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Latest revision as of 21:37, 25 April 2022

Oh look, Sara still has a house...
Date of Scene: 22 April 2022
Location: Pezzini House
Synopsis: Wade drops by, finally, to talk to Sara... things take an interesting turn when Sara learns he's married, but they talk it out. What does the dirty Witchblade Mistress plan to say to the boyfriend's wife? Stay tuned.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Wade Wilson

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara had been living between two places, the apartment and the house, because it was easier than the alternative. Cael's hatred for Johnny made it impossible for him to be at the apartment, so Sara has settled into a routine of going back and forth. That had changed in the past couple of weeks as Johnny hadn't been around, but she had expected some times that he would have to go be the Ghost Rider, do what he was meant to do.

With the angelic host gone, Michael back in heaven, and Chas back on earth, she had settled back into a routine. Work with the NYPD, SHIELD, and the Avengers when needed, daily work outs to maintain her body and health, and attempting to eat right despite her aunts constant need to bake. Having faced death and lost Witchblade, she realizes that she wasn't actually living life, she was existing, but changing old habits would take her time. She had changed, she knew that, and there was no such thing as normal for someone like her. In the end she knew she needed to live, be happy, take time for herself and make decisions about her life as to what she wanted for the future. None of these would be easy things.

The first change in all this was that today was her day off, and she was actually taking it. Sitting out on the front porch with a pitcher of iced team, she was attempting to read a book and be... normal-ish.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    The rumble of a motorbike precedes Deadpool's arrival. The red of the crotch-rocket is a sharp contrast to the dusky gray-white of his new suit. He's been busy too. Between helping Gabby find her sister, forming his new crew--in defiance or in spite of the X-Men, probably both,--and finding out he was married, he hadn't had much change to sit with his girlfriend. That last was the primary reason for his visit.

    He kicks the kickstand down and slips off of the vehicle. He's mostly in the supersuit. It's just easier to wear it than not these days. He is without the mask though, opting for a helmet today, and there is a light leather coat (fitted with strike plates and ceramic armoring) in jet black over his torso. Does he need to safety gear? No. But is it good to have it and easier to just get it rather than custom jobs? Yes.

    He strolls up to the house with a smile. "Sara. Been a while" he says to the woman as he stops at the steps leading up to the patio. "You open for some company?" he asks, looking around for the Bone Daddy that had been at her side for a time of late.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara watches Wade pull up, eyes looking over his new suit while her brain was deciding if she would punch him or not. She realized everyone had a life, everyone had things they had to do, but the desire to punch him and Johnny both was a real, deep desire in her chest.

Even as he parked the bike and walked up to the porch, her brain was still playing over punch or not punch, perhaps kicking him? No, that would require standing up. Maybe just one tendril of metal, right through the thigh... a quick shake of her head. She didn't need Witchblade's help with this.

In the end, she decided against violence, much to Witchblade chagrin. Gesturing toward the other chair with the book, she sets it on the table between the chairs as she says too calmly, "Feel free."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade steps up onto the patio and to the designated chair with only the slightest hesitation. He wasn't the most empathic of people, but even he could tell when there was an angry and dangerous person nearby and Sara was always one and -both- at this very moment.

    He settles down and leans back. "So..." he opens lamely. "I owe you a couple of apologies. One, I'm sorry for going missing during the whole Angels Take Manhattan business. But, rules are rules and well..." he shrugs as if that explains -anything-. "I did make a cameo... during the sealing thing in Central Park... but that was..." he pauses and sighs. "Probably not enough to justify all the hell you went through with it."

    He makes a face. "The second is for not coming to you sooner after finding out about my past with Outlaw--er, Inez Temple." That he leaves open, he's going to get to it, but air it out first... explain after.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Picking up the pitcher, Sara pours some of the ice tea into a second glass which she slides toward him, listening as he talks. He'd mentioned the whole 'rules' thing before, but not once explain it and she hadn't been in the right mind mentally, or physically, to ask about it. At the moment, she didn't really care about that. He'd been there when she was hurt, made sure she was alright, then disappeared again... but he'd been there when it mattered.

Once she'd slid him his tea, she picks up her own and takes a drink. She needs that extra moment to decide what to say and how to say it. He had his life, things he had to do, and she wasn't part of it. Hurt like hell, but that was the facts.

