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Latest revision as of 01:06, 12 May 2022

Siblings - You Asked for This!
Date of Scene: 21 April 2022
Location: The Victorian Restaurant - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Introductions were made, family is aware!
Cast of Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Micola Maximoff, Lorna Dane

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There'd been some hesistation from Pietro, he knew what would happen. Teasing. Unrelenting teasing from his sisters. Still, he wanted to introduce Micola to Lorna and Wanda. Only Lorna had some free time at the moment, and a dinner had been arranged. The Victorian - as if the meeting wasn't going to be cheek-reddening enough for Pietro already. Still, it was good food and better company.

Pietro had invited Micola out, explaining that he'd like her to meet Lorna. A more neutral place - so the whole pomp and circumstance could be forgone, for the most part. He'd offered to provide her a dress, to dress up - and promised he'd dress up too.

Transportation was arranged, and Pietro stepped into the Victorian dressed in a well-fitted linen shirt and nice gray slacks. The man nodded to the host, before looking back for Micola.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Don't panic. Nothing to panic about! Oh wait, dinner was tonight? Maybe panic a LITTLE. Ahem. Micola had been more than happy to accept dinner invitation and the offer to provide a dress. She normally would have made it work on her own, but the woman had nothing that rated black tie in her closet that wouldn't make her look like she was going to Prom. Not to mention her hair was hard to match with things since it was more a turquoise today.

The tattooed and dolled up woman is not that far behind Pietro and she's making sure she's not stepping on her dress as she looks up to meet Pietro's gaze, a smile given to him, "I should have worn flats so I didn't stick out so much." she whispers to him as she steps up beside him.

Yes, because her added inches are what make her stand out.

Lorna Dane has posed:
While Pietro may be the speedster of the family, Lorna had access to teleporters. Which is the only reason she had beaten the two that actually lived in New York to getting here. The green haired woman had dressed up a bit herself--It was a special occasion after all! Getting to meet Pietro's girlfriend was something that she wouldn't miss if she could avoid it. Even Queen's enjoyed getting to razz on their siblings a bit.

It wasn't precisely 'black tie' she wore but it was fashionable and suitable for the place. A dress that was... Well. It was a virdant green dress that resembled Marilyn Monroe's famous one, of all things, though she wore a formal shawl draped over her arms and slung low on her back. It was a breezey chiffon embroidered at each end with silver beads that were in an intricate, and likely not recognized, geometric design for the molecule of iron. Something custom made for the magnetic Queen.

When at least one familiar face of the awaited pair arrives, Lorna lifts a hand from the table she had snagged to invite them over. "Pietro, so good of you to invite me out."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The speedster looked over to Micola, offering a smile. "You look wonderful." His tone is assuring, and warm. Pietro extends his hand to Micola, clasping it in his should she accept. Upon hearing Lorna's voice, he steeled himself. The teasing was a' comin'! A slight grin and he looks back to where the Queen is settled. "Lorna, always happy to see you." A grin as he leads the young tattoo artist over to the table.

Standing near the table, he pauses to make introductions. "Lorna, this is Micola Lykaios, a phenomenal tattoo artist, and the woman I am seeing." He's to the point! Looking then to Micola, he smiles. "Micola, this is Her Royal Majesty, Lorna Dane, my sister." He grins. His one teasing of the night!

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's not matching Pietro completely, but the color of her dress is a smokey blue, almost grey color. It's a silky fabric and well tailored to the Greek womans frame. She gives a soft smile to him, her hand reaching out to take his when it is offered, "And you as always look very dashing." she tells him. When she hears someone say Pietro's name her gaze goes that way and she smiles as they head that way.

Micola gives a respectful bow of her head to Lorna, "Your Majesty, it's very good to meet you." she tells her with a smile. Nerves would have to level out on her end. They just had to get past introductions and Micola feeling like she was going to muck things up.

"Your shawl is lovely." she adds as she looks over the fabric that is drapped over the Queen's shoulders.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Why thank you, my dear. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lorna offers back smoothly toward Micola as she speaks. Her chin lifts a bit to not quite peer down her nose but certainly fix Micola with a studious gaze even as she sits there. Then her hand lifts to offer out to the woman, wrist bent down, to display a simple signet ring on her hand. Lightly she clears her throat as if prompting her to perhaps consider some unknown protocol one might need when greeting royalty.

She holds her expression carefully neutral for all of a few seconds. The twinkle of mischeif in her eye would readily be evident to Pietro just before she cracks a smile and drops her hand away with a laugh.

"Please relax, I'm 'off dity' tonight as much as a monarch can be. It's a pleasure to meet you, Micola. Pietro has told me absolutely nothing about you. Which means you must be special to him if he's trying to protect you from the family."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A roll of his eyes, Pietro shakes his head. "She has quite the sense of humor, Micola." He explains, even as he pulls a chair out for the woman. "Protect from the family, as in avoid me getting overly-teased by my family." He clarifies, his tone good-natured. He knew it was a sibling thing, just as he would be the protective big brother. Regardless that neither of the sisters would even need his help in protecting themselves!

