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Latest revision as of 05:00, 22 April 2022

Press Club
Date of Scene: 20 April 2022
Location: United Nations
Synopsis: Lois and April bump into each other in the press room at the UN.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, April O'Neil

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane ducks into the press room at the UN, having finished up an interview with the representative from Qurac about some recent diplomatic skirmishes regarding the country's rumored superhuman weapons program. The man had dodged her questions with a lot of diplomatic backtalk for most of it, mingled with the usual sneer she got from powerful men who didn't like to be questioned by a woman, much less an impertinent woman like Lois with a habit of not letting them get away with half-truths.

Still, she'd caught him in a couple of obvious lies, which is all she'd really wanted. She'll call some of her sources to get the details to contradict him shortly.

For the moment, though, she mostly just wants a cup of coffee and a cigarette. The coffee she pours straight from the machine, black, the kind of sludge that could lubricate a car, while she tries to find a way to open one of the windows to sneak a cigarette, "God dammit," she mutters to herself as she tries to find the latch.

April O'Neil has posed:
April O'Neil is a name synonymous with angry law enforcement. She made a name for herself two summers ago when a crime spree in Brooklyn really hit the news hard. April accused of the Brooklyn police of not doing their jobs good enough to put the hammer down on the crime spree, and it really made some waves.

That and she's known for having a gnack for getting herself in trouble with people who are... not known for being kind.

Yet somehow, she has escaped from such clutches relatively unscathed. Up to this point anyway.

April slips in to the break room with the door held open to shout something out toward someone. "I'll be there in a bit, just relax!" She says to the tall dark haired man who keeps on walking past the break room door.

When it closes behind her, April mutters something in a grumbly voice as she walks in and drops her bag down on the table with a heavy sigh, not yet noticing Lois is in the room too.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane hears the door open, not looking over her shoulder yet. She's stepped out of her heels, setting them on top of a table to rest her feet, barefoot as she messes with the window. "Hey, do you know how to open these things? There's got to be a way, right?" she asks absent-mindedly, not knowing who it is who's just come in yet.

She scrapes her knuckle and swears a quick blue-streak, turning away and grabbing a napkin to put over her bloodied knuckle, "I'd say I miss when you could smoke indoors,l but I don't remember when it was actually allowed. I just did it sometimes and got away with it," she admits. "Hey, you're April O'Neil, right?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April is digging around in her black messenger bag when she hears the voice ask about the window. "Hmm?" She asks, looking up while biting down on her lower lip. She recognizes the woman almost instantly and her eyes widen. "Oh. Uh. Yeah, I think so." She says then as she walks over just in time to see her bloody her knuckle which has her wincing. "Are you okay?" She asks then as she steps up to the window, and looks over the latch.

"There should be a hinge here..." She says sliping her fingers under it and then snapping it up and open. "If they /want/ us to open these or not, well, that's up for debate." She says with a grin for Lois.

When recognized, April smiles brightly toward her. She nods once, and offers her hand, but then stammers a bit.. since Lois hurt her finger and all! "I am, yeah. You're Lois Lane, yeah? I've been a big fan of yours, gosh... long as I can remember now. In fact, you might be why I do what I do today." April adds that last bit with a little short laugh after.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane takes the hand with her left, figuring April probably doesn't want the slightly bloodied right one, giving fingers a squeeze as she heads back over towards the window. Lois is wearing a skirt just short of her knees, navy blue with a matching blazer, a canary yellow blouse beneath unbuttoned a bit and showing a simple gold chain hanging around her neck. She hops up on the counter next to the window and reaches into her pocket, pulling out a slightly dented pack of cigarettes.

"I'll try not to let that remind me of how old I'm getting," she teases. "And I've never been very interested in doing as I'm told," she says, lighting her cigarette with a cheap lighter and blowing smoke out of the window after her first puff, eyes closing to savor the momentary assuaging of her addiction.

"I've seen some of your work, too. Mostly crime beat, yeah? Good to see young reporters still getting down and dirty with it and not just doing interviews over Skype."

April O'Neil has posed:
April grins at the left handed offer, she returning the gesture before she steps back and lets the woman jump up to the window to take her cigarette break. April glances out the windows toward the park beyond, then looks back to Lois and shows her another smile. She shakes her head softly side to side once as she folds her arms over the white button-up blouse she wears tucked in to a charcoal colored skirt. "Hey, you look like a million bucks, so don't let an arbitrary number get you down."

Easy enough for someone in their early 20s still to say though!

"And yeah... no, anymore it's back and forth from the news room in Manhattan, and my podcast studio in Brooklyn. Hey. In fact, I had a guest on my podcast the other day who said he was working closely with anti-aging research to get us all eternally stuck in our twenties. That sounds promising, yeah?" She tries to make a little joke.

"I heard you made a bit of a splash in there earlier... Givin' people hell still. My admiration only grows."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane smiles, "I do okay for pushing forty," she grins, "Not as big a deal for me anyway, since I'm still doing good old fashioned print media. I know that shit's a lot harder for women like you having to stick your face in front of an HD camera three times a day. Couldn't be me," she says, taking another long drag and blowing out of the corner of her mouth. It's mostly going out the window, at least.

"Podcats and independent media might be the right move. Corporate oversite on a lot of the traditional outlets is getting ridiculous. It was always bad, but honestly, I think having Luthor in the White House is only empowering these oligarch assholes into thinking they're kings on the throne and we should all just do what they say. Which is why I spend so much time digging in their trash trying to remind everyone they're just emperors with no clothes. Not that I'd want to see Luthor or any of his cronies out of clothes," she says, making a finger down her throat gesture.

