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At Least They're Getting Paid For This...
Date of Scene: 07 May 2022
Location: Better Days Mall - *Mumble*, New York
Synopsis: Nick and Dazzler's concert plans get interrupted by a lot of odd things
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Alison Blaire

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Hey Mike. I got a gig for you. It's a birthday party for some kids at a mall."


"Money. So... So much money."

The Better Days Mall over in *mumble* New York can barely be called a mall. As part of the large influx of 80s malls quickly thrown up to act as possible tax shelters for people less than on the up and up, there's only two real reasons why this building is still open. And that would be found to the center part of the mall.

The pull to this place is not the storefront that got turned into a laundromat. Nor is it the craft brewery (But that one doesn't hurt either). The pull to this place is definitely not the decor. As a remnant of its extravagant heyday, there are industrial sized, cat-themed playing cards that hang from the ceiling of the food court. While a lot of the stores have packed up and moved along, leaving behind more local businesses wishing to take advantage of the dropping rental rates, whoever had the foresight to put an indoor amusement park with decent rides smack dab in the center court of the mall was a dang genius. This brought enough of a pull for people to come for the rides and take a break to get food from the adjacent food court. Add in a catering or food voucher choice for those who want to RENT THE WHOLE PLACE and you have one of the more impressive, yet still financially manageable (by rich people standards) birthday party options out there in the *mumble* New York area.

The wing to the other side of the amusement park area is typically much more desolate looking. Hidden behind the large stage, the anchor store that should be down that way is closed and much of the area not set aside for the stage area has been repurposed for overflow seating for the food court. One of the vacant stores between the food court and the park has been repurposed as a form of amusement for those too small for the larger rides. Paired off with one of the fast-food places, there is a tried and true play-zone ball pit with slide.

Today, the food courts have been set up for a special occasion. A pair of fraternal twins are celebrating their birthdays and their parents felt it necessary to rent out the mall to do it. While the food service places are closing themselves, the veritable feast spread out on tables is more than enough to tide over the party goers over. There's even plenty of condiments set up as industrial sized dispensers are present to divvy out the mustard, ketchup, BBQ sauce, and Mayo with just a pump. A table has been set aside for presents and another to display a Superhero vs Villain themed cake.

There's a variety of different ages represented at the party. While the birthday boy and girl's friends each had a say in some of the guests, there's a few friends of the parents as well. Also, to not leave out anyone, the parents and younger siblings of the main guests were invited as well. Judging from the attire from those attending, there was apparently a memo to come in costume which most have complied with. Those who didn't appear to be wearing some party city brand villain masks that were likely supplied by the planning parents in either a thoughtful or vindictive gesture, depending on the vantage points of those attendees. Either way the children, who mostly opted to wear hero costumes seem to appreciate having villains to play off in their roleplay.

There are a few odd costumes that don't fit with theme. It appears that the employees set up to work the party are instead dressed like clowns. The less evil looking ones are managing the ball pit area where the smaller children are found and handing out balloons.

On the other side of the park where the stage is, a trampoline has been set up where a slightly eviler looking clown is attending to that.

But the evilest looking clowns of them all are guarding the cake and presents. And they are quite good at it.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Money. So much money. As a musician, those words are not unlike the magic words that open up caves of wonder- they are irresistible, yearned for at the beginning of one's career... and often embarrassing by the end of it. 'Up-and-coming' is a fine thing to be, but what most people don't admit is that at the start, your reputation and exposure can rise faster than your income.

"I hope this doesn't end with cake on my face," Alison grins and whispers to Nick, adjusting the cuffs on her blazer as they are escorted to the rendezvous point in the mall. The special guests are arriving! Alison's outfit is her standard concert wear, which means she has enough material that is iridescent enough to highlight any lights that might come from her. It's definitely showy enough, "... is this a bad time to confess that I am not the greatest with kids?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As he was hired to play music, Nick Drago is dressed in his usual concert attire as well. The wild haired musician turns his head to look to the fellow entertainer. "Well, just don't make any bets involving it and neither of us will have to worry about that...up front."

