give it voice. Though it is unlikely she'd be heard at such a distance with the sounds of the pier, from the ocean to creaking ropes to the slap of water on the hull of vessels, she wasn't giving a chance to be heard.

But those don't look like something she's seen before. She's seen a variety of things, including some used by AIM and others. Yet this is new. Something familiar about it though vaguely? It was right at the edge of her memory but staying just out of reach.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Over on the ship one can see the silhouettes of figures moving on the deck. Some apparently the crew as they come up from the hold, pushing along a cart that holds a metal box wrapped in plastic. Some of the Tong on the ship seem to be taking their time examining the box, kneeling beside it as they lean near. One part of the container they're investigating lights up, illuminating their features like an LCD screen.
    At that moment there is a slight brzzzt-brzzt that perhaps Shen is only close enough to hear as Blind Chu takes a cellphone from his pocket and answers it immediately as he turns away so as to focus fully on the call.
    "Wei nin hao."
    Which gives those two armored figures a small window as they move from the edge of the dock toward the small convoy. Slipping in between the SUV and armored car, one gestures toward the SUV. The other shakes its helmet and points to the armored car which has them both nodding. Perhaps a little too emphatically.
    Both Shen and Dinah can see the door open... and close. There's perhaps a delay of ten seconds before the engine comes on...
    Which suddenly has /everyone/ turning to look at the armored car with abrupt expressions of alarm.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Stealth is a complex art. Sometimes it requires slow deliberate movements. Other times, it requires speed. In an impressive display of athleticism, Shen tugs and inverts his body into a handstand before falling into a forward roll. Ascending to his feet, he remains low but moves swiftly along the edge of the platform.

As the armor car's engine comes to life, he's torn between target. His curiosity split in two between what those armored figures might be stealing, and what the container on the cart might hold. Since everyone's attention is on the armor car, he decides to leap and grasp one of the breast lines that moor the ship to the dock. Hand over hand, he egresses upwards and then boards the ship, quickly maneuvering for a new position to observe the cart.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Eenie Meenie Miney...

It's one of those situations. See what the Tongs are up to by keeping an eye on them and that metallic container. Or seeing what the uninvited people in armor might have to do with things. Considering that the ones in the armor didn't wait for whatever to be loaded into the vehicle, they weren't there to steal. Were they just trying to interrupt things? That fit in that if the Tongs didn't have a place to load the cargo, they would be delayed.

The fact it was people in power armor kept sticking in her head. "Dammit." This time muttered outloud as she headed for the edge of the roof. A moment later, she was on her bike and it roared to life beneath her.

She steered out of the alley, hitting the gas as she intended to follow the armored car.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The roar of the engine is heard as whomever inside guns it with the intensity rising then suddenly the vehicle darts forward to /crash/ into the back of the SUV in front of it before it suddenly reverses and /crunches/ into the front of the SUV behind it. Voices are heard shouting as the gang drop all their attention from the package on the ship and instead turn it to their abruptly purloined vehicle.
    Three of the Tong on the ship pull pistols from their pockets even as one turns and gestures sharply at a fourth, motioning for him to stay with the package. The man agrees though he pulls a pistol himself.
    On the dock as the armored car /jolts/ forward again, clipping the left rear part of the already damaged SUV in front of it, that's when several of the gangsters start firing.
    Which has Blind Chu roaring, "It's an armored car, you idiots!" Though that doesn't stop several of them as they unload their clips.

Shen Kuei has posed:
One man with a pistol isn't a good match for Shen Kuei, and the ex-agent really loves an unfair fight. The onslaught of futile gunfire masks his steps. Careful to avoid the peripheral vision of his victim, he takes a wide arc on the ship and then comes up behind his prey.

A moment later, Shen's arm is wrapped around the neck of the Tong member. A swift and sure squeezes cuts off oxygen and blood to the brain while his free hand strikes a pressure point in the man's back with an extended knuckle that causes a moment of transitory paralysis.