As to the last compliment, she waves it away, "I've been cursed out in Farsi plenty of times before. Won't be the last time either."

April O'Neil has posed:
April just leans back against the table behind her, her arms crossed over her stomach, her eyes on Lois. Her dark auburn hair is tied back today in a nice bun with a couple strands loose framing her face. She shows smiles, then a little laugh at the finger gesture. "You're absolutely right." April then notes. "When I was younger, prior to college, I thought ... Well, I had this vision that I'd end up behind a news desk reporting things to the public that really mattered. But when I got through college, then started my internshp, I started to see just how carefully cultivated it all is now toward just telling the public what they want them to believe. This is why... well.. I grabbed my laptop, and a shitty webcam, and started my own stuff."

She glances away for a moment before looking back. "It is mutually beneficial in some ways though. Being on the local news does get me some additional exposure, which leads to new follows online. So, it's kind of like a weird, symbiotic relationship... or something."

A sheepish smirk is given to Lois then. "But yeah, you're in the print business, and I respect the hell out of that. You get to form your words, like a piece of art really. While... I just kinda ramble in to the ether..."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane shakes her head, "None of that matters. Don't get me wrong, I like writing. I've been sitting in front of a keyboard one way or another as long as I can remember, it's just the natural way my ideas come out, that I express myself," she says. "But that's not really the work for me. This stuff," she says, waving her hand around, "this is the hard part. You do that, too. You get out in the world and find things out. Which is different from a lot of people who get into this now, who just want to build followers and sell ads and spout unsubstantiated opinions for a couple of hours a day to captive audiences who already agree with them," she sighs.

"Sorry, I started to ramble," she says, finishing her cigarette with a hard draw and putting it out in the remainder of her coffee before she dumps the paper cup in the bin.

"I'm one of the few in my position who can still say what I want because I...well, because I made it that way. And I got lucky. Superman fell into my lap. Well, okay, I kind of fell into his lap...off of a building...but you know what I mean. You can't predict things like that."

"But it's good for us to look out for each other. Because you know they won't."

April O'Neil has posed:
A slow nod is given to Lois' words from April. She pulls that bottom lip in again out of habbit as she listens, then lets it go again with a smile at the comment about Superman. "Hey. When falling off a building, I can't think of a better lap to land in then that guy's, yeah?" She jests light heartedly.

"But you're right, of course. I mean... I keep getting told that if I keep putting my nose where it doesn't belong, that I'll end up in a coroners office somewhere. But... at the same time, putting my nose in those places have had some pretty tremendous results at rooting out the rats that hide in the shadows, if you know what I mean. Like, last fall, I helped Frank Castle of all people put a stop to some guys that were laundering money. Of course, Castle had his prefered ways of dealing with such types, and I have mine... but, in the end, the guys went back to jail." She pauses for just a moment, before adding. "Making a difference, even a little bit, is what I want to do. If it gets me in trouble, well... I pitty the person who have to deal with the friends I've made." She then grins more wickedly for a moment toward the other woman.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane nods, "I've never been in any kind of trouble that wasn't me being in the right place at the right time. Being a journalist should be being in trouble. Our noses belong right in the middle of things. Even mobsters have PR reps and social media presences these days ,trying to gloss over what they do and spin things in their direction. A journalist's job is to snap a picture and see things without the spin, the still truth underneath," she says.

"That's a good line, I should write that down," she laughs.

"And yeah, it helps if you've got someone to watch your back. I probably would be dead a dozen times over without a certain guardian angel," she says. "On the other hand, I probably wouldn't have as many megalomaniacs trying to take me hostage if it wasn't for him either."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is less able to talk about the ones who have gotten her butt out of trouble so many times, but, she does have a roommate that qualifies for that too. She smiles at what Lois says, and insinuates about Superman. "I have to imagine his mere presence makes a lot of people think twice about messing with you too. So, a give and take, maybe?" She asks with a little grin that comes and goes.

"I guess I got a somewhat similar situation. My roommate is Harley Quinn, if you hadn't heard. I did a podcast with her at Arkham a little over oh, gosh, two years ago now? She showed up on my doorstep shortly there-after, and declared us to be roommates hence-forward." April laughs softly again.

"It's lead to a lot of... interesting adventures, I suppose you could say. But, at the same time, people fear Miss Quinn, enough to back off... sometimes. When they're smart." April flashes another smile before she walks back around that table toward her messenger bag again.

"So be thankful for those who help look out for us too, yeah?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane arches an elegantly plucked eyebrow at the revelation about Harley, "I think I'd heard a little something about that. Her reputation is complicated ,to be sure, but I'd never deny someone the chance at a bit of redemption. Sounds like she's gotten some thanks to you," she says.

""You'd think people would have better sense than to pick fights they can't win. But Superman's usually got a full plate all the same," she says. "But hey, it helps to keep me in busy when I'm not harassing public officials," she smiles. "I need to follow-up with a few of my sources, but don't be a stranger, huh? Drop me an e-mail sometime, we'll do lunch."

April O'Neil has posed:
April grabs her phone out of the side pocket on her bag. She glances down at it then looks back up to Lois. She shows her another grin. "In the case of Superman... I would be willing to bet that with his reputation, he runs in to a lot of tough guys who think they could take him down toe to toe. Trust me, I'm surrounded by those types. They all think that they are the 'Man of Steel', when really they're more like big bags of play-doh, compared to a Kryptonian. So I've heard anyway." April shows another quick smile before putting her bag strap over her shoulder.

"I'd love to do lunch some time. I'll ask you about my cousin, I think you two know each other?" She asks as she half-turns back toward the break room exit. "Keep up the good work too, Miss Lane. You're a hero to some of us."