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Revision as of 13:25, 6 May 2022

Welcome Back
Date of Scene: 02 May 2022
Location: Recovery Room 01: Triskelion
Synopsis: Cael wakes after her brush with death.
Cast of Characters: Cael Becker, Jonathan Sims, Sara Pezzini, Martin Blackwood

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has been still and quiet ever since her return to life. All the scans and tests that the Triskelion can run have found nothing of major concern - and the doctors have reassured Jon, Sara, and any other visitors that, as far as they can tell, Agent Becker simply needs time to rest and recover from her ordeal - but she did seem, temporarily, to be in a minimally conscious state. There were some signs that she was, on some level, aware of the people in the room - she'd even squeezed Jon and Sara's hands - but she had yet to awake.
    Finally, though, her eyes begin to flutter open, as she struggles to focus on the ceiling above her - her fingers shifting, and feeling at the blankets they rest upon. Her lips move as she swallows, trying to moisten her dried mouth.
    This isn't her room...

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon hasn't slept. Oh, Martin's been by and insisted he try to sleep, brought tea and food for Jon and Sara both. Agnes has been by and hovered a bit and quietly suggested that sleep would be better for one's mental state. The doctors might have even given him sidelong glances. But if he's not running off to track down Javier Hernandez yet, then by the gods, he's not going to miss Cael waking up because he's /sleeping/.

    Martin isn't there at the moment, having taken Agnes to walk both the dogs. Jon's sitting with a thermos of tea in the emerald hand, holding Cael's hand and looking all too much like he did months ago, when he wasn't getting enough sleep regularly and was haggard and stressed besides. Dark circles beneath red-rimmed eyes, hair mussed, cardigan dusty from where he'd dropped it. At least he agreed to change his t-shirt for one that isn't covered in Cael's blood.

    As Cael wakes, Jon can see it in the change in her aura, and he leans in a bit. "Hey, can you hear me?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
As promised, once Cael was settled and checked out, Sara made the calls she needed to get the BOLO on Javier set. It was the last smart thing she did for the night, after that she stayed there in Cael's room, in a chair on the opposite side of the bed from Jon, and watched Cael sleeping.

Sure, the doctor's assured her and Jon that Cael would be alright, she just needed rest, but Sara wasn't going anywhere, nor was she sleeping. Witchblade slept, slowly beginning to regenerate, but she couldn't. She was grateful for the tea and food, didn't even comment that coffee would be better, she merely accepted with a deep appreciation and drank it.

Resting her forehead on the bed, still not sleeping, her head jerked up when Jon spoke. "Is she awake," is immediately asked, but she doesn't move or take a hand yet. She's been leaving the physical contact to Jon, and merely hovering like an over protective mother.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Jon..." Cael answers. She can feel their hand slipped into hers, so she gives it a squeeze, turning her head towards the sound of their voice with a small smile - the quickly changes into a puzzled frown. They... and Sara, are both worried. And this isn't her room. This is- ...medical? "What happened?" she asks, trying to get her sluggish mind to work. What was the last thing she remembered?
    She remembers resting in Jon's arm at the roller derby, her own hand around their middle.
    "You owe me a song."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon starts to cry at that, and puts his head on the bed, sobbing in relief. It's mingled with laughter; after a moment he manages to raise his head and says, "Cael Becker, you /would/ come back from dying just because I owe you a bloody song." He sniffles, and reaches up to push some hair from Cael's face.

    "You, umm... you got shot," they say, more softly. "Do you... what do you remember?" They glance up at Sara for a moment, expression vaguely concerned. At least Cael remembers that night, but if she doesn't remember getting shot... does she remember what happened to Alis? Not that Jon themself knows any more than Sara's told them.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Upon hearing Cael speak, Sara can't help herself, she reaches over and carefully lays her hand on Cael's free hand to let her know she was also there. Her speaking a moment ago could have been missed, and she wanted her friend to know she was there as well.

The idea that Cael has beat death because Jon owed her a song was classic Cael, and the thought made her laugh through the tears that were trying to form in her eyes. Later, she would cry later, right now it was important to hold it together.

The information that she had from Witchblade on Alis was limited, but she had shared it with Jon. Alis had willingly requested to be released from her connection to him to go with Cael to Du'at. It really wasn't much information, but Sara also knew that Alis was gone forever.

"Of course," she chuckles. "Can't forget that owed song." The rest, the questions, she left to Jon.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Dying? Confusion shows on Cael's features at Jon's words, and her gaze flicks towards Sara, as if searching for the answers to her puzzlement there - and showing that, yes, she was aware of the woman's presence. All that she saw, though, was the confirmation that indeed - something was, or at least had been, very, very wrong.
    "I was shot?" she repeats, as she tries to cast her mind back. "I- I'm not sure," she admits. It's hard to think." She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath in, and letting it out slowly, as she tries to remember.
    "...I had something to tell you. Didn't I?" Tell Jon. Tell Jon. ...tell Jon what?