He cradles the man and gently guides the man to lay down behind the cart for a nap that will conclude in a horrific headache. Ignoring the battle, he peeks curiosity at the LCD and tries to discern what secrets the container might hold.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Was the armored truck parked that close to the SUVs that it was unable to get out without slamming into the vehicles? It hadn't looked like it from her angle on the rooftop but Dinah wasn't going to presume it wasn't.

She made sure /not/ to go out into the area where the Tongs were firing madly. At an armored truck. No one said they had to be bright to be criminals.

She came out from around the buildings to fall in behind the truck.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    It is clinical in its precision, and the man Shen takes down is down utterly silently, falling to the side with the faintest of fwumpfs behind and to the side of the cargo.
    The box on the cart is clean beneath the plastic, with portions cut out for access to some of the handles on the side as well as the LCD display which appears to be a touchscreen. Mandarin is the language it's in and it displays a shipping number as well as a receiving number. A list of stops and destinations that the package must have gone through, then a display of temperature as well as a declaration that the contents are secure.
    While matters on the ship are peaceful, in the roadways on the docks that lead from slip to slip it is anything but. For the armored car has gotten free and roared onto the driving paths used by trucks to ferry gear from one ship to another. Though it's not like before Blind Chu is roaring at his cronies and getting them in the SUVs starting to head off in hot pursuit.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Fluent in Mandarin, Shen absorbs the details of the digital shipping manifest and commits them to memory. Reaching down into one of his utility pockets, he produces a small and very sharp razor that neatly nestles between his fingers.

He neatly slices a flap into the plastic that covers the box and peels it back. Fingers running along the container, he looks for fasteners and locks in an attempt to open and see what all the excitement is about. Occasionally, he peeks his head around the cart for a quick observation that all the focus remains on the fleeing armored vehicle.

Amused, he chuckles, "This must be my night."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Where are they going? They don't seem to be heading for the exit immediately. Perhaps they are after something else and whated the armored vehicle to get it? Her mind has about a dozen different scenarios for what could be happening but literally not enough data to make an educated guess.

Then she hears vehicles coming up behind her. Not good. Because that means she now is between the shooters and the vehicle they were, uselessly, shooting at. Plus the Tongs would not be pleased to see a cape in the area.

She ducked down a small passage between buildings that was meant for foot traffic but was just big enough for a motorcycle. Roaring down to a road running parallell and swinging back out onto it. Hopefully that would allow her to continue to track the truck without getting in the path of a bullet.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    It is, indeed, chaos.
    For the armored car seems to be darting in and out of those roadways between stacks and stacks of containers. At times the vehicle roars into view, at others it disappears as it takes a quick turn. And after the first few minutes those SUVs are quickly in pursuit as well as the motorcycle ridden by the Black Canary.
    For a time the gangsters don't notice the smaller vehicle in the chase until one of the Tong soldiers does a double take as their vehicle pulls close to Dinah's ride. The driver slaps the shoulder of the man riding shotgun who pulls himself partly out of the vehicle to sit in the window and take aim with his pistol at the blond bombshell as she roars alongside. Only for her to break off the path and down a smaller roadway. For a time he loses line of sight, but then when he gets glimpses of her in passing he takes his shots with short loud reports from the pistol.
    On the ship, Shen likely will hear the movement of some of the sailors on that vessel. One talking to another in Mandarin, "What happened?"
    "No idea."
    "Should we leave?"
    "No idea."
    Though Shen working on the container will take a good long time to get fully clear of the refrigeration module that houses it. Beneath once he gets the plastic and the exterior open it'll be another white box with plastic wrapped around it and dry ice packed all along its sides.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen frowns at the extent by which the package is temperature controlled. This leaves him in a conundrum. In satiating his curiosity, he might destroy the value of the item.

He shrugs and reaches into one of his utility pockets. He produces a tightly packed cube of fabric cinched with a drawstring. Unfastening the drawstring, he flicks his wrist and the cube expands into a gray matte bag in a similar tone as his suit. He transfers some of the dry ice to the bag and then continues in his exploration, carefully slicing the plastic of the white box to prepare it for opening.

Upon hearing the concerned deck hands, he yells in Mandarin, "No! Please don't shoot me. I'm just a sailor!" before he reaches over to fetch the unconscious man's pistol. He fires off a few rounds over his shoulder then continues opening the box.

