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Latest revision as of 08:18, 2 May 2022

Date of Scene: 01 May 2022
Location: Central Business District - New Troy
Synopsis: Two members of the Justice League face off against a brain-eating electro-charged psychic devourer.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Hyperion, M'gann M'orzz

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a quiet sort of day in Central Metropolis. The spring weather is brisk. Going along the area, however, there are lights flickering along. Even for some of the larger buildings there are short power zones for just a moment before they go back to normal. Even how well everythign in Metropolis is insulated, given backups, and there's no sign of any sort of actual disruption or damage.. Or the sounds of someone being facefisted.. It does stand out.

Hyperion has posed:
    Mid to late spring weather is almost as nice as early autumn. The smell in the air is of growth and renewal. MArk Milton, aka Hyperion, has found himself working remotely of late. Ever since joining with the JLA, he's been submitting his artwork to the Bugle online. He's also been shopping for a Metropolis based apartment for a bit. But today he was just out exploring the city.

    Flickering lights -are- a sign of trouble. But given his time having been spent mostly in New York, he's used to utility disruption being a normal thing now and then. So he doesn't think much of it initially. But he does crank up his hearing, and listen to the neighborhood, just in case.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Mild mannered student Megan Morse, nothing to see here, certainly not a super powered being from space, totally an Earth college student, has just left the Metropolitan Museum when one of the flickerings passes through the area. It's unusual, but then Metropolis can be an unusual place, certainly compared to Gotham where she usually stays with the Outsiders. Nothing seems overtly broken or exploding, that's usually a good sign, so she continues about her business for now...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
What's happening to thsoe that are -extremely- sensitive to the way ions in the area would flicker, energy being draw, power drawn from almost the immedaite atmosphere itself would be coallating and collecting.. Then there's just a sudden -tense- and twist ine lectrions as atoms would spin around, ions bouncing about as they would be hyper-energized, and in the midst of the city street forms /something/ made of electronified energy particles taking on solid form!

Hyperion has posed:
    Why does Hyperion call his senses 'Hyper-<insert sense here>' rather than Super? Well, branding of course. Either way, the fact that he can see the entire E-M Spectrum gives him some clues early on here. Ions and ionized particles in the air get to him, and he narrows his eyes. He doesn't have the ability to shapeshift. He does however move fast enough that normal eyes can't track him when he wants to avoid notice.

    In less than a second, he is in costume and on a tall rooftop in the area where he can get a better view of things without having to use his 'atomic-vision' to see through walls, people, cars, etc... And of -course- his golden cape flows in the wind as he stands there trying to locate the epicenter of any disturbance. Because... capes are cool.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    M'gann doesn't so much sense the ions specifically as her telekinetic senses /feel/ the disturbance of particles down to the molecular level, which is rather disconcerting when suddenly the ions in the air start behaving wildly differently from the way they should like something is gathering them up. Because that almost always ends nefariously.

    Stepping around a corner, mild mannered Earth redhead Megan Morse vanishes from sight, but up in the sky appears the green skinned red headed superheroine, Miss Martian in her blue and white super suit. From her vantage in the air, she begins spreading the field of her telekinesis across the area in order to locate the source of the disturbance.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And whatever is going on, Zzzax is -definitely- shifting along the E-M (or Hyper) spectrum, energy forming out of midair over and him shifting and taking on a full humanoid form, scaled over the likes of which a 90's character could only be tiered against. He/it would speak. "I REQUIRE SOMETHING. YOU WILL GET IT FOR ME."
    Zzzax would stand several dozen meters away from Hyperion, gazing over at him with casual sadism. As much as such an expressionc ould come from some sort of alien thing made up of energy, at least.


Hyperion has posed:
    "Uh-huh." says Hyperion as his arms fold over his expansive chest. He certainly is energized, his every cell acting as a capacitor for cosmic energy to be absorbed and stored for re-channeling. It almost vibrates around him, and he tilts his head to the left... perhaps buying time? Stalling? Seeing what he can learn about this potential opponent? Sure, he is focusing the entirety of his EM senses on the being. "What is it you need? What do you want?" he asks, still stalling it seems.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    There is an audible sigh, from Miss Martian, why are they always like this? This sort of thing never goes well for them, especially not in Metropolis. Don't they know Superman lives here? ...even if he is not around at the moment. But there is always the rest of the League, even a Reserve Member like M'gann. Why else have reserves, if not to fill in when the big names are unavailable.