"Please, sit and be comfortable." He glances around, nodding to the waitstaff to arrive to collect drink orders and what not. Once Micola is settled in, he takes a seat as well. "I am sure Wanda will have other tricks to bring to meeting her." A shake of his head. "Though I still have to query her over her choice of partners..." A shake of his head. "He called me Pete, of all things." A clucking of his tongue as he settles a napkin in his lap.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's faced many things in her life, but never royal scrutiny. It was something heavy for a moment, her brain whispering a few things to her that she had to stamp down. When Lorna lifts her hand and there is the clearing of the throat there is a moment where she leans in just a little, but then the mood shifts and she chuckles. Whew. She'd have totally kissed it though!

"I apologize about my nervousness, I am hoping that it subsides." she admits. Then there is a look to Pietro after Lorna states that he's not told his sister anything about her. It makes her give a chuckle before looking back to Lorna, "I am happy to answer any questions that you have, truly." she tells her.

When Pietro pulls out a chair she smoothes her skirt down and sits. "I'm sure that will be another adventure." she admits as she listens to Pietro talk on Wanda.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane gestures to the rather fancy menu that is set on the table. It appears as if it were printed out on fine paper just this evening. Not a bit of smudging or dirt is on it from prior diners having touched it. That was just how fancy this place was. Studiously she ignores the waiters and waitresses in their distracting attire in favor of grinning toward the others at the table.

"The food here really is excellent and I can assure you the chef and kitchen staff actually wear proper attire. Please order whatever you'd like. It'll be taken care of no matter the cost. This is a special occasion after all."

Reaching out she plucks up a wine flute filled with something layered in shades of pink and champagne gold. A mimosa or some other mixed drink no doubt. "Honestly I'm rather curious what your tattoo style is. Are you an over-all artist or do you have a specialization, like classical, Japanese, modern, or such?" A slight clearing of her throat comes as she admits, "I may enjoy watching some reality TV shows about tattoo artists on occasion. The artwork can be enjoyable."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The man nods in agreement with Lorna's statements - the meal is taken care of. He reaches over and places a calming hand on Micola's, grinning. "Be yourself, yes?" He winks to the woman. Looking then to Lorna, he smiles. "Her artwork is exquisite." He explains. "I've seen the photos and the art on her walls." The Prince nods to his sister. "I might even be considering a tattoo myself." A wry grin.

A nod to one of the staff, ordering his usual at the eatery for drinks. One of the waitstaff move up to request Micola's order. "I've got a car to get you home, too. Drink if you wish to, Micola." A smile. He then sits back, letting the two women discuss tattoo styles.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola looks to the menu, "Oooh, that's really nice ink." she states. An artists appreciation in the comment. It was really nice. She does give a double take when she notices the waitstaff's attire but she gives a smile to Lorna and Pietro as she focuses on them instead. Lorna's explanation of ordering what she wants is met with a smile, "Thank you, that is very nice of the two of you." she tells them.

At the tattoo question there is an easy smile, "I specialize in black and white and neon colors more, but I can do general artwork as well." she admits. "Black and white tend to be more popular these days especially with all the dot and pin prick tattoos. It's hard to add color to those types." she admits. "And I've done some portraits, though Pietro's was the last I did and that was on heavier paper, not skin." she muses. "Nothing wrong with some reality TV. I'm a fan of watching artists work like that." she tells her.

Then she looks to Pietro as his hand rests on hers, "I'll do that." she smiles to him. Then he's talking on considering a tatoo himself, "Oh? What sort of tattoo?" she looks curious. She gives a smile to the waitstaff and orders a sweet wine and water.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Now that gains Lorna's interest as she raises her eyebrows a bit with a growing smirk. "A tattoo?" The glass is sipped from lightly as she considers this only to nod a single time. "It'd have to be a small one. You'd probably get bored sitting there otherwise," she teases. "Though perhaps if Miss Lykaios is doing it for you, you'd be more enticed to hold still." Even if he was getting better at his constant impatience with everything she could still tease him about it.

"I recommend the Wagyu beef. It's flown in, and given there's only two other places in the United States that are licensed to actually sell authentic Wagyu, it's not an opportunity to miss." She pauses at that to consider, "Well, unless you don't eat meat."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a low chuckle from Pietro. "I am honestly not certain - though something that invokes the notion of family would be good." He sticks his tongue out at Lorna, so very princely! "I am getting better about sitting still - though I would likely need breaks to run off energy." He admits. "Still, it's a thought."

A smile as Micola mentions the drawing she had done of him. "It really is quite good. I had it framed." He smiles at the inked woman, winking. An Old Fashioned is brought for him, set down unobtrusively as to not interrupt conversation. "Indeed, I will be having the Wagyu. It is a premium cut of meat."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a grin when Lorna mentions Pietro's lack of sitting still, "There is that." she agrees with her. "I'd be happy to do a tatoo for him, he could even take breaks to go run on the beach or the water if he wanted." she adds. There is a smile, "No, I eat meat just fine...honestly I've not met a lot of food I don't like." she muses to that. "I think I'll go with that suggestion." she nods to that.

The interaction between the siblings makes her smile and his mention of getting used to sitting still makes her give a thoughtful look, "He has been toning it down for the non-speedy folks lately." she chuckles.

There is a blush when he talks on her drawing her had framed, "I have been working on more drawings and paintings in my down time." she admits to that.