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Latest revision as of 21:37, 25 April 2022

Nightclub Questions
Date of Scene: 21 April 2022
Location: Interview Room: Triskelion
Synopsis: Rave is interviewed by Hellboy. He's bad at it.
Cast of Characters: Hellboy, Naria Shepard

Hellboy has posed:
    The interior of the Interview Room is clean and filled with all of SHIELD's amazingest victories. It's comfortable enough, but even at a comfortable temperature, it feels cold...perhaps sterilized. It's not a space people live in. It's not even an honest space. It's a poster. It's a space that says, "SHIELD is amazing! You should love us!" in big, bold letters.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Kinda tacky if she was being honest, but hey, she'd been invited to SHIELD...well, one of their interview rooms. That totally counted, she'd even snapped a selfie outside the Triskelion...and on the upper level, around a few other places before she'd actually came in. She was one of the Birds now, and being trained by members of the League...this would have been pretty awesome if it weren't for the circumstances that lead to it.

Now she had to wait, which was not something she was great at.

Hellboy has posed:
    When someone finally came to see her, it was the large, red, demonic man she'd met at the club. Hellboy carries a folder as he enters the room. He's dressed like normal, which is about as formally as anyone will likely ever get him to dress. He drops the folder full of papers on the table opposite the girl. He inclines his head toward her and casually greets her with a, "Hey." He then sits down in the chair. It strains a little under his weight as he uses his left hand to open the folder and start flipping through the pages of typed documents. There's a picture of Rave paper-clipped to one of the sheets visible briefly before he flips to the next one.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A familier face...and horns and everything else. Rave actually looks up in surprise, tilting her head. She'd expected some more traditional spook types, even as she sat there dressed more 'formally' than last time. Formal being jeans and a tank top rather than a mesh shirt over a bikini top and a skirt like the night in the nightclub. What did one really wear to an interrogation anyway?

"So uh...you guys wanted to talk to me?" she speaks up, glancing around. How many recording devices might there be in here?

Hellboy has posed:
    "Yeah," Hellboy says. He turns a page and his eyes betray that he's only pretending to be skimming all this. He's not the kind of guy who READS things...well, maybe comic books. He closes the folder and looks up at the pretty young lady he'd met DJ'ing. "I don't usually do these," Red admits. "You know you're being recorded, right? And you're not under arrest or anything."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I mean, I kinda figured," Rave answers, gesturing to herself. "What with the whole 'Would you mind coming down?' instead of someone kicking in my door and doing the whole 'cuffs and black bag' thing." Still she shifts, stretching out a little as she rests in the chair and then crossing her arms at her chest. "I mean, I assume this is about the nightclub but...then I never really did this sort of 'After action' thing. I mean, I didn't even know it was a thing until I saw you with the bird and stuff."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy listens to Rave ranting. He clears his throat into his left hand to interrupt her flow of consciousness. Taking a breath, he continues, "Yeah, so. You've got some kind of--what, mutation? I'm supposed to ask about the light thing; figure I should get that out of the way."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Interupted as she was, Rave does pause a little and fold her hands, resting her chin atop it and nodding lightly. "I'm...either a mutant or a metahuman, never really checked what the difference was. But yeah, I can do the 'light thing'." A giggle, she gestures to herself, "I can do stuff with light, move crazy fast...you can see some of the selfies and pics I've snapped around the world with my powers."

Hellboy has posed:
    "Right," Hellboy acknowledges. He's being dragged through this as much as she is. "Ever had a--hang on." He opens up his folder half-way to a specific page and reads the words directly off the page. "Spectrographic analysis--" He lets the folder flop closed. "Of the light you produce?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A blink, she shakes her head at that. "No uh, I didn't exactly volunteer for labwork or a physical or anything. My injuries don't last and I'm not wanting to end up getting disected in some secret government facility or anything. Right?"