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Hey, shh, it's okay," Jon says softly, reaching out again to stroke Cael's cheek. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait. What's important is that you're awake." He glances around for a doctor, then focuses back on Cael.

    "You called me a little while after we left the derby rink. You couldn't... you couldn't talk, but Alis yelled that you'd been shot. I portaled in and umm... it looked like you'd been shot in the throat. The doctors say it was a .22. Nicked the jugular, and umm... you drowned in your own blood." Jon winces; it's not a pleasant thing to have to tell anyone. "You... y-you... I felt you..." They sniffle. "You died," they manage finally, bluntly. "And Alis disappeared, and I thought..."

    He looks away. "Sara was already on her way. She... she healed you. Had to practically pull my wing off to get at you." He laughs, shakily. "I was, umm. Holding you pretty tightly."

    He frowns at Cael. "You told me it was 'Javi.' One of the Alhambras." Maybe that will jog her memory?

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sliding her hand into Cael's now, Sara shifts forward a little toward her friend when she starts to try and remember. It wasn't important that all the information come to her mind this second, it was way more important that she take her time.

"We're not going anywhere Cael," she offers soothingly, complete with a smile. "Take your time. It'll come to you."

She glances toward Jon for a moment, a hint of sheepish in her expression. "Sorry about that. I hope I didn't hurt you, but uh, you were in the way."

Cael Becker has posed:
    With one hand holding each of hers, now, Cael squeezes them both tightly while she listens to Jon's explination. "Well... Thank goodness for Alis," she remarks.
    She opens her eyes again, her gaze shifting around the room as Jon mentions Alis disappearing, searching for some sign of her sister. She would be here, wouldn't she? If Cael were hurt. She'd be here, right now, in this room. Was she staying hidden?
    That train of thought is derailed, however, by the name Jon mentions - as she does indeed get an image of the young man, goatee on his featues, durag over his hair - leveling a gun on her, when she knew she didn't have cover, and couldn't draw in time. "J-juan's brother," she breathes out in shock, her heart rate picking up immediately.
    Yes. The name sparked a few memories.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "He can't hurt you anymore," Jon says firmly. "You're in the Triskelion medical ward, and... and I'm going to go track him down, now that I'm sure you're okay. Find him and see that he pays for what he's done." There's a hard edge to his tone that isn't there very often, the tone he used to use when talking about plans for fighting the angels. Grim and serious and determined to do what's right, even if people die in the process.

    Almost as if embarassed by that tone--or afraid of it--he looks away from Cael and says to Sara, "It's alright. You... well... you needed to get to her." He frowns. Sara really ought to be the one to tell her about Alis.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Was it the right time to tell Cael about Alis? Adding more pain to the moment might not be a good idea, but Sara knew that at the mention of her sister's name, Cael would be wondering why she wasn't there. Sara eyes shift to Jon for a moment, as if he would have the answer to the question on his face, but clearly he didn't but the expression on his face was enough.

"There's a BOLO out for him right now," she offers first. "No way he can hurt you again, the NYPD is looking for him and he'll figure that out soon enough."

Now she gives Cael's hand a return squeeze as she takes a slow, steady breath. "I don't know if I should tell you this now, or wait... but," she sighs. "I think you would want to know, and if I wait you'll be pissed later." Again she glances to Jon for a moment, then her eyes go right back to Cael's face.

"I think it was right after your heart stopped," she begins. She'd given bad news before, but this was way harder. "Alis asked Witchblade to release her from his control, so she could go with you to Du'at. I don't know what happened there, but I do know... she's gone Cael, she passed over."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Javi. He'd been younger than her - just enough to be a bit of a twerp. And annoyance, always hanging around and trying to be cool like his younger brother. It was hard to block out the memory of his face, looking at her with such hatred - that is, until Sara speaks.
    "What?" she asks, her gaze turning to stare at Sara - focusing on her as she tries to run back through her mind what the woman had just said. It didn't make sense. "W-what do you mean? Alis died... years. She already- so how could she...?" Her eyes start to flick around the room again, searching for someone that isn't there.
    "Alis?" she calls weakly.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Duat?" If Sara had said this before it hadn't quite registered in Jon's mind; Cael went to /Duat/, like she'd wished. The gods had granted her that much. It's reason to be happy, though there's so way to kow if she'll pass the Weighing of the Heart.

    Focus, Jon. More important things. "Alis is... I haven't seen her. I think... I suspect..." He swallows. "I don't know, but... Cael, Alis was a /ghost/. She was... lingering here. It... look, it's entirely natural not to remember what happened while you were dead. Most people don't. I do, with complete clarity, because I remember /everything/ with complete clarity. The memories aren't entirely... in my brain, you know? They're attached to the Archive."

