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Latest revision as of 05:00, 22 April 2022

Meet the Parent
Date of Scene: 20 April 2022
Location: Gotham University
Synopsis: Ted meets Joan's father and makes an impression better than the first one. It'd be hard to do otherwise.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Joan Wright

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord took the Bug to Gotham University. Joan had asked to meet him on the campus. It was a big campus, especially to one used to Empire University or Hudson. He figured he either used the tracker chip in her phone, play tag with her or make himself pretty obvious. Fortunately it was daytime and Batman was probably sleeping or whatever he did by day. He did notify the League of his whereabouts just in case there was a problem or ongoing operation by Bats. No news was good news. With the Bug in stealth mode, looking like a fluffy cloud he steps out onto his aero disks. Bailey is strapped to his chest.

With an understated 'Yeehah!' e does a falling leaf to Earth. In no time he has landed in the center of the campus. Bailey releases herself and drifts around the Beetle. When students approach she wisely lifts up out of reach. She just got polished and detailed.

Joan Wright has posed:

It's actually not raining in Gotham and the sun is out.

So with that bit of news, there's little surprise that one of the greenspaces within Gotham University is currently hosting several students.

Some are playing frisbee while others are VERY much aware that there is less than two weeks til final exams hit. A few are actually sitting on blankets studying. Or at least attempting to.

One person who is not studying is Philip Theodore Wright. But then again, he is not set to take an exam. He is merely the one that brings one to life. But right now, he waits to meet up with his daughter, and a guest outside of the University Cathedral so they may walk to lunch together.


Phillip turns, seeing Joan walk over. "Joanne," the professor greets, glancing around, "I thought you were bringing someone."

There's a bit of commotion as a frisbee hits The Bug, smacking one of the study bugs with the ricochet plastic disc. "HEY!"

Joan turns her head to the sound of protests. "I think he just arrived."

Mr. Wright looks over to his daughter, "...He?"

If he was wanting more information before the actual encounter, it's not happening as Joan is already waving over to the freshly spotted Ted.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord orders the Bug to a higher altitude. He then flies up to get the offending frisbee out of the Bug's leg joint.

"There we go. Selfie? Sure! Squeeze in Bailey! Don't touch the goggles. Hmmm no she's not for sale. OK uhhh don't do drugs and stay in school... Bailey?" The girl bot immediately is flying like an arrow to her bestie. Ted prudently follows to Joan and her dad. "Joans! I made it! No evil twins or super villains today... ohh here guys!" He flings the frisbee and students go long for it, including one stumbling into a goldfish pond.

Joan Wright has posed:
One student lying on a blanket in the middle of the yard rolls over and looks at Ted. When Blue Beetle flies up to deal with the frisbe He starts giggling.

No further reason needed. He's happy. And the person falling into the poind gets a bigger giggle.

That student is not the only one in a good mood as Joan greets Ted with a big smile of her own. She moves forward a few steps to collect one of Ted's hands, holding it as she turns around to look to the elder Wright. "Dad, I'd like you to meet Ted Kord. Ted, meet my dad, Philip Wright.

The professor steps forward, studying Ted. "Hello, Mr. Kord." An assessing glance is given to the hand holding and then given to Joan. "Do I need to be sitting down for this?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord removes goggles and hood to meet Joan's dad. Several phones flash. He ignores them. Public identity. He offers his hand, "Please don't think me rude, I have some gadgets in the gloves. I need to keep them on. And please call me Ted, sir. Everyone does. Even Elon," though Elon wants to be called Mr. Musk, he is warming up. At the question about sitting he looks over at Joan, not exactly a worried look.

Not. Exactly.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gives a befuddled look for a few moments to which Philip assesses and gives a nod. "No then." He lets out a breath of relief, "Still my little girl."

Philip gives Ted a smile that is similar to Joan's, although fueled by different motivation. He takes the gloved hand to give it a shake. "Some call me Ted as well. So, be warned." He drops the hand, looking over to Joan. "Alright, let's head to the cafeteria." He looks over towards Ted. "So... Ted. How long have you been dating my daughter?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord does a quick calculation, actually he stalls. "Well we've been good friends for about two years. But this dating occurred about four months ago. Completely out of the blue. She professed her interest. I was gob smacked quite frankly. I thought she was barely tolerant of my shenanigans and only hanging around for my bots. You never know." He takes Joan by the wais... arm. That's her dad.

Joan Wright has posed:
Philip gives a slight nod as he hears about the friendship aspect prior to the dating portion. "Ok...Good. Some things shouldn't be rushed into." The father states, a brow raises momentarily as he watches the innovator's hand reach over. Upon seeing the final placement, the expression relaxes. "Relationships...Traffic... funerals."

There's a pointed glance to Ted, "... you didn't think I'd forget about that, did you?"

It is at this point that Ted is treated with reinforcements in the form of Joan, "Dad! That wasn't his fault. Those were evil doppelgangers and we were safely stranded on an island at the time."

