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Two Sides of the Board
Date of Scene: 18 May 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Elektra agrees with Sebastian's bold plan - provided he has the resolve to snuff it out if it goes astray.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Elektra Natchios

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The Hellfire Club is bustling, despite it only be a Wednesday. Even the off days are packed with those hoping to be seen within its walls, the teeming masses of wealthy but not super wealthy gathered in the club downstairs. In the fishbowl, observed from on high by the true elite, those with admittance to the VIP Section. Those for whom wealth transcends the concept of balance sheets. Those powerful enough to dwell within the Lounge may cast their gaze down from time to time on those who still strive to make it up there, or pay them little heed at all. Business dealings are done, friendships forged or broken. A place where enemies of the boardroom or the battlefield can come to parley. But most of those within are used to have their ambitions run mostly unchecked.

Among them, naturally, is their host, Sebastian Shaw, the Black King. He sits in the corner, dressed as he often is in a fine Victorian era jacket, purple with onyx ornamentation, white puffs of lace emerging from his collar and sleeves. A glass of wine sits before him, and his gaze drifts casually over the members of his club. Most, if not all of whom, do not realize that there is an even more elite level to the Hellfire Club, which they have not been privileged to even sniff at. It is business of that level which weighs upon Sebastian's head this evening. To that end, he had sent a message to Elektra Natchios, one of the foremost members of that tier of the club - its White Bishop. Requesting a meeting, at her earliest convenience. Unlike those on his side of the board, he cannot compel her presence. She has also earned a measure of respect from him that few others have, and so hers is an open invitation.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The invitation had been received with some curiosity, but perhaps as expected Elektra had not attended the Club on the first night after, nor the second. Maybe out of the country? Or sending a message that she indeed is on the other side of the court and not at the Black King's beck and call? For even if they do work for a same goal there's always politics involved. Yet on the third night there she was, making way into the VIP Lounge.

And there was certainly no mistaking the world class assassin, dressed in a long blood-red dress with black laced sleeves. On her hand she carries a quellazaire of all things, taking a small pull from it while allowing her gaze to cast a look around the grounds. It doesn't take her long to eventually take notice of Sebastian, elegant steps starting to carry her there.

"Good evening, Mr. Shaw." she greets the man with a small inclination of her head. Small to some, but between them it shows the respect she has for the man. "What a surprise to find you here tonight." it's not a surprise.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
In business, Sebastian Shaw is a patient man. He did not expect Elektra to arrive immediately - he made it clear that it was a request, not a command. And so he is in fact pleasantly surprised to find her arriving even within three days. That pleasure shows on his face as he sees her enter and make her way over towards the table. He slips out from the booth as she approaches, inclining his head back to her in a similar sign of respect. "Ms. Natchios," he says, taking a few steps towards her, offering a European style kiss on both cheeks greeting, if she accepts. "I appreciate your coming. I know that you are rather busy with your own affairs, so it honors me that you would find the time so swiftly to attend to these matters." He does not need to gesture before an attendant arrives. "Would you care for a drink?" he asks, the attendant watching patiently to collect the order.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Ah, european style kissing. Elektra follows the protocol quite neatly, elegant and looking just the kind of idle rich that must certainly spend most days practicing all of this. "All this travelling keep me very busy." she says in agreement, "I just recently came back from a trip to Kyoto." faint, dangerous smile to her lips. Whatever it was it most likely ended bloody.

"Certainly." A gesture towards the attendant, "I will have a white russian." she then moving to sit down.

It's only when the attendant leaves that she speaks up again, "Now, what matters do we have to discuss?" once the pleasantries are done with Elektra seems to cut right to it, dark gaze studying the Black King thoughtfully.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"How unfortunate for whoever was on the other end of your business there." A smile from Sebastian. He knows what her business means.

Elektra's order place, Sebastian nods to the attendant, and he moves to reclaim his seat, a grand gesture somehow involving the lifting of his arms, and a delicate settling of his caboose, perhaps an odd display from such a hard man, but he is ever a study in contrasts. "Fitting choice," he murmurs.