    He hesitates, then goes on, "But I remember. For a moment, just after I died, I was standing there, and I could see what was going on around me. I still cared about people enough to want to stay. I think... I think I could've refused to go with Suriel and stayed where I was, and just been a ghost, you know? Maybe not /quite/, because we were in Hell, but the idea's the same. Ghosts are at constant risk of being caged for some magi's nefarious purposes or forced to cross over by a passing psychopomp. Alis got lucky that she stayed with you all those years, and then Witchblade held her so nothing could mess with her. But... there was always the possibility she could go on to the afterlife."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Keeping a hold of Cael's hand, Sara shifts herself to sitting on the edge of the bed. "That's what she told him," she comments to Jon. "That she had to go with Cael Du'at, and that he had to let her go now. She knew what she was doing, he said he was very impressed by her choice, and released her."

Her eyes shift back to Cael, voice remaining soft. "He said she knew what she was doing, and was determined to do it. It's not his place to hold these spirits forever, even if sometimes he wants to. When they are ready to go on, he has to let them go. I wish I knew more," she sighs softly, fighting to keep the tears back. "But that's all I know."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...no," Cael answers softly. Even her muddled mind can understand what they're telling her - but she doesn't want. She looks from Jon, to Sara, as if seeking a different answer there. She doesn't find it. "No." Alis? Tears start streaking down her cheeks, as she holds to Jon and Sara's hands tightly.
    "Sh-she should have stayed. She should have wait. I- I came back." It didn't have to be this way. Why?
    Still holding to both hands, she takes a deep breath in, letting it out as she murmurs, "I'm not alone. I'm not alone." It's not like it was before.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns at Cael. "We don't know why you came back," he notes softly. "Your soul had gone. There shouldn't have been much for Witchblade to work with. I... I mean... I could feel... Cael, you were /supposed/ to die there. It had been fated. Something had to have happened, to change that."

    The frown deepens. "I don't mean... I don't mean that the gods had decreed your death or anything, I just mean the natural flow of the universe, the flow of actions from cause to effect, led to your dying in that moment. I could /see/ it, with Ma'at's power. Like water rolling downhill, a natural consequence of all of your actions up to that point. And the way these things work... maybe if I'd walked you home it would've been different, maybe if you'd taken a portal, maybe... well, that's what people obsess over. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But what I'm saying is that without magical intervention, you were /dead/. I held my water on the wound, but I couldn't... I'm not... I need to get better at healing. I couldn't figure out how to get the blood out of your lungs."

    He glances at Sara. "She did that, but she was going to be too late. Except... somehow, she wasn't. But given all of that... why would Alis stay, if you both thought you were really dead?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For Sara there wasn't enough information to hypothesize the reasons Cael wasn't dead, but she did know Alis. Witchblade's connection to the teen ghost had been more then just power, he knew her inside and out, what motivated her, and the reasons for why she did in fact tell the guide to fuck off. These were all things Sara knew because of it.

"Something had to have happened," she finally says. "Alis had to have chosen to stay for some reason, or she would have come back with Cael. At least, that's what I think. Witchblade is asleep, but I can feel from him that Alis' reasons were valid, solid, and for Cael."

Sifting her eyes from Cael to Jon she continues, "I don't know how Du'at works, neither does he... so I can't speculate any further than to say... Alis /knew/ what she was doing."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "So... Javi shot me. I //died.// I went to Duat." That thought alone is going to take her a little time to adjust to. "Sara saved me. And... Alis is gone. And there's no way to bring her back?" There's just a hint of a question there, as she looks between Jon and Sara - as if searching for some sign that there's still hope. They'd brought Jon back from death. They'd saved all of reality. Why not one little teen spirit?
    "I don't remember Duat," she adds in a quiet voice. "I mean, I remember it //before,// but-"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs. He knows exactly what Cael's thinking. "I know you're thinking 'we brought Jon back, why not Alis,' but coming back from death is /incredibly/ rare. Not impossible, but not easy. I wasn't certain it would work when I did it, and I had to do a lot of work ahead of time. I'm sorry, love. I know... I know it's hard. But most of the time, the dead are... dead."

    He hesitates, then sighs and turns away to go and grab a paper cup from a cupboard. He fills it with water, magically, then comes back over and hands the cup to Cael. "Here. Drink. You need to rest, probably, but it's best to be out of bed as soon as possible."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
There wasn't much more Sara could offer really, the information she had was limited at best, but she could also read the room. It wasn't easy for her to accept that Alis was gone, but she also knew it was /way/ harder for Cael. She knew that Jon wanted to be out there, finding Javi, just as much as she did.