    Maybe it is her time with the Outsiders and their covert ops mentality, maybe it's her recent brushes with the darker side of her personality, M'gann doesn't wait to see what he wants. Instead her eyes begin to glow bright red before emitting a searing blast of Martian Vision right at the being shouting threats. Questions can be asked after the threat is neutralized ...probably ...she's pretty sure he'll live...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The heat vision goes to impact Zzzax before it could go to respond over to Hyperion. Then the glowing electro-ionized alien would grin, "THEN I KILL EVERYONE." He would go to blitz over towards M'gann. "I'M SURE THAT YOU WILL BE -TASTY-." He would go towards M'gann at rapid speed, seeming to fly along on the ions and charging at her. Then he would attempt to do something rare and for her possibly rather unusual.
    Namely start to try and lock her down to engage her in a psionic contest, attempting to try if it could to mentally immobilize her!

Hyperion has posed:
    Oh boy, Zzzax is in for a surprise. Hyperion may not be aware of it, but very few beings have the raw psionic potential of Ms. Martian there. Even Hyperion has psionic potential in at least as much as his whole body is controlled psionically. But even as the being turns to respond to the attack. An attack that.. as far as Hyperion is concerned, was unprovoked... either way, the fight is on now. And Hyperion recognizes Ms. Martian up there.

    A sigh leaves his lips, and if the heat vision from her drew his attention, maybe it will do the same thing again. So atomic power and a low-end release of nuclear heat pours forth from his own eyes and flashes towards Zzzax in an instant. By low-end, for a power capable of three thousand plus degrees of heat, he's using maybe a third of what he could be using... superheated and potent as the greenish fusion release lances out towards the alien, "Hey. I was talking to you." Hyperion states as he stands there still.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Trying to attack the mind of a Martian is normally considered a mistake, trying to attack M'gann's mind in particular is generally cause for extreme regret. As Zzzax's attack slams against the psychic shields around her mind, it breaks harmlessly like a wave hitting a sea wall. "Feel free to stop spouting about killing any time, things might end better for you."

    The green super teen doesn't seem quite inclined to respond with a psychic assault of her own, at least not yet. Instead, she responds with her fist. Cocking her right arm back, she meets the charging energy creature with a punch, a punch shrouded in telekinetic force to connect with the very molecules of his energy if need be like some sort of psychic gauntlet even as internally the muscles of her arm and shoulder warp and twist increasing the already prodigious strength behind the blow exponentially as her on the fly shapeshifting custom tailors her anatomy to the task at hand.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Zzzax would be hit -hard- over by the first blow from Miss Martian, his form going to crumple along the edge of it. The psychic gauntlet being a very good thing as it stops him from attempting to absorb some of her energy in passing from the contact! He is sent flying hard over by it.. Right over into Hyperion!
    The heat vision hits him, and Zzzax would dissipate quickly! Going to then try and reform several meters away from Hyperion, going to try and give him a massive electrical jolt right between thee yes to try and overload them! Not aware of how Hyperion's senses worked..

Hyperion has posed:
    Dissipating makes sense. Heat -does- reduce the conductivity of electricity after all. That is, if this electrical energy was bound by the normal laws of physics. Alien psychic electro insanity doesn't really have to obey any laws anymore.

    The massive jolt of power to his face partially washes over him, his cells overloading and releasing in a way that mostly shields his flesh from harm here. It is possible to overcome that durability, but it would take a lot of power and a lot more time than what was given here. When the blast fades out, he's still standing there.. hair just a little bit mussed.

    "Seriously." he mutters. Then he calls out, peering upwards towards Ms. Martian. "That was a nice shot." even as he lashes out a hand to grab onto the electrical body. The fact of how his own physical form deals with energy may give Zzzax a surprise in that he can somewhat get a grip on the electrical form. Maybe not funny, but likely enough to scare the alien there. He's trying to grab the throat of the thing... "Hold on there Zappy. I'm trying to avoid hurting anyone here. Please don't make me hurt -you-."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Taking a different tack, with Hyperion trying to physically engage the thing, M'gann not want to hit him brings her fingers to her temples and begins focusing her formidable reserves of psychic energy into a mental blast that will hopefully knock out the errant energy being, though things rarely seem to work out that will, still she'd count even just stunning it long enough to get it under control as a win. "Just give up already."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
ZZzax is at least caught by surprise over as not only does the alien female go to blast a thim psionically over with the bolt which disorients him, making his entire form flicker.. Right as Hyperion goes to grab him along by the electromagnetic form and able to get a physical handle on him! Zzzax goes to try and yell, moving to try and reach his hands up and over to bring htem about in a double-crushing attempt at a fist to smash them on both ends about Hyperion's neck!
    Presuming if it did strike, the lbow would be rather potent. But lose a lot of it's force as M'Gann would keep up the pressure telepathically, making the creature start to distort heavily!

