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Latest revision as of 16:03, 20 April 2022

BoP: Go-Karts Go-Boom
Date of Scene: 15 April 2022
Location: Tricorner Sewers
Synopsis: The Birds of Prey put the end on the 'Dark Down' race. A popular underground race event that travels around the world.
Cast of Characters: Barbara Gordon, Zatanna Zatara, Cassandra Cain, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Barbara Gordon has posed:
It is a rainy spring night in Gotham City.

Oracle had sent out word to members of the Birds of Prey that a large number of stolen gas powered go-karts had gone missing from a local abandoned amusement park. The karts were meant to be sold off soon, but a large number of them had been swiped from the garage they were being stored in.

The karts had been showing up in strange places of late, and the latest was in the sewers of Tricorner of all places. The loud motors of the karts were drawing quite a lot of attention from confused residents who were asking the police to check it out, but the police were busy tonight and were not going to make it in a timely fashion.

At the mouth of one of the sewer entrances, Batgirl/Oracle stands with her cape flowing gently in the wind as she awaits any response from other Birds members. The water pelts down against her attire, as she stares in to the dark with her night vision goggles lighting up the black tunnelway.

The rain comes down hard in to the surrounding environment, leaving a lot of rushing water coming out of the sewer pipe.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Rain patters on the umbrella the tall, raven-haired woman holds above her head. Capeless and maskless, the magician looks down at herself and then at the sewer pipe with a moue for both it and the lowering skies of spring Gotham. With an impatient gesture, she exchanges designer clothes and shoes for jeans tucked into knee-high rain boots decorated with bright yellow ducks, a large comfy sweater and a trench coat.

"Beautiful weather, isn't it? In there, I take it?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A lot of people go for the big entrances. Cass is usually one of those, but tonight she just hunkers on top of the entrance, looking down and inside. She isn't hiding or being super stealth, which is good since she's still in her normal clothing. You know, black pants, black top...the usual.

She sits down at the edge, letting her legs dangle, and waits for orders. It's not like this group needs her to announce herself or anything.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie is sitting on the edge of the drainage ditch that leads to the open sewer tunnel. She is fully geared up letting the heels of her stompy bat boots tap against the cement.

    She smiles sidelong to Cass when she settles on the edge as well. Nodding.

    Then looking back over to Zee and Babs. "Why do we even allow abandoned amusement parks to happen in Gotham. I mean.. seriously... it seems like a no brainer." mostly she is just quietly musing to muse. She has a talking problem but at least it is on topic right now.

    She tap taps the side of her own goggles and adjusts to compensate for the darkness as she waits for a call to action from the boss bird. "Wonder who did this one.. joker.. riddler.. go-cart-man...."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara looks over to Zatanna, whose comments get a smirk of amusement from the cowled redhead. "At least it isn't snow." She dryly retorts before her gaze goes back to the other two with them tonight. "Okay. Well. These karts come from an old old place, even before my time. It is a bit north outta town, a defunct place called 'Action Park'. It was notorious in the 80s. I guess a bunch of people died there, and the park slowly died off. But... that's irrelevent, I suppose." She grimly notes as she looks down in to the dark tunnel again.

"Lets hope they're just joy riding, yeah?" Barbara says moments before something explodes.

Down inside the tunnel there is a burst of flames, and the sudden blasting shockwave that rolls out toward where the Birds are.

"I hate it when I'm wrong." Barbara notes as she raises her wrist up and taps upon it.

Two things happen next then, Barbara's Batmobile, and Batcycle both roar up from further down the aquaduct. The cycle roars up first, with the sporty armored Batmobile behind it.

Barbara jumps on the cycle before looking back to Charlie and Cass. "You two get in the car." She tells them as the Formula-1-style cockpit canopy on the Batmobile slides back to show the two chairs one-behind-the-other, inside it.

"Zatanna. You're with me, unless you got your own ride hiding around." Babs says before revving up the engine of the Cycle. She starts to shoot off down the tunnel toward the fiery blaze down about 100 yards inside!

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I mean .. to be fair to you.. you weren't wrong.. your hope was just dashed is all. I'm pretty sure we all had at least a sort of hunch that something would go boooom." she spreads her weighted gloved hands, the yellow material she has painstakingly worked an odd pattern of runes and sigils into which Zee would recognize as the enchantments Charlie was practicing.