Watching Jon collect the paper cup and fill it, a slight smirk crosses her lips. Not over his words, but over the few hundred thoughts that crossed her mind regarding someone 'filling a cup' of their own means. Wiping the smirk off her face, she waits for the cup to passed to Cael before she says, "Jon, I can stay here. Help get Cael back on her feet. There's been no reported sighting of Javi, and if we wait too long the trail will go cold."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael takes the water, pushing herself up a little further on the cushions behind herself, to make it easier to drink. She takes a sip - and she'd needed it. Her mouth felt strange, and dry, and still had a faintly iron-like taste to it. She looks between the pair, then asks Jon bluntly, "What're you going to do to him?"
    She hastily adds, "I ruined his life, Jon. His whole family is dead. He was just- a kid. He was a kid, and I ruined his life. Of course he hates me."
    She looks about to say more when something //else// abruptly occurs to her. "Where's //Bear//?" Not Bear, too...

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Martin and Agnes have Bear," Jon says quickly. "He needed a walk, so they took him and Lady out to play. They'll be back in a little while." He smiles faintly. "Bear was fine. Kept trying to lick you to get you to wake up. S'pose he had more faith than I did."

    Then he sighs. "I... don't /know/ what I'm going to do him, Cael. Maybe just get him to turn himself in. But... he shot you. He made a /choice/, Cael. He took that hatred and he /chose/ to come all the way to New York and shoot you. If he can turn things around, turn himself in, make a better life? Then great. But at some point, your past stops being an excuse for your actions. At some point, you have to make the choice to go 'yes, this person hurt me, and I'm not going to hold onto that anger any more. I am going to choose to forgive them and move on.'"

    They give Cael a rather pointed look, exhaustion dropping the normal filters. "Funny how you can tell me that I should just let a 'kid' go who traveled 3,000 miles just to kill you in revenge, but you hold a grudge against--" They cut themself off and turn away, shaking their head.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara releases Cael's hand and chooses this moment to stand up, stretch her legs a little and /not/ pile on to what Jon's final statement implied. She wouldn't have cut herself off if she'd started that, but right now was not the time to get into any of that.

"He's tagged by the Special Investigation Unit," she explains to Cael. "Which means the concept of justice and punishment isn't automatically jail time. This is new waters for the NYPD, but he doesn't have to die." The last part she says while looking at Jon.

"Yes, I want him to pay for what he did, I'd love to shove a sword through him, but we all know how pain drives the mind and soul to do horrible things," she pauses, looking between the two. "That said, what I want, what I feel doesn't matter. I wasn't the one who was shot and killed then came back. It's Cael's decision what happens to this guy." And saying that was harder than telling Cael Alis was gone.

Cael Becker has posed:
    The relief she feels at learning that Bear is alright doesn't last under the barrage of Jon's words. He doesn't raise his voice - but the words still sting, causing her to look away, shifting so her shoulder, and part of her back is turned to Jon, and she faces towards Sara instead. "Fucking 'ell, Jon, I'm //trying,//" she counters in frustration. She really is trying. She knew it hurt him, but-
    "I went after the people that killed Alis. I helped... the Alhambras get their revenge. People died. I did that - I got another chance. I just- I want him to have a chance. Maybe he regrets it - I don't know. But I don't want him to be a danger to others, either."
    Silently, a few more tears streak down her cheeks, as she keeps her head turned away from Jon.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "It's not Cael's decision," Jon says bluntly. "That's not how the justice system works, Sara. You of all people should know that. And frankly? It's right. Just because Cael feels like forgiving the guy doesn't mean that he should go unpunished, nor does it mean he won't do something again. And we don't know what he's already done. Maybe he's just a kid, who's lashing out in anger at the person who put away his family. Maybe he's never done anything else, and someone intervening now will stop him going down a self-destructive path."

    A pause. "Or maybe Cael's not the first person he's killed. Maybe she won't be the last, if he isn't stopped." He looks between the two of them, eyes hard.

    "I'm not going out there for /revenge/. However angry I am, if Javier Hernandez's statement indicates he gets a second chance, then he does. /Ma'at/ is going out there, to track him down and bring him to justice. And gods know, if he /is/ just a kid who's lashing out in anger, /I'd/ want him to get a second chance. I know kids, /actual/ kids, who were literally created to be assassins who are trying to be better. I'm really fond of some of them."

    He swallows, looking to Cael now. "The difference," he says softly, "is that you're not /afraid/ of Javier. You're afraid of Uriel, and Chas. You were afraid of what would happen to me, when we fought in December. You can't handle fear, so you get angry, and you hold a grudge, because you think if you face your fear you'll fall apart. And I wish I could convince you that you're stronger than that."

