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Latest revision as of 04:57, 25 April 2022

Ghost Riders in Stereo
Date of Scene: 24 April 2022
Location: Canelo's Auto and Body
Synopsis: Johnny Blaze tracks Robbie Reyes down at his shop, and the two Riders square off.
Cast of Characters: Robbie Reyes, Johnny Blaze

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Canelo's Auto and Body is jammed unceremoniously between a sex shop and a Chinese restaurant, and has pretty good reviews on yelp. The only complaint is that one of the mechanics working there is 'rude' and 'unfriendly'.

Said mechanic has just finished closing up and changing out of his coveralls back into street attire. He climbs out from under one of the bay doors and padlocks it, patting himself down for his pack of cigarettes. Faded jeans with holes in the knees, converse, and a black leather jacket pulled over his tall, lanky frame.

Once he's lit up, he starts ambling toward the glossy black '69 Charger parked out back, digging for his keys as he moves.

Johnny Blaze has posed:

On a steel horse he rides. Yamaha VMAX. The sound of the engine with infinitely more horsepower than it should. He caught wind of something, like a stench you just can't shake. he's been hunting souls and digging holes. He traced it to one place:

Canelo's Auto and Body.

Horrible place for a body shop to be, but who's Johnny to judge? Mechanic with a bad attitude? Yeah, it's going around. The light from Johnny's bike shines on the bay doors. He dismounts, chain around his body as leather, spiked boots touch the ground.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Yeah, stink is right. The wrongness of whatever demon's hanging around here is unmistakeable.

The kid looks up briefly from his smoke to see who's stupid enough to roll up at this time in the evening. "We're closed, get lost." He drags off his cigarette, and takes another gander at the guy on the 'cycle. It's the chain that makes him hesitate, jaw tight. Then he moves off, continuing his lazy prowl toward his car with a jangle of keys tossed into his hand.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Sure you are. I ain't here as a customer, kid. I'm here for you." Johnny starts to put on his black leather gloves. "Because you have been up to some dark, dark work. Sooner or later, someone's going to come around." He cracks his fingers. "Today's the day." Johnny keeps walking towards Robbie.

"So my question for you is...you come from hell, or do you got the Devil in you?" Johnny's fists clenched. It speaks to him like a clanging gong. Zarathos wanted out. There's something in Robbie. In his soul. Similar, but different.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Reyes pauses, cigarette still burning away between his fingers, back turned to the older guy approaching him. Funny, but Robbie didn't actually pull out a lighter; thing ignited all on its own.

"Today's the day, huh?" He, too, is wearing leather racing gloves. "Lemme guess, you're the one who's gonna sort me out." He takes one last drag off his cigarette, tosses it to the ground and crushes it out under the toe of his shoe. Then he turns back around slowly, and lifts his eyes to Johnny's. Smoke starts to wash off the whites, as the irises become ringed in red. Then the irises are gone, the pupils, the whites; his eyes burning away to bright, hollow pits.

"Maybe a little of both." His voice is his and yet not; his baritone warped into a screaming snarl. "What's it to you?"

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny was /not/ expecting that. He lit up in front of his eyes as his eyes turn into holes into the abyss. Johnny's teeth grind against each other as rage overtakes him. His flesh starts to burn and sizzle as he bursts into flame, leaving a skeleton in its wake with hellfire burning through his body.


Johnny's voice was his and not, the overbearing sensation is palpable now: Demon. Spirits if Vengeance were not to be taken lightly.

His 'eyes' stare at Robbie's display. The enemy before him.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
This thing.. isn't exactly a Vengeance Spirit. Though the average layman might not be able to grasp the distinction between them, Johnny certainly will. This demon is something different. Something darker. The corruption bleeds off it like a visceral thing.

"Not today," hisses Robbie in the demon's metallic voice. His own face starts to crack and peel away, fissures forming in his flesh as it burns away with the same hellfire. The skull that's left aflame is metal and alien looking in contrast, and he closes the distance slowly, carefully. Like he's perfectly aware of the threat the other demon presents.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Ghost Rider exhales hellfire and steam as a sound that could only emerge from the deepest pit of hell emerges from his skeletal maw.

Challenged, Johnny's skeletal form lunges forth. He moves like he has experience fighting beings of similar or greater strength. He intends to tackle Robbie straight into the nearest wall, as if to just muscle him into a position of advantage. But even faux Ghost Riders are powerful in their own right.


Robbie Reyes has posed:
Whether by design or simply being caught off guard, Robbie's lankier frame is successfully shoved into the garage door. Hard enough to buckle the metal under the other Ghost Rider's overwhelming strength.

Pinned against it, Robbie takes a vicious swing at Johnny, and then another and another. The power behind those hits would be enough to split right through a human's face; but Johnny's no human, after all.

Then the Sin-Eater rears its head back and brings it forward quickly, aiming to smash their skulls together in a bright bloom of hellfire and crackle of combustion.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Bodies go sailing into the garage door with force enough to dent the metal. Robbie's swings connect with Johnny's face but do little to deter him until the headbutt. It makes Johnny's head whip back from the Force of the blow, the explosion of hellfire envelopes both of them but Johnny's grip remains.

He brings his head forward with strength, trying to return his headbutt for a returning impact. He'll try and throw Robbie immediately after, hoping for an Olympic-style toss across the street.