    "Woot.. batmobile!" is said very enthusiastically as she kips up to her feet and then glances to Cass and mmms "Rock paper scissors for driver?" mimicking the motions of the hand game to Cass. She is very mature. Promise.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Sometimes Charlie's chatter is like the rain. Zee smiles up at the two and tilts her head shrugging. Her focus returns to Oracle and the rain water gushing from the busy sewer while commenting, "Infrastructure. Paris and Tokyo are constantly digging out their streets for that reason."

The roar of the incoming Batmobiles puts paid to any other commentary on government spending. A grin spreads across Zatanna's face as she finger guns a yes at Babs.

Sweeping her trench coat back behind her like tuxedo tails, Zee climbs gracefully onto the Cycle, fits her feet onto the footholds and taps Babs lightly on her shoulder. "Let's do this!"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass actually doesn't see Misfit's moves to communicate, so she's sitting there looking like an idiot for a bit longer than is comfortable. The awkward silence extends, and then after a moment more she glances to her side, sees Misfit waiting for her to say something in response to a question she -totally- spaced on, and...

"Um." Looks left. Looks right. Then she hops down, and gets into the Batmobile sheepishly. A moment later she holds up a fist from the driver's seat, assuming that Rock wins. Given that she's never actually pllayed the game before I'd say she did fairly well.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
With Zatanna on the back of the Cycle, Babs gives a look down to her display to see the other two girls all settled in to the Car. She feels the tap to her shoulder, and then guns the gas! The Bat-cycle rips off down the flowing waterway, sending a wake of waves off in either direction within the tunnel!

Over comms now, Babs' voice chimes up. "Girls, if you struggle with the driving, just switch over to the AI and it'll handle it." She has to tell the two younger heroes, as she's ever-concerned about their well being!

Either way though, now the two Bat-vehicles are soon to be rip-roaring down the tunnel, and toward the fireball that is still visible up ahead. The flames flicker in the dark as the two Bat-vehicles approach, with the Cycle zipping right around the fire...

It's one of the Go-Karts, just completely embroiled in flames! "Charlie, inform the GC FD that we got fire down here."

It isn't a second after Babs says that that the rest of the Go-Karts make their sudden appearance! The intersection where the one detonated, ten more of the high-speed karts come zooming by toward another dark tunnel lit up now by headlamps on the top of the carts! Some of them have to zoom out of the Bat-vehicles way, to avoid crashing, while they race on up ahead!

Barbara looks back to Zatanna, and then turns the steering grips to the right, then guns the gas again! "What in the Hell are these idiots doing?!" She shouts loudly then from the front of the cycle!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Leaning into Bab's slender back, Zee mutters loudly enough to be heard, "Hell, if I know. Any idea who they are?"

The light of the flames in the close tunnel casts a hellish glow over the scene. One of the circles of hell, with the engines roar reverberating through the tight space doing a deafening version of the screams of the damned.

Glueing herself to Bab's back, she wraps her arms around the other woman's waist. "Get them! Charlie and I can kill their engines. Say the word."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The Driver isn't exactly driving so much as aiming the car and shooting it like a weapon. See fireball: aim for fireball. It's really lucky that the car is armoured given how few safe driving lessons Cass has passed in her time on the team.

Any team. Ever.

Smashing the fire into a hundred directions with the bumper, Cass squeals and turns on two tires. You know, the two that are on the ground. Then she gives a thumbs-up, indicating that everyone is doing a really good job.

Of course she's not the one with the weapons. That's Backseat Charlie's job.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie blinks and then looks down at her hand. "Aww." is all she says after watching Cass just ... take the driver's seat. She doesn't sulk though. She just hops down and gets into the copilot seat "Shotgun!"

    Once tucked away where it is probably literally safer for everyone for her to be she relaxes watching the driving. "Roger Dodger." in response to the GCFD request, flipping comms to route "GC FD, we have a fire under intersection..." rattling off the coordinates "In the sewer tunnel. Good chance more to come too."

    She does fiddle with the controls though and launches a foam dispersement canister aiming it right at the fire Cass just drove them through.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara sees the fancy driving, and only frowns a little. "Be safe." She warns again over comms as she nods to what Zatanna says right behind her. "Got it. We'll see if we can't..." She stops talking then as lights up ahead show something unexpected.

As the many Karts rush under the lights of a very active area, the Bat-vehicles are soon to zoom up through it also, and on either sides of the tunnel ... is a party. The platforms that were once meant to be Subway affiliated, are now supposed to be locked off... but what is there is a throng of young people on either sides, all cheering.

