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Latest revision as of 14:05, 4 May 2022

Meanwhile, back at the Carriage House...
Date of Scene: 03 May 2022
Location: Angelo's Carriage House
Synopsis: Rest and Relaxation back at the house.
Cast of Characters: Achilles, Zatanna Zatara

Achilles has posed:
    After handing off the case, filling out reports, explaining Zatanna's presence as a consultant, and all of that... it's closer to Midnight and the drive back to Angelo's house had Pokey in the back seat... even wearing a seatbelt. What?

    But pulling into the driveway, he turns the engine off after putting the car in park and activating the parking brake. Then he just takes a deep breath and lets it out. "For the record, I do have a guest room if you need to be away from your manor." Yes, he knows how to read a room. "I know you can likely magic up anything you need but... I think that you could use a long soak under a hot shower without having any interruptions. So, why don't you go ahead and do that. I'll get us some food. There are still barbecue leftovers I can heat up." he says before getting out of the car, extracting Pokey, and heading for the front door.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna is not immune to tiredness and was more than happy to hand off the red tape to Angelo. The demons have been running her ragged, her dreams seldom letting her sleep through the night. She has gone through a tube of concealer hiding her dark circles. One hand on the car door handle, she sighs and nods, thankful for someone who doesn't seem to have an agenda. John and Meggan have buoyed her through the latest invasion but he feels like water in the desert.

Forcing a smile, she wisecracks, "What no deep tub and bubblebath?"

Achilles has posed:
    "If that is what you prefer, then by all means. I thought you might want to spend less than a few hours in there. And honestly, I think that you might fall asleep if you were in a tub. The shower will get you clean and out in time to eat before you flop onto a pillow." suggests Angelo.

    He opens the front door and steps back to usher Zatanna inside, "After you my lady."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Admitting to the fear she has lived with, the weird incidents that make her nightmares bleed into the daylight is not a default for the homo magi. She was taught to be self-reliant and grew up disliking the idea of being the maiden needing rescue. With a nod, she walks past him into the foyer but not before murmuring under her breath and reading the house.

"A long soak will do me good. It's a luxury. I won't fall asleep if you come in and talk to me or at least stay in the next room. It's easier to relax...I mean. I'm sorry. Thank you for the invitation and the guest room. The house feels safe."

Achilles has posed:
    "I certainly hope so. And... I'll sit in the next room with the door open to talk to you. Anything more would seem like an imposition or... taking advantage." offers Angelo. Though, there -is- a part of his brain that wants to smack him upside the head and say, 'Hey doofus, she just invited you in.'...

    But.. old fashioned is an understatement for this man. He gestures down the hallway and adds, "There is a robe in the guest room. It might not fit perfectly, but it is silk." he adds with a smile before he makes his way to the kitchen, "I tell you what. A small snack, and a nice glass of wine for your bath. Deal?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Is it a deal? Be still my heart." Zatanna melodramatically covers her heart with both hands. Then, she stretches luxuriously smoothing her black hair back from her face into a ponytail and lets her hair fall back in disarray, grinning. "Some of the ribs from last night and wine? You know how to treat a girl, Angelo."

The house does feel safe, after fixing him with an appreciative smile, she heads upstairs, looking back to say, "I can find the bath. Thank you, Angelo."

Achilles has posed:
    And so it goes. Angelo breaks out the tupperware sealed ribs, throws a few onto a plate with a paper towel over them.. he even adds a small cup of water to the dish and microwaves it for a bit.

    As he does that, he scoops up some potato salad and when the microwave dings, he puts it all together. Then places all of that onto a tray. Finally, he breaks out a couple wine glasses and a bottle he has on hand. He doesn't do cheap stuff when it comes to that.

    And as he comes up the stairs, he makes sure he is anything but silent. Stomping almost as he hums a tune. Mainly, he wants to make sure that he doesn't surprise his guest. And so he reaches the bathroom door and looks down at his hands... then leans in and bonks his head on the door to knock. Once.. twice.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
In the room adjoining the bathroom, spring clothes in bright colors are neatly folded on the chest at the bottom of the bed. Angelo's heavy footfall rush Zatanna into the steaming bath heaped with foam. She slips in, only her long neck and the edges of her shoulders showing above the iridescent bubbles. A clip holds her heavy hair out of the water.

"Come in," she calls. "I'm decent."

Achilles has posed:
    And the door is swung open. Hopefully not really latched because that would be awkward. "Delivery." remarks Angelo as he steps inside. He's not a prude. Nope. He's just respectful of others in this modern day and age. He uses a foot to slide a stool over near the tub before setting the tray down on it.

    "I thought a red would go best with this gourmet feast." he states as he gestures to the food and the wine bottle. A bottle he picks up and begins pouring. He uncorked it downstairs of course. "So, should I put Pokey into your bed so you can cuddle with him while you sleep? I know he'd love it." he offers as he holds a full wine glass out her way.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Red is perfect. Stay, have some wine with me. We can share a glass," she replies, gazing at his handsome face through the haze of steam rising from the bubbles. A smile purses her lips as she considers how to answer him. An arm slick with foam snakes out of the water, reaching for the glass.

"What do you know about magic, Angelo?"

Achilles has posed:
    "Know? Quite a bit actually." offers Angelo. He has a second wine glass he was about to fill. But he shrugs and sets it aside. "I have seen magic throughout my life. I live because of it. But the magic of the gods is not exactly the same as you might be speaking of."

    A pause and he adds, "I've seen many magical beings and items. One of those being one of the single most powerful weapons that I have ever heard of. But I have no talent for harnessing said magic." A pause and he inclines his head a bit, "I wonder if there would be a way to learn to harness the magic within my blood to perform even minor magic spells."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The water is deep enough to allow her to reach for the glass and remain modestly covered, only a suggestion of her breasts outlined by the foam. She sips the wine with an appreciative sound before replacing it on the stool and sinking back into the water. Her eyes lid thoughtfully then open, "Did you ever try? How do you call your shield and weapons to you?"

Achilles has posed:
    "I mean, it's not like I can just meditate and figure it out. Magic is almost a science. I would need someone to show me the ropes. To teach me how to harness it. I know that it is based on will and focus. I just don't have the frame of reference for that." offers Angelo as he takes the glass and sips at it.

    "And the gear. That is easy. Hephaestus arranged all of that. I just twitch the right muscles in my arm, the right way, and that activates the right item to manifest in my hand. It took a little time to perfect that but... trust me, learning to use my muscles in a specific way is a talent I have had all of my life."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Sapphire blue eyes stare owlishly as he describes his perfected muscle control. "Well, good to know. So, that is an excellent example of volition and focus." She rises, suds sliding from her arm as she snags her glass again. "I can think of several things we can try when I am out of the bath. Let's eat!"