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Latest revision as of 14:05, 19 April 2022

Date of Scene: 18 April 2022
Location: Diana's Office: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Fitz stops by the Themysciran Embassy to talk about the Starport project, in relation to SHIELD's involvement.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Leopold Fitz

Diana Prince has posed:
The appointment had been setup without any trouble. The time had arrived, and when Fitz had found himself on-site at the Themysciran Embassy he was welcomed warmly by the staff in the foyer. There wasn't any wait, in fact, as Leopold would find himself getting brought back through the main hallway of the old New York home that had been converted in to a literal museum of Themysciran art and culture.

Escorted to the set of double doors near the back of the home, Fitz would be ushered in to the office where Diana was found. Seated behind her desk, the Ambassador of her people is dressed semi-casually today, in black loose slacks, and a sleeveless red top with a golden chain around her neck, her dark hair tied back behind her head, and a pair of black framed glasses on over her eyes. She looks up, then stands up from her desk, leaving behind the work she had been doing on her laptop to greet the newly arrived man.

The staff assistant who escorted him here offers a casual parting word before leaving him with the Princess who is crossing the small distance toward the room's doors to offer her hand. "Hello. It is so nice to meet you. I was hoping to hear from someone from SHIELD, I am even more glad to get to meet someone face to face." She says in her accented English, showing a warm smile to the man then. "Please, do come in and have a seat." She states, motioning toward any of the furniture in the room, be it the chairs before her desk, or the seating area of sofas and sofa chairs.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
While the appointment was set up without any trouble, finding just the right thing to wear had sent SHIELD's resident physics and engineering genius into a tailspin. Houndstooth too old and stodgy, a jumper over an oxford too casual.. so the ultimate decision made (with input from a few people) had been a suit. Tie, button down shirt (complete with buttons on the collar), suit jacket, slacks, leather oxfords.

The escort through the building was spent looking at everything. All glittery, fabrics, old pictures of heroics gone by.. statues. It reflected that he hadn't been here before, and now he was instantly regretting it.

And here, the office. Clearing his throat, pulling on his tie just a bit in order to make sure it's centered, Dr Leopold Fitz enters the room. The larger than life Princess looks slightly casual, but there is no mistaking the //presence// in the room. It's commanded as well as subtly requested.

"Princess," Fitz extends his hand, his youthful, expressive face hiding nothing. He's excited to be here, chuffed to meet royalty, and, well.. there is so much! "It is indeed a pleasure," The Scottish burr is present, soft and lilting. "Dr Fitz, though you can call me 'Leo', or 'Fitz'.. whatever you prefer, really." Is it that awkward, 'time to talk because there's so much to say and nothing to say' moment? Probably. At least he recognizes it, and puts //that// on hold. "We appreciate the opportunity to be part of this, an' look forward to continuing good relations an' buildin' new."

The offer to sit does just what it's intended, that is, to try and set him at ease. At least a little.

A sofa chair is fine, allowing him to perch. Before he does sit, however, there's that bit of understanding that he's got of royalty, and will wait before she takes her comfort. "I won't lie. I've been lookin' forward t'this since I was asked t'go."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had a black suit jacket resting over the back of her desk chair but she leaves it there for the time being, instead just happy to greet the new arrival and not play up formality too much. She's tall, at just over six feet in height with her heeled shoes on this afternoon, and as he moves toward one of the sofa chairs, she strides past him to take the one across from him. AS she sits she smiles warmly toward him, her red hued lips upturned in a show of pleasure at what he says.

"I am always happy to get to meet another member of SHIELD. Their service to protecting the world has been, well... I would say that it is legendary, but that may be under selling it some." She says in a kind tone of voice.

Beside where they are seated, to her left, and his right, are the many bookshelves lining the walls of her office, though what may draw his attention is her famous armor mounted on display beneath small spotlighting which helps really make the armor 'shine'. Even the lasso is coiled up and on display there-in that alcove along the shelves.

"Truly, we are embarking on this project in large part because the teams of those who defend Earth should work more closely together. Especially with regard to the infinity that lies above and beyond." She says more calmly then.

Her chin dips then just a little. "But, where are my manners? Would you like something to drink? We have a large selection of options." The Princess notes from her own place on the edge of the black leather sofa chair across from his.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Fitz does wait until she takes her own seat, and when she does, he pulls lightly on his pants legs to sit down, though he leans slightly forward to catch all he can. His hands settle into his lap, fingers entwined, but from the looks of it, they'll probably be rather busy in his natural state of fidget.

