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A Long Awaited Reunion
Date of Scene: 18 May 2022
Location: The Inner Sanctum - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Tessa returns, and immediately gives Sebastian valuable advice.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Tessa

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It is a day that has been circled in bold black on Sebastian Shaw's calendar for quite some time. The day of Tessa's return While he was, of course, perfectly capable of attending to his own affairs, and had for years before he met her, it was very easy to come to rely upon her indispensable abilities. Offloading the record keeping, the data, the knowledge, so you can focus on other things has enabled Shaw to become more focused, more deliberate in his actions in those years. And of course, anything she could do, she could do far better than he could. He was never really good at the small details; she lived in the small details, big details, and all of it. So while he was not exactly lost and rudderless in her absence - he was not the same Shaw that he was when she was around. He would be the first one to admit that - to her, at least.

He sits in the Council Chamber, waiting for word that she had arrived. Dressed in his typical stylings, today he had opted for one of his finest jackets, purple with a platinum filigree. His lace shirt puffs out from the collar and sleeves, onyx buttons keeping it tight to his chest. Black breeches come to just below his knee, where they descend into black boots.

His fingers rhythmically tap on the arm of his Black Throne, the hand that bears the black signet ring of the Black King. There are things he could do with his time, to be sure. Ways to be productive. But he knows that anything he does now, he could do three times as efficiently once Tessa was here, so it in a strange way freed it him up to be idle. A state that he was not accustomed to.

Tessa has posed:
When Tessa arrives, it's not to greet Sebastian Shaw, wealthy industrialist, whose multinational concerns she has been touring of late. It's to greet Sebastian Shaw, the Black King. As such, Tessa is dressed accordingly.

Her place outside the chessboard allows Tessa a bit of flourish with her attire. Corsetry and lingerie comes not in the expected black or white, but in a dark, royal shade of purple. Tessa's heels click on the floor as she walks, metronomic and motorik in their perfect rhythm.

"Your Majesty," Tessa says, and she affects a small curtsy. Her demeanor is so bland, her affect so flat, that it's really sometimes hard to tell if she's being properly respectful or just plain sarcastic.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
One would think that, with such eager anticipation of her arrival, Sebastian Shaw from leap from his throne, come down to greet her, and give her a hug. Or a kiss. Or a handshake. Some form of greeting. But all of those would be lost on her, as Sebastian well knows. And so as she comes into the chamber, he looks up to her and offers a broad smile. "My dear Tessa," he replies from his perch upon his throne. "I trust that your travel was easy, and your trip fruitful?"

He reclines slightly into that throne, relaxing now that he has seen that she has, in fact, arrived safely. Not that he had anticipated any trouble, but one never knows what might happen along the way. And that would be catastrophic for him.

Tessa has posed:
"Quite fruitful, sir." Tessa stops just outside of arm's reach, standing at attention like Shaw's personal Electric Barbarella. "Based on my consultation, holdings in France, Germany, Belgium, and Symkaria will be more efficient within a range of nine to fifteen percent. I predict only six percent improvement from Abu Dhabi, but they already run a tight ship." For Tessa to speak even such faint praise of anyone's efficiency is truly a glowing recommendation.

"As for my travel, it was indeed easy, sir." Tessa seems less interested in this part, but she knows that if she skimps on the small talk, she starts veering into the 'too inhuman' category of feedback. "I became acquainted with the finest suites of many of the world's most resplendent luxury hotels. I was gone so long that I almost became accustomed to wearing proper clothes over my g-string." A subtle pulse of her eyebrows is the only hint that Tessa is delivering a dry joke about her Club uniform.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Excellent," replies Shaw, as he processes those numbers. In truth, to him, it just sounds like "everything will be slightly better", which is all that he needs. Tessa would likely be aghast to hear how little attention he truly pays to those details - although in reality, she probably already knows. She is not a mind reader, but her keen powers of observation no doubt has seen his eyes glaze over more than once. "I had no doubts. I am pleased to hear that Abu Dhabi was already doing well."