As Sebastian reclines in his seat, his wine left unattended, likely until Elektra has received hers - he is ever the polite one - he nods to her. "One of the many things I appreciate you - little time wasted." Sebastian offers a smile, and this one may actually be genuine. "One simple, one a bit more nuanced. I have recently found that a coven of vampires have begun plucking off the profits from one of our holdings' distribution centers by the port. I thought it a good opportunity to allow some of her Pawns to prove their worth, and perhaps learn the value of their teammates. We are sending them in to eradicate the vampires, and liberate their operation." His eyes regard Elektra. "Your talents are certainly not required, but I would be remiss in not offering you an opportunity to join on the escapade, if you so wish."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Unfortunate yet ..., deserved." There's an undercurrent of aggressiveness on Elektra's tone when she says that, as if whatever that trip entailed was personal. Or maybe as personal as something could be for an assassin of her caliber. And it's all said with a polite smile to her lips. Almost as if they would be speaking of the weather if someone was to look towards their booth.

Yet as the talk then goes to vampires there's a split of a second where Elektra's motions freeze, the curiosity in her gaze having shifted to attention. She narrows her eyes, "Vampires." she echoes the word, "Which coven is it?" a beat, "I have dealings with a coven, it would not do well to perturb my relations with them if it could be avoided." then a snort, "But if they are messing with our operations then it most likely isn't the one of my allies.."

A nod, "Yes, I would be interested in going. Which pawns are you considering in sending on this mission?" she then questions.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The aggression is noted. Sebastian nods slowly. "Of that I have no doubt." The drinks arrive, and he collects his wine, taking a long sip as he watches her. "I should hope I never find myself deserving of such attention."

He is surprised by her reaction to the news of the vampires. "I know not their name. The information was provided by Blake Riviere, a recent addition to our board who has proven herself to be rather capable so far. I shall inquire with her as to their nature." He considers her additional comment, and nods. "I would hope that your allies were wiser than to mess with us. It betrays a certain lack of understanding as to the nature of power in this world."

He takes another sip of his wine. "Blake herself. Elsa Bloodstone. A few others." He smiles. "Fighting fire with fire, so to speak." He considers, and nods. "It would be good to have a leader with them. And of course, valuable to us for you to observe them in action."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You have always had a good head on your shoulders, Sebastian." Elektra comments, pausing with a small smile as the attendant returns with the glass. Once the man leaves and she takes a sip she continues, "One of the reasons I am part of the club. So do not worry, it would take quite the catastrophe for you to come into my sights." a brief raise of her shoulders in a shrug then given.

"Then they are wise in the ways on how to kill them." A statement, "Good, I would hate having to babysit." small smirk creeping up to her expression. "But indeed I will be there. Seen or unseen, but keeping an eye. Do you believe them to be worth of more than being pawns?" she then asks with some curiosity about the two names offered.

She takes another pull from her quellazaire, the booth momentarily with smoke before it dissipates.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A broad smile appears on Sebastian's face. Flattery never fails to work on him. "And I would expect that should that ever happen, I would most assuredly deserve it." Another sip of the wine. He knows that mere cash cannot procure Elektra's services.

A gentle nod. "Perhaps. Blake has proven herself to be quite useful, but I do not fully know her capabilities. Her resolve seems strong. That is part of what I would wish to see emerge from this, in addition to the actual effects. So I am pleased to hear that you can join, or observe, as needed." He takes another sip, slowly, considering. Weighing his words.

"That touches on the other topic that I would like to address. We are woefully understaffed at present - as much at the higher ranks as at the lower. We need to refill the board." He watches her carefully. "Given the rather obvious distractions of his current duties, the White King has been unable to attend to replacing Ms. Frost as the Queen. While it is his responsibility, he wishes for me to assist, and of course, I am ever a team player." A quirk of a smile. "However, before I offered a full proposal to him, I would seek the opinion of his closest advisor. As the potential nominee would be...unorthodox, to say the least. But represents a tremendous boon for us, I believe, and can help propel us to greater heights."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"And here I was thinking Frost's appearance during our meeting a few weeks back meant she wanted to return to the fold." Elektra comments, one arm folding over her waist while the other is kept upright, palm on her chin, "I suppose not, then." her tone as if she wouldn't mind either way.