"You have a lovely place, your Highness. I do confess that I haven't found the time from work to come an' look. All to my detriment, I think." The accent might make it a touch difficult to understand everything; for most, when he talks, they do wonder if it's actually //English// he's speaking.

"An', that's very kind, coming from you. I think you've single-handedly done a great deal that we can only hope to match, one day." With the modesty thus (mostly) concluded, he's feeling a touch more //himself//. A little calmer, though not any less eager to dive in.

"Oh, I totally agree," the young scientist nods his head to underscore. "There's a great deal out there that isn't known, an' the things that are, are, well.. a bit off-putting." Not that he's had a great deal of experience with them; he's read the reports, however. "It'd be welcome t'read other papers an' see where we all can fit in."

At the offer of refreshments, Fitz shakes his head quickly, "I'm good, ma'am. Thank you, though."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's hands come together in front of her knees, her fingrs interlacing as she stares over at him and nods her head as he turns down the offer for a drink. At the rest of what he says she offers him a light smile. "I have wanted to visit the SHIELD Headquarters too, but... as time is, there is rarely ever enough of it." She says back with a light short laugh. "But, should you find some spare moments, the Themysciran Arts Center is across the way from here, and it is our shining gem here in the city. Should you be interested, you could attend classes, or lectures with all manner of insight in to life on our island. There is also a full arena where you can watch our people perform combat training, or shows of skill for the public. These... are very popular so far." She then adds with a touch of a grin showing next.

The Princess then leans forward to gather up a tablet computer off of the table between their seats, that she keys on and then takes a moment to swipe across.

"We have been hard at work with the people of Atlantis, and the Wakandan kingdoms to lay the foundation for this facility that we are building together..." She says as she brings up a series of images for the Starport that she then offers to show Fitz by way of handing him the tablet computer.

"Atlantis has laid the ground work, beneath the sea, Wakanda has promised what resources they can offer, and Themyscira is building the structure above the waves. We hope to house all the major super hero-inclined teams within a variety of starport buildings, which I hope would include SHIELD too, in whatever capacity they would like to be involved."

Leopold Fitz has posed:
"That's the problem with time," Fitz readily agrees. His hands do start the fidget game, "There's ne'er enough of it. The other day, I was talkin' about moving a cot into the labs. Or, perfecting being able to sleep on a stool." He's wearing a self-deprecating smile as he makes the humourous confessions. Diary of a lab rat, certainly. "But I'd very much like to sit in on a lecture or three about your every-day technology, an' do something of a comparative study." Everyone likes the bit 'gee-whiz', but Fitz is staying a little more down to earth, as it were. Have to form a base!

He listens carefully, head canting slightly, hands and forearms bouncing lightly between his legs as he does so. There's an energy to him; as if any bit of information will send him into a research frenzy in the quest for more. Reaching for the tablet, blue eyes are on the screen immediately, committing many, many things to memory as he looks to the design and build. "I see.." is murmured. "An' basic power, is Mr Stark reachin' out for his arc reactor?" That bit of green energy is legendary, and he'd love to get his own hands on it. "Unless, o'course, there's something else from.." his voice trails off, both in ignorance of what could be better, and who could fill that gap.

"I'm certain SHIELD would love a presence. Give us the opportunity to compare notes," is murmured, and he swipes through the pictures, "As far as everyone's clearances would allow, of course."

Diana Prince has posed:
The comment about makeshift sleeping arrangements has Diana grinning widely at the man across from her. She just remains quiet though with her hands pressed together in front of her knees, her back straight upon the sofa seat.

"I did a bit of reading about you prior to your arrival here, admittedly. You are still quite young, and have achieved so much. SHIELD clearly knows how to hire the best of the best in the fields that they are looking to develop." She notes to him as he scans through the tablet.

"We hope to inspire new fields of research with this place, that extend from space, back to Earth... in hopes of benefiting our people here at home. I would imagine that you could quite easily be a pioneer in this endeavor too." She adds for him.

"Of course, SHIELD has quite a lot of resources already, but this project... is largely about unity. Which is always a boon to progress."

Leopold Fitz has posed:
She looked him up? Of //course// she did. Why wouldn't she? Fitz looks a touch self-conscious, but there's no hiding the pride in his accomplishments since coming to SHIELD. "Yes, ma'am. The youngest to finish the Academy. It does get a bit frustrating, though. There's so much, an' I can't publish. In my fields," plural, "it's still publish or perish." There's a hint of scottish lament that underscores the words, short-lived though they may be.

