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Latest revision as of 21:35, 25 April 2022

How is work going, now that you are a superhero too
Date of Scene: 25 April 2022
Location: Parker Residence - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: MJ and Peter enjoy some pie, and Red Sonja makes a cameo.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson

Peter Parker has posed:
It's been a time since Peter and Mary Jane have talked more than an occasional text check in. But time was due, and this time, it was Peter who sent the text.

Peter Parker: Hey MJ. Hope things are good. Was wondering if you wanted to swing by some time this week. May's been baking up a storm, and I want to hear how the new job is going.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Having gotten the message, some fumbling over schedules later, a check in with Aunt Anna on the way there, a guilt trip on seeing her sister (to which there was a hard 'no'), Mary Jane Watson was dropping by. Poking her head in the front door, "Hey May! Hey Peter!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May is the one to greet Mary Jane at the door. Of course. She smiles warmly at her with that sage, crinkly face of hers. "Mary Jane. How delightful to see you, as always." She reaches out for a hug. Leaning over to whisper to her. "I am so happy you are here. You always take such good care of him." Some things never change. May straightens and calls over her shoulder. "Peter! Mary Jane Watson is here!" As if there were another.

"Coming Aunt May!" comes a voice from the basement, followed by pounding on the stairs.

"I've got to go out and get some bread for dinner. I'll be back. Be good you two." And then Aunt May smiles again at Mary Jane and slips past her to walk to the store, down the steps before Peter comes cruising to the door.

"Aunt May, it's fine, we have..." He trails off, and looks over at Mary Jane. She does have that effect on him, even after all these years. "Hey MJ. Come on in." He beckons her inside.

MJ knows the Parker house. She can see into the kitchen. There is plenty of bread. That Aunt May...

"Can I get you anything?" Peter asks.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give a quick hug to May over, "Hey, good to see you, I'm sorry I haven't been around in awhile. Take care May!" Going to release the hug adn give May a wave and go to give a glance down the hallway. "Hey Peter!" Waiting for May to be out the door and go to wrap Peter over in a big hug as she could. "Good to see you Tiger. How goes things in the.." She would playfully whisper once May was out of earshot, "Spider-Cave? Or is it not quite up to date as your super secret lair?" She would tease.

Going to release him and then cross her arms. "Sorry haven't been in touch. I think that things have been a little. Crazy for us both." She would amend.

"Well, as much as they always are. I'm no tsure what your weird-o-meter is calibrated at. Weird saying the last few months are about normal." She would quip.

Peter Parker has posed:
Indeed, Peter accepts and holds the big hug. That was always one thing he could count on, too. "It's, uh. It's been interesting. Or not really. Just same old same old." He smiles at her easily, grinning at the tease. "It's nice, but we can just hang out in the kitchen unless you want to look something up. I'm sure you've got much better tech at work now." He separates from her, and moves towards the kitchen. "Pie?"

"And don't worry about that. You've been busy. And, you know, I imagine there's been..." He chuckles. "Yeah, plenty crazy."

He reverses course upon reaching the kitchen, turning back to watch her as she follows. "I mean, things have been pretty weird. Were you involved in all of that heavenly stuff going on in Manhattan?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Some pie would be amazing. Just so long as it's not Wheatcakes. I always feel bad if I'm stealing some from you as I hog them all." Something she makes no regrets about nor promises that if they are available she won't take them all again. "I think things have been.. Let's call them normal for ourselves and probably just say that weirdness is relative. So you doing classes? Starting that big corporation you always dreameda bout?" She would qiup.

"ANd uh.. A litlte bit. Some of us were.. Put out over in things. The other girl was really, really happy all about it. I think she was also a bit disappointed in things. You know her, she can get sad when things don't get messy."

Peter Parker has posed:
As always, there is an abundance of freshly baked goods in the house. Peter gets out a sampling and sets them on the table. "No you don't," he says with a grin. "Sometimes I think you do it for sport." He settles back against the counter, watching her. "Me? Yeah, kind of. I ended up getting involved with a tech company. Got a bit of a mentorship going on, which is nice. Not nearly as cool as the toys I'll bet you get to play with." He crosses his arms, grinning a bit. "Mary Jane Watson, Agent of SHIELD." He shakes his head. "If Flash Thompson could see you now..."

"She seems like she could be fun, in some respects. In others..." Peter smiles a bit. "One of these days, I'm not going to lie, I kind of want to see you in action."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to take a breath over, "Yeah, talk about totally not living the life you expected." She would quip. "Possessed by an ancient barbarian spirit, spy. I still think you have me way beat on the weridness scale. If you'd asked me when I was a little girl what I was going to be I would have said princess. Sonja's definitely not one and when I think about it she just starts laughing and then starting to rant over about them and.. I think that's not a wish that I'm going to get so long as she's in my head."

MJ would sigh, "Sonja's -dangerous- to be let out. I can fight and she guides me, but if she's not on a tether.."

Mary Jane's face would shift and so would her body language. Going defiant, proud, and dangerous.

Peter Parker has posed:
Laughing softly, Peter shakes his head. "Well, neither of us really did what we expected." A pause. "Or wanted. But, you know what Uncle Ben said." He didn't have to say it - she knew it. She'd heard him say it enough. Maybe even some of that leaked over into her. "But you know you'll always be my princess." He smiles, that easy Parker smile, until he realizes there might be implications to that, and he turns to the refrigerator before she can see too much of a flush to his cheeks.