He's seen how some gigs go wrong. He will make NO guarantees. "And... I wouldn't worry about the kids. If Wade were here, he'd tell you to just Act like they're smaller versions of me- and watch the language." He pauses, taking note of the play place as they start to come out of the access hallway to turn in the direction of the trampoline and stage. "...And maybe avoid the ball pit."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison's eyes flash with mischief for a moment as she glances at Nick, and finishes buttoning up the cuff. "Are you going to tell me," she begins, glancing out of the hallway as well, "That you wouldn't take me up on a bet on who could get across the ball pit the fastest?"

The blonde woman raises her eyebrows at the decor, and lets out a quiet whistle. "This is... an unusual place. I'm sort of jealous- I wish I had known about this as a kid, I would have gone completely nuts!" A quick glance at the ball pit. A quick glance at Nick.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick bites his lip, glancing back to the pit and a tiny head popping out of the sea of plastic balls. before he looks to Dazzler. "There are small kids hiding in there. We'd trample them if we did that. We'll have to keep our challenges to the adult sized ball pit at the ninja course."

The group is walked around the premiter of the amusement ride area. Through the fence there is the visual of two teenaged Ivys, a Penguin, and Superman busting a move in front of a teenage Iron Man filming them with his camera. "That's great!" The Iron Teen states. lowering the phone. As he does so, the visor actually closes on the costume as well.

"Just HOW much allowance do you think these kids get a week?" Nick wonders aloud, looking to Dazzler.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Ninja course it is. Next weekend?" Invisible gauntlet thrown down, the singer raises an eyebrow, "Probably more than we make in a day?" She nods towards a girl dressed like Wonder Woman. Except that the jewel in her tiara is several magnitudes shinier than your usual plastic costume, "Then again I never had much of an allowance, dad had me do chores and track hours, then I'd get paid." She rolls her eyes, "I did so much laundry just to get a PS2... I swear I smelled phantom fabric softener for /months/ afterwards. Anyways... are we ready to meet and greet our gracious hosts and their friends?" she asks. "... and how much should I, you know, /dazzle/?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick doesn't volunteer information regarding allowances on his end of the conversation but his glance does linger upon the Wonder Woman costume. "...Amazing." He blinks back to Dazzler, "Considering the amount of flash they've shown just from us walking through the building? I'd say be as flashy as you can. I mean, a kid got a working visor for their Iron Man costume. That is NOT Party City caliber."

As the two make it to the otehr side of the park, a pair of adults stand together, one looking to a clipboard. More staffers?

No, they're not wearing clown costumes. But the female of the group, who was holding the clipboard, has apparently opted to wear an Ivy costume that puts the TikToking teens to shame. The other, wearing green body paint and purple shorts, smiles.

Mike pauses.

"Ah! Nick Drago! Dazzler!" The man greets, "I'm Forest Weatherly, Thank you for agreeing to this. I'm sure Brooke and Asher would say the same thing but they're on their third trip through the coaster with some of their friends. What we're planning is for the music to happen after the eating so they have time to let their stomachs settle before running around some more so you should have plenty of time to do your sound checks and prep."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Dazzler gives the man a bright smile, "Mister Weatherly, thank you for having us. I can't wait to meet our hosts, this will definitely the most..." she glances around, "interesting place we've performed at. I had no idea this place existed and the decoration is unique. Sort of makes you sad that the age of the mall is past, no?"

She glances at Nick, and then back to Forest. "Everything has been set up on the stage according to specs without any problems? Do we have any guests who may be photo-sensitive? The... light show doesn't feature anything that could trigger a seizure, but it's always good to check to make sure any other specific light patterns need to be avoided due to sensitivity..."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Forest shakes his head as the woman pulls out a pen and clicking it. "None that we know of. But we can state a warning prior to your set just to be certain."

There's the sound of the pen tip scratching upon the paper as she apparently makes an added note of the concern. "The setup is set to what was written down but we invite you two to inspect to make sure there's no need for changes." Forest continues, looking over to Nick. "Any concerns on your end, Mr. Drago?"

Nick glances from the stage back over to Forest, "Oh, I think looking at the stage setup ahead of time will do it."

"Excellent." Forest gestures towards the stage. "Amelia, if you would be so kind?"