There is even a live band performing behind a caged-off area, and barrel fires helping to light up the platforms.

An announcer's voice shouts out over the cheering and music. "Looks like the Bats have joined the race!" Which garners a plethora of more jumping, cheering, and insanity on the platforms, as the Bat-vehicles tail after the Go-Karts!

Barbara speaks up again. "This is weird, even for Gotham." She says a second before the first pack of rear-tailing Karts is mixed in with by the Bat-cycle, and soon to be the Batmobile too!

Barbara looks right, and left, at the Kart drivers, as they look at HER and Zatanna. Their bright headlamps bouncing up and dark in the tunnel as the race continues at breakneck speeds!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee leans back, disbelief widening her eyes as her head swivels, taking in the crowd on the abandoned platform and the heartbeat of the music.

"Weird is not the word, Babs. A step up from drag racing. They sure are organized. Hey, the music is good. We can't race them." Zee's hand tapping Bab's thigh is lit brightly by go-cart headlamp as she continues to look for trouble.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Maybe Zee can't race them. Cass is watching from behind, and apparently intends to make a good effort as her hands clamp down on the steering wheel. A light appears on her dash, and she turns it off. It turns back on as she makes a sharp corner, approaching a cart and the motorcycle, a bit too close. She shuts it off.

Then the batmobile asks audibly as another line of defense: "Are you certain you want to do this?" She ignores it, and a moment later she turns off another that's insisting that roadside assistance be alerted to their location and likely accident site.

She's not run anyone over, how bad could her driving really be?

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Underground Go-Kart racing. Probably a betting operation. I wonder what our odds are." she looks back the way the platform was with the announcers. "I hope they are giving us really ridiculous odds. I wouldn't bet against Bats."

    She braces a bit as Cass continues to drive ....and turn off warnings from the onboard batcomputer interlink. Well. On the brightside she can teleport to safety if things get too absolutely crazy. "Wheeeeeeee" she finally says over the comms when she gets into a particular fun bumpy stretch.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
One of the drivers in the high-speed modified Go-Karts raises up their hand and blows Zatanna, and Barbara a kiss before gunning his gas pedal and zooming off ahead!

Barbara grumbles, not that it can be heard in the noise cacophony around them all.

"This is nuts. They're all gonna get themselves killed!" Batgirl / Oracle says then as she looks to the driver on their right. "Pull over! Shut it off!" She shouts at them, but they just shake their head and do the opposite!

More grumbling as the tunnel sweeps past the Bat-vehicles at high speeds. Grafitti has been painted in bright colors that reflect the headlamps light brightly, helping to show the direction of the race, and give warning of a hard left turn coming up ahead.

"Charlie. The red button on your left. Push it." Barbara says, and should it be indeed pushed, a thunking of metal, heavy and strong, can be heard behind Charlie's rear seat, with the screens on both her and Cass' controls showing a literal cannon now armed on top of the Batmobile.

"Electrical discharge pulses! It should shut them down!" Babs details just before all the carts ahead of them start to take that hard left turn! Some of the Karts vy for positions at the turns, and another Kart SLAMS in to the wall, causing it to crack the concrete pillar there, as well as the entire vehicle! Babs winces and looks back to Zatanna quickly. "Any way to make these fools regret doing this?" She asks her lovely assistant on the back of the Bat-cycle.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Partying immediately pulled the magician in. Almost too easily which reinforces the impending sense of danger that the crash of the go-cart underscores. Heart racing, Zee glances back over her shoulder at the Batmobile, triangulating where the other racers are around them.

Chin on Babs shoulder, she outlines an idea, "A little EMP never hurt. Best way to shut them down. I can lock wheels down. Brake them. Charlie can, too. Best to do it one by one so we don't have a pile up."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Nothing from Cassandra at this point, she's mainly keeping the car as steady as she can so that Charlie can use her toys. Still, she's getting the hang of this driving thing. So when they take a sharp turn which leaves her teeth rattling, she starts to look at the way the kart drivers are maneuvering.

And she frowns.

"Take over," she says without warning. Then she unbelts herself in the seat.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    There is an excited noise from the backseat as the 'gun' is deployed on the top of the batmobile. That has to absolutely freak out the go-kart drivers one would imagine. "I mean... I could use magic like Zee says.. but I kinda want to use the EMP gun .. it is like a video game."


