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Latest revision as of 11:38, 18 April 2022

Baguettes and Blastin' Part Deux
Date of Scene: 17 April 2022
Location: Le France
Synopsis: In the French town where she became Wonder Woman, Diana and Cassie have cafe creme and croissants, and Cassie learns to channel her emotions and perform the long-admired AEGIS BRACER BLAST TECHNIQUE. She only kinda blows herself up in the process!
Cast of Characters: Cassie Sandsmark, Diana Prince

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Diana and Cassie have been enjoying themselves a nice little French vacation. Well, maybe that's not exactly why they're here, but it's hard to be in a far away place, full of new things and interesting culture, and not enjoy it! For Cassie in particular, since Diana knows this place very well. But her young apprentice is easily impressed by such novelties. And after spending the better part of the morning blowing her training (Diana had woken her up early back at the Embassy, and the Invisible Jet makes the trip in basically no time)... perhaps she feels she's earned a break!

Which brings us to the present moment. It is later in the day, perhaps when Cassie would be due back for her afternoon session after a break for lunch and a little bit of sightseeing. But she's not back! How deliquent. She's also not terribly hard to find, since it's a small town and not much of a tourist spot, with everything 'interesting,' like the town hall and the old church, all located off a single small main square. It's still France, though, so there's a nice cafe or two, a bakery, all that good stuff.

And that's where Cassie is! Drinking in the culture in a literal sense, with a cup of something and a plate of mostly eaten pastries, along with a small bag sitting on an empty chair, stuffed with baguettes and even a bottle of wine (woo France!).

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had spent the past few hours at the office of a friend she has locally, but was returning now to find Cassie. She's dressed in her armor, which has been making quite a ruckuss locally, as one might expect, and the sounds of the people following after the Princess are likely to give her approach away before she's visually seen. Soon though, there she is, smiling, and interacting with the people trailing after her. The usual sight of joy and fun that ever follows the Princess, especially when she is 'in uniform'm like this.

After a few more minutes, Diana seperates herself from the crowd though, having convinced them to stay a bit back, as she walks toward Cassie with a smile on her red hued lips, her loose dark hair bouncing about her bare shoulders.

She just shows a grin to the young woman.

"And how are you doing?" She asks then, whilst settling in before, and across from, her.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Diana drawing a crowd whever she goes is nothing new, and if there were any questions about her local popularity here as opposed to back home... well, those are quickly answered! Fortunately, Cassie is very used to living in her shadow, and takes in the display with curiousity more than anything else, munching on the last bit of her croissant. Om, nom.

"Oh, hey Di." By the time she actually comes over, Cassie has gone back to playing it cool and like she DIDN'T notice the whole thing, just looking very relaxed, very 'European,' sitting there and enjoying the local delicacies. "Not bad! This place is really nice. Y'know, like, it's got all the culture but without the crowds you get in Paris, or someone trying to steal the Mona Lisa and then you have to have a big brawl out in front of the Louvre and try not to break the weird pyramid thingy..."

That is a very specific complaint!

"But yeah, I'm good! You want something? I got a... it's like a cappucino but they got mad when I asked for that, I guess cause, you know, that's Italian. They gave me a creme something instead but I think it's basically the same thing." She is exploring those cultural differences! "Oh and of course they've got some really great pastries. Oh! And I grabbed us some stuff for later, you know, the whole authentic baguette and cheese thing. Just in case we need a snack or something!" She gestures at the bag.

A few beats pass. "Sorry if I'm a little late. I went sight-seeing before and lost track of time, then got hungry..." This is a half-truth. She in fact went on a particular mission that Diana will learn about at a later time, but conceals the fact! No doubt Di can sense a fib in her, but surely she's just covering up some normal goofing off, or maybe running around with that French boy.

Diana Prince has posed:
The people do slowly begin to disperse, though some of them keep up their phones and cameras to snap some shots of Wonder Woman sitting with Wonder Girl.

