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Searching for a Hero
Date of Scene: 21 January 2022
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Megan meets another superboy and mistakes him for the other superboy's other..Errr clone? Yes it's complicated!
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Jon Kent

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Over the past several weeks, there has been a lot of mayhem in Manhattan. It seems that evil angels have been attacking the people of Manhattan, neighborhood by neighborhood. And while the heroes are steadily working on evacuating neighborhoods, occasionally there are stragglers here and there, especially stray animals.

Midtown, usually a very busy place, is eerily quiet and mostly devoid of life. There is the occasional street person and stray animal here and there however, that was forgotten. It is perhaps for this reason that Megan Gwynn, aka Pixie is sweeping the area from above, doing her part to help port stragglers to safety. Unfortunately as she lands in a nearby alley, attracted by noises, her arrival is less than welcome as an angry and desperate gang of about five armed and hungry teens quickly surround her.

"Back off fairy girl, this is our turf now!" one of them snarls, brandishing a spiked bat. Others carry lead pipes, a few guns, a spike on chain.

Jon Kent has posed:
    Superboy's breaking up a catfight (with actually cats, not ladies) when he hears the threat. Kryptonians are supremely powerful, but it's their senses that make them such effective superheroes. On a patrol, Jon can pick up a cry for help from miles away...and a mewling cat. He takes the tomcat under his arm and ZOOMS out of there.
    Megan would see the figure approaching from the air, red cape fluttering behind him, as he hovers closer to the altercation. With a stray cat in his arms.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn narrows her eyes as she glances around, "Come on guys, I came here to help you so put down the weapons already!" she doesn't seem terribly scared, and while she's not super experienced or talented in hand to hand combat, she knows a few tricks. Unfortunately they don't back down, snarling as they rush at her from all sides. And she may just have bitten off more than she can chew in this enclosed tight space. With a frown, she backs away, about to pull out her soul dagger when Superboy appears.

"Heey, it's Superman! Don't hurt us Superman, we're sorry!" they immediately drop their weapons and hold their hands up as if in surrender, apparently considering him more a threat than a cute, pink haired girl with fairy wings.

Jon Kent has posed:
    It's not uncommon for Jon to be mistaken for his father or for criminals to drop their weapons when he makes an appearance. He frowns, though it's more thoughtful than chastising. "Just knock it off, alright?"
    His boots touch the ground, and he lets the startled cat out of his arms. The cat bounds away, and Jon calls out after him: "And you, don't get into any more fights!"
    He walks past the young men to Megan. "Are you alright?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn narrows her eyes, "Ohhh suuure, listen to the guy in red, and not Pixie. Grr. I'm a superhero too, you know!" she hasn't even turned to look at Superman yet, assuming it is Superman.."Don't worry Superman, I've got this covered, but thanks for the assist!" she may be a bit arrogant here, but she knows what she's doing, "Alright you guys, I came here to port you to safety so just hold still and I'll send you to the nearest safe city outside of Manhattan.." clearing her throat, she extends a hand to the teens, signalling them to move closer. "Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" she says, surrounding them in pink ribbons of magical energy as a portal appears beneath their feet, teleporting them away to safety.

And once that's dealt with, she turns to face.."Superboy..?" she frowns, shaking her head in confusion and wariness. "No way..That doesn't make sense. How did you escape? Or are you Match, come to finish where you started?" she's not taking any chances, summoning her pink glowing soul dagger. "Who are you!?"

Jon Kent has posed:
    "Hey, if it makes you feel better, I think they've mistaken me for someone else," Jon gives Megan a toothy grin, watching as she casts her spell. Not an ordinary victim. Noted. He's good-natured about the situation, stepping to the side. "By all means, do your thing." Magic is fun to watch, even if Jon doesn't have the faintest idea how any of it works. Pixie says some magic words, so it looks legit.
    Then, she turns on him with a knife. A pink, glowing one. As a rule, Superboy isn't keen on violence. He'll use his words before his fists. He holds up his hands. "There's no need for all that. We make a good team, you and I," he gestures to where the magical portal once was. "I'm Superboy."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a doubtful brow at that and laughs, "Heh, suure. That's what he'd say too, after infiltrating our secret headquarters and kidnapping my friends!" still, she doesn't advance, but keeps the dagger at the ready. She knows that Superboy is weak towards magic. "If you really are Superboy, then tell me how you escaped..And tell me who I am, only Superboy would know that.." it's one of the few things that Match wouldn't know, given that she only recently joined the Outsiders.