"I'd love t'be a part of it, should my superiors allow for it, that is." Again, there's that last lingering, almost melancholic need to be part of it. "T'be part of something this big, an' learn, an' teach others, it'd only make us all better." The youthful excitement can't be denied, however, and his expression is most decidedly animated, and would be reflected in his hands, if he wasn't holding onto the tablet as a fidget toy.

"I agree, fully. If there was something I could bring back an' show my Chief? A proposal that had gone out to all? Perhaps unclassifed promises? Any data would be perfect." It's not hard to read the excitement, and he hands the tablet back across the short distance.

"I do have the ability to recommend to either reject or agree," just in case she was concerned that SHIELD hadn't sent someone with that power, "An' anything you could send would give a great deal of weight, because I'd love to see them just as chuffed about this as I. The opportunities are endless."

Diana Prince has posed:
"Well, I cannot imagine anyone would dare question your credentials, if nothing else." Diana says about the publishing of research work. The rest has her just smiling softly, before she accepts the tablet back, then rises up from the sofa chair. She steps over to her desk where she sets that device down before walking around the edge of the desk.

"I have something here prepared for your supervisors." She notes as she sits down in her office chair and pulls open a drawer on the right side of the table. She gathers out a glossy dark blue folder that she thumbs through for a moment before offering it across the desk.

"If the answer is that your people are not interested, I hope to at least hear the ins and outs as to why they may not be. It could help us alter course a bit for the future, and perhaps help us change their minds at a later date." Diana states with a slight smile.

"We will be offering research spaces, offices, and all manner of chances to gather together with members of other teams, from the Justice League, to the X-Men, to discuss all matters related to the facility, and space above. Not to mention a sizable hangar space to store space-worthy vessels for trips beyond Earth's atmosphere. But yes... that is the basics of the pitch, all about dreaming for a better tomorrow for Earth, and our solar system as a whole."

Leopold Fitz has posed:
With Diana rising, Fitz does so as well. It's been ingrained into him since he was young. Rise when a lady rises. Fitz stands at the edge of the chair, and as she makes her way to the desk, he's following with his gaze. "Unfortunately, there aren't that many who are allowed to see that." Thus is the life of a scientist within an almost clandestine Agency.

The word of documents for his superiors, however, brings a lopsided smile and he approaches the desk to take possession of the file. He's not so rude as to look at it at the moment, instead he's listening intently, the curiosity burning in those blues. "If they're not interested, I'll be askin' those same questions, your Highness." It's an honest sentence. "I promise you that you'll hear from either me or someone else in the Agency."

Dangle that research space, and Fitz perks even more, as if he hasn't already been on the line in manner and mien. "Lab space? An'.. space." He hasn't even gotten to the moon yet, a place where his partner in crime has been, and there is so much more out there.

A soft whistle exits the young scientist, and he nods slowly. "Tha' is a pitch like no other," is agreed softly, the burr coming fully to the fore. "I promise you will hear, because an opportunity like this doesn't come around every day."

Extending his hand, Fitz is ready to head out, the meeting thusly concluded, or at least so it appears. "Thank you for setting this up an' speaking with me. I am truly excited about the project an' I hope that things work out."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana rises up from her chair when he takes the file, then offers his hand across the desk to her. She reaches out to take his within her own, squeezing it gently and offering it a pair of little shakes.

"It has been a pleasure, Doctor." She tells him. "And if nothing else, you are making more contacts, which can be just as beneficial to someone's career as published papers, or so I have been lead to believe." She says then with a soft grin.

When she releases his hand again, she nods once more to him. "This is an exciting venture. I really do look forward to your people joining us upon this pathway. The more the merrier, as they say." She then states with a big, happy, smile appearing upon her visage.

At the doorway, her assistant appears again to help take Fitz back to the front of the building.

"Please do try and find time to visit here, or the Arts Center. We have quite a lot about Themysciran science there as well." She tosses up a tease for the scientist on his way out.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Thus, the meeting ends. Fitz retrieves his hand once the pleasantries are completed, and he nods his head in both acknowledgment and agreement. "Making contacts is quite important." Including this one. "I was looking forward to meeting you, an' nothing anyone says does you justice." All honest, and straightforward. "Thank you again."

The assistant is patient, waiting for Fitz to gather himself, and as he begins to exit, the carrot is dangled. Of course, he takes it, and he turns to face her, walking a step or two backwards, "I'll certainly do that."

Once out of the office, and escorted to the front, a black sedan drives forward to pick him up. Opening the back door, the scientist gets in the back, and as the door shuts, the car is pulling out into traffic.