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Latest revision as of 04:22, 19 May 2022

Mergers and Acquisitions Amongst Secret Societies
Date of Scene: 18 May 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Bella Donna and Sebastian get acquainted. Next up - a tour of the Hellfire Club.
Cast of Characters: Bella Donna, Sebastian Shaw

Bella Donna has posed:
Bella Donna Boudreaux hasn't frequented the Hellfire Club nearly as much as her father, Marius, the leader of the New Orleans Assassins' Guild, but no doubt he has taken her here before, enough times that the higher ranking members would know the association. Now is one of those rare times she ventured outside of New Orleans, and partakes in a brief respite from the day in the VIP lounge. A perfect escape for the luxuries and privacy it allows.

Belle is dressed a little for the club's aesthetics, even though members are allowed whatever dress they wish so long as it's appropriately expensive, none of that uncouth discount rack stuff. She's wearing a white corset, paired with white jeans and black leather jacket for that jarring contradiction in styles.

On the table before her is a champagne flute, and her hand she's holding a silver cigarette holder with a freshly lit cigarette at the tip, from which she occasionally draws a puff. Nobody is sharing her company, and she mostly appears to be there to unwind.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is a fairly detailed report on every member and their family within the databases of the Hellfire Club, and so Bella Donna's arrival is noted, and passed along to Sebastian Shaw. She may not know who he is or what the Hellfire Club is really about, but he is well aware of her father, and his association. And so within a short period of time of her arrival, Sebastian arrives in the VIP Lounge. Wearing a deep purple jacket with silver filigree and onyx buttons, white lace puffing out of the collar and sleeves, a pair of tight black knee length breeches and shin high boots, he moves fluidly into the room. It is a somewhat slowed progress towards Bella Donna, as a few approach to offer their greetings to the owner of the Hellfire Club (for members) and the Black King of the Hellfire Club (to those truly in the know).

Upon arriving, Sebastian slips up to her table and inclines his head to her. "Welcome to the Hellfire Club, Ms. Boudreaux" he offers to her in greeting. "I am Sebastian Shaw. I had heard that you came to grace us, and thought it be hospitable to come and introduce myself."

Bella Donna has posed:
It is hard not to take notice of Sebastian Shaw when he walks into the VIP Lounge, specifically dressed as he is, and so Belle naturally shifts her gaze his way. Her blue eyes certainly seem sharper than one would expect for her looks, which is quite a boon in her profession, as most discount her skill for her looks. Assuming she's little more than eye candy, a very easy disguise to pull off and one that makes approaching a target even easier. "A man of distinction," she remarks as Shaw slips up by her table. She offers her free hand to Shaw, the other still holds on to that silver cigarette holder, "the one and only, I know the name, plaisir to make your acquaintance," she smiles faintly as she notes, "zurprised you still remembair my who I am."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Drawing that offered hand up to his lips, Sebastian bows his head briefly to her. "Well, I am not the only whose reputation precedes me," comes the response from the Black King. His smile is warm and almost inviting, if not for the slightly predatory nature of it. "To what do we owe the honor of your visit?" He gives her hand a brief squeeze before releasing it, allowing her hand to fall away. "Not that I am complaining, mind you. It is an honor to be able to show you our humble club."

Bella Donna has posed:
"So tres charmant," Belle remarks at the archaic chivalry displayed in the old fashioned kissing of the offered hand. "Is zat so?" Belle appears surprised, "I thought I am..." she pauses and taps the cigarette over the ashtray for a moment, "relative unknown in deze parts. I have more of reputation south of Mason-Dixon line..." a sip of champagne and her blue eyes level back at Shaw, as she gestures at en empty seat by her side, "join me?"

"I am here on..." she purses her lips in consideration, before eventually concluding with, "somet'ing of a personal errand, a little break from ze boring politics, non?" She muses with delight, clearly aware that Shaw must deal with more politics than he'd care to. "Looking at the tres impressive fixtures, I'd say, humble is not quite ze word, neh? I would not set foot in a humble place, this...this I can enjoy."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"While that may be so, I would say that I am a rather well informed individual," replies Sebastian with a smile. "And certainly, such trivial things as geographic borders do not concern me." A nod of his head in acceptance, and Sebastian slips into the booth next to her. "Of course, I could hardly turn down such a delightful invitation."

"Well, if it is personal, I would inquire as to what, but if there is any way that I, or we, could be of assistance with your errand, please tell me and we would be happy to do so." He leans back into the booth, stretching out an arm to rest along the back of it. "Oh, certainly, there is a great deal of pomp that goes into the Hellfire Club. We have existed for centuries, and over the course of time, we tend to acquire all manner of interesting ... " He waves his hand in the air vaguely. "Decor." A smile. "I am pleased to hear that it suits your desires. We do hope that all can enjoy their time in here."

Bella Donna has posed:
"It is a vairy attractive quality in a man," Belle muses audibly enough to be heard as she takes the cigarette holder to her lips for another puff of smoke. "I am not'ing if not delightful," Belle claims, though it remains to be seen if she's just being flirtatious for the sake of it or means the words. "Oh no, zat is quite personal, I see to my personal matters myself, always. 'ealthier zat way."

"So...you being an informed individual, was zere something you wish to discuss? While I'm in New York I may the time for a rendezvous or two..."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A slow smile broadens on Sebastian's face. "Attractive and delightful, a good pair." He allows his gaze to drift over Bella Donna for a moment in appreciation and admiration. "I must say, a rather appropriate clothing choice," he murmurs, indicating the corset. "It is quite the popular accessory here within the Club." There is a nod of acceptance. "Of course, personal matters are best kept personal."

That does prompt a curious expression on Shaw's face. "Some rendezvous take longer than others," he murmurs. "I would hope that you have plenty of time to experience all that we have to offer."

Bella Donna has posed:
"A deadly one if there ever was one," Belle adds with an air of mischief. "I heard of zee club's anachronistic aesthetic, I thought it be respectful to try and fit in, n'est c'est pas?"

Placing the cigarette holder properly about the ashtray, Belle takes a moment to sip from her flute, distinctly prolonged sip as if to illustrate the following, "I make time for interesting business and interesting men."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Laughing at that, Sebastian nods. "Of course." His eyes twinkle, perhaps in appreciation of her knowledge. "Not merely the aesthetic," he offers. "Tell me, Ms. Boudreaux, are you aware of the history of the Hellfire Club?"

He watches her attend to the cigarette, and then sip, patiently, and then nods. "Well, I would hope that you could find both within these walls." He considers her for a moment. "Care to take a walk with me, Ms. Boudreux?"

Bella Donna has posed:
"Not merely aethetic, neh?" Belle seems rather curious at that statement, tilting her head ever so slightly, the minute gesture might almost be missed entirely. "I am aware it is ze club to belong if you are person of import, non? So I am 'appy to be member, my family been members for decades." Certainly a surface level familirity, but if she knows anymore, she did not share it. Though considering the secrecy of the Inner Circle, it's quite likely she hasn't an inkling. "Mais oui," she answers swiftly at the offer to join him, and putting out the cigarette entirely, she stands up and reaches for Shaw's hand if allowed, "I would be honored."