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Latest revision as of 13:34, 11 May 2022

Trollheim now
Date of Scene: 11 May 2022
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: Thor makes his mind known of what has passed.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Sif

Thor has posed:
    This was when the work began.
    After the conflict with the Troll warband there was much to be done. The fallen would have their due, for the souls of Trollheim while brutal had an honor to them and one that was recognized by Asgard. So their warriors were recovered, and given their respect as they were cared for. Though during matters such as this a pyre would be constructed, or seen to by others. But Thor had stopped them.
    "No, I will deal with this. We will return Trollheim's dead to them."
    So there would be a journey.
    "As to Ragnar, my lord?"
    "He fell in battle, as is fitting for one of his rank. But we shall see his remains returned to his family."
    It was thus that the plans of the Thunderer were known, though for the two days following immediately after the battle he had spoke to few. Until, perhaps, a moment arose when his presence in the study of the manor was noticed.

Sif has posed:
There was a sadness when all was done. For the loss of life. True, they were warriors but they were not cold-hearted. Every being lost was something now missing from the world. Of course Ragnar was now in Valhalla which was wonderful and that too was recognized.

Sif was moving down the hall, intending to head out of the Embassy for a bit and focus on her new property. She paused when she caught out of the corner of her eye that the study was occupied. A glance in to see Thor within.

As there were questions she had still, things that had not been addressed from the day of the conflict, she changed her path and entered the room. Dressed fully in her armor as she preferred that unless there was some occasion that required something more dressy.

"You have been quiet for days," she started, watching him closely. "If you wish to speak on events, you know I am ever here for you."

Thor has posed:
    "Sif!" Thor greets her with conviction, warmth, if not the same enthusiasm of old. For it's clear his thoughts had been elsewhere. A scroll that had been in his hand is set down with a faint rustle of the old paper, though it still had the subtle glow of some form of incantation. Likely meant to preserve it over time.
    "It was battle, no need to speak of it beyond..." His brow furrows as he looks past her, then back. "Beyond the next course of action being decided."
    That said he moves over toward the drink cart with an easy step, pulling the glass stopper off of a bottle and setting it down on the tray. He proceeds to fill two snifters with some brandy, just a quick splash and gurgle from the bottle before he's returning and offering one to her.
    "Though should you wish to know my mind, I am thinking we go to Trollheim and see what is afoot." He takes a quick drink of his own, brow furrowing afterwards then adding, "Our messenger from there has not returned."

Sif has posed:
Since he said more than one sentence, Sif took that as a yes. She settled into one of the comfy chairs, pulling off her sword and setting it to the side. She accepted the snifter of brandy when it was was offered though did not partake immediately.

"Oh?" For she was not aware their messenger had not returned. "I know they claimed Ulik was a traitor. What does he have to say for himself? Does he have some explanation? For them attacking Asgard, knowing how that has fared for them in the past, seems a giant step for the Trolls."

She swirled the brandy, taking a breath to enjoy the aroma. "Though if you wish a trip to Trollheim, I volunteer. You wish to send a group of warriors instead of a messenger? Or a more personal approach?" She knew him. She didn't even have to ask the last.

Thor has posed:
    "I intend to bring their fallen back to them," Thor says sidelong. Still not sitting. Which is ever a sign with him. "If I sent them with another they might be able to dissemble. But if I am there... I'll know." He shakes his head, "E'er it was thus, however. Trollheim never declared war with Asgard. It was always the acts of rogue warbands, raiders, wild chieftains breaking from the band. Likely it will be claimed this was what passed."
    Another drink is taken, and though it has not the kick of Asgardian drink, the Midgard Brandy has a passingly good taste to it. "Though your presence would be appreciated, Sif." He half-smiles, looking sidelong at her, then back toward the window outside that now has his attention as he slooowly walks the room.
    "Perhaps it will temper my mood. For they have taken one of ours. The first Einherjar to fall on Midgard in a thousand years." His brow furrows, "And I find my thoughts are grim and remind me of days long past."

Sif has posed:
"Ragnar fell in battle and now drinks in Valhalla. Though he will be missed in this life, we will see him again." Sif finally took a sip of the brandy. It had a smooth flavor to it. Though it wasn't like alcohol for their Asgardian physiology. Not a chance of that working for them like it would a Midgardian.

"Perhaps I will temper your mood." And her lips quirk up in a smirk. "Or you just wish my blade and shield at your behest when that fails." For she knows he has times where his diplomacy could use a little work. Especially if those he is speaking to hit on one of his hot-button topics. And sadly, some of their enemies knew those all too well.

Thor has posed:
    "That may well be part of it," The use of her blade and shield as he nods with understanding. His brow quirks as he glances askance toward her, then smiles. Only then does he turn around fully and sweep across the room to drop into one of those chairs with a thump. Hands settling on the arms of the chair, he sets the drink aside at first, then meets her gaze. "What of Ulik?"
    A look to the side, then back. "If I tell him my intentions he will want to come most likely. Leave him here? We would need someone capable of withstanding him." His brow knits, "Perhaps mine brother Balder can aid in that way,"
    Then he pushes a hand through his hair, "And you saw during the battle, they harmed Loki. He likely will be holding a grudge. So we must try to expect his ire."

Sif has posed:
"I saw." Despite the insanity that was battle, thanks to her vantage of being airborne at the time, she had witnessed the Odinson's injury. "If he wishes to travel with us..." Since he most likely would and being one of the Princes, they couldn't just say no. "We will do our best to watch him. In hopes to curtail any escalations when unnecessary."

Which is when her phone suddenly made a noise in her pocket. It sounded suspiciously like Barbie Girl by Aqua. She pulled it out and glanced at the screen. A hint of a smile. "I apologiize but I must take this. It is in regards to my new property." And with that she finished off her brandy while standing. The glass is set aside and she takes her sword before moving toward the door.