Dinah Lance has posed:
It's going to be one of those nights.

Thankfully she had managed to avoid the shots so far. But now things had reached a point she couldn't just continue to watch. There were some workers out at the docks at this time of night and she didn't want any bystanders getting shot accidentally.

She gunned her engine. Pushing the bike to speeds that should not be even imagined in the tight confines of the docks.

Her intention was to cut off the vehicles. All of them. She cut into the roadway they would be forced to turn on then took up a spot right in the middle of the road, bike sideways. She would be able to gun it and get out of the way if this failed. She just hoped it wouldn't fail. As the vehicles rounded the corner, she opened her mouth...

And Screamed. The Canary Cry focused for the engine compartment of the armored truck barreling down on her.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    On the ship the shout does the trick as suddenly that conversation devolves from something casual... into wide-eyed flight. Abruptly those sailors nearest are rushing to the gangway, their boots clunking on the metal deck and then clattering the grates as they rush over the bridge between ship and land, hurrying off and shouting warning to those in earshot.
    Yet none of the gangsters are around to hear as they're busy in the chase after the Armored Car... and Dinah Lance.
    Only for the gunsel to lose track of Dinah as she weaves to the side then the engine of the motorcycle roars as she accelerates. Past the SUV, past the armored car as she darts into the T-section down near the edge of the docks. She turns and cuts sharp, her bike sideways as she makes that angle.
    Then, suddenly, that cry wakes the night as the world seems to shatter and the people in the cars hunker down covering their ears even as that armored vehicle pulls hard to the side as it skids sideways toward Dinah, its engine smoking and the vehicle tilting on its side partially for a bare moment...
    Then thundering down back onto the asphalt. The SUVs behind it all skid as well each one colliding with the next until it's a series of crashes ending with the vehicles suddenly stopped.
    One door pops open as a gangster stumbles out, walking around blearily as he rubs at his ears and says out loud, 'Mawp?' 'Mawp!' As if trying to hear his own voice and failing.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen's eyes widen as he hears the Canary Cry out in the distance. It's one of those guilty kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar moments. He frowns and scans his periphery. Reassured that the noise is probably bad news for Tong or the armored figures, he chuckles. "Better them than me."

He shakes his head as he catches sight of a few fleeing sailors. He decides to pause his surgery on the white box and starts rolling the cart off the ship and down the gang plank. There's a little jaunt in his step, satisfied grin on his lips. There's even a little hum as if he was walking down a aisle at the local shopping mart.

Dinah Lance has posed:
And that was why she aimed for the truck. While the people inside would be affected, they wouldn't die. Sure their ears would be messed up for a little bit but no broken eardrums and no exploded...anythings. Her cry could be deadly to humans at full power. It's why she didn't like to use it that much. Well, that and she prided herself on being able to handle things without it. Usually.

For a moment, she almost gunned the bike out of the way but then realized the armored vehicle was staying upright. She was off her bike in a second, rushing toward those in the SUVs first. They were the ones who shot at her. The poor guy trying to figure out if his head was broken got punched first then kicked to follow, hopefully knocking him out. Then she moved for the next person.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Several other gangsters stagger out of their vehicles while one has the wherewithal to actually try and focus on Black Canary as he attempts to reload his empty pistol only to find that he's out of clips. Blind Chu, however, staggers out of the side of one of the SUVs, frowning as he pulls his glasses off to wipe a forearm across his eyes, then replaces them.
    But then that's the moment when the back door to the armored car is opened as those two golden figures leap out! They land with a thump-tha-thump, straightening up quickly as they look around at the mess. The mayhem. The collateral damage. One armored figure looks at the other, then they look at the gangsters... and Dinah. Then they look at each other and decide in that moment to...
    Though right as they're about to cheezit, there's a large splash from the river beside the docks as another figure emerges. Landing /heavily/ on the docks and causing water to spatter and splash all upon the area there, another figure in orange and green armor alights, though his armor leaves his face clear to be recognized by those in the know.
    Or those that know him.
    The end of his trident clangs loudly as he thumps the haft down on the asphalt roadway. And all of a sudden those other armored figures freeze in their tracks.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen pushes the cart to his waiting motorcycle, reseals it, and spends a few moments liberally applying cord and bungies to mount his new cargo.