"You were there when it mattered," she finally says calmly, resting the glass on her leg as she looks up at his face. "No idea what the rules were, don't really care, you couldn't be involved for whatever reason, but you were there when it mattered."

Her eyes shift back to the glass in her hand, then turn to look out over the neighborhood. Her neighbors were starting to get used to the strangeness that came and went from her house. "No idea who Inez Temple is," she then admits, pretty certain that the idea that his finding out about his past with this person was not going to be a good thing.

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade lets out a breath. "I was there when it mattered. But not there enough" he says. "And that's the problem." He takes the tea and takes a sip. It's good. Just the right balance of sweet and bitter. "The rules are... complicated..." an understatment. "An ultimately unimportant right now. What -is- important is Inez."

    He pauses and takes another sip before starting his tale. "Three years ago I took a job in Orlando, Florida. Ended up having a building fall on me. Was under rubble for about 3 weeks and had anywhere from six to twelve rebars shoved through my skull." He lets that sink in and then continues. "I woke up after six months in a coma. And had no memory of the past year... maybe year and half. Which effectively erased a chapter of my life that most would consider important." He winces.

    "I got married. Inez Temple... is my wife" he responds looking at Sara. "I looked it up. It's valid and binding. And... some of the memories of my life with her have started coming back. Little things. The ceremony... the engagement..." he frowns.

    "I'd like to say, extenuating circumstances save me from the consequences. But after a lifetime of that, it seems a bit hollow. You got with me under... false pretenses and that's not fair to you." He doesn't say his own expectations from this news, he leaves that up to her.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Again Sara sits there quietly, listening to Wade explain what he need to explain, and in some cases needs to explain. She'd lived a year without the memories of what she'd done under Ava von Strucker's control, so the idea of having him having a missing year struck her in the chest like a solid punch from the Hulk. Instinctively she reaches over to take his hand at that point, letting her thumb run over the back of his glove. That pain she understood.

And then the anvil fell. The year he was missing included having gotten married... he was married. If the chest punch by the Hulk hadn't been enough, the upper cut by Superman finished her off, and she took her hand back. Was it his fault he'd forgotten? No, of course not. He had been injured, and brain injuries were always the worst to recover from, even with accelerated healing.

"I see," she finally says quietly, putting on a really good face of bravery to conceal the pain. "So that's it then? You're married, and have to go be with her. Makes sense, explains why you've not been around. You don't have to say any more, I get it. I've had my memories taken before, so I can understand not remembering."

Setting the glass on the table by the book, she finally looks over at him, still keeping that brave face but her eyes show the pain. "So you came by to say good-bye. Thank you for that, I'd been wondering where you were."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade winces at her words. "I... don't know... not... really" he says flatly. "I came here to tell you. What we do after that is... up to you. I'd understand if you wanted to call it off. But... she knows about you at least. And... she's about as open as I am if not as mentally unstable." The keyword there was 'as' of course.

    He pauses. "She sort of wants to meet you. I felt it was important for you to know the details before anything like that. But I don't want to go anywhere else, if you don't want to."

    He considers the floor of the patio for a time. "I know you and Johnny have been getting closer. He's part of the group you roll with where I am not. So if it's a matter of different area codes... I'd understand but..." He makes a lopsided grin at her. "I'm not here under any layers of calling it off or anything. If status quo stays status quo... I'm more than fine with that."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The floor of the patio was in fact interesting, and Sara found her eyes looking at the planks that. They'd been sanded and revarnished recently, deeper color then they had been, but much nicer over all.

"Not really," she says quietly. "He's been gone for a while too. Yes, we're both part of the Justice League Dark, but he works alone and apparently.. that's what he's been doing for the past few weeks."

Closing her eyes she takes a slow, deep breath in, then lets it out slowly before looking back at Wade. She couldn't put into words the how or why that she loved him, but she did. His smile, his eyes, even the scars on his body and face, the way he talked when serious versus not serious, usually the same as he was rarely serious. Everything about him made her smile, feel complete and loved and safe. Thinking back as she looked at his eyes, she couldn't remember the exact moment it went from friendship to love, perhaps it was because one some level it had been so easy to fall into step with him, even with his instability.

"I'm not against you being married," she finally says. "I mean that doesn't change how I feel about you. Shocked, yes... but that doesn't change the heart and soul, but I can't be an after thought. That hurt, more than I'm willing to put into words and admit."