Diana just raises her hands up to cup either sides of her face as she stares at Cassie and smiles so happily at her. "Un Cafe Creme." She says with a passion behind the words. "I like to get extra foam." She adds with a bubbly little laugh before she sits up straight then, and lowers her hands down to the edge of the table. "That sounds lovely too." She says of the food that Cassie had acquired.

When the chance to order comes up, Diana speaks in perfect French to place an order for the same thing that Cassie was having, with extra foam though, of course.

When she looks back to the blonde, she just grins playfully at her, as she does.

"So you like it here, then?" She asks. "When I retire, this may be one of the places that I choose to call home..." For real?

"You have been out having some fun, I hope?" She asks next, likely already knowing that to be a Yes.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
It's no surprise that they get some quick service, given the general impact of even a little dose of celebrity on the small town. And as Diana orders, it's Cassie's turn to just kind of stare and grin, as she shows off her fluency and naturally perfect pronounciation. Cassie has managed to get by, but only barely: Diana is well aware that she basically speaks a dozen... words of a dozen different languages, give or take. Courtesy of going to a lot of weird places with her mom, but never staying in any one. As it happens, though, she actually is learning French in college. Not because she knew this trip was happening...

It happens to be one of the official languages of the United Nations.

But it's a work in progress, to say the least. She demonstrates that here, as she tacks on a couple more of the chocolate-filled croissants to Diana's part of the order, much less perfectly!

"Oh yeah, it's great here," she answers, her beaming smile leaving no doubt that she means it, despite any difficulties she's had on the trip. "It's really great, the sense of... I don't know, history that you get in a little town like this. I mean obviously the big cities have a ton of famous landmarks, but here it feels more like... well, I guess it's still a part of things for them, you know? History they never left behind. I can see why you'd want to stay." The admission doesn't surprise her! Then again, she's seen that picture in Diana's office a gajillion times.

As for fun? "Yep!" She answers, but... doesn't give any kind of follow up or details, grinning. "I kind of wish we were JUST here on vacation, but I guess there's always time for that later."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana just waits for her drink now with her bare fingertips resting on the edge of the table while she gives Cassie her full attention. She does spare one glance off to the town to her left that the sun shines across them from before she looks back to Cassie then, and smiles to her.

"I do not want us to be away for long this particular time. We both have obligations after all. Plus, I did not thinkg this would be where you would want to spend any of your personal time off, until perhaps summer... So, maybe then?" She asks as she tilts her head ever so slightly for the other.

When her drink arrives, Diana looks to the server who gets a sweet 'Merci' along with a continued Wonder-smile.

A sip is enjoyed which results in an 'utterly embarrassing' amount of foam to be left upon Diana's upper lip. She reaches for a napkin then before she laughs at herself and reaches up to dab at her face with the folded napkin.

"We should check on the project one more time before we leave though. Henrik could use the help..."

No asking of the handsome military young man though! Diana is kind sometimes!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Oh yeah, for sure, I've still got class..." Cassie agrees. It can be easy to forget the normal world, and normal schedules, when you can zoom off across the globe in minutes on a souped-up alien ride! "It's just really nice. I can see why you like it."

That said, she leaves Diana a few moments to enjoy her drink, the corners of her lip curling in extra amusement to see the mighty Princess with a foam mustache like a kid. Eventually, they get another pair of those oh so fluffy, buttery-good pastries, too, although after nabbing a bite of hers, and sipping the very last from her own cup, she allows, "Yeah, I didn't mean to slack off on the assignment or anything. I know it's important. So we can head back soon as you're ready. Even take these with us, if you want." A demonstrative gesture with the half-eaten croissant, dribbling chocolate filling, made toward the other bag stuffed with bread, cheese, and wine. Maybe they'll enjoy that on the flight back. Not like anyone really has to drive!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana does that thing she does where she seems to really enjoy her sweets. The drink, the pastry that arrives and she takes a bite from. It all adds up to her whispering something in French that may well have been a curse word, tacked on to some very kind compliments.