Hyperion has posed:
    Sure, the impact to his neck makes Hyperion stagger back a half pace. He loses his grip on the being, but he's not truly injured. Just a little bit stunned. Energy crackles about his neck and head from the blow, until it's sucked into the skin and into the cell membranes there.

    "You still have a chance to explain what you want and need here." he states. But then he thinks back to some of the most basic files he read when he joined up with the JLA. "Ms. Martian. Can you read his mind and find out what it is he wants here? We may be able to figure a way out of this without having to destroy a city block if we can understand his motivation."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    It's true, this stalemate is going nowhere and M'gann too would like to keep collateral damage to a minimum, yet with a being that has already demonstrated psychic aptitude with that attack it made against her earlier there are inherent dangers to engaging its mind. On the other hand, the thing also does have the ability to speak.

    "Things that show up threatening to murder countless innocent people never want anything good." Of this M'gann is fairly certain. Murder and conquest was the general attitude of the civilization she came from and they definitely never wanted anything good. At the same time though, if she could take control of its mind, that may be the quickest way to stop whatever it is.

    With that in mind and Hyperion keeping the thing busy physically, M'gann begins turning the full power of her mind upon Zzzax.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M'Gann goes to read the mind of Zzzax. And gets a sense of.. Sustenance. Brainwaves. Energy. Existence. Metropolis, pinpricks of thousands upon thousands of sentient creatives. Her mind mapping Zzzax's perspective. Thousands and thousands and thousands of different ionization streams. Electrical activity. Tasty. Hungry. Needed.
    The -lust- in the creature's mindscape for devouring them and popping them like a Martian would-totally-not-ever do something similar with, say, an Oreo.
    Zzzax simply wanted to devour each and every single mind over in the city and consume EVERYthing.
    Zzzax would go to try and take it's hands together to fire a jolt of power right between the eyeballs of HYperion while it would struggle over with the supertrong-being's grip, giving a blast of power that in many invulnerable things might give a seizure! Having not gotten the lesson the first time seeminglythat Hyperion's body processed energy different ways..

Hyperion has posed:
    Just taking it now, Hyperion figures better that power be focused on him than on the building or on other civilians. He grits his teeth and just holds on. It's like holding his hands on power lines and it's almost like he can't let go. That's what such power does to normal muscles. But... his strength only partially comes from an electro-chemical process.

    A large portion of it comes from his psionic control over anti-gravitons. And they are starting to power up here and now... Zzzax and Hyperion lifting off of the rooftop and slowly gaining altitude. Ten feet... twenty feet. He's really just waiting to find out from M'gann what this monster's motivations are. When he learns that, he's likely going to make a break for orbit.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    "Yeah, it just wants to devour everyone, well specifically their minds." M'gann informs Hyperion as the creature's desires become clear to her, which is really exactly what she expected.

Knowing that though, she is far from finished within the creatures thoughts as she thinks back to some of her training at the academy, White Martian mental techniques she had previously been loath to use, but well there is the greater good to consider and this is quite clearly a monster intent on devour innocents. With that in mind she begins attempting to take over, to exert control and bring Zzzax under her thrall in order to contain it.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Zzzax is shuddering over, lashing out. Then it's various particles are seeming to be stilled as it's struggles would lessen, the frenzied lashings and atetmpts to dissipate itself to escape it's captor would start to fade. The dim in it's body starting to flicke more as it would lash and strike less, attempts at decorporealization fading in it's form as it would just sort of start to hover.

Hyperion has posed:
    "Okay. If that is the case, then I want to take it into orbit to cut it off from any and all electricity. Send it out into deep space. Do you have any objection?" Hyperion asks Ms. Martian.

    He adds, "I will insure to direct it -far- from Mars also, if that helps." he adds, almost smirking. As he speaks, his other hand comes up to grab onto the waist of the creature... well, whatever might appear to -be- the waist.

    Assuming he gets approval from Ms. Martian, he will rocket up at maximum acceleration. Fast enough to leave a friction flame streak through the upper atmosphere before reaching space and launching the creature in a way most sci fi movies screw up... launching it perpendicular to the ecliptic of the solar system.

    He never quite had the ability to reach the speed of light. But he can get pretty close, and he is pushing the limits of his speed before launching the monster up up and away.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    "By all means." M'gann replies breaking off her psychic attack. Her main goal was to just incapacitate the thing anyway and this seems to accomplish that goal and get rid of it for the foreseeable future.

    She watches Hyperion streak upward and launch the thing into the depths of the void. "Well, now that that's dealt with I want a milkshake. I hear Dairy Queen has something called an Oreo Blizzard." She says, thinking out loud. And with that she streaks off herself in pursuit of this forbidden cold delight. Surely nothing bad can come of this. But that is a story for another day.