    "I vote Zee uses magic and I use the canon..?" hopeful tone. She is already sighting in and aim the batmobile's cannon now. "Though.. if you want to let the car drive and shoot the cannon that works too Cass. I could help lock the wheels to go with the power being cut like Zee suggests." grudging.

    Either way before she can do either of these things she yelps a bit alarmed as and shifts controls to her seat taking over driving wide eyed, even as Cass unbuckles and prepares to do something.... DRAMATIC...

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The Kart that ran in to the cement pylon has a flame flicker up on the front of its engine that is heavily modded from its default state. But then something else happens, a trickle of water starts to spray down on to it creating a cloud of thick smoke.

The water is trickling out of the wall itself.

With Cass, and Charlie, talking over options, the Batmobile's AI system speaks up. "Driving assistance engaged. Warning. Warning. Tunnel stability is in question."

Barbara glances to Zatanna, then looks forward just in time to sweep the Cycle out of the way of two of the Karts vying for a better spot in the pack. The Karts are mostly sticking to the left side of the tunnel since that is the way they seem to be primarily turning in this race, so Barbara takes the Cycle off to the right to try and get a line of the 9 Karts off to their left.

"I don't know what stability warning that is, but I think we're on the north side of the harbor now... and if that is suggesting, what I think it is... everyone down here could be in trouble." Babs adds to the warning as there are more turn indicators all rushing past on the walls and floor! Barbara has to turn to the left again, now sweeping through, and around a bunch of cement pylons that all the Karts are whizzing through, and around!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Amazing eyes, Babs."

Over coms, "Charlie, zap those suckers. I'm locking brakes. We have another problem. A big one. How are we going to shore this place up? I can do a short term casting but it takes a lot of ooomph to keep it in place even with Charlie's magic backing mine."

She cuts herself short to brake three of the nine carts racing in front of them.

"!wolS !wolS !wolS !ekarB" The last word shouted into the din of motors with a broad gesture of her hand. Zee resembles a bronc rider waving her hand at the crest of a buck.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass proceeds to get out of the car. She does it when the vehicles have slowed to make a sharp turn (barely). She retracts the windshield just enough, then scoots and vanishes from Charlie's sight up into the world outside of the vehicle. It's clearly the most insane thing she could be doing.

From inside it just looks nuts, but an outside observer would get the most amazing view. Of a black angel leaping into the air above the car, arms wide to catch the air. The vehicles whipping ahead, leaving it behind, as it curls in the limited space. Then the moment when it hits the ground, rolling and twisting to absorb the speed until it skids to a stop.

Then the dark vision of idiocy turns, running back through the tunnel toward the crash behind them. Not only to check on the leak, but also on the kid who wiped out. Probably dead, but Cass would never forgive herself if she didn't at least try.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie taps into the controls having the car controls take over, pacing the batcycle, keeping things steady. "Lock and identify all targets." is vebralized as well. Before she gives up control to the AI system autopilot she tries to hold things very steady for Cass to make her exit.

    Then her hands move off the backup wheel and she grips the sticks on the cannon.

    She has played a lot of video games and clocked so many hours on the batmobile simulator as well. She is loving life right now.

    She fires off several pulses, rapid little zot zot zots as she starts to try to pick off the go-karts as Zee locks up the tires.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Cass' move is both impressive, and wildly wild. Barbara observes it with one of her drones detaching from the Batmobile to follow after the Quiet Robin. The bat-shaped-drone just hums through the darkness as Cass reaches the Kart to find its driver is alive. They're one of the few wearing a motorcycle helmet, and their head is moving around as they try and get out of their crash webbings. "I'm stuck!" A female voice says muffled inside the crumpled Kart cockpit.

Their engine is still superheated, even with the water trickling down over it and on to the already wet floor of the tunnel...

Barbara watches on a console on her bike controls as Zatanna and Charlie both go to town on the other carts.

"Maybe it'd be quicker to get the people out of here, rather than stop the potential leak." Barbara says back to her co-rider on the Cycle.

Six of the Karts are disabled rather quickly, and Babs speaks up in to the Batmobile. "Nice shooting in there!"

Another turn has the drivers remaining up ahead, the top three drivers, going the fastest and weaving wildly around one another. They're coming up again on the first intersection where the first explosion took place. Water wakes shooting up again on either side make it a little harder to aim shots at the last three Karts.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I can slap a patch on the section back there, Babs." Running her fingers through her hair (yes, where is the helmet the passenger should be wearing?) Zee sighs, throws up her hands and stops another three carts.