    They shake their head. "You don't have an anger problem, Cael. You have a /fear/ problem. I'm the one with the anger problem."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara pauses at the side of Cael's bed, lightly folding her arms over her chest. "I never said he wouldn't see justice, Jon," she states calmly. "I said it was Cael's choice, meaning /she/ gets a say in how he's punished for what he's done. Why do you and your goddess get to be the only deciding factor? Because that's your purpose? How does that, in any way, get closure for Cael on this matter?"

She glances to Cael for a moment, then looks back to Jon. He was right about her anger being rooted in fear, but again she wasn't going to pile on that topic. Now wasn't the time to be having that talk in the first place but the can of worms was open and they were escaping all over the room.

Taking a slow, deep breath she looks back to Cael. "What do you want to happen Cael? Do you want Jon to go after him, take a statement, decide his fate based off that, or do you want the chance to hear the facts and have a voice in his justice?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    One hand holding tightly to her blankets, Cael wishes desperately for Bear - so she could bury her face in his fur and hide from both Jon and Sara. She's //died.// Her sister is //gone.// And this is when Jon confronts her about her issues? This is when she's supposed to decide the fate of some twerpy little kid brother she used to hang around with?
    "If he's a danger to others, I want him stopped. I'd rather he went to prison than- ...than get killed," she answers in a quiet voice, lying unmoving in the bed.
    She's definitely not talking about //any// of the other stuff. Not now.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sighs, shoulders slumping, and goes over to wrap his arms around Cael. "I'm sorry," he murmurs. "I'm sorry, about... everything. I am. If you don't want me to go out there..." He closes his eyes, tensing a bit. It goes against everything he is, now, not to do that, but for Cael he'd try.

    They bury their face in Cael's hair. "Sara's right. I... I waited until you woke up, to... to find out what you wanted me to do. Do... do you trust me, and Ma'at? Or do you want me to just find him and haul him in? Or... do you want to l-let it g-go?" It takes a clear effort to push out those words, and Jon at least can almost /feel/ Ma'at's disappointment.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sitting back on the edge of the bed, Sara lays her hand gently on Cael's shoulder. That familiar offer of comfort and understanding, the only manner in which Sara felt Cael was comfortable with. She really wanted to add in on that hug, of both Cael and Jon, they both /needed/ hugs, but neither were the type to accept them and Jon, he likely wouldn't even welcome a comforting hand on the shoulder.

"He can't get out of the city," she says calmly and softly. "So there /is/ time. Time for recovery, time for Jon to get some very much needed sleep, time to think about what to do and how to do it. None of it has to be decided right now."

She tries to offer a smile, not that either can see it. "For now, how about we let the NYPD continue the search for him, and tomorrow when you've both have had time to recover and sleep," she says sleep more firmly as she looks at Jon. "we will revisit this conversation. It's not that I don't trust you and Ma'at, Jon... I want you to understand that. I just want Cael to have time to process all this and decide what part she wants to play it in all, okay?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    As Sara's hand goes to Cael's shoulder, she looks up at the other woman - blinking back the tears that were silently falling. Her expression was difficult to decode - but there was almost a pleading need in her eyes.
    When Jon's arms wrap around her, though, the tension telegraphed by every inch of her form eases - and she bursts almost instantly into sobs. "I want... I want..." What does she want? "I don't want you to go. Not yet. Please. I- I want you both. Here. Please."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I don't think I can sleep until I do this," Jon says, finally looking up and around at Sara. He pulls back a little bit, looking down at Cael. "I can stay a little while longer. But if I'm doing this, then I need to /do/ it. No offense to the NYPD, Sara, but I've /tried/ to keep track of everyone going in and out of just Manhattan when we had control over all the bridges and tunnels and people /still/ snuck past. You were right earlier--if I'm going after him, I need to move before the trail grows cold. And I can't sleep until I do. It's... it's just..." He shakes his head. He can't explain without getting too far into things Cael probably neither wants nor needs to hear, right now.

    "I'll wait until Martin's back with Bear at least," he mutters, and pulls back a bit, though he moves to grasp Cael's hand.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara takes her hand back, not wanting to crowd Cael, then stands back up. It would be better if Jon slept, but in the heat of the moment, when emotions were racing through a person, logic flew out the window like a bird that escaped its cage. That was the problem with this sort of thing, with relationships involved, logic doesn't survive.

"As long as Cael feels its the right thing to do," she says quietly. "Not my place to get in the middle. I realize the NYPD can't stop everyone, I'm also keenly aware that Jon doesn't trust the police, so no offense taken."

Sliding the chair she had spent the night sitting in away from the bed and back to it's place by the window, she sits back down. She was also tired, but with Witchblade asleep she was in full command of her own thinking. It was a rare occurrence, something she hadn't felt in nearly three years, so she was going to go enjoy it.