Who is to say! It was whispered!

She then looks up again and shows a big grin before she starts to rise up. "Yes, we can get a move on. Besides, you have to tell me every last detail about what you got up to this afternoon." She says then, teasing of course. "Oh, and I hope you paid. I do not have any money on me in this attire."

What a free loader. But then again, look at her, where is the money gonna go?!

The drink is enjoyed with another sip then before the Princess waves to the employees on their way toward the door, some of the people still outside, still taking pictures and video.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Yeah, it's no problem. It may be a little tiny French village, but my StarkPay worked fine. They'll just charge the rest to that I figure. Ain't the future great?" Cassie picks her phone up from where it was sitting, for once ignored, on the table near her drink, and wiggles it demonstratively in her hand. "Lucky thing too, with Princess Mooch over here!"

She rises as Diana does, taking a big OMPH-y bite out of her croissant as she stands up. It probably won't even survive the trip back to the minefield. The bag full of other goodies is hoisted onto one of her shoulders. "Alright, all set! Let's give your fans here a show, hmm?"

By which, she means, rather than strolling back from the square toward the outskirts, she immediately takes off into the air, pausing a moment mid-flight for any pictures, even posing a bit, before rotating about and zooming off back whichever way they originally came. BACK TO WORK.

Diana Prince has posed:
Outside the cafe now Diana too hits the sky to the joyous reactions of the locals who are ever happy to see Wonder Woman back in the town where the name itself originated from. Pictures are taken of the two women making their exit.

The flight path takes them right back to the scene where Diana had started the day with Cassie. She comes to touch down behind the markers that were in the hillside. She looks to the sky before she summons the Invisible Jet, and it appears in the air above the green grassy hill, now casting a shadow across the waving grass as it just hovers there.

The Princess ascends the extended ramp for a moment before she re-emerges and comes back down toward the edge of the ramp.

"Well then." She starts to say as she scans the horizon, the military trucks still off in the distance with people in them watching now, especially with the giant silvery white jet now visible above the hillside.

Not every day one gets to see the Wonder Women, let alone the alien tech Jet.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
The fact that Diana brings the jet back in to hover is apparently unexpected, and so Cassie is left looking up curiously toward the vessel as Diana briefly sails aboard. She's not so curious as to follow back up, though. She even leaves her bag of baguettes just sitting there on the grassy hillside instead!

"What was that all about?" she wonders, once her mentor returns to the world below.

Then her gaze turns ahead, sweeping the marked area. "Maybe I should just get to work on them the old fashioned way, one by one? If we're gonna get this done and head back in time, anyway. The whole... CLANG BOOM thing doesn't really seem like it's working out. And my reflexes should be plenty for whatever kind of old triggers these things have. What's the worst that happens? I get a little blown up? Wouldn't be the first time."

While it may sound overly blase, and is precisely the kind of talk that gives Helena fits, Cassie's just being pragmatic. She's been shot by alien battleships. Century old human explosives seem kind of quaint!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana has her drink as she approaches where Cassie is. The offer to hand pick the mines has the Princess smirking at her protege. "Do not be silly." She says. "We are staying here until you do it." She then notes before looking off to the horizon, and down to the area in question where the minefield waits, all roped off by the men who originally discovered this field.

"I told your teachers ahead of time that you may be away for awhile. They said that you could 'Zoom' in to class, if needs be. Apparently that is getting very popular, so I hear." She says with a glance over to the blonde, and a little grin.

Is she joking? She just said back in town that they had responsibilities to get back to NYC for!

Another sip of her drink is had, and Diana looks back over her shoulder, where the Jet had vanished again, only to reform once more... this time in the shape ... of a chair.

That's a first.

Wonder Woman sits down on the chair, then adjusts the lasso so it is not underneath her boot. She crosses her legs and leans back to sip her Creme-y drink.