Yet as Shaw then says he was mostly responsible for the choice of name for the new proposal her brow arches just so, "I wonder what Gallio would have to say about that. Why, she might even get rather jealous that you are involved with the White Court at all.." some teasing on her tone. "Still, I know you have the greater goal of our organization in mind, so whoever you chose wouldn't be to benefit only your side..." half-question, half-statement...

She remains in silence for a few moments, letting that linger before she dips her head, "What name do you have in mind?" she then finally asks.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"It was a courtesy, out of respect for her contributions to the Hellfire Club in the past." Or to Sebastian himself - there were rumors that his ascent was almost entirely Emma's doing. "But no, despite my best efforts, she wishes to explore the world outside these halls." A snicker. "I believe she is residing with Xavier at present, attempting to become some sort of teacher."

His lips twist into a smile. "Observant as always," replies Sebastian. "I come to you having already consulted with my side. My Rook and Queen have both been in agreement with my logic, and that has given me enough grounding to believe it to not truly be folly. And so now I come to you." A pause. "I would never wish to bother you until I had already aired out the idea on my side. A sign of respect, of course." His words seem earnest enough.

He anticipates that question, of course. But not without offering preamble. "The advent of space travel here will reshape our planet, and I would have us profit from it as well. I have found a source that will provide us unfettered access to all transport from the FTL station, comings and goings, manifests, registries." A pause. "It is managed by the Fantastic Four, and my proposed White Queen would grant us access to all of it." He watches her carefully, knowing that her reaction to the name may be questionable. "I have had significant discussions, at length, and firmly believe that, while a newcomer to our society, she possesses the resolve necessary to do what we must to guide this world. She has seen first hand how the idealistic viewpoints of the planet's would-be heroes fall short of accomplishing what they seek. She has seen brilliance but without ambition fail in the face of pragmatism. And she has long stood as a paragon of hope in this world, so to see her having fallen under the sway of cynicism has been tremendous."

He lifts his glass of wine. "I propose raising Susan Richards as White Queen." He takes a long sip, waiting for Elektra's response.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A shake of her head is telling on what Elektra thinks on Emma's refusal to be part of the club. "There's something to say about the fall being harder the higher we are at..." she comments, "A pity. Perhaps she will come around one day." she drains near half of her white russian before setting the glass aside.

As the topic shifts to a new white queen Elektra listens quietly, continuing her study of the man, his mannerisms and words. "So now you need someone who can sell the idea to our dear White King." a faint smile to her lips. Yes, she knows how this game is played.

And the more she hears of it? The more she feels that sell will be needed, specially as the Fantastic Four are mentioned. It has arch a brow with surprise at last when the name is tossed out.

"The Invisible Woman?" Head cants to the side, "A member of one of the most prestigious hero teams in the world?" lips press to a thin line and she remains in silence, "I certainly know how those with the most ..., prestigious front faces can hide secrets behind them but that woman has always been a paragon in the past." a beat, "Publicly at least."

"It's a big gamble." She then finally says, "How sure would you be she wouldn't betray us?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Perhaps some day," echoes Sebastian. But then his attention is turned from Emma the same way her attention has turned from the Hellfire Club. He will not struggle with one who cannot see their value.

Sebastian's gaze rests on Elektra. "I am not sure that I would need to sell it, per se, so much as evaluate before I present. I believe I have addressed any possible concerns, but you may have more that I have not considered." He nods as there is concern on her face, and surprise. "I did say it was unorthodox."