"Alright! Charlie are you ready to do some wild portaling?" Zee leans into Babs back saying quietly, "Talk about outing ourselves on a mass scale. We need to get everyone back to the platform and we can open a door for them. We need to herd these mad racers back to the platform."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass doesn't speak as she works to get the driver to safety. She knows that the cars are coming back, and coming fast, so she works with appropriate haste. Her right hand snaps out to the side, and a knife blade slips into it from the sleeve. Then she grabs the webbing in her left hand, holding it away from the crash victim's idiot self so she can cut it with careful slices.

This from the woman who was just moments before driving like she meant to turn the Batmobile inside-out. Cass is an enigma, but she cares.

She looks into the eyes of the young female she's rescuing, then tilts her head toward the oncoming sound of vehicles. She looks very serious, and as she cuts the last bit holding the woman in she grabs the mangled vehicle, puts a foot on another bit, and then heaves!

Go-karts are meant to hold against immense force in case of a crash. The metal fights against being bent by Cassandra, it really really does. The welds however surrender to the inevitable with a scream of snapping metal, and the woman would find herself suddenly...

Very, very wet. We gotta move!

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I can let the autopilot just take over and bounce to the platform then sling a portal through them all and dump them up above the aquaduct I think.... I mean theoritically."

    She fires a couple shots at the last couple of go-karts.

    "Going to go do it. Batgirl, the batmobile is yours on remote autopilot." with that Charlie vanishes from the co-pilot seat and lands easy and limber on her feet on the platform they passed a good ways back. She probably startles some people nearest her as she shoulders for some more room. Then she lifts her gloved hands and starts to gesture and chant the spell focusing on the whole platform in front of her.

    A orange circle of magical runes starts to spin to life in the air in front of her moving faster and faster.

    "Ugn.. this is so much harder than bouncing..." she mutters with a clenched jaw, the gestures continuing as she speeds it up rapidly. Then lets it loose so the portal sweeps down the whole length of the platform on this side catching hopefully everyone on one platform at least.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara is watching the 'road' and the screens on her controls. She sees both Cass and Charlie ditching the Bat-mobile which makes her jaw clench with anxiety, but she believes in the girls too. "Be careful." She can't help but warn them before she looks over her shoulder at Zatanna. "We need to round up the racers that we've already took out then." She notes as she slows down a bit, but does a hard 180 on the cycle, planting her strength-enhanced armored leg down on the wet ground with a splash to support their bike. Then they're off back the way they came.

Up ahead is the Karts that were already disabled with Drivers getting out to shout and wave their arms about in confusion.

"Think you can sweep these up?" Babs asks her co-rider behind her.

Cass manages to cut the girl out of the Kart enough that she can wiggle free of the cage as more and more concrete starts to get drenched by the water from outside, subsequently crumbling away.

"Converge on the platform, to get out. Make haste!"

'Make haste?' Babs questions herself as she drives!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The warmth at Bab's back disappears as Zee flashes out of existence in a pfft of displaced air. She reappears near Cass and the girl she rescued with a splash of water and wades toward them, boot duckies winking in the gloom. Both polite and matter of fact, she observes,"You both need to get out of here. Mind closing your eyes?"

Whether they comply with alacrity or not, Zee circles her hand and splays her fingers. There is no time to wait. A portal opens. Zee gently nudges them both ahead of her and they step out onto the platform crowded with milling partiers.

Without waiting, Zee portals back into the tunnel in search of other racers.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass and her new best friend (Sorry Steph!) are pelting through the dark toward the wrong way. When she hears the orders to 'get to da platfoam!' she grabs the woman's shoulder, skids to a stop, and then they're going THAT way. Then she sees the portal that Zee's opened up, and starts urging people into it. Go, damnit!

She slides in beside a go-karter who's not doing the appropriate running and insists that they get their butt in gear. She grabs one's ear, puts her boot to their derriere, then moves to 'insist' another. She's effective, gotta give her that.

Team Bravo, clearing north side of the tunnel. Yarr.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie staggers and then leans against a railing having cleared one whole platform with a wild portal that worked. "Ok... do not hurl... do not hurl..." she chants to herself a few times.

    Then she steps onto the other platform joining Zee, Orphan, etc. "Uhgn."