Get him away from his ride.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Their skulls crack together once, twice in retaliation, and Robbie's demon screams in rage. Then Johnny's bodily throwing him across the lot, and for a brief moment, he's like a comet streaking through the dark.

His body crashes into the asphalt, cracking it and leaving yet another dent where he struck. Then the boy climbs to his hands and knees, and then his feet slowly; the burning pits where his eyes were are fixed steadily on Johnny's. They flare brighter as he tilts his head a fraction, like he's concentrating on something. And from somewhere behind the other Rider, a hellish roar splits the night. Were he to look around, he'd spot the Charger maneuvering of its own accord. A spin of the steering wheel, flames belched out of the blower mounted on the hood, and more fire billowing out of the wheel wheels as it fishtails around and plows *right* toward Johnny on a collision course.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
The screams of the demons echo into the night sky. With Robbie being thrown like a hell meteor across the street. Rising asphalt and broken concrete and a puff of dust and grime mark the landing to Johnny.

He roars and starts to run, but a pissed off Hellcharger smashes into Johnny and rams him straight through the sex building, causing the weird fireworks to go off. People spring out of the building.

The Hellcharger is sailing through the air, coming right back for Robbie! But the Hellcharger and it's Rider have a powerful bond. It may not have the intended effect.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Someone's probably thought to call the cops about now. This city has some weird shit going on, but two guys with flaming heads duking it out behind Canelo's might be one of the wierdest.

Oh, and Johnny laying hands on HIS ride? Oh, that is not gonna fly. Well, it is. Briefly. The car goes briefly airborne before slamming into the ground and hitting the brakes. The tail end actually whips around with enough speed and force that it *should* hit the younger Ghost Rider.. but instead, the car seems to go intangible for an instant, and it passes right through him before coming to a stop.

The car belches out another hellish roar, but Robbie starts walking, and doesn't stop to climb inside. Only pops the driver's side door briefly so he can haul something out, and keep going. A long, heavy looking chain not unlike the one Johnny's carrying, but tipped with knives at either end. "Enough," rasps the voice that isn't his as he keeps walking toward Johnny.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Cops in New York? They want nothing to do with supers. Especially with any reports on the Ghost Rider. They still have a guy in the Asylum who got hit with a Stare that has not yet psychologically recovered. Johnny doesn't have the best rep with the cops either.

Johnny steps out of the broken building with fire in his steps. He sees Robbie draw his chain and Johnny does the same, a bladed tip at the end of it hat ignites in Hellfire. "Your soul burns with the heart of evil." Zarathos'svoice echoes. "Who's your passenger kid? I'm not here for you. I'm here for /him./"

Johnny starts to twirl his chain, the blades tip starts slicing through the ground repeatedly, slicing through the street as he whips it at Robbie, trying to slash him in the face.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The Charger's revving its engine impatiently behind the younger Ghost Rider, lights flaring on, hellfire still trickling out of its blower and peeling off the tires without burning them.

"None of your concern," snarls the demon as its human shell paces closer. Closer. His own chain ignites with a roar of hellfire, wrist flicking as he coils the end of it around his hand several times. He's not quite quick enough to dodge the slash arcing toward his head; the blade slices across his cheek, and black blood-smoke oozes out amidst the flame.

With a roar, he backhands his own chain in an attempt to wrap it around Johnny's neck. Kid's got an arm on him. "Leave or be sent back to Hell. I don't bow to you."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"It is my concern, of all beings. I am vengeance. You are a distortion of what I am. I see you for what you are." Johnny's eyes narrow. "You are innocent." The blade wraps around Johnny's neck, but his hand grabs the chain before it can isolate his bone neck.

"But /he/ is guilty." Johnny's voice becomes that devilish mixture of Johnny and Zarathos, man and Demon king. He yanks on the chain, trying to bring Robbie in for a wicked-as-he'll clothesline. Trying to get him into a position where he can grab him.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Innocent? Robbie? Certainly at one point, he was. Not so much anymore. Not after the things he's done, willing or not.

And Johnny's strong, but so is his counterpart. The Rider's hauled in close, until they're nearly nose to flaming nose, hellfire guttering out of narrow vents in Robbie's skull. He pulls his chain tighter with a slow turn of his wrist. "My name is Eli. The boy is only a vessel. Much as yours is."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Pulled close, it was difficult not to feel the tension of Hell at every word. Zarathos comes to life, replacing Johnny in the gestalt that was the Rider. The demon growls in rage and hate.

"Eli. Your soul reeks of the damned. You escaped the pit and took residence in this boy. He is corrupted by your presence. You will feel Hell's fury. Death will not be cheated and it's chains will drown you!"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"You are one to speak. What do they call you, the King of Hell?" The demon in Robbie isn't capable of laughter; it's more of a screaming rasp that issues from its fanged maw. "*Enough*," it repeats in a low growl, and yanks its chain free of the other Rider with a hiss of metal.

Without another word, he turns and makes his way back in the direction he came. The Charger wheels around to meet him, smearing hellfire across the road as it lurches to a halt to allow him to climb inside. Then the possessed car screams off into the night.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"The one and only." Zarathos crackles out. "Your judgment is coming, Eli. You cannot run from me." Ghost Rider watches him as the chain is released and he's forced to roll onto the ground and back to his feet. He watches the Hellcharger scream off int othe night. With a sizzle, the flames cease on Johnny's person, flesh and hair and muscle regrowing as if the skin had never burned.

As if the flame never raged.

"Stay running, kid. I'll find you."