Sebastian reaches into his pocket, withdrawing a phone. "Her qualifications are impeccable. Her power is incredible. She has stood on the shoulders of giants, and been one herself. She has unique insights into the workings of those who might oppose it, walks among them now. She would be a font of knowledge, beyond the scope of any we may have had before." He nods to Elektra's concern. "Publicly. Yes. In private, she fights the yoke of oppression that being 'good' places upon you. The restrictions upon what she can do. She chafes under the hand of her husband and his team. She yearns for a place where she can be her own woman." A pause. "And she is far more than just the Invisible Woman."

He glances to the phone, tapping it slowly, before placing it down on the table, sliding it over towards Elektra. "As evidence not only of her commitment, but of the consequences that should occur if she chose to betray us." It is a video - a man sits between two women, clearly dressed in the uniform of attendants at the Hellfire Club. Susan Richards stands before him. She lifts her hand, and despite the application of her power being unseen, the expression on her face shows it all. A movement of her hand, and the man's head swivels unnaturally, and he falls limp.

"As I said. I would ensure we protect the Hellfire Club. But if we are protected enough, do you think the boons she can provide merit her candidacy?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra leans back on the comfortable chair of the booth, mulling the conversation in the same way that she savors the drink. Slowly, and trying to find that good taste that always lingers in the end. She says nothing for now even as her eyes go to the offered phone to look at the images, "Good blackmail footage in case we need it." she points out. Always looking at every angle!

"But so, she has taken a taste at killing. At being her own woman. Yet what we do here, it goes beyond twirly mustache villainy. It's about domination. Full and complete. What would happen if she took a look into this .., darkness.., and found out she wanted to go back to the light?" she slides the phone back to Shaw, "It's a dangerous game the one you are trying to play, Sebastian. If this works she may very well be who we need to take the club to the next level ... But if this doesn't work..."

Total disaster. That's what would happen.

"I want to see where this goes though."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
His eyes resting on Elektra as she watches the footage. He has seen it before. He lived it, off-camera of course. He nods in agreement. "As well as proof of what she is capable of, I believe."

He retrieves the phone as it slide back over, and replaces it in his jacket. "She has me to guide her in that journey, although I confess after hearing her speak, I do not think she needs much from anyone else." He pauses, swirling his glass of wine. "There is an untapped darkness within her, Elektra. And she has only just begun to make use of it." He nods slowly. "That is my thought, as well. She can be just what we need right now. The strength of her resolve, and her insight."

As to what would happen if it doesn't work? "I will kill her myself."

He takes a long sip from his wine. He nods to Elektra's conclusion. "As do I."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When Sebastian states what he would do if it doesn't work that's when that dangerous smiles crops back up again on Elektra's expression. Perhaps that's what she was waiting for. That confirmation on the commitment on what he would do if this didn't work out. "Very well. With that guarantee then you have my support, Sebastian. I will talk with Mr. Luthor. And from there ..., it should only be a formality."

A few moments later and then she speaks up, "I trust you will be able to bring up a meeting soon with her? I would certainly like to meet this woman up in person. It's never the same thing watching her on TV or in ..., cellphone footage."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
An inclination of his head, an acknowledgement of both the statement, and appreciation for it. "You have always struck me as a very wise and strategic woman, Elektra. That you also see the value in this choice, unconventional as it is, tells me that I am not far off in its reasoning." A smile crosses his lips. "Thank you. I would be happy to present her to him personally, although I suspect he simply lacks the time to attend to it now."

He considers her request, thinking for a moment. "I had planned to bring the matter up in the next court. But a private meeting, if you wish, should be easy enough to arrange." He tilts his head, with a smile. "Perhaps I can demonstrate just how flexible she may be on our behalf, if you have the time now."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"While my curiosity is peaked I will, unfortunately, have to decline for tonight. My time at the club is limited at the moment. Besides, I also need to go look into this vampire matter you spoke of." Elektra dips her head, "But this was quite interesting. We will meet again soon, I am certain you can make the proper arrangements?" she suggests, sliding out of the booth slowly.

"Until next." She dips her head before starting on her way out of the club.