Once satisfied, he pulls on his helmet, revs the engine, and then zips off down the docs. Out of sheer curiosity, he heads in the direction of the commotion. He's soon seen speeding by getting a quick view of Arthur Curry and Black Canary.

Behind his helmet visor, he mutters 'Oh' and then throttles his way onwards.

Dinah Lance has posed:
The one with the gun is the one she takes care of next. A combination of strikes and kicks. Then the next. Then finally she moves to Blind Chu.

Just as those figures get out of the back of the vehicle. At least the hopefully-really-blind-and-not-just-faking-it Blind Chu doesn't try to shoot her because now her attention has to be focused on those two armored figures.

She holds herself ready, fighting stance, balance just so. Only to see them turn and intending to run. Which has her blinking in surprise then looking to Blind Chu, as if to verify he's seeing the same thing. Yeah, that was useless.

The loud splashing sound has her looking to see Aquaman arriving on scene, fully armored and weaponed up. That allows her to turn to focus on Blind Chu instead because power armored foes? Right up the Atlanteans alley.

And /that/ is when the motorcycle is approaching. Shen will see Dinah lift her gaze and eye the bike as it passes but then it's gone. Was that the package she'd seen on the back of that bike? Mental curses went through her head as she turned to the Tong leader once more.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    The gangsters are mostly shell-shocked even the one trying to brandish his weapon and so they put up little fight before they're put down by Dinah Lance.
    And even if Blind Chu were really blind, he somehow manages to see what's going on as he scowls and rubs at his temples as he likely has a monster of a headache setting in. Not enough vision, at the least, to see Shen Kuei riding past with his cargo, but enough to realize that there's a Black Canary and an... that one is Aquaman? Ugh.
    But Aquaman, for his part, is mainly glowering at the two short figures in the golden armor. "Don't you move." He says, pointing at them. And one can rather easily interpret the body language of those in the suits to be a collective 'gulp' of expression.
    Then Arthur looks up, then toward the motorcycle that went past, frowning as he turns his focus on Blind Chu just as Dinah advances on him. "This?" Then a pause, "Oh, hey Canary." Then back to Chu. "This is a thing?" Though he looks at Dinah for verification that this is indeed a thing.

Shen Kuei has posed:
Shen waves to the Black Canary as if to confirm her concerns about the origin of the package and then leans into a turn. He's soon out of sight zipping through the cross streets of New York City. He'll take a round about way back to one of his safe houses.

He's destined to spend the rest of his evening wearing a comfortable robe, sipping expensive wine, petting one of his black cats, and identifying the contents of the box. Aces, all things considered. Maybe he could even auction it off later in the week to someone... not the Tongs.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"This is a thing. Blind Chu and the Tongs were receiving some sort of shipment. One worthy of an armored truck." She looks from Chu to the remains of the truck and then back over to Arthur.

"Then those two," Dinah says, pointing at the two armored figures that Aquaman had admonished a moment ago. And who seemed to be listening. Why were they listening? Data clicking through her head then a theory coming to mind. "Atlanteans by chance?"

But she continued before getting an answer. "And I suspect whatever the Tongs were getting just went by on that motorcycle. Which was not part of the thing until this moment."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Yah, Atlanteans. Though now they might be exiled. Isn't that right Vorn? Rini?" Says Arthur with a measure of sternness to him that Dinah rarely sees, even as the Tongs are starting to gather together and murmuring amongst themselves.
    Which has Arthur scowling, "Hey. Hey!" He points in their direction, "Don't think about it. Wait your turn."
    But then Dinah will hear the electronically modulated voices coming from the armored figures as they /instantly/ complain, "Exiled?!" They say together at the same time, while one steps forward. "Cousin Orin, no! We don't want to be exiled!"
    Their visors shift from the plain blue image to what is clearly bluish colored liquid around blue-skinned faces, both likely no more than 14 or 15 years old as they reach out and grasp at Aquaman's hands, trying to pull them onto the top of their helmets as if seeking some sort of consoling gesture while they kneel before him.
    "Cousin?" He states sharply.
    "Prince Orin! Prince! We're sorry Prince Orin!"
    Which has him cocking an eyebrow again. "What would your parents think, with you coming to the surface and joyriding around?"
    "We didn't know!"
    "We thought surfacers could take any vehicle that was there, we thought they loaned to each other!"
    Only for Arthur to grimace, "Mmhmm, sure you did."
    "Please don't exile us!"
    Which is the moment Blind Chu clears his throat and murmurs, "Do you need us here for this?"
    "Shut up." Is Arthur's response.