Cael Becker has posed:
    As Jon and Sara both pull away, Cael lets the unfinished cup of water she was still holding in one hand fall to the floor, before pulling her hand free of Jon's, and turning face down into the bed so neither of them can see her face. "Just... go, Jon. Go," she manages in a disheartened voice - not sure what else to say.
    What else is there to say?
    Tears soak into the pillow as she grips tightly at the bedding instead, trying desperately to hide from her own whirling emotions - but it doesn't work like that. Does it?

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Cael..." Jon hesitates, clearly torn. He wants to stay. Ma'at wants to go. It's never been this stark before, the pull between the two parts of him. The deal he made, in order to come back. He clenches his hands into fists at his sides and turns away.

    He looks to Sara. "Take care of her. Comfort her. Please. She... she needs..." He glances at Cael, then lowers his voice. "She wants a hug. She just... can't say it. And I can't... this stupid, bloody... I have to go be the /Avatar of Justice/, instead of her /boyfriend/." It's said bitterly, but all that bitterness is turned inward. To Sara, he gives a pleading expression. "Just... please. Help her."

    Then he turns to head out the door.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin comes back in after depositting the puppy back at the apartment. "Jon?" he asks as his husband brushes past him on the way out. "What's going...?" he looks at the other two in the room. "What's going on?" He knows that Jon wouldn't rush out like that without a good reason and he knows his husband well enough to know that "sleep" isn't in his beloved's good reason column.

    He moves into the vacated spot left by his husband allowing the massive white form of Bear lead the way to his person's side. Martin's expression is troubled. The somber feeling in the room is a tangible thing that presses against his sesnes even without being a telepath. He looks at Cael and then thinks better of asking clarification from a woman who all but permenantly died. Instead he eyes fall on Sara. "What is it?" he asks.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Already on her feet again, Sara moves over to the bed and whether Cael really wants a hug or not, positions herself on the bed to hug her sister close. There's no words to offer Jon, he was in hell in his own head and body right now, but she could be there for Cael.

Patting the bed by Cael for Bear to come and get up, while still hugging the woman, she glances toward Martin. "Not sure where to start, but I can sum up. Jon felt he has to go hunt down Javier right now, after laying into Cael about things that should have waited. I think, but can't confirm, it has something to do with Ma'at. I don't fully understand how that works, but it sure didn't feel like it was all Jon to me."

She looks back to Cael, then lays her head against hers. "It's okay Cael," she tries to sooth. "None of that other crap matters right now... look, Bear's here now."

Cael Becker has posed:
    The tension in Cael's form doesn't melt instantly - but it begins to ease, little by little, under Sara's hug. It was, very much, what she needed.
    Bear arrives to a room full of tension - and his person very clearly distressed. He lets out one of his whines, popping his feet up onto the bed, looking back and forth between Martin and Sara as if to guage if he's about to get into trouble... But then Sara invites him up. He jumps up immediately, smooshing into Cael and crowding her on the hospital bed, tail wagging with his desperation to console her as he snuffles at the back of her neck.
    "Down, Bear," is all Cael says - prompting the pup to lie down beside her - so she can wrap one arm the dog.
    Martin isn't acknowledged - not quite yet, as she tries to get the turmoil back under her control.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes was right on Martin's heels, but she stopped just outside the door, turning to watch Jon walking down the hallway. There's a moment where the teenager realizes, for the first time, that she's seeing her own future in that retreating back. Some day, she's going to have to walk out of rooms full of people she loves to go off and do her duty as Archivist, regardless of what anyone thinks of it. So she's contemplative when she comes into the room, frowning slightly.

    Then she notices Cael, and squeals, and about the only thing that keeps her from squishing her father's girlfriend is that she winds up squishing Bear, trying to throw herself onto the bed to hug Cael. Consent, Agnes! "You're awake! You're alive! We've been so worried! Are you hungry? Thirsty? Why is everyone so quiet?!"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin's own expression is clouded as he turns to look after his husband's trail. Should he go stop Jon? Tell Jon that whatever Ma'at is telling them going after Javi won't help Cael? Let the police handle it? He shakes his head a bit, realizing that it wouldn't do an good. Not really. If Jon's set on going after the man who killed Cael (albeit briefly), then there likely isn't anything Martin could say to sway the Avatar of Justice and Truth from their path.

    He sighs. "Agnes..." he says softly. "Your father is going to... do his duty. And I think that decision is not acceptable to the majority of the room." He looks at Sara. "That about cover it?" he asks the NYPD detective.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Even with Bear there, Sara keeps her position, hugging Cael close. She needed it as much as Cael did, but right now she wasn't really thinking about herself. Her mind was racing over Jon and his situation, Cael's pain over all of this, and now about Martin and Agnes, and how it all effected them. That's what Sara did, always put others before herself.