Hellboy has posed:
    "I hear ya," Hellboy says from a place of experience. He flips through. "I'm supposed to offer, but it's to satisfy their curiosity more than help you out." He lets the folder flip closed again. "Apparently, you can do ultraviolet?" He flattens the back of his hand against the folder. "That's what this says. I don't know that, and I think they're just guessing." He runs a hand over his largely bald head. "You know at all what you destroyed in the club?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A shrug of her shoulders and Rave instead looks to tilt her head. "I mean...no? It was some sort of spooky thing that looked like it was...drinking people or draining them or something? Turning them into...I dunno. I just sort of followed your lead since you looked like you knew what you were doing?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy nods. "Didn't have good intel," he says. "Thought it was a troll or something more occult. Turns out it was a vampire misting in a club to get some snacks in. Couldn't have punched or shot that thing if I wanted to. You really saved my bacon." He opens the folder and looks through again. "Also apparently everyone else in the club." He looks up at her. "Sorry," he continues. "I gotta ask this. Have you ever been engaged in vigilantism?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
"A vampire?!" Rave repeats before blinking a little and crossing her arms under her bust. "That's...kinda crazy. How many of my other gigs might have had vampires in the crowd? Crazy to think..." she trailed off before tilting her head at that question with a raise of her eyebrow. She had an entire social media following of her 'Hero feed' and was very much known by her fans for some of her vigilante exploits. There was a very recent post of her with sitting perched on what had been a getaway vehicle flasing a peace sign while the robbers were zip-tied to the front bumper.

"I uh...plead the fifth?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy opens up to a specific page and half-reads. "Okay," he says, mostly to himself. He reaches into his nebulous greatcoat and pulls out a small, black rectangle. "Now I'm supposed to use the remote--" He pushes a button. "--and--" He gets distracted by the holographic projector displaying scenes of all her exploits from her feed behind him. He looks over them for a few moments before letting out a. "Woah." He turns back to Rave and realizes he's not done. He huffs out a sigh and looks into the pages again. He runs down the printout with his index finger, remote still firmly in that hand. "Okay, I'm supposed to ask you again." He looks up at Rave. "Have you ever been engaged in vigilantism?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A little suprised blink at the holographs she herself wasn't creating, Rave gives a quiet little noise of appreciation at the show before blinking and looking back to the big red demon, tilting her head to the side. "I mean...." she trails off, gesturing with her hand to the setting around them. "Are you about to play bad cop and tell me I'm in trouble? Because that would kinda be a crappy way of saying thanks..."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy's expression changes as he hadn't considered that, apparently. He goes through the notes, flips to the next page and goes over that, too. "I don't...THINK so?" he says, not entirely sure. He goes back a page and points. "You're not under arrest," he quotes again, "follow-up whatever," he continues. He finally shakes his head as he looks back up at her. "I'm not even supposed to give you an application or anything. I got no idea why--" He just waves his Right Hand of Doom up and around his head, gesturing to the holograms. "I don't usually do these."

Naria Shepard has posed:
A little blink, at least it seemed the demon didn't have that much more idea than her what to do or how to do it. Go figure. A little soft 'huh' from her lips and she gestures with her finger to the surroundings. "Well...these are cool at least, right?"

Hellboy has posed:
    "Yeah," Hellboy says, turning to look at the holograms again. "Main office gets all the cool toys," he confesses. He turns back to look at Rave. "Look, I really don't know what they're trying to get at. The rest of the questions in here seem kind of pointless." He picks up the folder, shuffling things inside before holding the neatly closed thing in his left hand so as not to crinkle all the pages up. "You got anything else you want to add?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
A sudden 'blip' of neon, a little faint trail of that light lingering for less than a second and Rave was out of her seat, leaning over his shoulder and clearly trying to 'peek' at her folder before another 'flash' had her sitting on the edge of the table, shaking her head. "As long as my next gig isn't going to be crashed by secret spook SWAT teams to grab me, I'm happy."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy doesn't answer that question, but instead stands. The information in the folder wasn't anything she wasn't supposed to see that wasn't redacted. Heck, maybe Hellboy wasn't even supposed to see it, who knows. "Guess you're free to go, then," Hellboy says. He seems to remember the holograms and switches the folder between hands, crumpling it without thinking in the potent grip of the Right Hand of Doom before using the remote which instantly turned the projectors off. The holograms disappear as he says, "See you around, kid."

Naria Shepard has posed:
To the door in a heartbeat, but the neon-bluenette does pause, looking back to the big red guy before grinning lightly. "You know, if you wanted to look me up, you're welcome to come to my next show. Without the whole evil zombie vampire thing preferably?"

She'd wait at least for some semblance of an answer...then she'd be disappearing in a trail of neon that streaked through the building and out towards the city.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy's answer is as simple as a nod, and suddenly, there's a flash, and the girl is gone. He takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. "Alright," he says. "Now what was all that?" he asks himself. His shoulders slump as he walks back toward the interior of the SHIELD side of the interview room.