The adult Ivy smiles, stepping closer to Alison, flashing her a smile "If you'd just follow me..." The woman managaes well strutting towards the stage area, navigating amongst the chairs, showing the pair towards the stairs set up to the side. It's a simple setup. Both sets of equipment are in place

"Do let me know if either of you need anything."




Amelia looks over towards the boarded up storefront positioned behind the stage. "Forest, were we planning anything with the anchor store?"

Forest frowns.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Some things you never get used to-- so sang The Supremes. This is not, however, exactly true- no offense to Diana Ross, but when your life revolves around the unexpected and the weird, having your regular plans derailed might just be something you might just get used to.

The Thump causes Dazzler to pay attention. By the very nature of her powers, it's not something she can easily ignore.

"It sounds like there might be someone trapped in there?" she glances in the direction of the boarded-up store, and then she grows more worried. "Perhaps one of the kids might have found a way in, but now can't get out?" She glances at Nick.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick turns his head to the sound of the Thunping as well. Considering the less than informed expression upon Amelia's face, the musician looks over to the other one. "That d-"



Whatever it is, it's getting closer and getting louder.

"I don't think that's a kid." Nick comments.

Amelia and Forest look to each other and start to head towards the trampoline where some kids are utilizing it. Asking them to stop jumping goes as well as one might think.







Alison Blaire has posed:
It's something heavy. That's for certain. The vibrations are enough to put her on guard. "Is this a bad time to mention I've got a bad feeling about this?" Alison mutters to Nick. If this is something weird, she is going to blame Nick. If it's dangerous, she is going to blame Nick. If it's weird /and/ dangerous, no doubt it is because of Nick. That's how it goes, Right?

"Let's just go see what this before it comes any closer to the kids." She starts walking at a brisk pace. Brisk enough to get her somewhere, but not fast enough to make the children worry, hopefully. She undoes the cuff of her jacket. Just in case.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods, walking alongside Alison at the pace she determined. Hearing her comment the rocker groans, "Ok now you've cursed us all. If this does turn out bad, I'm blaming you." His eyes shift back over towards the storefront which does not provide a good view of what's inside. Such is the curse of stores that are full out closed.


With each round of the No Boing Thumps, the first two elements get more and more annoying. But that third element is the true point of concern as it gets louder and louder.


Over to the anchor store there is a splintering of wood and dry wall as the sealed up entrance becomes no longer sealed. A dark hole opens up but from some bits of light that have filtered through gaps in the boarded up windows, there's the hint of something large inside.

Boing boing boing...boing... "I'm done." The child declares, climbing down from the trampoline and squirming out of the safety harness.

Amelia and Forest look over to the hole in horror. "FOOD COURT!" Forest cries out, turning to face the park area "NOW!"

There's a flurry of chaos as those not presently on a ride in their various superhero, villain, and clown costumes end up running over to the food court. Save for the guy in the Iron-Kid costume holding his phone up to record the suddenly appearing hole. "Cool!" A couple kids are still currently riding the indoor coaster while the ride operator stays near his post, looking confused at the new instruction. "I CAN'T!" He protests.

As the large Mecha bunny emerges from the hole, Nick lets out a curse. "...Dammit. I swear if it's the same guy from Christmas I'm go-" He shakes his head. Features reversing.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Oh, you know him?" Alison says, the side-eye and the curious note in her voice saying it all, "So I'm blaming /you/, then!" she says, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth because really... you have to. It's a /bunny mecha/. Even if it turns out to shoot rocket fists, it's still a bunny mecha. There is only so much someone can take.

Her aura flares up, sending prismatic gleams coruscating around her. This is just a side-effect, and she knows better than to try to use her powers of light to /blind/ something that could probably function with enhanced vision and sensors.

There were children still trapped in the rides, though, which means that whatever this... bunny wanted, it would not get past her and nick.

"Let me guess," she says, striding forward, light concentrating and coruscating around her fists, but her posture and walk appear informal, unconcerned, "Took a wrong turn at Albuquerque?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I don't know if I know him!" Nick protests as the mecha bunny starts hopping out of the store. "Last time was a mecha Santa and- at least that time around he was in season. This guy is LATE for the holiday. Besides, we won't know til we get the pilot out of th-"

And then the Bunny leaps, well over the two musicians and lands near the trampoline.