"It's not entirely about whether it it's acceptable or not," she says calmly. "More about the choice of words and actions in this moment, rather then having a moment to breath, speculate and then act. Cael doesn't want Javier killed, she'd rather see him sent to jail, and that was only stated because I forced Jon to pause long enough to hear what Cael wanted... but he's gone now, and there's no knowing what will happen... and /that/ is the problem."

At one time Jon yelled at Sara for Witchblade taking over, for losing control of herself and letting the higher power that he is take control. Now, the shoe seemed to be on the other foot, and she wasn't certain how exactly to handle it. As a leader of the JLD now, she understood, at least in part, how that momentary lose of control was perceived, and she didn't like it at all. This wasn't going to end well.

Cael Becker has posed:
    None of their words really seem to sum up Cael's turmoil - but she lacks the ability to put her thoughts and emotionals into words, at the moment.
    Knowing that //Agnes// is in the room, though - Cael's breathing changes immediately as she takes slower, deeper breaths, trying to force herself to calm.
    She's fine. She's fine. Bear is here. Sara is here. She's not alone. Jon will be back - and everything else can wait.
    She's fine.
    "I'm alright, Agnes," she finally breathes, without moving from her rather undignified position - face down in her pillows and sandwiched between Sara, and her dog.
    She can't use the word 'sister' right now. She can't even think it - it's too painful.
    Hello Martin."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes frowns as she pulls back a little, so she doesn't keep squishing people. "The gods tend not to give people a chance to breathe and speculate. But I can tell you that if he's operating on Ma'at's justice then... it will be fair. It might not be what we'd like, but it /will/ be fair. Ma'at is justice, not vengeance. That's Khonshu." A pause, and then she adds, "No call to be rude about it all, though. Him, I mean, not you."

    She chews on her lip. "Do you want my Switch? I'm finding playing video games is soothing when I'm upset."

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin frowns. "I see..." he says softly. He bites his own lip, the action almost identical to Agnes. "Hello, Cael" he says, turning his attention to her. "How are you feeling..." he quickly clarifies. "Physically. I mean?" he asks. There is a professional cadence in his voice. He's moving into Nurse Blackwood rather than Martin, her partner's husband.

    He looks at Sara. "I hope you won't take it as an insult if I look her over? I don't doubt Witchblade's powers... but even so I'd feel more comfortable doing at least a cursory exam of her injury sites and making sure no residual effects are going to creep up. Throat injuries can be... messy."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara finally breaks the tight hug, leaning back slightly to look at Cael before she unwraps her arms from around her... but that is all the further she moves. She stays sitting on the bed right beside her sister just in case another moment presents itself and she needs to hug her.

"If I was going to be insulted, it would have been when Jon insisted she come here," Sara offers to Martin with a chuckle. "Witchblade is presently asleep... that's the best way I can think to describe it. If he knew she was here, he'd be all indignant about it, but he's not... so check away."

She looks to Cael again, "Would you like some tea, or some more water? I'm sure we can arrange something to eat as well if you think you're ready for food." Was it wrong to want to stuff Cael in her pocket to keep her safe from everything? Probably, but it was still what she was feeling.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's responses do not come quickly, as she still feels like she's thinking through a fog, to some degree - but Agnes' question does bring a brief smile to her lips. "I, uh- yeah. A Switch might be nice," she agrees. Making sure her cheeks are dry, she starts to turn over - only to find herself licked repeatedly in the face.
    She should have seen that coming.
    "Bear! Bear, I'm fine. I'm okay. Shhhh... Good dog. You're a good boy but- stop it." She manages to shove his face away from her. "What? No coffee and whiskey?" she asks Sara, befoe looking over at Agnes and Martin at last.
    "Didn't mean to give everyone such a big scare," she remarks. "I, uhh... I feel alright. Thoughts aren't entirely clear. Some details are hard to recall. Apparently I went to Duat - but I don't remember any of that." She's silent for a moment before adding, "Alis is gone." It hurts to say it - and her hand reaches up towards her throat. "Where's my necklace?" she asks in sudden alarm. "Did the doctor's-?" It must have been the doctors. Right?

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes just nods, clearly relieved to have something to do. She reaches out to pat Bear's head briefly, then turns and disappears out the door again, presumably to go get her Switch. Good thing it's still in the apartment in the Triskelion.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin is tugging on a pair of white gloves with teal thread sewn into them. The thread forms an inscription of mystical geometry, a channel for his own powers of healing and illusion. "I... don't know. I didn't see a necklace in the tray with your other effects." He looks at Sara, his expression speculative before he returns the attention to Cael.

    "I'm sure we'll find it. If you could please, lay back and..." he frowns at the dog. "Bear, I need you to get off the bed for just a moment so I can make sure Cael is alright. Once I'm finished I'm sure she'll be happy for you to join her once again. I shouldn't take long." He gives Cael a pleading look, hoping she can coerce the animal better than he likely could.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"The chain broke," Sara answers immediately. "But I have it and the gear, don't worry. I'm going to get the chain repaired is all. It's not lose, I promise."