    She looks sidelong to Orphan and then at the platform of people. She starts to weave her hands again whirling golden runes and sigils lighting up on the air as she mutters the words and pulls another wild portal into existance. She is going to have an order magic hangover when this is done. Blech.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara looks back over her shoulder as Zatanna vanishes too, but she just keeps the Bat-convoy going deeper back the way they'd come. She finds three more racers treading through knee-high water and she pulls up beside them, then hooks a thumb to the Batmobile. "Get on!" She tells them to climb aboard the sides of the vehicle before starting up again.

Soon she's racing past where Cass had cut loose the female racer, and the wall is just gushing water in through it now.

"We're on our way back." Batgirl says over the team comms as the headlights of the Batmobile shine on her back, the racers are all clinging to the sides and top of the car, watching.

At the platform, the water is rising up also, the race announcer is saying "Time to clear the road, it looks like the Titanic has hit the iceberg!"

What onlookers Charlie didn't clear out our rushing for whatever portal they can get to now!

The band pushes a lever inside their cage, and it starts to raise upward... a old industrial elevator? They keep playing their instruments while they rise up above out of the chaos! Because this is weird for sure!

"We're almost there!" Barbara says, the Bat-cycle, and Batmobile ssplashing water in all directions as they come up to the platforms too. "Everyone get through a portal!" Barbara says as the walls at the back of the tunnel fully give out and rushing white water is bearing down on the platforms!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna catches a glimpse of Charlie's face and smiles with an edge of masochism showing in her bright white teeth before popping back into the search. In reality, she knows how hard Charlie worked on overcoming the obstacles to portaling other people and she is fiercely proud of the young woman.

Noises are hard to place in the reverberating tunnels. She splashes down the middle of the tunnel, looking out for stragglers as water gushes through the breach.

Hands cupped around her mouth, "Clear out, get back to the platform!" Ahead of her she can a boy and a girl holding hands, struggling toward her in the rising water. A gesture brings a portal, purple-edged, crackling with energy, hovering over the water. Splashing through the water, she grabs the girl's elbow, "You've got to get out of her. Come with me." Behind them, she can hear the throb of the Batmobile engines as Babs shepherds more to safety.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie feels wrong through a laundry wringer now.

    She looks over to Zee whjen she shows back up at the platform and calls to her. "I don't think I can make another portal to clear people.... on you Z."

    She twists and vanishes with a slash of pink and purple smoke appearing in the back seat of the batmobile. She does manage to keep her eyes open though.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The headlights from the Cycle, and the Batmobile shine up in to the platform area as the two vehicles race ahead of the rushing water fifty yards back. When Charlie appears inside the cockpit of the Car again, she'll see a rear-view of it behind the vehicle! It's... unnerving to see!

"Zatanna, open that portal up wider.. if you can!" Barbara says on the bike as she races up ahead of the Car.

the platforms seem cleared off now, and the 3 racers on top of the Batmobile seem to be all that's left.

"And then get your butt back on the bike!" Babs shouts to Zatanna before she looks around for Cass! "Everyone out! Go go!"

The Cycle, and the Batmobile roar in to the platform area now, sending waves of water up on to the concrete, blazing right toward the portal that Zee had setup for the young love birds!

It's now or never too, with the water rushing without a care for anyone's safety toward the other end of the tunnel!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Charlie's voice had followed her as she went back into the tunnel. Three figures wink back into existence on the platform.

Catching her breath, the homo magi marshals her energy for another push. "Copy that, Oracle."

With an effort she straightens her shoulders and holds up her hand like a magical traffic cop. A hole opens in reality, large enough to drive a Batmobile through. Gathering the other ducklings up with widespread arms, she marches them to the stairs leading down to the portal.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass will be fine. If she got into a portal or not, she'll be fine. Never met anyone who enjoyed a trip through hell as much as that girl, and would come out on the other side not only grinning but with some form of dead trophy to show for it. She's either already through and having noodles in comfort and safety...

Or waterskiiing behind the Batmobile, happy to enjoy her afternoon with the Birbs. Hey, it's not a fun night unless someone gets in trouble, eh?

Barbara Gordon has posed:
The water rushes through the platforms and completely leaves them submerged! The fires in the barrels are extinguished, the racing lights are burnt out, and the rushing white water spills out through the open tunnel where the Birds originally met up.

Gotham PD and FD both arrive on scene just in time to see all of this, and expect the worst, but in fact... it would have gone far far more terribly, had the ladies not shown up to put the end to this weird, silly, death race put on by these mad mad youngsters!