"Now. Continue." She casually says.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is quite aware of the shapeshifting properties of the Jet - she was so proud to show them off when she got to fly some of her friends to Themyscira. But she has never seen it turn into... well, anything other than the plane itself. Reorganize the interior, creating a seat or shelf where one is needed, or moving the command console to adjust to the user? Sure. But a completely different form - and a much smaller one, at that - is definitely new.

So she stands and stares for a moment. "Huh." And then: "I see how it is, getting comfy for the long haul."

Along with the announcement about that permission to telecommute for her classes, Cassie has no option but to resign herself to her task, sighing in overblown, dramatic fashion. "OK, OK, I got it. Practice makes perfect and all that." She shrugs off the light hoodie she was wearing over her wonder gear, dropping it over the groceries, cracks her neck, and then does a set of shoulder stretches, pulling one arm across her chest, and then the other. "Yeah, yeah..."

A few moments later, and the CLANG-ing commences. "So like... I know you keep saying, focus on my feelings, emotion, but... it isn't like this is a fight, you know? If I had to rate 'em, I'd say my emotions are pretty chill just about now. What am I supposed to- this feels like some weird method acting nonsense."

Diana Prince has posed:
A cup holder comes out of the side of the chair, and Diana sets the cup down upon it. She then folds her hands together on her lap as she watches Cassie start the process again. She hears the young woman's words which makes the Princess smirk before her right hand goes up to stroke some dark hair out of her face blown across her eyes by the wind.

"Surely something in this world brings emotion to your mind in any given moment, Cassandra?" Diana asks then. "Be it a untimely parking ticket, or a threat put upon a loved one's well being?" She inquires, looking over at the younger one.

"This is a very personal thing for me to know what would work for you. All I know is what works for me. It is not as if this is a skill that I have had very much experience in teaching others how to use either. It came from within me... and now I try to get it to come from within you. But, you must be the ultimate face of this. You must find a way to shed your ... youthfully 'whateverisms' and bring the -heat- up within yourself." Diana expresses as she motions out toward the field.

"And, should this ultimately not work, we can always assume that you are simply not capable of this. If that is indeed the case, well... that is entirely fine too..."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"... OK so -exactly- like method acting nonsense," echoes Cassie, then she quickly looks back and shakes her head. "At least I don't have to mail my friends anything weird."

She stands there a moment, hands coming down to rest on her hips after her last failed attempt. "It's not hard to think of stuff. I just, I don't know, it seems weird to just, you know... fake it?" For whatever reason there's a brief flicker of a smirk at that choice of phrasing. "But I guess for practice, there's not really any other way. Alright. OK. Sure. So I just gotta summon something up."

Nothing happens outwardly, however, as the young woman continues to just stand where she is, maybe just thinking. Searching her own memories, no doubt, for any great injustices that might come to mind. Even as Diana goads her a bit, which causes her to roll her eyes. "Yeah, I see what you're doing THERE too, all reverse-psychology like. Nice try, but I'm not a Disney cartoon villain." Diana, as it turns out, truly is NOT any source of secret frustration for her pupil! Even in that perpetual shadow, she simply IDIOLIZES HER. No bad emotions there!


"But I think you DID give me an idea..."

She stands there, taking a hand off her hip and reaching in the pocket where her phone went. Always the phone. Is she searching for internet trolls to rage at? Twitter feuds to fuel her? She scrolls with her thumb, taps, waits. Taps some more. Finally, she rolls her eyes, and puts the phone away and turns out again, holding her arms apart. "Alright. Let's give this another..."


It works. Maybe OVERworks. She doesn't know what she's doing, of course, and the blast takes her off guard, as does the subsequent secondary reaction of the half-dozen nearest mines all blowing. She could withstand the shockwave easily if she took the moment to plant herself. But having gotten used to so many failures, she's not prepared for success, and it takes her off guard, sending her flying backward, past the chair, to skid to a landing on the lovely French hillside.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana doesn't react at all. She just remains seated there as the aegis blast rips across the landscape! The mines that do blow up add to the drama of the situation, but Diana doesn't react to it. Well. She does smile. A closed lip smile.