Dinah Lance has posed:
The goings on certainly had her attention. Suddenly it made a lot more sense. Atlantean kids. For that age was certainly kids. The way they were cajoling certainly exhibited a lack of maturity that also seemed to match their physical appearance, once she could see their faces in the helmets.

At Blind Chu, she frowned. "Yes, you are needed here. You are going to jail. While I might not know what the cargo was, I do know you were shooting at me." She held up a hand before Blind Chu could say anything. "And being you ordered them to the pursuit, doesn't matter if you weren't firing yourself. You were clearly involved."

Speaking of being arrested, the sound of sirens were able to be heard faintly in the distance as the port authority and NYPD rushed to the scene. Reports of gunfire and a banshee like scream no doubt.

"What /might/ help your case is if you tell me what was in that shipment? Obviously the honor among thieves thing is a lie since someone took off with it while you were busy chasing the truck."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    For all his failings, Blind Chu knows that one does not talk to the cops. Or the capes. Neither of them lead down a path of well-being, so he instantly clams up and then folds his arms over his chest, giving a nod to the other gangsters there. And as one they begin to disarm, setting various knives and bludgeons on the ground along with their empty pistols and spare ammunition.
    Which leaves just the matter of Arthur and the two wild riders.
    "You realize what a gigantic wave of trouble you've gotten yourselves into?"
    "Yes, sir." They say as one.
    Shaking his head Arthur scowls, then gestures with the trident. "Alright, get your asses back home. I'll be along soon, so if you don't go straight there I'll know and then you'll really pay. Right?"
    "Yes, sir!" Again with the answer.
    He gestures with the tines, "Ok go. Move it."
    Which has the sounds of clanking boots echoing a bit on the water as the two young Atlanteans rush toward the edge of the dock...
    Then leap off into the water only to disappear beneath the surface with barely a bubble. Though distantly one might be able to see small surges under the water as the two speed toward home.
    So Aquaman turns toward Dinah and grimaces. "What a mess."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"That's what I figured." Dinah keeps an eye on the disarming Tongs, reading to jump in if needed. Thankfully, it's not. They know when they are beaten and are just biding their time for the cops to arrive.

"A huge mess. Not sure your young friends were telling you the total truth. I saw them appear on the ship then they were being very sneaky getting to the truck before taking off in it. So the surfacers can take any car? Why would they be sneaking to do it? I doubt they were informed enough to know these guys," Dinah hooked a thumb in the direction of the Tongs. "Were bad news. Weapons weren't visible at the time."

She crosses her arms, looking at the mess of vehicles along with the gathered Tongs even as she considered the mystery figure on the bike making their getaway.

"Some nights it doesn't pay to get out of bed."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Arthur grins a bit and leans over to rest a hand on her shoulder. Just for a brief moment as a squeeze is given. Then he gives a nod, "Alright, I gotta go get those chuckleheads settled." He motions with a nod toward the ocean even as he looks back to her. "You good here?"
    He asks that even though he knows the woman. Knows she is, considering that the police are also at the gate as he starts walking. He turns around to walk a bit to the edge while moving backwards, giving her a nod. "I'll see you soon, alright?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Feeling the hand on her shoulder, she glanced up at Arthur with a brief smile. "I'm good. Thanks for the help." Since she hadn't been aware of what she was dealing with on those armored suits. If she'd hurt those kids in the process? She'd probably never have forgiven herself.

She tracked as he was walking backwards. A nod as he offered that parting comment. An acknowledgement that he would indeed be seeing her soon.

"Be careful out there."