He knew smalltalk would be limited when he asked the question. But, pretense still requires it, and at times, she can unnerve others. He is trying to help with that. It is proceeding slowly. But a joke? That does earn a warm smile from Sebastian, one of genuine affection. "We could not have that now, could we?" And perhaps as if to add emphasis, he allows his eyes to survey her body with fond appreciation.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa rests a hand on her hip. Her expression remains perfectly neutral as Shaw gets in his long look. She really doesn't mind... or at least, if there is a part of her that /does/ mind, her machine-like approach to human interaction silences that part fairly quickly. Even while traveling, she's kept her meals exact and her gym time uninterrupted. Money and drive can accomplish a lot when working hand-in-hand.

"I suppose not, sir," Tessa replies. She waits precisely one heartbeat before speaking again. "Are you certain about Richards, sir?" There's no judgment in Tessa's tone. No implication that Shaw is /wrong/ and should reconsider. Tessa's tone is placid. She's not asking Shaw to reconsider, she's just asking him to consider. If he has doubts, now is the time to set about fixing them.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
While she may not mind, Shaw at least appreciates that she might appreciate, if she cared for such things, his attention to her dedication. He always wanted to find ways to reward her loyalty, and often it seemed hard to determine what she truly wanted. If she wanted anything. So he simply tried a shotgun approach of everything that he knew worked one every woman he knew. Which was probably the wrong direction to start with, but was the best he could muster.

Pleasantries were done. Business at hand. He looks up to her face, and considers the question. He knows its purpose; he knows it is judgement free. Merely contemplative. But, he has learned that the best mental exercises he has are with Tessa. In fact, he had been holding out for just this conversation, before making his final move on that front. "Let us pretend for the moment that I am not." Hypotheticals worked well. "I am approaching you with it as a query." He beckons her a bit closer. "How do you see the pros and cons?" He settles into his seat, knowing that he may receive quite a thorough list of both.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa's hand remains on her hip, but she shifts her weight from one side to the other, in a bit of contrapposto posing. "Pros," she says, delving right into the matter. "Access to the gossip of influential circles. A public relations boost to the exterior Club itself if she is seen at events. The presence of a respected public figure like Susan Richards will skew perception in some circles away from the Club's reputation for capitalist bacchanalia. If she is committed to the duties you wish for her to uphold, she will be quite useful in many avenues."

"Cons," Tessa says next. Her chin lifts slightly as she regards Shaw. "Without her husband's active participation, her loyalties should be considered divided at best. The risk of her being a spy on behalf of outside parties is so negligible as to not be worth considering. The risk of her being a tourist, who might one night grow bored with the Club and move on to a new pursuit... that, I consider more worrisome. There is also the matter, sir, that for her to /retain/ her utility to us, she must always be seen to put the Fantastic Four and other such public-facing concerns above those of the Club."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
His hand waves, to beckon her closer yet. It would seem that Sebastian may be attempting to draw her into his lap. It would not be the first time that he has sought such during a briefing or discussion. It was one way to hold his attention.

"Reconsider with the following - she is already a rather public presence within our club, in the visible activities. Her presence on the Council of Cardinals will not become public." He watches Tessa. "She has already committed to us some secrets owned by the Fantastic Four. With room for more." He pauses, allowing Tessa to recalculate and reconsider with the new data.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa steps forward and accepts her place in Shaw's lap. The movement of the woman into a seated position is fluid and graceful. She doesn't waste motion. She also doesn't have to shift around, to find a comfortable spot. She gets these things right on the first try. One hand rests on Shaw's shoulder for balance, which is the only sop she offers to any real intimacy in their closeness.

"It may come down to who is more persuasive in securing her long-term loyalties, sir. You, or her husband." Tessa waits half a beat. "I believe that you are making a sound move. I also believe that you should be ready to walk away from her and leave her in the cold in thirty seconds flat, if it seems like it must be done."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
One thing about Sebastian Shaw is that he does not require intimacy for satisfaction of a physical nature. He seems content as he slips an arm around Tessa's waist. Not that she needs it to hold her up.

"Long-term? I suspect her husband with his history. At the moment?" Sebastian tilts his head to look up at her. "I suppose we shall see." He listens to her thoughts, and nods. "The White Bishop said much the same. As I told her, if the situation demands it, I will end her myself."