Jon Kent has posed:
    "Listen, I have no idea what you're talking about!" Jon protests, more edge in his voice. His brows crease, but his hands remain up and he doesn't approach. "Oh boy, this is real awkward, isn't it?"
    The name part is easy, though. "You're Pixie. You've already said that. As for me, I'm - it's tough to explain, and I don't know if you'd believe me. Put the knife down, and we'll talk, okay? Promise. If you're a hero, we should be friends, not at each other's throat." His face softens into a smile. He //seems// earnest, that's for sure.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, shaking her head slowly, "No no, I mean my real name. If you're really Superboy, you should know that..And how we met!" she doesn't drop the knife, but she doesn't rush at him either. "Superboy was my friend..But when he was kidnapped, he was replaced by Match, who attacked my friends. How do I know this isn't another trick?" he sure seems earnest, and he's wearing Superboy's costume..But she has to be sure. And in this deadly place, it's doubly dangerous. Pixie glances around nervously as she hears a noise. "What was that?"

Jon Kent has posed:
    "I'm willing to bet I look younger than your Superboy," If Megan looks beyond the similar costume, the iconic symbol, and the same name, she'd find that he has a point. This Superboy looks to be in the process of growing into himself, an older teenager at most. He's shorter and less built. But what does he mean by 'your' Superboy?
    They both hear the noise, but Jon hears it more acutely. He's instantly able to pinpoint the location of the sound. Above them. It takes him a split-second to filter through his various senses... and then he rushes Megan, taking her in his arms and rotating so that she's on the ground, with him directly above her.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, giving him a closer look. He's right, he's probably a bit younger than 'her' Superboy..But then it could be another clever ruse, if he's yet another clone. "Waait, how old are you, anyway? Are you kidding me? Another Superman clone?!" but then the rushes at her and she blinks, instinctively jutting her dagger at him before she falls to the ground. "Ack, get off me!" she flails, moments before the loosened metal wreckage from the stair case above comes clattering down with a loud crash.

Jon Kent has posed:
    Megan manages to bury the blade into Superboy's side. He grits his teeth. Pain is a rare sensation for Jon, but he keeps hold of Megan until the wreckage falls harmlessly onto his back. The dagger truly hurts like hell, but the metal debris? Not an issue. Kryptonians are weird like that.
    There's a moment of silence after the crash, and Jon glares down at Megan. He wordlessly lifts himself up, freeing himself of the dagger, and leans against the wall of the alley. He holds his side and finds no blood where a wound should be. Still, it's painful. "Now, why'd you have to go and do that?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly as she sees the metal rubble crash around them. "Wait..What..?"she gasps in shock, realizing how close she came to being flattened and it takes her a moment to scramble to her feet, staring at Superboy. "You saved my life...? Then, you can't be him.." she frowns, stepping towards him, drawing the dagger out. It's a magic blade of course and leaves no physical damage. The same can't be said of the magical effects as it can cause great damage to the soul. Fortunately it's not a deep cut and only causes great pain, not enough to cause him to lose consciousness or die. "Hey! Omigosh I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

Jon Kent has posed:
    "I'm fine," Jon grunts and gives a weak chuckle. "No blood, huh? Magic is so weird. I'll be okay. I'm surprised this sort of thing doesn't happen more often considering the amount of Kryptonian clones are around in this time. Just don't do that again, okay?"
    Blue eyes watch Megan. He doesn't seem to mind her getting close, even if she just stabbed him. It was a misunderstanding, and a friend of Conner is a friend of his. "I'm not Conner, but I am Superboy. One from the future." Ahhhh, time travel. "I'm the son of Superman."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs and shakes her head, "Magic, Yeaah. If you're Kryptonian, I imagine it'd hurt you a lot more too, especially if I really meant too. But, thanks for saving my life. I guess it must be confusing, all these Kryptonian clones." she arches a brow, "Ooh a time traveller huh? Cool. Sooo are you a clone too or the real thing? Come to think of it, you do look a fair bit younger than Conner"

Jon Kent has posed:
    Jon shakes his head. "Nah, I was made the ol' fashioned way," He stands up straighter, the pain dissipating. "Is this going to leave any lasting damage?" A gesture to the place where the dagger pierced him. "Also, what's this about Conner being kidnapped?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and shakes her head, "Oh no, only if the dagger stays in place, or if I stabbed deeper it would. Its really just a grazing wound and the pain should go away in probably 30 minutes or so." she grimaces at the old fashioned way, "Ooh, Soo you're really Superman's son and not a clone? That's cool. Just hope we can find Conner and that evil clone too. I'm getting worried.."

Jon Kent has posed:
    "Here," Jon takes a piece of paper out of his pocket, and scribbles a series of digits on it. He hands the paper to the pixie. "If you need help finding Conner - or if you just wanna hang out - give me a call. I haven't spoken to him in a while, but he's family."
    Then, his head turns abruptly. "I have to go. Someone's in trouble. We'll talk soon, alright?" Before she can answer, he flies away in a blur of red and blue.