"Well. Shit." Nick turns, running after.

That leap has an added effect as it brings about some panic over to the food court. People are running and they're not watching where they're going which eventually causes for one clown to get knocked into the condiment table. The table tips over, causing for the mayo container's contents to spill all over the poor soul.

The Iron Boy got some REALLY amazing footage as the bunny's feet land just a few yards away from him. Which seems WAY too close for his tastes. He turns and starts running towards the adult Ivy. "MOM!!!" Unfortunately it appears that the really cool piece of his costume is voice activated. This is unfortunate because the scream ends up causing his visor to slam down over his face. As he runs into a pole he couldn't see it becomes quite apparent that the costume is very much not the real thing.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Distract him!" Dazzler says to Nick, and suddenly her hands explode in a haze of blue-white light, propelling the singer like a rocket towards the food court. Her arc brings her landing close to Iron Boy, and she quickly reaches out to grab him as her free hand charges up another blast- which should be enough to get her over to Ivy Mom. "Hang on!" she tells him.

Poor Iron Boy. He gets to fly with Dazzler, and that mask is in the way!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Dazzler escapes with Iron Boy, there is a loud THUMP as the bunny lands right where the pair had been. The bunny's head turns, looking towards the coaster meanacingly where an attendant is hurridly trying to get the kids off of the freshly finished ride.

Not having rocket hands, Nick runs over to the trampoline, taking a leap upwards. As he lands on the center of it, he launches himself towards the mecha bunny, slamming onto it. A hand latches on to one of the ears, allowing for him to swing over to one of the eyes and peers in.

Red Santa stares back. Eyes wide. "YOU?!"

Dammit. "Oh you've got to be- DON'T YOU HAVE ANY OTHER OUTFITS?!" Nick protests as the bunny starts flailing about, flinging him in the direction of the food court.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Handing Iron Boy off to his mother, Dazzler quickly turns around to assess the situation.

Well, there goes Nick, flying. For a brief moment she considers using her powers to intercept him- but Nick is more than capable of saving himself. Unlike the children on the ride.

All that thumping helped add a little oomph to her sonic reserves, and it was time to pay back the favor. Fists glowing like a rainbow spray, Dazzler steps forward, one hand aimed at releasing a mighty concussive blast-

And she slips on a mess of condiments on the floor, courtesy of the clown. Her blasts go wide of the target, a rush of colors passing by the Mecha bunny and losing itself in one of the stores. The laundromat, to be precise, which was fortunately unoccupied at the time. There is a very loud /crash/, and then the sound of something breaking... and then gurgling.

"Damnit!" she says, scrambling to her feet and reaching for something to steady herself. She pulls herself up and notices what she grabbed- the clown's inflatable balloon station. There must be at least a hundred balloons tied to that. Maybe more.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Nick goes sailing into the food court, he reaches upwards. Catching a hand one one of the suspension wires holding up one of the playing card decorations. Rather than landing on the kids below, he instead swings up, feet planting on the side of the car.

"Did you see that?!"

Nick bites his lip as the Jester cat card rocks back and forth violently. Yes. Landing on the card was impressive. And if he hadn't been phantasmed he probably wouldn't have been as successful. "GUYS GET OUT OF THE MALL!" Nick shouts down to the awaiting group.

A camera lifts up out of the group, tilted towards the bunny as an answer.

Oh for c-

Adjusting his his stance, he tugs the front wires and back wires closer together. Causing for the card to swing harder.

The kids finally get out of the car and start to run towards the food court with the pursuing mecha-bunny looking -

Well. Hopping mad.

Alison Blaire has posed:
With Nick swinging, Dazzler pushes the balloon cart as fast as she can towards the bunny. It's a solid little thing, but nowhere near as solid as the mecha. That doesn't matter, though- that mass of balloons is an excellent moving cover, and high enough to obscure the view at head-level for the mecha. That's what matters right now- because, or at least she hopes, the mecha will not jump if the pilot can't see and guarantee a safe landing. Right? And it'll give her a chance to send off another blast towards the knees. She just needed-

"Wait... what's... that?"