Seeing Martin getting ready to get all medical, she shifts just a little to make sure he has enough room, then looks to Cael. "I'll get you coffee with whiskey if that's what you want, our room isn't that far away."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael nods to Sara's response, the briefly ratcheting tension in her form easing immediately. "Don't worry about repairing the chain - buying a new one's probably cheaper. The chain doesn't matter." Not so long as the gear was safe. "...thanks," she adds. If she'd lost it...
    Her attention shifts back to Martin next, as he asks for the dog to get down. "Bear. Off," Cael commands simply, giving the dog a stern look. Bear only tries to wheedle his way out of it for a moment, before jumping down to sit beside the bed - his head propped up on the edge of it.
    "Of course I want coffee and whiskey," she adds simply. "Why would I want anything else?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    "I'm sure we can look into getting you usual in due time, I want to make sure that everything in here is as it should be" Martin says dryly as he tugs up the sleeves of his EMT coat and holds his hands out over Cael's neck. The thread in his gloves glows a blue-green before the light engulfs his entire hands.

    He focuses intently on nothing for a while before he nods. "Nothing residual... physically you're as fine as you were before the incident." He lowers his hands and the light fades. "I'm satisfied that you can resume eating and drinking whatever you usually go for. If you start to get itchiness in your throat or vocal changes in the next day or two... let me or Sara or Jon know... just... to make sure."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A moment of remembering and sadness, it passes over Sara's face and is gone in an instant. Alis would normally just get the whiskey for Cael, and Sara would get the coffee, it was a routine. "I'll go get your coffee and whiskey," she says before removing herself from the bed. While standing, she reaches into her pocket to make certain the gear is still there, knowing it was but needing to feel it just to make certain. She'd never forgive herself if she lost it, and Cael likely wouldn't forgive her either.

"Is there anything else you want, anything at all?" She then adds and looks to Martin. "Anything I can get for you while I'm out? Shouldn't take more than a few minutes."

Cael Becker has posed:
    As Martin reaches out for Cael's throat, she leans back uncomfortably into her pillows, clearly uncomfortable with the near physical contact and accompanying magic - and silently wishing she didn't automatically feel that way.
    "Well. Nice to know I'm good... after everything. I mean, this has been a... lot." She offers Martin a small, weak smile as she adds, "I'll be fine, though."
    Her attention shifts to Sara as she adds, "Just the coffee. I'm not- I don't know if I could eat anything right now."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Agnes comes back in, carrying a case which seems to hold her Switch and the myriad of games Jon and Martin have bought her--enough that there's no way she's actually had time to play them all. Jon has a habit of spoiling people, though, and pretty much anything Agnes wants, she gets. It might go to the girl's head if they weren't also firm that she had to do schoolwork and chores and the like.

    "Here you go!" she says brightly. "I think you might like, umm... well, /everyone/ loves Breath of the Wild, I hear, but /my/ favorite right now is Hades. You play the son of Hades and Persephone, Zagreus, and you're trying to fight your way out of the Underworld, and--"

    She stops, and blinks. "Oh. Wait. Too soon?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin waves off any offers for food or drink. "I'm fine, thank you" he says to the detective. Agnes' return is met with a smile. At the mention of the game she's peddling his eyes widen and he opens his mouth to chide her when she does it herself. He sighs and hangs his head. "Agnes..." he says softly before chuckling.

    He glances up at Cael. "I've seen it and it does seem like something you would enjoy under normal circumstances... but..." he gives Cael a sympathetic expression. "I'd understand if you would rather not go through something so like... what you endured."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A nod is offered to Martin over his answer, and when Agnes returns, Sara can't help but offer a sympathetic smile. It wasn't an intentional jab at what had just happened, it was a child enjoying a moment over her favorite game.

"Stick to adventure games Cael," she offers as she walks toward the door. "You'll find all kinds of fun treasures and probably get to kick some as... hiney," autocorrect kicked in just in time. No swearing around children.

"I'll be back in about fifteen minutes with a thermos of the Hawaiian Kona coffee and just the right amount of whiskey."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't remember my trip to Duat this time," Cael remarks in a quiet voice. "I want to - but it's- it's blank right now." She gives the girl a tight smile as she adds, "Maybe the game'll jog something loose, huh?" She doubts it. Wrong mythos. She accepts the games, and pats the bed while adding a simple, "Bear. Up.' The dog is soon snuggled by her side - a comforting presence to help keep her on an even keel.
    Then with a snort she adds, "Sara, I fuckin' swear around the kid all the god damned time. You're not going to say //anything// Agnes hasn't heard already. Anyways. I, uh... didn't mean to derail everyone's... plans for the day. If any of you have things you were supposed to do..."