The men down in the trucks all sit up, stand up, and start to cheer! Their cheers are quiet all the way up here, but they can still be heard mixed in with the echoing of the booms across the horizon. They seem very happy about this.

Henrik appears outside of one of the trucks, walking around the front of one to fold his arms over his stomach and watch the show, as it is finally starting.

"It is not fake." Diana says then to her protege on the ground behind her. She reaches for her cup again.

"Like the lasso... it would know it if you were faking it. So. What works for you, has to be genuine."

She sips her drink again, as the men in the distance all cheer more, some even jumping up and down on the back of the flat bed truck.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie remains on her ass, dazed more by surprise than anything. But also a little by the explosion in her face!


After a moment, she pushes herself up, forgoing any flashier methodolgy as her wits slowly return. Her hands check over herself, patting here and there to make sure nothing is damaged or on fire (as occasionally happens when you get blown up!), although evidently the... Aegis shockwave, or whatever you'd call it, somewhat lives up to its name, the force effectively capturing or redirecting the force from the explosions and protecting Cassie from the worst of it. Again: "Huh."

It takes her a bit to react to everything else, particularly the reaction they get from the watching soldiers, but when she does, she looks over toward them and lifts a hand to give a little awkward half-wave back toward them.

"Well... yeah, it was genuine for sure," she echoes as Diana keeps explaining, and there's a slight deadpan note to her own voice. But it's quickly pushed aside by a smirk and a more cocky tone and manner. "Well, alright then. Guess now's the fun part. You gonna join in, or leaving all the fun to me?" Because now that she has some idea of it, well...


"Hah!" Didn't even fall on her ass that time. And it looks like she's not only getting the hang of it, but enjoying herself. Explosions are kewl!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana now smiles up to Cassie as she justs remains seated. "Oh no, no. I am all too familiar with how this works. By all means, your fans await." She says as she motions toward the military men in the distance.

When Cassie squares up this time, and starts the process, the results are just as so. The men do cheer each time the young woman strikes the field, while Henrik, and the young man who Cassie had met earlier, count the explosions.

Henrik shouts up to both women how many are left up to the very end before he gives two thumbs up to them. It is then that the all clear is given and they did what they set out to do.

Diana approaches Cassie then, as the Jet reforms itself back behind them once more.

"I think you've got it." She says then with a smile as she offers the groceries to the young woman. "You did good here." The Princess says, as a few more cheers, and claps echo from the distance. "Shall we go say our goodbyes?" Diana then asks, sounding quite proud of the young Wonder Girl.

"I pitty your enemies even more now..." She adds on the way down toward the smoking divots in the grassy field.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Hey, if Diana's gonna let her have all the fun, who is Cassie to argue? And have fun, she clearly does! Whatever emotion she's drawing on, there's some clear catharsis here, expressed through pure EXPLOSIONS.

Not a typical theraputic technique, but you do what you gotta do...

When it's all done, Cassie stands triumphant amidst the smoking, explosion pitted field, again setting her hands on her hips in a heroic pose. She's happy to claim credit, and the various celebrations and applause that come with it.

Then she gets handed the groceries!

Although this dampens things down from their heroic heights and back down to reality a bit, her mood seems unaffected, the wide grin lingering even if she knows that their 'vacation' has now come to its end, with the Invisible Jet beckoning. At least after they handle one last bit of business: "Yeah, let's."

Goodbyes are said, final selfies taken. The last of these, notably, has her turn in the last second to plant a kiss on a certain soldier-boy's cheek as she snaps the pic. This leaves him not only blushing, but under various sudden ribbing and horseplay from his comrades as the young woman promptly turns to walk up the runway.