He reaches into his pocket, withdraws a phone, and shows it to Tessa. A further illustration of his confidence with the situation.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa positioned herself fully expecting the arm around her waist. Her face is blank as she looks at the phone, not moving to touch it. She watches what Shaw shows her, and takes two heartbeats to process this information. "What you have here, sir, is powerful. It is also dangerous. Knowledge of its existence, and your possession of it, would immediately cause you to be targeted. I have every faith that you will have taken every step available to secure this document. I must now take several steps further."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I am already targeted, my dear. What is another red dot or two on my back?" Sebastian tilts his head with a chuckle. "What steps will you be taking?"

Tessa has posed:
"It is better that you do not know. My shielding against telepathy is superior to yours." Tessa holds a hand up, asking for Shaw's phone without speaking the desire aloud. "You will require a new phone."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"No argument here," replies Shaw, as he hands the phone over without question. His trust of Tessa was implicit. And he would have a new phone within an hour, should he need it. "Anything else? Concerns, suggestions?"

Tessa has posed:
The tragic downside of Tessa's Hellfire Club lingerie is that while she looks utterly dazzling in it, it really doesn't come with much in the way of pockets or storage. So the phone is slipped into her corset, in a manner that's practical but rather unladylike.

"Be careful with this one," Tessa advises. "You might break her," she says, "or you might /break/ her. We must trust her only insofar as we are able to predict her. If she becomes unpredictable to you, or worse, uncontrollable..."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I will end her myself," promises Sebastian. "I do not intend to break her, simply mold her. It is, as you saw, already well underway." He reaches up with his hand, now free of the phone, to gently adjust the position of the phone within her lingerie. Likely unnecessary, merely an excuse on his part. "Any other concerns?"

Tessa has posed:
Tessa allows for the touching of her corset. She allows for many things without complaint or rebuke.

"Wear protection, sir," comes Tessa's last concern as she rises up from the man's lap. She doesn't need to smooth out her garments. She had planned out her motions to the millimeter. "The Fantastic Four regularly travel to unknown areas beyond this dimensional plane. I'm certain that the Richards' health care accounts for any foreign bacterial or microbial bodies that might contaminate them. I personally oversee your health insurance, Sebastian. It is the best available. It contains no provisions for Negative Zone-generated illnesses."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is an arch of an eyebrow from Sebastian, as he regards Tessa. "Do you think that I am incapable of drawing a woman along the path of temptation and corruption such that she would join in our business endeavors without using my dick?" He sounds almost insulted as he regards his aide.

Tessa has posed:
Of all things, it's the word 'dick' that makes Tessa blink, once. Perhaps she had expected a less uncouth way of referring to that particular area of interest. "I think that you are perfectly capable of corrupting a good person without use of seduction."

Tessa waits a beat. Her hand returns to her hip. She stares at Shaw with the blankness of an unlit computer screen. "I am equally certain that you will take this unique opportunity to enjoy yourself."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian nods slowly at Tessa's correction. "Thank you," he says, bowing his head a bit in acknowledgement of her agreement to his skills.

When she continues, of course, he allows that wolfish grin to appear. "You do know me well." A short laugh. "Remind me to show you the _other_ video later." And with that, he gives her a brief swat on the rear, perhaps in penance for the already rescinded accusation. "Come on, I have to go watch and see a team of Pawns attack a rival business. It will be fun."

Tessa has posed:
The Black King's swat is met by the firmness of an expertly gym-toned rear. Tessa has never fancied herself a fighter or an Olympian. That doesn't mean that she doesn't need to train like one.

"If it's on this phone, sir, I'll see it. But I can arrange a viewing for the pair of us, if it would please you." Tessa pauses then, not immediately walking away. "It is good to be home, sir." She puts no recognizable human inflection into her neutral voice, but it's as sincere and fond a thing as the woman called Tessa is ever going to say.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is but an enigmatic grin in response to that. No actual admission that such a video exists, perhaps. "It is good to have you home, Tessa." He extends his arm to escort her out down from the pedestal, and out of the Council Chamber.