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Latest revision as of 21:35, 25 April 2022

Coffee My Dear Cheerleader
Date of Scene: 25 April 2022
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: Two girls, peppy and cheerful, talk while in line waiting for coffee.
Cast of Characters: Courtney Whitmore, Mary Jane Watson

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Standing on line, despite not yet having received her coffee, Courtney Whitemore is filled with a certain vibrational bounce already. She fidgets, light on her feet, even as her gaze drifts over the menu above the small barista stand.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
She's on a quick jog through the city to get to where she's going. But.. Mary Jane Watson has fond memories of ESU. Of things that never worked out, on directions life could have taken but it didn't. You don't always get what you want or where you're plans are supposed to take you.
    So she's standing in line as well, next to Courtney and looking over the menu. "Cheer squad?" She would inquire.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Spinning around on a toe, blond curls bouncing around her face in the process, Courtney beams a smile towards Mary Jane. "How'd you guess?" No trace of sarcasm, it's an earnest question. Even if it has an obvious answer.

Her gaze drifts over Mary Jane quickly. "You?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane would twitch her lips, "It's the way you jump on tiptoe. Sort of leaning forwards and then back. At-ease. Also means you're doing it in a way to stretch out and ease stress on your back and hips without having to exert yourself. And just passing through. Just getting coffee on way to work."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Beaming a smile back at Mary Jane, Courtney nods. "Interesting! I hadn't thought about it that way, but you're totally right!" She backs up a bit as the line moves forward, but still engages in conversation with the redhead. "What do you do for work?" She peers at her. "You seem awfully young to be working." Not really awfully young, of course, but of age with her. And she didn't think about working any time soon.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane would gesture with her hands, "It's simple, you do it to help the muscles stay relaxed. It's kind of automatic if you do gymnastics as it conserves energy and helps you stay limber." She would smile, "And thank you. Just had to get a job out of high school. College wasn't in the cards."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"I'm totally a gymnast!" responds Courtney, as if amazed at Mary Jane's detective work. Her face twists into a frown as she hears about the need to work. "Oh." She nods. "I'm sorry. College has been fun, so far. Better than high school. Sorry you're not getting the chance." She backs up again. One more person in front of her in line. "What's your job, if you don't mind my asking?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "That's great. IT's what you're supposed to do. Find out about yourself. Do what you enjoy. And office work." She would go to quickly and smoothly transition to a lie. "I can't afford it, so I work for a couple years, save up money, then go. And I don't kill myself with loans and I have a bit of time to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
A quick nod. "Well, that's not a bad plan, either." Courtney smiles. "Don't give up the dream, y'know?" It's her turn to order, and she spins around, ordering a double caramel macchiato. "And what she wants," she says, pointing her thumb back at Mary Jane. She steps to the side and beams a smile at her. "Not much, but there's $4 closer to your freshman year, right?":

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Hey, you don't have to. but thank you. And four dollars? Since when could you get a cup of coffee in a college town for that?" She would tease. "And thank you. I'm Mary Jane. Call me MJ." She would offer a hand over.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Courtney takes MJ's hand and gives it a pump. "Courtney. Pleased to meet you!" She bounces a bit, the blonde curls bopping with the motion. "And don't mention it. It's the least I can do. I don't have to pay my own way, so I respect the hell out of someone who has to do that."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Hey, I'm good. Means I get some time to figure things out and now feel like I have the rest of my life ahead of me to mess up." She would be playful. Life experience had long since shed her of her party girl persona and shoved her into the real world.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
That earns a grin. "Yeah, I feel ya. I'm just starting to figure out how I can mess things up. It's fun." Courtney smiles, and then her cup arrives. "Well, this is me. And I gotta run off to class." She beams a smile at MJ. "It was nice chatting with you!"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Thanks. I 'll make sure to pass it forwards, Courtney. Good luck with whatever the rest of the week brings! Hope to run into you again." Going to take her coffee, leaving a tip for the barista, then jogging out on her own.