There is the smell of soap. And bubbles in the air. And...

"Oh no-" The cresting wave of suds advances towards them, roaring with the rage of absolute cleanliness.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
If the cries of a rockstar swinging from an industrial sized playing card isn't going to get a group of partygoers to run away from a raging mecha-bunny, what will? As the looming wall of suds comes rolling out of the laundromat leads to the younger attendees running for the doors with their parents following to watch their kids the answer becomes quite clear. An unscheduled bath.


But with the evacuation taking place and the bunny seeming to ready itself for another jump, Nick finds now is as good a time to act. Leaning back, he lets go of the wires and crouches down, touching the card. Passing his energy through it, it severs from the wires and starts to fling towards the incoming mecha bunny. The base of it skirts along the tip of the suds tsunami. Before the bunny can leap. It is hobbled by the large card severing into one of its legs.

Separated from his ride, Nick ends up smacking into the side of the bot again.

Alison Blaire has posed:
And just as Nick smacks into the side of the bot, Dazzler sails past, to try to snatch him before he falls into the sea of suds. However, as Nick is in Phantasm form, all she gets is an armful of air as she sails upwards with the aid of the balloons and her own 'oomph' beam. She wasn't quite prepared for that, and she sails past hard, having calculated a blast to carry two people instead of one. So she sails upward, and upward- and just before she can correct her course, she ends up hitting one of the large balloon decoration displays on the higher stratosphere of the food court. A bowl of fruit.

As she starts correcting fruit, grapes the size of boulders rain down with that bounciness that large balloons have. An Apple *plunks* down on the empty ride...

And an enormous banana makes a diagonal descent towards a certain mechanical lapine.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hobbled by the giant playing card, the mecha bunny flails about trying to shake off the man clinging to the side of it. Angry looking the Bunny seemingly glares to Nick before the banana balloon ends up landing over the eyes of the mecha. A gear snags upon the balloon, popping it. Deflating, the balloon gets caught up even more around the eyes, causing for the pilot to move blind.

Nick turns his head, seeing the card sticking out of the bunny's leg, he lets go. Positioning his descent to hit the edge of the card. As it bends, he turns, letting the object act as a springboard to launch him up higher.

Kids, if you're watching this. Do not try this at home.

Hands grabbing onto the shoulder, Nick pulls himself up. Going from his past experience with Red Santa, he moves on an assumption and finds the hatch opening. Now's just a matter of twisting it to get inside.

Alison Blaire has posed:
And as Dazzler falls, she waits until she is just a dozen feet from the surface of the soapy water before she unleashes another blast, stopping her descent and allowing her to land gracefully. She looks around to make sure that the area has been evacuated to her satisfaction, and begins to charge another blast again.

Since Nick is going into the hatch, she decides to create a distraction and focus the pilot's attention on the external attack, so he can't see who is coming to visit.

The concussive blasts that she sends out are weak, this time around- enough to be felt and cause noise, but not enough to damage the mecha significantly- Nick is on it, and soon will be in it, after all. But she definitely wants the pilot to think the danger is still outside.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the blasts rattle the pilot inside, the mecha bunny's mouth opens, brandishing a lot of metal plating and two sharp looking teeth like protrusions. Without being able to see anything the head blindly moves about, chomping at air while the still functioning front limbs move around, swatting with the same level of effectiveness the teeth had with biting.

That is until-

"AUUHHH!" A red blur goes flying out of the back hatch, landing in the suds below. "Uhhh..."

Soon after, Mecha bunny goes limp.

"Huh!" Nick pops his head out of the back hatch, glancing around before spotting Dazzler, "This thing has the same type of controls as the Santa one!"

Alison Blaire has posed:
And once Santa takes a dunk, Dazzler stops the onslaught. She takes several steps towards where Santa took a dive, to be right there as he emerges. The power glimmering from her hands and the high-pitched ululation that accompanies it indicates that This One's For Real, Go Ahead And Make My Deay.

"Stay. Put."

And then she glances up at the Mecha, "... well that's convenient!" She says, and then looks about her, at the very, very clean and soapy devastation. And then back at Nick and the Mecha.

"... do you think they'll let us use it for the performance?"