"Well, but you are the strongest person I know, MJ, so if anyone can keep her on a tether, it's you." He turns back around with a pitcher of iced team, and carries it to the table. And then as if to show off, he webs over a glass for her. He watches as her entire disposition changes, and he smiles. "I think you two are a good pair, honestly."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane has been subliminated, adn now there is Red Sonja by the familiar shift in body language. Alert. Dangerous. One of said pieces of pie is grabbeda nd shoved into her mouth without so much as a word. "This needs some mead to wash it down with /boy/. Get me some proper ale!" She would order. "And I am dangerous." She would smirk over.

"And I am no one's -princess-. And no man shall so much as touch me wtihout my defeat in combat."

MJ had probably ranted about that one before. Peter may have been flustered to the point of fleeing. Sonja would look up and down at him predatorily. "A nice trick and I've seen that before, boy."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:

Peter Parker has posed:
The shift is a bit shocking for Peter. "Uh, I don't know about proper, but..." He digs into the refrigerator and finds a... Stella Artois? Close enough. He opens the bottle and hands it to Red Sonja.

"Sorry, I hadn't realized it was you, ma'am." Did it feel weird to refer to MJ as ma'am? Not at the moment. He considers her challenge. Thinks on it hard. He'll have to ask MJ about that when she comes back. Because he was quite confident if it would be a good idea, he could...

"Do you mind letting MJ back? I had a question for her." Always polite, that Peter Parker. Especially when ancestral warriors are controlling his best friend.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson snaps back into reality as Sonja would break into laughter over and looks rather mortified over while hse would go to bury her face in her hands. "Uh.. I'm so sorry, she can get this way sometimes and uh.." She hiccups a few times. "If you don't mind I'll probably have a cuople of those." She would take a few breaths, wipping some crumbs of pie and frosting off her chin.

"If she weren't already dead I would think about killing her I -swear- something over wiht things like this she does it purely to.."

~BWAHAHAHA Female, it never fails to be hilarious. You appreciate the boy, so..~ <SHUTTT UPP!!>>

Peter Parker has posed:
"It's a very good look for you, honest." Peter smiles and reaches over with a paper towel. "You know, because before you were always so conservative and not fun loving."

Peter shakes his head. "I think she likes making a big entrance. I'll bet you two are actually really very similar. You're just less...stabby. And she is a bit less..." He tilts his head, and then seems to think better of whatever comment he was about to make.

"So how are you? Really."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would look over at Peter and give him a playful shove. "Yes, yes she does. She just tends to like to do it a bit more cutting off someone's head and throw it down into the middle of the floor to start it though." She would groan.

"But thank you for the faith in comparing me to the ancient barbarian murder hobo."

She would smile, "i'm really fine. Honestly. I'm.. With people who understand. Not that you don't and everyone else, just.. I'm not the weirdest one." SHe would quip. "By far."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Uh. That's dramatic, alright." Peter has a bit of a nervous smile as he watches her.

"I just meant you are strong, independent, fierce woman that never take no for an answer." He pauses. "And look _really_ hot in chainmail." He winks at MJ, and pours himself some iced tea.

He nods. "That was a big deal for me, too, honestly. Starting out I felt so strange and different. And I _am_, but then I'd talk to Johnny and I'd feel better." Storm, natch. "So I'm sure that helps you. Moreso than hanging out with me. I mean, I'm old hat by now. Boring old Peter."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Thanks Peter. That means a lot." She would give Peter a hug. "And Johnny's.. Interesting. I only know him by reputation. But you have to give him big credit for being.. Well, active for so long. I can't imagine what it would be like to have made your entire life out of this. And he's in his.. What, sixties maybe? How do you keep doing this for so long and not get exhausted and broken down?"

Peter Parker has posed:
The hug is returned. Peter clings to MJ, a bit more than necessary, perhaps. "I mean. Look at me. I've been doing this for...what, a quarter of my life?" He looks at MJ. "I mean, it's been..." He thinks about it. The exhaustion. How many times he's wanted to give it up. How many times he nearly did. "I could never let Uncle Ben down," he says, his eyes glistening. "As much as I wanted, at times, to throw out the suit, and just try to be Peter Parker. And have a happy life. Spend it with people I cared about without worrying about them being a victim to Doc Ock." A pause. "Or the Goblin." He shrugs. "I just can't do it. As much as I want to."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod at Peter, "You're a good person, Peter. And Ben would be proud. I'm not sure if May knows.. But no matter what, she's always proud of you." Shew ould give him another squeeze. "And what has your.. Usual gang of idiots been up to?" By that she could mean the dangerous ones like the Goblin.. Or just the rest of the Spider-Friends.

Peter Parker has posed:
Wiping away a tear from his eye, Peter nods. "I know he would be." He thanks for a moment. "I think May knows, actually. But she won't say anything about it." He laughs. "Probably because she knows I don't want her to know."

He hugs her again before stepping back. "Uh. They've been quiet. Which makes me nervous. The Goblin is plotting something. He attacked a bridge and made off with some other villain I haven't seen before. So...I'm just waiting to see what that is about."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would get up to give Peter a hug, "Yeah." She would consider, "I know you don't like to get other people involved unless you can help it.. And poking your nose around as Peter might be dangerous. But.. Maybe there's something in his mainframe? You're very good with computers so you could.. Hack them?"

Peter Parker has posed:
This earns a smile from Peter. "I mean. I could. But...you're right. It's dangerous. So..." He sighs deeply, leaning into her. "I just feel like I am always so reactive. But what can I do, right? Just wait for him to strike, foil him, and then move on?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Yes. Hence why doing something that might not antagonize him or draw him out. Something quiet. I don't know how good his computer security is. So if not that then.. Just don't be proactive, just try and investigate."

Peter Parker has posed:
A nod. "Yeah, you're right." Peter smiles warmly at MJ. "How is it that I always feel better when you're around?" He picks at a piece of pie. "We should do this more often."