She picks the glass of tea back up, then adds another ice cube from the small cooler. "I don't want to call it off, but I also don't want repeat of the last few months. I get it, you have things you do that I can't be a part of, that's just how it is, but no more disappearing for weeks, months."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    wade winces at the loneliness in Sara's tone to start. "That sucks..." he says, about the Ghost Rider's lone wolf impression. "Understood and I don't want to call it off either. And I don't want to go missing for weeks and months on end. The rules suck. Big time. Trust me, I wanted to throw down with those self-righteous prick gobblers, but... walls and boundaries." He shrugs as if it was the most natural statement in the world and everyone knew them so why go into detail.

    He pauses. "There's going to be secrets I have to keep from you. About some of the stuff I do. I won't force you to compromise your position in the NYPD over my antics. But no more secrets about romantic partners, past of present. I think you and Inez would get along actually. She's a mutant. But all her mutations are internal. Strength, healing, stamina, uncanny sharpshooter ability... though that might be a skill. I don't know how these things are parsed half the time." He looks at her then. "But she's heard of you and wants to meet. Because, as she put it, she knows you make me happy." He pauses. "But I'd understand if you wanted to keep things separate... I'm the king of awkward so sometimes the tone of a situation comes off deaf to me when it's a tritone from hell for others." He looks to the street. "Little music humor there for those of you who think I'm not cultured." His gaze turns back to her like he hadn't even said that last bit.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara reaches over and takes Wade's hand, even leans toward him to look more into his eyes. "I know what you Wade," she states firmly. "You think that the things Witchblade does are legal? That the NYPD would accept the reality of what he does through me? Everything I do is compartmentalized, because I break the law every time the armor goes on. So I understand your intent, to try and keep it separate from me, and that's fine if that's what you feel you have to do, but understand nothing, not one thing you do, or might do, or told me you did, matters in the end. I'm not a cop with you, I can't be, and honestly... I shouldn't be a cop at all, because I murder people."

She takes another slow deep breath, "Yes, I do it to protect humanity against things they shouldn't be seeing or dealing with, but some of them are just people who chose the wrong path. They don't get justice Wade, they get dead. I accept that, and I know others out there do it to."

She takes a moment to calm herself again, because he hit on the one thing she'd been arguing with herself for years about. The differences between law and justice versus protection and killing. The NYPD applied to humans, to the muggles of the world. The minute aliens, super humans, mutants and Witchblades become involved, the laws that bind the United States stop applying.

Standing up, while still holding his hand, she steps over and sits herself in his lap so she can wrap her arm around him, place a kiss on his lips and just breath him in. "I have no issues at all with meeting her Wade," she finally says after taking the time to just enjoy him actually being there. "I'm a firm believer in everyone getting along, and to do that, have to meet her. I hope she makes you happy, and maybe meeting her I'll see if she does, or maybe it will just be awkward as fuck."

Wade Wilson has posed:
    Wade leans into the kiss a bit and wraps his own arm around her waist. "You're right. But it helps me to have the distinction. Even if we both go out and murder... it's for different reasons and to me... intent is the second most important 'ent' to make." He takes a deep breath and leans back in the chair, liking the proximity and familiarity of her in his lap.

    He considers the possibility of Inez and Sara in the same room--and yes, his mind goes there so yours doesn't have to--and he smiles. "I'm sure you and her will either end up getting along and share all sorts of embarassing stories about me... or you'll end up at each others throats. Either way... it's bound to be more entertaining that a Monday night and somethign that could probably make us all a fortune on pay-per-view." He pauses and considers. "Is that still a thing?" he asks. "Is it, right? I think it's mostly boxing matches... but this is in the same vein so... I'm going with it."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Boxing and wrestling I think," Sara comments, relaxing a little more. There were still a hundred things that could go wrong and change everything, and idea of secrets in a relationship really made her nervous, but it was what it was.

Still watching his face, a smirk crosses her own. "You went there," is all she comments before continuing with. "We won't end up at each other's throats, that much I can assure you. I wouldn't do that to you, as for sharing embarrassing secrets, you do that yourself so I won't need to."

Another soft kiss, this one on his forehead as she grins. "Totally went there... which leads me to ask, what are you hoping for with this? What is she hoping for? Is this your average meet and greet? I mean there's no rule book for the 'other woman' meeting the wife that was meant for poly relationships, but them most poly relationships don't include marriage... so new waters for me."