The elder man looks to Joan. "...That's not much better."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shakes his head. "As I understand it... a lot of people were attacked at home or in their places of business. This Joan Wrong could have fallen on her anytime. So yes I was glad I was around to watch over her. But we do other things. I enjoy a session with Legos, we took up dancing and attended the Hellfire Club Mardi Gras last year. And the bots keep us entertained."

Bailey peeks out from under Ted's other arm.

"Hang on, I'll introduce you."

Joan Wright has posed:
Philip's eyes move back over to Ted as he points out the overall situation. He looks back over to Joan at the mention of LEGOs and upon seeing her nod, he returns the gesture.

And then Ted brought up the party. "The Hellfire Club?" Philip asks, "Isn't their style a bit more..." He pauses, glancing over to Joan before looking to Ted, giving a pointed glance.

The movement to the side of Ted's arms draws the professor's attention over to Bailey. "Is this one of the bots?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shrugs. "Te Hellfire Club I know is perfectly respectable. Dr. Reed Richards and Tony Stark are members. If they have any other style, I'm not aware of it. We danced at the Mardi Gras event. It was fun. We weren't even dating by then. I just wanted a dance partner and she stepped up. We still take dance classes. And yes, this is one of the bots. This is Bailey. She's optimized for search and rescue operations. She leads the bigger bots to people who may be trapped. Okay, say hello, Bailey. This is Joan's... maker. One of them anyway."

Bailey comes out from behind Ted, almost shyly. Then she comes to a decision. A dorsal hatch opens and she plucks a familiar scarab out to display for Professor Wright.

'I'll fucking kill you," is what Ted really wants to say.

No wait, we're good. It won't work on Bailey and Bailey is holding it. Winner, winner chicken dinner. She must have decided a history professor would like to see an ancient relic, tainted by dark magic. Anyway, neither Ted or Joan is going to say, ;Kaji Da.

Although, it worked without the words at least two times... Joan may have her hand held a little too tight. Or Ted may, knowing Joan.

Joan Wright has posed:
Philip's attention shifts over to the shy bot that emerges from behind Ted. "Hello Bailey." He greets, looking to the Beetle costume and the bot that was recently introduced. Beetle's Bail-


The lifted artifact does indeed draw the History professor's attention. "How curious...Does she normally carry around items like this?" A hand lifts momentarily but lowers, not coming closer to the displayed object but it is enough for Joan to take in a quick breath of air, audible enough for Philip to hear, "What's wrong dear?"

Joan, a bit wide eyed, grimaces a little. "For a moment I thought you were going to touch it. The ...oils from your hand..."

Philip arches a brow once more, "You thought I was going to touch a random artifact without gloves on?"

Joan nods.

Philip bites his lip for a moment before he bursts into laughter. "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord pats bailey on the side, pulling his pat at the last moment. "She knows you study history and thought you might be interested. Generally I do leave it with one of the bots. A safe would be hard to get into but a bot can duck or run for help and even text for my security people or me. There are a few supervillains like this sort of stuff. Bailey, give Professor Wright a better look. You don't have oily hands." Bailey turns the scarab this way and that for Joan's dad. See, nothing awkward going to happen. Ted breathes a little easier. Bailey may live.

Joan Wright has posed:
"Oh my boy, I don't think she meant to say my hands were OILY. Just that, human fingers do contain natural oils and could damage items with frequent handling." Philip turns back, bringing his hands back to avoid feeling the need to touch the item Bailey was displaying. "I still find it odd you would be carrying this around in the field but-"

He does take note of the design and looks over to Ted. "Inspiration for the outfit?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord brightens, "Yessir. It belonged to the original Blue Beetle, my best friend. He found it in the temple of K... somewhere. Name slips my mind at present. So you could see why I keep it close at hand and for the rest... I like the color blue." Ow. Hand pain. He worriedly looks over to Joan who, of course, is still a few inches shorter than him. Apparently Joan was doing field work lately.

Joan Wright has posed:
"No, Joan's not going Amazon. She's just VERY concerned about her father possibly going that route. Getting a sense of Ted looking to her, Joan glances to Ted's worried look. Her eyes shift, pointing in the direction of her father near the scarab.

"There's nothing wrong with a bit of a personal touch." Philip agrees, "Acts as a good anchor." Philip smiles to Bailey, once again displaying an expression very similar to one Joan's displayed before, "Keep that safe."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord taps Bailey, who once again secretes the scarab. He rubs the hatch a little as it closes. He says, "She will... go put it away properly, on the Bug." Bailey flashes off into the sky, seeking the craft. Ted gets his hand back from Joan, wiggling his fingers in a test. "So where this lunch counter?"

Joan Wright has posed:
Philip glances up as Baily zooms off before Ted's question draws him back to the purpose for the visit. "Oh yes! Lunch. Thank you." He gestures in the general direction of the cafeteria, "This way! Follow me. You are in for a treat because Wednesdays are when they serve this really amazing chicken dish..."

Joan shifts over to the other side of Ted to take the non damaged hand, gently this time now that the threat is gone. An apologetic smile is given before she walks alongside Ted with her father leading the way.